Sunday, August 17, 2014

Fun With Fringe Science On Usenet

Fun With Fringe Science On Usenet
USENET always famous diversity opinion fosters among its users. Some opinions described "out there". If you're interested finding phenomena crop circles, aliens, UFOs, Bigfoot anything else, check USENET newsgroups dedicated subject matters usually discussed Halloween shows X-Files.


One caveat checking newsgroups alt hierarchy. Unfortunately, alt hierarchy notorious having spam having unmoderated groups. There moderated versions groups interesting reading. If search newsreader groups paranormal subjects interest, ones "moderated" name. There options, course, spam filter useful you're cruising groups.

Famous Groups

Some famous paranormal groups loyal followings information that's fringe scientific subjects. For example:



Any fun read participate in.

You'll disruptive people, course, you'll people absolutely passionate theories seem utterly bizarre. Remember keep attitude involved flame wars. If group happens moderated, you'll booted involving yourself flame war. If group isn't moderated, flame war likely stop result getting frustrated.


USENET famous having scientists it. Scientists among eloquent passionate defenders rational thought. Rational thought critical thinking topics discussion newsgroups sci.skeptic. After you've convinced yourself Bigfoot lurking behind tree waiting chance pile his UFO fly you, stop skeptic newsgroups calm yourself bit. If sense humor, interest off-the-wall topics appreciation individuals often eccentric, spend entire night surfing news groups.

Remember USENET specific terms its hierarchy. It's discuss fringe science, alien visitation subjects newsgroups topics welcomed. You don't start talking UFOs astronomy newsgroup, however, talking Bigfoot biology news group. One great USENET hierarchy specific allows exactly you're looking for. You help keep posting topic.

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