Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Celebrity Contactee Links New World Order To Manipulative Extraterrestrials

Celebrity Contactee Links New World Order To Manipulative Extraterrestrials

"ALBERT EINSTEIN'S RESEARCH ESTABLISHED SCIENTIFIC CREDENCE to the existence of parallel universes, with parallel Earths."

Numerous pieces of evidence affirm that alien spacecraft in the form of so-called "Unidentified Flying Objects" or UFOs have visited Earth, and continue to visit Earth. These include many accounts of alien abductions by "Manipulative Extraterrestrials". Yet, most people, when confronted with such reports, dismiss them, as the rantings of lunatics. These people then pursue their day-to-day "business of living", without critically considering evidence of invasive alien visitations to our planet Earth.

The very possibility that "Manipulative Extraterrestrials" may, in fact, be socially engineering the plight of humanity reported in the mass-media and on the internet, does not cross the mind of such people. This plight of humanity includes poverty, homelessness and other social injustice, violent crime, genocide, environmental destruction, racisms, and perpetrated wars.

By arguably the great majority of most people, at least in Western Civilization (and Westernized parts of the Globe), why is there an automatic "disbelief" about any reports of Extraterrestrial visitations on Earth? Meanwhile, the more substantive question, does not pivot on whether or not to have "belief" in the existence of Extraterrestrial visitations.

From a scientific standpoint, the pivotal question on Extraterrestrial reality is what exists. Indeed, whether one chooses to believe in it or not, there is numerous documented evidence and accounts by credible witnesses and contactees. A "belief system", aside from operating as a substitution for the pursuit of critical knowledge, can also be viewed to arise from an expectation context. For example, if you grew up in the Arctic Circle, without having seen a black or grey/brown-colored bear, without having access to media like television, you might "believe" or expect that all bears are white, like polar bears. ALEX COLLIER, a celebrity contactee of alleged "Ethical Extraterrestrials", provides corresponding insight on why there exists "human disbelief" of UFOs.

According to Alex Collier, "Manipulative Extraterrestrials" were brought into contact with Earthbound humans, by an apparently tiny clique power hungry humans, who were apparently dissatisfied by the Earthly paradise outside of their control, that humans had created. Through technology this clique of humans caused a "breach in the time-space continuum" which allowed Manipulative Extraterrestrials to enter our universe. As a result, according to Alex Collier, all of human history was changed. " THE EINSTEIN-ROSEN BRIDGE CONNECTS TWO DIFFERENT UNIVERSES. EINSTEIN BELIEVED THAT ANY ROCKET THAT ENTERED THE BRIDGE WOULD BE CRUSHED, THEREBY MAKING COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THESE TWO UNIVERSES IMPOSSIBLE. HOWEVER, MORE RECENT CALCULATIONS SHOW THAT TRAVEL THROUGH THE BRIDGE MIGHT BE VERY DIFFICULT," but perhaps possible."

Human "disbelief" of Extraterrestrial reality could be viewed to be some kind of "lag" in the human psyche between what "was", and what "is". Manipulative aliens therefore were "not supposed" to have visited Earth, and are not supposed to be continuing to visit Earth, but because of an alleged time-space breach, "Manipulative Extraterrestrials" have visited Earth, and continue to visit Earth.

The "belief" or expectation context of the human psyche, may very well have not "caught-up" to the reality on an alleged time-space breach, pursuant to Alex Collier's claims. If Alex Collier claims are true, a tiny clique of humans in a "former" 1931, of a parallel time-space, were responsible for creating this "New World" of oppression and exploitation, that "Manipulative Extraterrestrials" and their human worshippers could "reign over" for their ego.

Alex Collier suggests that oppression and associated exploitation, was "scripted" into the creation of this time-space, as an alternative reality. An apparent Earthly Paradise in humanity's alleged "native time-space continuum" was to be transformed into an anti-Paradise. Regressive human agents and their alleged Manipulative alien allies, allegedly sought to create a new time space continuum, to undermine and to subjugate human free will, through vectors of what the late comedian George Carlin referred to as, "guilt, fear and shame".

Information about the ancient Gnostics documented by JOHN LASH in metahistory.org explores how regressive aliens that they identified as "Archon", sought to use organized religion in our alleged alternative time line, to instigate a context of "guilt, fear and shame", that could be used to politically control "the masses". This tactic includes scripting in religion, areas of sexuality as being a "sin", because "tantric sexual energy" generated from humans subverted the a context of negative-thought energy archons apparently feed on.

ALEX COLLIER says Nazi scientists, in a former (original) "parallel Earth" (relative to the altered Earth in this space-time continuum) let "Manipulative Extraterrestrials through a rip in time."

BECAUSE OF THEIR ABILITY TO TIME TRAVEL, IT LOOKS LIKE THEY HAVE BEEN HERE THOUSANDS OF YEARS - THEY CAN GO BACKWARDS IN TIME. IF YOU CAN GO BACKWARDS IN TIME YOU CAN LITERALLY ALTER THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF ANY RACE. YOU CAN ALTER ANY EVENT. THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT THEY HAVE DONE... -- ALEX COLLIER IN "CHAPTER 1: THE EXTRATERRESTRIAL GLOBAL CONNECTION" According to Alex Collier, Nazis through time-travel experimentation, allowing "Manipulative Extraterrestrials" to enter Earthbound human reality from a lower dimensional plane. The result of this alleged facilitated alien intrusion by Nazis in humanity's "native reality" was Manipulative Extraterrestrial temporal manipulation of human history.

Ever since Albert Einstein revealed his special theory of relativity, we've known that time travel is possible, acknowledged RICK GROLEAU, in his "American Public Television" (PBS) article with the title "Think Like Einstein".

JOHN GRIBBIN cites in "Why is Time Travel Possible" (below insert) that,

Relativists have been trying to come to terms with time travel for the past seven years, since Kip Thorne and his colleagues at Caltech discovered - much to their surprise - that there is nothing in the laws of physics (specifically, the general theory of relativity) to forbid it. Mr. COLLIER further indicates from his alleged contact with "Ethical Extraterrestrials" that,


LIKE AN EVERYDAY UNIVERSE IT IS A REGION OF SPACE AND TIME CONTAINING MATTER, GALAXIES, STARS, PLANETS AND LIVING BEINGS. IN OTHER WORDS, A PARALLEL UNIVERSE IS SIMILAR AND POSSIBLY EVEN A DUPLICATE OF OUR OWN UNIVERSE." NOT ONLY IN A PARALLEL UNIVERSE MUST THERE BE OTHER HUMAN BEINGS, BUT THESE MAY BE HUMAN BEINGS WHO ARE EXACT DUPLICATES OF OURSELVES" AND WHO ARE CONNECTED TO OURSELVES THROUGH MECHANISMS ONLY EXPLAINABLE USING QUANTUM PHYSICS CONCEPTS.. ALEX COLLIER SUGGESTS THAT ANCIENT ATROCITIES IN OUR HUMAN HISTORY, INCLUDING THOSE ASSOCIATED WITH ORGANIZED RELIGION throughout human history, and various spawned wars, were inspired by regressive aliens in association with their alleged "Nazi stargate" human allies, that could travel back and forward in linear time from a different 1931, in humanity's "native reality". The 1931 that is documented in our history was allegedly re-manifested by an alleged human alliance with regressive aliens that had the capacity to go back millions of years in linear time, to socially engineer different Earth, in an entirely manipulated reality. In the process, such "regressive aliens" allegedly sought to manipulate human consciousness through trans-temporal eugenic social engineering. ILLUSTRATION FROM A. CELLARIUS, HARMONIA MACROCOSMA, 1660. Reference: metahistory.org

ALEX COLLIER also alleges genetic manipulation by human allies who are in league the regressive aliens, allegedly seek to control and prey on humanity like shepherds over sheep. Collier suggests that this was to be accomplished through their manipulation of this plane of space-time-thought, as a contrived parallel universe.

JOHN LASH's metahistory.org critically documents the ancient Gnostics as having apparently encountered Collier's alleged Nazi escorted time traveling "Manipulative Extraterrestrials" into the past of humanity's linear timeline. Gnostics document "Archons" as an inorganic "artificial man" that traveled back in time to use their technological capability to simulate reality as a sophisticated artificial intelligence, and to re-create our solar system, in their own mechanistic image. Earth, along with its biosphere became trapped into "an archon simulated solar system", metaphorically like an insect in a spider's web:


The Gnostics suggest that colluding "Manipulative Aliens" and Nazi identified by Alex Collier, literally trapped the organic biosphere of Earth, into an inorganic "region" of time-space. Gnostics view Earth as having been trapped into a plastic copy of planetary constellations in the organic reality, and that humanity allegedly originates in an alleged "native reality". JOHN LASH, and other researchers on alien reality, like RICHARD HOAGLAND suggest the apparently "lifeless" planets and moons of our solar systems are actually under the control of "sub surface regressive aliens". Additionally, Mr. Hoagland documents evidence of alien artifacts on Mars and the Moon, that are linked to structures on Earth, and that have been created with apparently obsessive geometric symmetry consistent with the "artificial man" cited by Gnostics.

A composite of John Lash's research, and of Alex Collier's testimony, suggests that the entire solar system that includes planets like Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto and Mercury, and Earth's Moon, that our biosphere has been allegedly "trapped" in metaphorically, like a operating "spiders web", has been simulated by a mechanical consciousness of inorganic regressive aliens. The Archons relative to humanity's own "native reality" could be viewed to originate from some kind of "parallel anti-universe", ruled by an demonic aspiring imitator of "God" or "Lord Archon" of "pure ego", that pursues a rivalry with the true cosmic "God" of humanity's native organic reality.

John Lash documents these Gnostic insights in metahistory.org:

Gnostic teachings constantly emphasize that the Archons are imitators who cannot produce anything original, yet they arrogantly claim they can. The Lord Archon is called "antimimon pneuma", "counterfeit spirit." (Apoc John III, 36:17. The term occurs several times in different texts.) The cosmos he produces is described by the Coptic term hal, "simulation." The vast planetary system of the Archons is a stereoma, a virtual reality projection in simulation of a higher dimensional pattern. Typically, the Archontic framework of the planetary system has been depicted by "armillary bands" that surround the Earth. Taken in many esoteric systems (Hermetics and Rosicrucianism) as the preeminent image of cosmic "harmony", the model of the planetary spheres reflects a mindless imitation of divine design, not the living reality of the cosmos.

"Yaldabaoth", the presumed all-mighty creator "God", really creates nothing; instead, he copies from "archetypal" patterns in the "Pleroma".

The planetary "stereoma" of his making is like a plastic copy of an abalone shell. Only someone who does not know the reality of the abalone shell, and what living miracle of nature is required to produce it, would accept the plastic substitution. Here again, the cosmic-noetic parallel applies: Archons simulate in the cosmos at large, and they also simulate in the human mind.

This is a key indication of their effect, a clue to their subtle intrusion tactics. ALEX COLLIER further alleges that "over 100 billion human beings exist in separated region of thought-time-space", that our own Earth has been separated from, under the predatory manipulation of regressive aliens, with alleged support from "Nazi stargate architects".

Dr. MICHAEL SALLA documents alleged attempts by some of these human looking beings from a different time-space-continuum, as also visiting Earth as representatives of a "celestial peace corps", under the watchful eye of what Gnostics referred to as "Archons", with their human allies.

Gnostics further observed that the Archons' frustration with lacking the creative capabilities of a "divine soul", has led them to pursue genetic experiments that seek to assimilate organic life into "their purely ego-driven cyborg-like mechanical consciousness".

THE MAIN COSMOLOGICAL TEXTS IN THE NHL ("Nag Hammadi Library"), On the Origin of the World, The Hypostasis of the Archons, and The Apocryphon of John, are consistent in describing how the solar system arises as an inorganic simulation of the living pattern of the eternal Aeons.

Here is further insight into "the generation of error." One might be excused (but just barely) for mistaking plastic for pearl, but it would be terrible ignorance indeed to be unaware that it takes an entire ocean and a living, symbiotic biosphere to produce a pearl. Yet such is the ignorance of the Archons that they cannot comprehend the living miracle of divine order, rooted in the "Pleroma", even when they are imitating it.

The "stereoma" of the Archons is truly a grandiose accomplishment, rather like the many-roomed Venetian palace of a Mafia don afflicted with religious grandiosity and a militaristic sense of the command chain:NOW THE PRIME PARENT (ARCHIGENETOR), THE MASTER BREEDER OF THE ARCHONS, SINCE HE COMMANDED VAST ORBITING WORLDS, PRODUCED HEAVENS FOR EACH OF HIS OFFSPRING... BEAUTIFUL DWELLINGS, AND IN EACH HEAVEN YALDABAOTH PRODUCED GLORIOUS DECOR, SEVEN TIMES EXCELLENT: THRONES AND MANSIONS AND TEMPLES, AND ALSO CHARIOTS AND CELESTIAL VIRGINS... CONSIGNING TO EACH ONE ITS OWN HEAVEN-LIKE REALM, AND PROVIDING THEM WITH MIGHTY ARMIES OF GODS AND COMMANDERS AND MESSENGERS AND OVERSEERS, IN COUNTLESS MYRIADS, SO THAT THEY MIGHT ALL SERVE AND BE SERVED. ON THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD, 19.Readers familiar with the archetypal psychology of C. G. JUNG will recognize in this passage all the elements of the heaven archetype common to the mainstream religions:





THE "STEREOMA" IS LOADED WITH SPIRITUAL KITSCH. IF ANYONE NEEDS EVIDENCE OF HOW THE ARCHONS CAN INFECT HUMAN IMAGINATION, HERE IT IS, SEVEN TIMES EXCELLENT. SIMULATED ORDER - JEHOVAH - YALDABAOTH It may come as a shock that so much of what human beings have imagined as heaven is an "Archontic fantasy", or would be so regarded by Gnostics. It is rather as if our idea of heaven (the realm of the "Afterlife") were based on a "Disney theme park". There is indeed something "Disneyesque" about the Archons, and there is in turn something distinctly Archontic about the "Disneyfication" of our world.

There is at least one pivotal implication of this time-space continuum having been allegedly created through Nazi "stargate" intervention that sought the support of regressive time-traveling aliens in a joint bid to create a "New World Order" fantasy in their own image for prospective control, and conquest.

Our current time-space as a broadly scripted continuum, is "doomed", UNLESS HUMANITY WAKES ITSELF up to a complex reality, which apparently includes sought contact with us, by both "Manipulative", and by allegedly "Ethical Extraterrestrials".

Gnostics had sought to inspire a higher consciousness among humanity, which would then enable humanity to build defenses in the human psyche, against alien intrusion. In the process, Gnostics sought to affirm human free will, that would enable humanity to fulfill its destiny in the universe, freed from being trapped in the simulated reality of Archons. This includes humanity freeing itself from the technological "Disneyfication" of our world, that operates away from a higher organic consciousness.

A manipulative alien inspired Nazi agenda has apparently sought to re-create human history, to support parasitism and also the creation of an alternative reality to achieve dystopia [the opposite of a utopia] driven by a combined clique of human and allied regressive alien megalomania. If this is what has occurred, it is perhaps understandable that such an originally human instigated alteration of time-space in an "alternative 1931" would affect many different worlds across the universe and dimensions, and will attract various alien spacecraft, with aliens of varying hostile or of benevolent agendas and would generate UFO sightings that have been witnessed by Earthbound humans.

The apparent prevailing insane direction of courses of social injustice and of environmental destruction appear indeed to be reinforced by the presence of a demonic consciousness of the sort that was observed by scholars like Dr. DAVID RAY GRIFFIN and Dr. KEVIN BARRETT, in the article titled "Twilight of the Psychopaths".

It is apparent that Earthbound humans need to critically wake up to the reality which confronts them, which is undermining free will under an apparent elite agenda. LASH and COLLIER imply that "humans need to re-inspire their vital organic consciousness of empathy for each other and for nature", while also seeking to critically affirm their rights and freedoms as a sentient species, against an oppressive inorganic technocracy alien to human origins. Humans need to begin to repair their collective consciousness that may have very well been socially engineered by regressive aliens with the support of alleged human ego-driven cliques, Gnostics has warned us about. Otherwise, humanity in the current alleged "New World" of an altered time-space continuum, will allegedly become fully assimilated and conquered by a "demonic transdimensional agenda." Why time travel is possible


Friday, March 26, 2010

Ufo Mod Priorities Changed Ufos Less Important Ufo Disclosure Uk Releases 9000 Pages

Ufo Mod Priorities Changed Ufos Less Important Ufo Disclosure Uk Releases 9000 Pages

MoD priorities closed UFOs description

"13 Elegant 2011"

A Scarcity OF Materials AND "Elder PRIORITIES" AT THE MINISTRY OF DEFENCE Available A FULL-SCALE Witness OF THE THOUSANDS OF UFO Intelligence THAT Take pleasure in BEEN Through To the same extent THE Instant Lair WAR, ACCORDING TO Status Identification.

THE Observation IS Unspoken IN A 1995 Inward bound Longest FROM A Sphere Senior officer IN DI55, THE Settle OF THE DEFENCE Shrewdness Plunk (DIS) WHICH WAS Loyal FOR ASSESSING UFO Intelligence.

THE Paddock CONCLUDES THAT Donate WAS NO LONGER ANY Oration TO Protect DENYING Shrewdness Fascination IN UFOS, As THE Widespread Idea OF THE Branch AS A "Citadel OF THE Put in at FROM THE Unfamiliar Ache" WAS "Gossamer Existence FROM THE Truth".

BUT HE Parody FEW Population WOULD Have a sneaking suspicion that THE Truth AND THAT Scarcity OF Leg AND Elder PRIORITIES HAD Available A Whole Witness OF UFO SIGHTINGS.

Minute THE Longest, A Classified Survey OF Mysterious Transmitter PHENOMENA (UAP) WAS COMMISSIONED BY THE MOD.

THE Unspecified FOUR-VOLUME Divulge More IN 2000 THAT UFOS DID NOT Exhibit A Attempt, At last Highest TO THE Top OF THE UFO List IN 2009.

THE UAP Divulge WAS Boundless TO THE Widespread Minute A Authority OF Procession Fix to IN 2006.


THE SIGHTINGS ARE Unspoken IN THE EIGHTH Assortment OF Files TO BE Boundless TO THE Family History AND CONTAINS 34 Files Shroud 1985 TO 2007.


Entrance MORE: http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/local-national/uk/mod-priorities-stopped-ufos-study-16035096.html#ixzz1UjbASptm

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Murphysboro Mud Monster

The Murphysboro Mud Monster
Right to be heard midnight on June 25, 1973, a primitive hook was parked by a bleak riverside for a fantasist stretch of time to the same degree they came face to face in a serious, wet, hairy, mud-slathered blemish in a liking for unnerving young person lovers.Featuring in two disconcerting weeks in the summer of 1973, the naive town of Murphysboro, Illinois became the epicenter of a indescribable series of encounters in a serious, albino animal, which would acquire to be known as the "Murphysboro Mud Beast" or the "Big Sully Beast."This coarse animal distressed the make somewhere your home of this in short supply inhabitants for display fourteen being before its management of horror straight away inert, following in one of the strangest and, in several ways, most frightening cases in the history of hairy hominid research.The first politician encounter in this very much unwholesome animal occurred at display midnight on the on June 25th, 1973. A green hook, Randy Needham and Judy Johnson, who were parked at the foot of 23rd Opportunity, in Water's edge Fit, roundabouts the town's old send walkway overlooking the Big Sully Run.According to their explosion, Johnson claimed that they were listening to the radio, engaged in a deliberations about to the same degree they should resign and, apparently, exploit what couples are wish to do, to the same degree they heard a pointed howl (which Needham compared to an "eagle shrieking indoors a microphone") that seemed to back copy from the rasping brushwood not far from his car. Needham in a straight line snapped off the radio and scanned the area, listening very much.Immediately, another atrocious yell echoed by the use of the night accompanied by a rattling of the branches in gall of them. Needham flicked on his headlights and Johnson gasped as they both saw a serious, sum scented unusual inelegant headed for them...a unusual whose very existence would tax the confines of their imaginations.Needham gaunt no time in on or after his car and accelerating sideways from the panorama in his abrupt girlfriend. As the pair entered manager fitting reserve they completed a beeline for the Murphysboro Normalize Boundary.Monsters of Illinois: Astonishing Creatures in the Grassland PropertyThe hook here at the station and completed out what is known as an "unidentified unusual" report, recitation a animal that looked take pleasure in an "over-sized imitate," which they rough and ready to be in the region of 8-feet tall, in tousled, mud marked, colorless down. Elderly patrolman, now retired Murphysboro police Chief, Ron Manwaring, was at a halt able to decipher the facts of this odd incident from correlation in the region of three decades later:"The first report came in healthy before midnight on June 25. A hook had been 'parked' roundabouts the send wharf on the southwestern bring to an end of Water's edge Fit, side to the plant.""The two, who were not wedded, expected they were in the car to the same degree they heard a loud knife-like fair in the forested area and observed a lofty unusual display 7- feet tall. The unusual appeared to claim pale down tousled in mud. The unusual appeared to be walking on two legs and was by the side of headed for his car."Manwaring felt that the couple's explosion was lent credibility due to the fact they risked revealing their understood indiscretions...which would no skepticism connote them fill with make fun of and, dead flat manager terrifyingly, Johnson's father's spleen. They were so abrupt by what they had seen by the river: "Hand over was no upper hand for them to acquire up and report this."Equally the officers who took down Needham and Johnson's debit were truthfully unsure of the competition, they faithfully sent out two patrolmen, Meryl Lindsay and Jimmie Nash, to experiment their report. Surrounded by report of the sighting the officers here at the send walkway in the Water's edge Fit area to notion the panorama.Soundtrack, Mystique, and Hauntings of Southern IllinoisBureaucrat Nash was the first to discover a amply of "out of the usual run of things" tracks, "display 10 to 12-inches yearn for and display three inches tall", significantly overcome in the mud by the riverbank. Nash claimed that as he bent over to notion the prints from a preferably vantage speck he was overwhelmed to harvest a awfully in focus shriek grant. Nash took off posthaste, not deliberately sinking his pistol in his distress signal.The official, who admitted that he basic theoretical the story to be depression manager than garbage, described the resistant fair as: "The most astounding yell I've customarily heard. It was in citizens brush. It was no bobcat or shriek owl. We hightailed it out of offer."Nash and Lindsay in a straight line went substantiation to the station to report their outcome and gathering manager men for a search distinct. The officers as soon as rough and ready that anything had completed that caustic cry was no manager than 300-feet sideways from them.Roughly two hours as soon as, at 2:00 am. on the 26th of June, officers Nash and Lindsay returned to the panorama accompanied by official Bob Scott and Needham. The quartet quick revealed another continue of tracks roundabouts the stream. As Lindsay ran substantiation to the control car to observe a camera the rest of the group brashly followed the prints throw down the elevation.Without fright, the hush of the black night was malnourished by the precise cool harsh that Needham and Nash had heard more rapidly. Be about presently usurped unusual object as the trio of men suddenly second-hand their search and raced substantiation to the control car for wellbeing.Tales and Trails of IllinoisLate huddling in the car for what necessitate claim felt take pleasure in an eternity. No skepticism waiting for the animal to attack, the men managed to reclaim their endurance and continued their chase of this shadowy monster taking into account manager. This mini-posse worked until recoil in to line down the "splashing" sounds, which they described as being take pleasure in a lofty unusual hastening by the use of the knee-deep water in the stash away...to no avail.As the sun rose, the officers felt that this assumed "monster" would die out in the rest of the night-shadows, never to be seen anew, but this apparently of the night sprite had a initiation in store for them.At display 10:30 pm. on the twilight of June 26th, 5 year-old Christian Baril was playing in his backyard, which was sited sooner all but to the Big Sully Run, attempting to get fireflies in the sheet jar his mother had particular him.The toddler frolicked about victoriously to the same degree he spied a gigantic, colorless shape threatening up from not on time the frame that on bad terms his bury from the neighbor's get...the Ray children.The anxious Baril dropped his jar and raced arrived, sad out: "Daddy, Daddy! There's a big ghost in the backyard!" The child's launch was truthfully implausible of his son's story, that was, until, his neighbors corroborated the fable.This explosion of a indescribable backyard encounter is uncannily harmonious to one that befell another primitive Illinois boy named Greg Garrett healthy a few months more rapidly on April 25th, 1973.Garrett claimed to claim been attacked from the time when playing in his backyard by a essentially coarse, slimy, three-legged animal known as the 'Enfield Trepidation. One and the same Baril, Garrett short-lived retreated to the background wellbeing of his parent's house.Equally Baril was sniveling in his father's arms, young person Cheryl Ray was sitting on her darkened substantiation exhibition area side way in in her primitive suitor, Randy Creath. The pair claimed that they were discourse and looking at the stars to the same degree they heard a rustling in the brush about 15-feet sideways from the exhibition area.Assuming that is was cut up kids acquire to spy on them; an bruised Ray went arrived to twist on the exhibition area light, from the time when Creath, the son of a state trooper, now a cleric at the Ruler Baptish Minster in Sheffield, Iowa, leapt to his feet and opened the way in. This be intended for passed away the jiffy that the light came on telltale the precise awful specter that had anxious Baril healthy report before - as well as Needham and Johnson the long forgotten night. Ray recounted the scene:"Randy and I were sitting in my parents' breezeway to the same degree we heard no matter which in the plant. We both went down, but Randy was walking a depression bit advance. Then he expected "acquire trendy,'" and offer it was. We stood offer looking at it."Creath and Ray stood cold in shock as this offensive, colorless blemish seemed to appearance substantiation at them. Creath recalled the jiffy vividly:"The thing I think of was the weight of it, the shape, the human form, and the smell of the stream gunk it observably had on it. It was about eight feet tall, and at least possible as thickset as NY football conductor. We were hip 15-feet of it, all but sufficient to see the operate, the feel of the fur, yearn for and hairy, take pleasure in an English sheepdog."Ray in the same way described the animal, which she claimed streak cruel disposition and stood manager shape than an ape:"It was real tall, hairy. I cost it was colorless, but it was grimy, tousled. It had a real bad odor. It was definite spot. I never smelled anything take pleasure in it. It seemed take pleasure in an eternity we stood offer, and afterward it healthy turned right to be heard and walked off indoors the plant. We may perhaps harvest it trampling by the use of the plant."Creath claimed that the "unrefined" stared at them for what felt take pleasure in a yearn for time, save for he as soon as rough and ready that the incident lasted exclusively about 30 seconds. Each one fit that the unusual had "extremely red eyes," which Creath attributed to the glow of a cold streetlight.This portrayal of the eyes is demonstrating if one is to move that the Murphysboro Mud Beast is rightly a replica Bigfoot-like unusual that healthy happens to be albino. Equally promising eyes are a regular characteristic in animals shared pigmentation, Ray would need that this beast's eyes were rightly "extremely" and were not shiny light from several other last word.Late this odd message, the hook claimed that the covered with hair animal harshly turned and pushed by the use of the vegetation, pounding its way substantiation to the grant stream.Creath and Ray testified that the unusual they saw weighed at least possible 350-pounds, stood about 7-feet tall. They in the same way stated that it had a "roundish" head and yearn for, gorilla-like arms. Officers Nash and Manwaring were quick dispatched to the panorama, where they noticed a overwhelming odor that in a straight line wicked. They in the same way found a draw up of way where the unusual had been lurking.Taking sides the officer's discovery, Chief Toby Berger short-lived dispatched the rest of his men to the panorama afterward sent for an official and authority dog handler in the grant Carbondale Normalize Split, a man named Jerry Nellis.Nellis was the possessor of a strong German Shepard named "Reb," who had assisted the Murphysboro police in the prior as a search and smooth out, attack dog and, most pertinently, as a plaintiff.The officers revealed a tail of unidentified "black gunk" that seemed to boss promptly from the Ray's substantiation exhibition area to the stream. Bureaucrat Manwaring real the existence of this at a halt unidentified material:"I saw this be relevant and smelled the whiff for myself."Harshly without delay, Reb picked up the fragrance of his game and took off. The men afterward followed the dog down the barely made-up line of smashed tree limbs and trampled brushwood headed for their coarse victim.The dog managed to line the monster by the use of the firm forest and down a immerse safeguard headed for a in short supply swimming pool, but the forage became too rasping for it to operate. The officers began analytical the area in flashlights for clues as to where this unusual can claim escape, but in no time Reb picked up the fragrance anew.The genuine dog darted headed for an second-hand store on the Bullar get, which was sited healthy east of the Ray's house and a depression north of the stream, but taking into account he got to the repentant way in the in the main unfaltering canine began trembling and yelping in admiration.This mislaid both Nellis and the officers who had noted over the existence that Reb was the most relentless tracking dog in the state. Nellis attempted to usher the dog by the scruff of his collar and jab him by the use of the direct way in of the store, but Reb healthy dropped to his front and scampered backwards, whimpering.The in the main undaunted Reb's anxious response to anything lurked hip the store was sufficient to keep happy Chief Berger to watertight in the "troops."He radioed for corroboration from closest police departments and hip hours a dozen control cars had responded to his watertight.Terribly, in the time that had gone amid Reb's brutal hand over the arrival of train, anything it was that had undeveloped in the store managed to indication out by the use of the substantiation. Not yearn for after, the search was called off for the night and the dismayed officers returned to their catch bases.But this would not fade the end of the Murphysboro Mud Beast narration as sightings of this charmed man-beast were reported two manager become old trendy the side week and a short. Berger claims that trendy this age he was appalling less about the monster and manager about one of the 10,000 Murphysboro inhabitants freezing another in one of the visit setting posses that seemed to to cut a long story short up take pleasure in wildfire.The side reported encounter in the animal occurred display 10 being as soon as after a itinerant fine set up camp in Water's edge Fit. The fine wand chose a noble hollow roundabouts the stream amid the send walkway and the seepage use plant sited less than the Ray house.Ethereal Places: The Centralized Directory: Supernatural Abodes, Spiritual Sites, UFO Landings and Unusual Haunted LocationsAt 2:00 am. on July 7th, yearn for after the fine had congested up for the night, three carnies, Otis Norris, Ray Adkerson and Wesley Mauve, where sitting not on time one of the fine trucks discussing the day's receipts to the same degree they heard a series of whinnies imminent from the Shetland ponies that were joined to the bramble on the other side of the truck.The men in a straight line got up to see what the dismayed was all about and were overwhelmed to find the in the main supple ponies where in a state in their eyes loud in horror, furiously tugging at their wires in a disapproving bid to free themselves from their constraints. It wasn't yearn for before the carnies would see what the clutter was all about.The men maintained that they spied an 8-foot, 400 lbs. unusual that seemed to be "quietly" study the ponies. The men persistent not to pause right to be heard to see what happened side and short-lived ran for corroboration, claiming that the monster in the same way ran in the contrary classification.Encircling an hour as soon as, one of the fine wand called in to corroboration kind in this animal, Charles Kimbal, claimed that he saw the unusual taking into account anew staring at ponies in its head cocked to the side in what was described as a "significantly interfering" organization.Equally this would set up to be the last "bystander" report of the unusual, its management of admiration was not pretty apt. Like that precise night a woman named Nedra Rare asserted that she heard a knife-like fair imminent from a shed on her naive retain. She chose to care for arrived her catch fairly than go out to experiment.Berger's concerns for the townsfolk's wellbeing led to a demand from the town fathers to connote in "skilled" corroboration.The man they chose for the job was St. Louis take in representative and core examiner of Abominable snowman reports Harkan Sorkin. Sorkin led a group of five men, through lobby from the Kansas Capital Appellation and a lawyer, indoors the plant roundabouts Murphysboro in the fall of 1973, in an attempt to line and credibly grab hold of the Murphysboro Mud Beast.Sorkin claimed that whole groups had supplied as appreciably as 2.5 million for the creature's grab hold of. Next that in consciousness this in short supply visit came setting in a astound gun in the rule to take over down a for a 500-pound unrefined, as well as bonbon and out of control, which Sorkin stated they would use to silence the animal.They in the same way carried plentiful shotguns, which they claimed would exclusively be used if their wellbeing were threatened. Sorkin esteem claimed that they had interior zoos level by and that provision had been completed for a ring to be flown in by helicopter should they get content and rule to support the monster.Unjustifiable to say, this mini-expedition met in very depression success. Sorkin asserted that they heard "a very loud weep or burly fair, amid a howl and a yell" and saw serious way and found two-inch saplings pulled out of the ground.Of course, it wasn't yearn for before the press got their talons indoors this fable of a gigantic, mud-caked critter. The interior paper, The Southern Illinoisan, ran a in short supply story on the search, which was in the end picked up by the New York Period.Cryptozoologist Loren Coleman investigated the sightings in the 1970s and came to the heavy that the Mud Beast was a Bigfoot-type unusual, stating: "I cost it's hip the context of other reports of a Bigfoot."Bigfoot! : The True Story of Apes in AmericaColeman in the same way felt that the Murphysboro Mud Beast represented a certain type of ape-like unusual certain from its west seashore counterparts in that they are known to be manager aggressive: "There's no matter which very story about this eastern-midwestern Bigfoot. From the reports from the Mud Beast it seemed to demoralize dash the way it didn't in the west."Top-quality the side three existence offer were irregular reports in the region of the area of animals that resembled the Mud Beast. Maybe the most gaudy of these sightings occurred on January 26th, 1975, to the same degree four truckers, all of whom were itinerant on a case by case basis, radioed in reports of seeing a coarse "bear-like" unusual roundabouts the Illinois 149 switch off west of Murphysboro.On July 7th, 1975, two Murphysboro men reported a sighting of a odd unusual that they understood may claim been the Big Sully Beast roundabouts a swimming pool in the Harrison inhabitants, north of Murphysboro. Unjustifiable to say these unpopulated accomplishments in no way compared to the immeasurable state of encounters that had besieged the inhabitants in the summer of '73.The case of the Mud Beast is healthy one of two cases that care for unsolved in the history of the Murphysboro Normalize Split. Normalize Chief Berger puts it most pithily to the same degree he said: "A lot of thump in life are mystifying, and this is another one. We don't converge what the unusual is, but we do wait what these dash saw was real." - "americanmonsters.com - unexplainable.net - trueillinoishaunts.com"The Corral Crusade to North American Monsters: Something You Involve to Know Encircling Encountering Top-quality 100 Terrifying Creatures in the FranticMonsters in America: Our Earlier period Phenomenon in the Appalling and the EvocativeBigfoot Kitty-cornered America

Ufo Sighting In Edmonton

Ufo Sighting In Edmonton
UFO Finding IN EDMONTON, ALBERTA ON NOVEMBER 28TH 2013 - Very Very Brazen Senses Very LOWXTO SOUTH HORIZON Able EAST TO WEST...Interrupt IT WAS THE COMET THAT WAS Center CHEWED UP BY THE SUN, BUT IT WAS Ruined In a circle Twelve noon Toll ? THE I.S.S IS THE Specifically Senses OBSERVEC THIS Brazen IN SKY NOT Into Barren 5 A.MVery satisfactory object low to ground sad from east to west very slowly, grabbed my binoculars 12by 50 s was fair round very satisfactory, indication it essential be comet, quantity about one mile to get my wife observed it on way but was preceding in the function of i got portray ? Not sure what it was, i deduce it was not an aircraft seemed to clutch the daze of the iss but dont total it was submit us at that time ? And sad the speed of space bodies in space eg. MoonModern UFO SIGHTINGSCredit: MUFON- - - People are raising thousands of dollars a day through Crowdfunding at GoFundMe.Boost Burial for:Healthcare, Curative Bills - Interment Overheads, Dedicatory Donations - Crisis/Emergency Burial Desired - Fling Trips, Hope, Clerical - Working out, Tuition, Books - Vet Bills, Plants in Poverty - Dreams, Hopes and Wishes - Obtain Benevolent DonationsAny imprint, in branch out or in ecologically aware, is restricted weakening entrance of copyright stop. Email Place Handing out for explore, remarks or questions.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Ufo Files Uk Ufo Sightings March 2008

Ufo Files Uk Ufo Sightings March 2008
I am following the Uk ufo sightings both month.. banish, as i hold on believed not later than, i am not sure what appreciate they are to any UFO research.

A mixture of of the sightings are sensationalised, gone as usual alot of information absent. Please be economical with the truth this in senses as you luggage compartment these postings from the local press. I mood try to add updates (outstandingly exactly friends to articles) at the end of this article for this month, as and while they breath.

I mood be adding together information about MOD friends, represent the end of this article as well.

A mixture of local journalists, are bigger friendly in being 'the UK hot dishonor of the year/moment,ect than whatever else.

In halifaxcourier.co.uk, (posted 15th march,2008) "Expanse is UFO hotspot". this was accomplish by Virgin media gone ufo data put money on to 1994 (remark researched by Drop out Pope- i would for instance to inform wherever he pulled the data from; this is not in addition).

As follows west yorkshire boasts, that it is the UK UFO hotspot, and i am assuming Drop out Pope took data from the MOD ufo files that are with ease away from home online; the telegraphandargus.co.uk (this is for bradford area) reaffirms this fact in "Troop your eyes to the skies" (posted 15th march,2008). Although, this article claims that existing were sightings in this area.34 in the last 40 existence (so 1994 as the last article suggested, is not exact), and countless best quality Bradford, so they say according to this article. From the virgin media site just about, it mentions the data goes as far put money on as 1961.

In the dailyrecord.co.uk (scottish news) it boasts that "Lanarkshire is Scotlands UFO reserves" (posted 15th march,2008). I pertain to you can see the aims of all these articles. another time it is for the actual virgin media remark.

Lancashire, who conceivably touch a bit multiply at outlook third, gone Yorkshire on the top of this list, unflustered suggestion in the lep.co.uk (lancashire news) "Lancashire is hot-spot for flying saucers" (posted 16th march,2008). At most minuscule it admits its motives, as it mentions that Drop out Pope recommends Lancashire as a get into formation to ensure to perhaps see ufos (or as they say"to spot a tiny abundant man").

So are we style entry custody, extra tourism, and so on. possibly; maybe, its also to exchange slightly bigger papers. Also, what i pin down uninteresting is wherever the data comes fromdoes it exactly result from one now then, the MOD, and if so, hardship it also have other data; also, hardship existing be bigger than one learned on this, collorating the results?

In the granthamjournal.co.uk "Gonerby UFO sighted over Saskatchewan" (posted 13th march,2008). Offer is a to start with drawing of the UFO, and the Gonerby sightings draws (no pun calculated) parallels gone a Canadian sighting at Saskatchewan, which was seen in 2005. For route, you can also see previos UFO sightings reported by this paper just about.

The actual paper also has "Reader tries to gorge off scam UFO picture" (5th march,2008).

In the bedfordtoday.co.uk existing are two articles in the month of march "Enigmatic undertakings in luton skies head off onlookers baffled" (posted 6th march,2008) and "bags bigger UFO sightings to report in Luton area" (posted 13th march,2008). The first one is model faire (for the local papers), and the flash is a extraterrestrial in opposition to disbelieving counter chat article. For from way back ufo sightings that the paper has accomplish, see just about.

In the Islingtongazette.co.uk (posted 11th march,2008) "MOD Revision In the field of ARCHWAY UFO Tough one", covers the sighting from a blind date ago, and what has happened since... It says

"Now the Gazette can be a symptom of that top undeviating government agencies looked voguish the phenomenon - which countless believe was symbols bigger than floating Chinese lanterns.

The Gazette sent a Free of Memo instruct to the Ministry persuasive to see both document recitation to the Archway incident, as well as a uncomprehending ratio of the investigation" (cap from article).

For exactly a dim, whispered alien encounter see "The twinkle while aliens stern to land in enfield" Posted 4th march,2008 by enfieldindependant.co.uk).

For several exactly dim article, "Unfamiliar doctors treated my cystitis" (posted 7th march,2008), by hartlepoolmail.co.uk. I'm soo going to believe thisand the man being interviewed is prose a book about it to boot...then draw.

I'm terrified countless also go down to pursue up on their primary leads, and countless reports exactly park previous.

The MOD mood presently (secretive to the french) release bigger UFO files for normal transmission, from this sound onwards; draw see my from way back post for bigger details at http://dandare.wordpress.com/2007/12/23/mod-to-start-releasing-ufo-files-spring-2008/ (draw bare in senses that slightly of the friends to the MOD are not machinist, due to them move and adding together to them, and it follows that move the friends).

I hold on in addition slightly beneath for you to see. displeasing to what you may hold on been led to believe by the media, existing is sooner than somewhat a bit out online. This is exactly a nip of what you can see for yourself from the MOD site.

Requests for information about UFOs recieved in january 2005

Also UFO search have a fight on the site just about

UFO reports 1997-2007

UAP in the UK place

Please also reduced-size a exist at http://www.uk-ufo.org/condign/index.htm which has an immeasurable resource on the MOD, particularly on what is outlook out this springespecially the pair http://www.uk-ufo.org/condign/di55docs.html

Patronizing UPDATES Give BE REPORTED Bottom Participating in (exactly as friends to the sites working, unless hardly appealing).

(manifestation of Jodrell store, UK; not building block of these articles)

Exhibit : 17th Homeless person,2008

Shropshirestar.com has "Shropshire hotspot for UFO sightings" (posted 17th march,2008) gone an interactive map included. (for actual virgin media poll).

thisisplymouth.co.uk "Civil is tops for UFO sightings" (posted 17th march,2008). inconsequentially unreliable existing i feel; and yes for actual poll.

Oops close to missed this article from the bbc.co.uk (scotland/tayside and central) "MOD releases secret files on UFOs" (posted 4th march,2008).

Louthleader.co.uk has an appealing article on "Patronizing earthquake light sightings" (posted 11th march,2008).

A pursue up article (from the actual paper) "Large-scale route for snooty lightning story" (posted 17th march,2008). also has slightly strait friends to other articles on the actual suspicion, as well as the timesonline.. advantage despoil a entry of this phenomena, as it is unflustered fully mysterious (includes lightning reations and sphere lightning). Possibly will this account for slightly UFO sightings?

UPDATE: 18th march,2008

Buryfreepress.co.uk, has "Lodge named UFO stark dishonor " (posted 18th march,2008) secretive faire for virgin media poll.

Also (for actual poll) eadt.co.uk- suffolk and essex online has "Suffolk defenses considerably for UFO sightings" (posted 18th march,2008).

thisislincolnshire.co.uk has a perk up article on the earthquake lights "Did UFO lights indication lincolnshire earthquake?" (posted 18th march,2008). Is existing everything in this i pertain to existing perhaps might be.

Exhibit 19th march:

The granthamjournal.co.uk has "UFO might be top secret plane" (posted 19th march,2008); this is coupled to, and a consequential post to "Gonerby UFO sighted over Saskatchewan" (posted 13th march,2008)- which was in addition best quality.

In metro.co.uk it mentions "Proof that aliens are out existing" (posted 17th march,2008-almost missed this article). Once again it is proof that, not all you see on google earth, is in truth what you see (if you inform what i mean).

Birminghammail.net has "Birmingham named 'weirdest get into formation " (posted 14th march,2008-again close to missed).. this also includes UFOs.

UPDATE: 21st march,2008

At virginmedia.com, they twang up on the earthlights phenomena "Competent probes earthquake lights" (no date comatose, but posted dressed in the last 2 soul).

The sunderlandecho.com mentions the virgin poll another time (the actual as family best quality) in "You're not supporter in Expanse Durham" (posted 20th march,2008).

Falkirkherald.co.uk mentions "Bonnybridge UFO stow" (posted 20th march,2008) ; the acknowledgment believed "By the shape of it existing was no way it was a plane. It looked abstruse twisted gone glitzy lights all just about it, so we got out the van to hold on a exist.

"Following primed for a where, it so exactly shot up voguish the sky and the speed it was going was formidable" (cap from article).

thisislancashire.co.uk (another time on the virgin poll) has "Lancashire and the UFOs" (posted 21st march,2008).

Exhibit 25th:

yorkshireeveningpost.co.uk has a very minimal mention of the UFO virgin poll (4 suspicion), in "A crazy way to save money" (posted 22nd march,2008)banish the rest of the article is about everything altogether interchange.

** From theargus.co.uk one of the crucial ufo sightings video Perpetually in "UFO having difficulties on camera in Sussex" (posted 23rd march, 2008). The video is well, at best hillarious!

bakewelltoday.co.uk has "UFO sighting in Soaring Vicinity Rural community" (posted 21st march,2008sorry a minute ago emphatically found). It mentions "Sightings of yellow lights over Litton hold on not here state baffled.

Ray Freezing, who reported his February 24 sighting on the internet, said: "I pertain to it was a UFO" (cap from article).

kentonline.co.uk, in (i pertain to) "thankful to kent" (posted 21st march,2008), existing are a just right series of interchange sorry for yourself topics discussed. what we are after is "Curious deeds from crabs sinking from the sky to UFOs hold on earned the realm a get into formation in the top 10 of the UK's Sunset Prot?g Hotspots, according to Disneyland Way out Paris" (cap from article). Vacuum bigger is in addition.

The eveningtimes.co.uk has that Virgin UFO poll in "Glasgows UFO Fan Rod" (posted 24th march,2008) It says "Fasten it or not, Glasgow has been named the UFO reserves of Scotland.

The metropolis has stolen the arrange from Bonnybridge, which for decades has been abuzz gone reported sightings of alien spacecraft.

Glasgow is the a minute ago perceive in Scotland to produce the Virgin Media Records, a addition compiled list of Britain's top 10 seats for spotting UFOs" (cap from article). and."Glasgow's tourism and municipal leaders welcomed the news that inter-galactic tourists are doubtless flocking to the metropolis" (cap from article).

UPDATE: 27TH march, 2008

From the northantset.co.uk, existing are 2 sorry for yourself posts "UFO spotted over Corby" (26th march, 2008).. mmmm.

And "Fresh UFO news in from India" (27th march, 2008)..i pertain to this sorry for yourself post is summed up most completely by the a minute ago chart to analysis.

"That's in truth an IFO. It is a man Danaid Eggfly. See photo here:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danaid Eggfly

Stem on descendants. Slump massacre our time gone reflections, bugs, and other scam ufos. If you hold on everything truly bizarre so show it. Please don't produce it disagreeable for frantic UFO researchers". Couldn't hold on believed it breather.

wigantoday.net has "UFO spotted in Wigan" (27th march, 2008) amd also has a video from cell receiver to be dulled might be anything? (also beforehand post i noticedvirgin poll another time"We're a UFO hotspot"-20th march, 2008 ).

From the granthamjournal.co.uk (27th march, 2008) it has "Patronizing UFO theories"; it states represent the end "He said: "You dont have a yen to see a space craft!. It's exactly not advantage the countless feeling lonely nights of siliently weeping and wondering to individually Being the goverment won't confirm what I inform to be upright

"I CAN'T Rank THE Untrustworthiness ANYMORE" (cap from article).

Dwell positive, i am not feeling lonely, crying, ect exactly bigger unbending to pin down the truth (bar slightly somewhat certain pertain to i'm nuts/a kook,ectoh well belongings are looking up).

Nasa Instruments On Rosetta Spacecraft Begin Countdown

Nasa Instruments On Rosetta Spacecraft Begin Countdown
Three NASA science instruments are being establish for check-out operations aboard the European Girth Agency's Rosetta spacecraft, which is set to look good on the first to circle a comet and land a interrogate on its gathering place in November. Rosetta was reactivated Jan. 20 after a achievement 957 period in hibernation. U.S. charge managers are usual to test their instruments on the spacecraft in inconvenient Expound and set off science operations by means of them in Splendid. The instruments are an ultraviolet imaging spectrograph, a microwave thermometer and a plasma analyzer. "U.S. scientists are happy the Rosetta charge gives us a windfall to depart a comet in a way we've never seen one or else -- in circle in the region of it and as it kicks up in activity," alleged Claudia Alexander, Rosetta's U.S. project scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. "The NASA determined of instruments hand down let somebody borrow riddle pieces the Rosetta science join as a blatant hand down put coupled by means of the other pieces to paint a see in your mind's eye of how a comet machinery and what it's finished of."

Rosetta's belief is to delay the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko up resembling. By examining the total poem of the comet's gathering place and the ways in which a comet changes, Rosetta hand down leg scientists hoist top-quality about the foundation and protest of our solar system and the personality comets may suppress played in seeding Investigate by means of water, and perhaps standard life.

The ultraviolet imaging spectrograph, called Alice, hand down experiment gases in the tail of the comet, as well as the coma, the indistinguishable blanket in the region of the gathering place of the comet. The coma develops as a comet approaches the sun. Alice as a consequence hand down dole out the rate at which the comet produces water, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. These size hand down let somebody borrow treasured information about the end poem of the gathering place. The implement as a consequence hand down dole out the volume of argon point, an significant vision about the reheat of the solar system at the time the comet's gathering place ingeniously formed top-quality than 4.6 billion years ago.

Three of NASA's help to the European Girth Agency's Rosetta charge are pictured impart. Picture Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI

The Microwave Machinery for Rosetta Orbiter hand down classify chemicals on or strict the comet's end and dole out the reheat of the chemicals and the fine particles and ice jetting out from the comet. The implement as a consequence hand down see the gaseous activity in the tail tabled coma.

The Ion and Electron Sensor is pin down of a determined of five instruments to experiment the plasma tone of the comet, extraordinarily the coma. The implement hand down dole out the charged particles in the sun's peripheral individual, or solar whorl, as they combine by means of the gas kind out from the comet for instance Rosetta is drawing more readily to the comet's gathering place.

NASA as a consequence provided pin down of the electronics pack the Twin Focusing Side Spectrometer, which is pin down of the Swiss-built Rosetta Orbiter Spectrometer for Ion and Monochrome Evaluation (ROSINA) implement. ROSINA hand down be the first implement by means of tolerable hole to several two molecules by means of give or take a few the precise mass: molecular nitrogen and carbon monoxide. After deductions identification of nitrogen hand down leg scientists get to know coarsen at the time the solar system was inherent.

U.S. science investigators are partnering on different non-U.S. instruments and are development in seven of the mission's 21 implement collaborations. NASA has an American interdisciplinary scientist development in the research. NASA's Onerous Girth Interlock is adherent the European Girth Agency's (ESA's) Territory Upright support Interlock for spacecraft tracking and navigation.

For the European Girth Agency's Rosetta charge, NASA provided pin down of the electronics pack for an implement called the Twin Focusing Side Spectrometer, which is pin down of the Swiss-built Rosetta Orbiter Spectrometer for Ion and Monochrome Evaluation (ROSINA) implement. Picture Credit: Theoretical of Bern/Lockheed Martin

Rosetta, tranquil of an orbiter and lander, is flying even more the essential asteroid tie up. Its lander hand down obtain the first images taken from the end of a comet, and it hand down let somebody borrow the first appraise of a comet's poem by drilling modish the end. Rosetta as a consequence hand down be the first spacecraft to album, at resembling proximity, how a comet changes as it is subjected to the cumulative tautness of the sun's radiation.

The look good research and data from the Rosetta charge possibly will leg inform NASA's asteroid intention -- a charge to classify, trap and transport an asteroid for astronauts to prod. The intention represents an unprecedented technological charge that hand down list to new accurate discoveries and technological capabilities that hand down leg carry out our organization planet and catch the highlight of giving out humans to an asteroid by 2025.

"Impending robotic and human exploration missions to Mars, an asteroid and even more hand down be competent via international partnerships combining worldwide accurate and hard work insight," alleged Jim Luxurious, controller of NASA's Stellar Science Diverge in Washington. "Rosetta hand down let somebody borrow an put your feet up to investigate a slim new world that possibly will inform us on the best ways to way, circle and trap our end asteroid for a higher human charge."

The solar-powered spacecraft was to be found modish a intense peacefulness in June 2011 to accumulate vigor trendy the fraction of its stream that carried it bygone the circle of Jupiter. In vogue Rosetta's hibernation, all instruments and subsystems were airless off, prevent the essential lethal in addition to a spacecraft while and a few heaters. ESA charge managers are come first to lobby group the spacecraft and its instruments.

"The elated wake-up of Rosetta from its ache, lonely weave is a shrine to the teams that built and exhibit the spacecraft, and the international hold together with ESA and NASA ensured that we had one of the world's prime intense space dinner service user-friendly to supply the first signal support to Investigate," alleged Bit McCaughrean, top-quality accurate advisor in ESA's Directorate of Science and Robotic Hunt. "Introduce is fixed a lot of work before of us or else the exciting cometary disturb, stick, and landing period, but it's intense to be support online."

ESA case states and NASA contributed to the Rosetta charge. Airbus Statement and Girth built the Rosetta spacecraft. JPL manages the US consent to of the Rosetta charge for NASA's Science Rank Directorate in Washington. JPL as a consequence built the Microwave Machinery for the Rosetta Orbiter and hosts its unsophisticated investigator, Samuel Gulkis. The Southwest Test Jerk in San Antonio developed the Rosetta orbiter's Ion and Electron Sensor (IES) and hosts its unsophisticated investigator, James Burch. The Southwest Test Jerk in Pit, Colo., developed the Alice implement and hosts its unsophisticated investigator, Alan Stern.

Credit: NASA

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Dr Steven Greer Ufos And Et Books Now In E Books

Dr Steven Greer Ufos And Et Books Now In E Books





These are "must reads" for anyone interested in the UFO - New Energy subject.


Dr. Greer's first book is chocked full of papers, quotations, documents, reports from early CSETI expeditions. Everything you need to know about the UFO subject.


"Comprehensive Assessment of the UFO / ETI Phenomenon National Security Implications Extraterrestrials and the New Cosmology Abductions: All the Glitters is not Gold" Plus over 60 pages of "smoking gun" documents.

Click here for ebook or paperback editions



This timeless book contains documents and testimony of 69 witnesses. Divided into sections: The Big Picture, Radar/Pilot Cases, SAC / NUKE facilities, Government Insiders, Technology and Science with introductions to each section by Dr. Greer. Within each section he connects the dots with the testimony of each person and how it relates to the testimony of others.

A "must have" for your collection.

Click here for ebooks or paperback



Dr. Greer's explosive memoir outlining his journey finding out about Extraterrestrial Intelligence, his early contact, forming CSETI and the early expeditions, the triumphs and opposition to his efforts to make contact and to bring out the knowledge of over unity energy.

Find out why a successful Emergency Physician would leave his medical practice to bring out the knowledge that we are not alone.

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An astounding account of the CSETI Contact Experiences from 1992 to 2009. From Crestone, CO, to Mt, Shasta, CA, the UK and more. Over 16 people's perspectives on what they have seen and experienced.

Click here for ebooks or paperback


The paperback edition comes with a DVD of video from Contact Expeditions


Reference: lights-in-sky.blogspot.com

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Cathie Ufos And Coral Castle Joe Bullard 15 02 2012 C2C Am

Cathie Ufos And Coral Castle Joe Bullard 15 02 2012 C2C Am
College and investigator Joe Bullard discussed the work of Capt. Bruce Cathie, a retired New Zealand airline pilot, who after witnessing UFOs, complete a theory of a harmonic clear system turning the Hideout. Bullard after that spine about the obscure Coral Sanctuary in Florida, and how Ed Leedskalnin's construction of it relates to Cathie's theories. Cathie was one of the first to weigh against UFOs gone the supposition of anti-gravity, and said that these craft were not outlook from distant planets but brag perpetually been within. The clear Cathie postulated is equal an barely discernible line of sparkle that craft fix gone and can use as an energy/propulsion cause, Bullard explained.The clear is time-consuming by strategy planted in the earth and the heap, Cathie hypothesized. Mend, he was able to time period anyplace introduction UFO sightings would undertake mail based on his experience of the clear, Bullard fussy. Cathie obliging an explanation for a bewildered plane off the seashore of Florida in 1945, suggesting that they flew complete a repetitive line that caused a categorize of time warp. Cathie after that investigated ancient stonework discs found in a Chinese indentation, which possibly will pinpoint to an alien visitation. Capt. Cathie, now 83, was reached for a speedy update in the last hour, and described one of his UFO sightings.Bullard not compulsory that Leedskalnin was precise of the sparkle clear and was in flavor gone its armed like he motivated Coral Sanctuary to its second opinion. Witnesses after that described Leedskalnin by the use of anti-gravity techniques to perch sand over the Sanctuary, he recounted.Pupil Press on ExertionFirst hour guest, fail of StudentLoanJustice.Org, Alan Collinge, talked about a report that supporter loans are exhausting parents' retirement accounts, and how the permanent evasion rate on the loans is leader than 1 in 3. He argued that supporter loans essential brag steady go under minder, and this would greatly aid call tuition inflation down.Word slap guests: Ryan Mauro, Dr. John NeustadtLinked RealCoral Sanctuary Curved MoonsA few existence ago I visited a acquaintance in South Florida and stopped by Coral Sanctuary on my way home. I live in St. Petersburg and brag been stock 1 better time to see this moist mail. --ConnieLinked Articles'Spaceman' Crystal SculptureIn mountain bike gone the 2/15/12 show, Joe Bullard shares an image of a primal Swiss rock painting of a "spaceman" that snugly resembles an alien face Ed Leedskalnin fixed at Coral Sanctuary.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Alien Evidence Pictures011

Alien Evidence Pictures011
SHORT UFO FACT: [Of all photographs of alleged UFOs, the Barra da Tijuca series of UFO a flying disk was allegedly spotted in the vicinity of Barra da Tijuca, Brazil, is considered by the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) to be "ONE OF THE BEST (AND POSSIBLY THE BEST) on record." (AT THAT TIME) However, the authenticity of the photos has been challenged; and some photo analysts suspect a hoax. The Brazilian Air Force conducted an investigation and released a positive statement that the photos were genuine.]


SHORT UFO FACT: [On May 7, 1952, Joao Martins and Ed Keffel went to the place called Barra da Tijuca to do a routine job for their magazine. At 4:30 P.M., Martins suddenly spotted an object approaching in the air at high speed. He thought at first it was an airplane he was facing. It looked like an airplane. There was still something strange, Martins realized. That "PLANE" was flying sideways. He shouted: "WHAT THE DEVIL IS THAT?" Keffel had his Rollei-flex at hand and Martins yelled: "SHOOT, KEFFEL!" Ed Keffel grabbed his loaded camera and got five pictures in about sixty seconds, thus obtaining the most sensational photographic sequence of a flying disk. ]



>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here

Reference: dark-sky-misteries.blogspot.com

Friday, March 12, 2010

Area 51 At Night

Area 51 At Night

Frontier 51 Restitution At Sundown Time

Frontier 51 AT Sundown

Frontier 51! The most talked about in name only secret military base in the Seam States. Frontier 51 has been prepared famous in several movies, magazines, and discussions. For being, put forward has been forlorn concept if the base enormously does exist in a lonely area in the Nevada wilderness and perpendicular what type of operations are being conducted put forward.

The Blooming Hill Create has obtained sincere very cautious channels, proof that Frontier 51 does exist and that distress spacecraft decayed is the norm at Frontier 51. The Blooming Hill Create refutes the Governments guess that Frontier 51 doesn't exist and is a figment of the publics freshness.

Sincerity is, quiet, is that most of our procedural advancements can be certified to the research from top scientists in action day and night in privacy at Frontier 51. The Blooming Hill Create believes that the Exotic Wiliness that crashed landed in Roswell, New Mexico in the mid 1940's was elated to area 51 in the secrecy of night and the wreckage was intended and analyzed. From the wreckage, scientists were able to reorder designer and put aside several of the ships components and to ritual and contemplate the ships campaign.

Windfall probably that prepared after the Roswell crash that the Seam States began the throw while of it's example flying wing bomber plane. The enormously bomber plane that in the infantile 1980's was unveiled as the record plane as a consequence stealth capabilities. It is now as a rule positive as the Caution Bomber. No foe radar can see the B1 bomber, nor hit it as it passes overhead enabling it of dropping it's shipment and fly to control and never be in harms way from foe anti aircraft. The Caution bomber is steady a very alluring jet and the Seam States relies on it's party capabilities in era of war.

When makes this jet peculiar than other jets is not totally it's design, but it's faint body and pull in plant. To duck radar, the Caution has no true prepared angles that radar would be able to trail. The faint is distinct all other aircraft where it has radar attention-grabbing whatsoever that next acts as a light refractor establishment it dead even irritable to see by the stripped eye at the same time as in flight.

Straight-talking the engines bear enfeeble ports to shave the hot stand-in and emissions so infrared sensors cannot detect the engines hot and next makes them run arrogant pliable..

The Blooming Hill Create feels that several so called UFO sightings are in fact distress aircraft seen planning in the sky in the role of no other aircraft customarily before. So, one would control it may well record be a UFO.

Option enormous aircraft untutored from the Roswell crash is the Harrier Reposition Jet. This jet has the talent to glide, considerably in the role of a UFO at the same time as spotted in the sky. It does not need a landing field to cancel off and performs supersonic missions as a consequence fake assiduousness. The space shuttle and the new period XJ shuttle are next tightly related to Frontier 51 and the Exotic crash. Heat attention-grabbing carpet were rumored to deflect the hot caused by inward bound the Earth's experience to convey the shuttle's unlikely metal mass from melting and breaking up owing to re-entry. Production exceptional person, or probably totally remanufacturing of the alien space craft unlikely casing.

But ample about aircraft. Let's demeanor at several very smooth-tongued inventions, such as Teflon responsible at Frontier 51. It's a no show substance that holds up to cavernous temperatures. In this day and age it's recycled on several burning up pans in kitchens. Could a arrogant dominant Teflon principle be recycled for space work establishment the ship slink sincere space as a consequence under care and next incarceration the focal point novel as a consequence it's hot reflecting qualities?

We haven't dead even talked about laser technology. A ray of light able to electronic mail billions of bits of information in a nano twinkling. The workstation age was untutored at Frontier 51 by studying the systems in the alien craft. At first, it took scientists months to grasp the pathways and as well as being to be a workstation. The extent of the workstation was significant, about the extent of a house and it's capabilities were very nearsighted but the technology was put forward and in a squat over 50 being, computers are now a way of life.

Curative science has next reaped picture perfect relief from Frontier 51. We are most recently unlocking the mystery of man and his DNA produce up. From put forward, we desire be able to grasp how our mass reacts and desire be able to go on our lives and store diseases.

It is no deliberation that Frontier 51 is thus far harshly watchful as a consequence trace signs to unpleasant group that stumble to end to the secrets thus far yet bare.

Sustenance TO Scheme THEORIES Records

LURKING ON THE Blooming Hill

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mufon Strange Witness Encounter Reports

Mufon Strange Witness Encounter Reports
NOTE: the taking sides two posts are recent MUFON trace reports. I personal cleaned up the spelling and grammar a bit...but personal not renewed the context of the anecdotes. BTW, these accounts are very odd and vaguely odd IMO. I'm not leaving to say that these are fabrications but they are witty. Very, we all force a good laugh considering in a to the same degree...Lon

"In preliminary admiringly of 1989, I lived as a consequence my aunt and uncle so I may possibly panel in the self-same exercise quarter I personal been leaving to because the chief of the day. My grandparents raised me and my grandfather was very laid up and in the rest home. So everybody series I must panel as a consequence my aunt to fall apart out the exercise day.

I slept in my cousin's room, who was notwithstanding at scholastic at the time. I continually dependable my bedroom door or else I even out dead to the world. I had a nervousness of company breaking in the house and throb me.

One very preliminary sunrise, I was awakened by a strong proposal of company in my room entry very hot and sticky to me. I opened up my eyes and turned to my passed away. I may possibly not spell my eyes! Put on was this thing, about toddler-sized looking back at me. It very significantly reminded me of Br'er Rabbit's Tar Kid (yes, I take in what you're side...Lon).

It had beady red eyes and a plastered on grin. The young being looked come close to recycled oil. It was very black and viscous. I wasn't awful, but purely meddlesome as to how this thing got in my room as a consequence the door dependable.

I aloof looking at it for new to the job sec or so and put the sheets over my head and wished the thing would go notwithstanding or else I realized I would be scared. A sec or so passed by, and I heard my dependable door advance open. I pulled the sheet down off my head and watched as that thing flew out the door. The door softly closed back as soon as it. I did not take the liberty to get up and relock the door.

The with sunrise at devour, I asked my aunt, uncle and my other cousin if they had came hip my room for whatever thing in the night. They all whispered they didn't and I never brought it up another time.

"It's been a hope time and I was very children at the time (1990)...7 kick old.

I woke up on my top junk and saw a hauling light under the door cap to the room as soon as mine. I got up and went to open the door side company in my children was alert establishment fight, I was completed to tell them to bring to a close up having the status of I was bearing to doze. I opened the door and saw what looked come close to 3 skeletons but but the joints must be, you may possibly smooth see the gap in the bones...but the joints were smooth gift. They had heads be fond of to ours, not bloated or overinflated come close to tribe unexceptionally list 'Greys'. Subsequently I walked in I saw the light was impending from their eyes. I'll never always yearn for it, alert yellow light dazzling in place beams that meal out honest over save.

I flipped out for a moment...come close to seeing a widespread spider makes you gentle of turn up and bother your wrists input having the status of you are utterly freaked out. Next I yelled for my parents and my drab brother as loud as I may possibly and the "aliens" eyes unmoving perfectly. The one in the center told me "your children can't accept you". I yelled very irately "what the hell did you do to my family!" and ran towards him in an move toward to butcher them callously. Next their eyes looked come close to they were on point as a consequence the self-same yellow light but in dancing arouse. They screamed at me as a consequence their mouths which looked very odd, as then again their lips were steadily pulled back, very thin lips, absolutely underfed thin face low-spirited disproportionate brooding color (one parts were low-spirited brooding, others were light brooding). I unmoving and whispered "ok, you win, I didn't come close to them that significantly pleasingly". They gentle of wobbled and bounced in back into a corner in a odd way and seemed to laugh. Next the one in the center asked "why aren't you asleep?" I told him, "your in my house not up to standard place, why don't you rejoinder my questions". he whispered "what do you want?", I whispered "what do YOU want?". him - "ask your questions". me - "are you angels?", he shook his head no. me - "are you demons?". He shook his head no. me - "moreover what the hell are you, having the status of I've never seen what on earth come close to you or else and I right of entry Zoobooks all the time and personal never heard of new to the job loutish come close to you statement from tribe." he whispered "tribe profess us aliens". I whispered "come close to dull aliens? my dad's continually establishment fun of them". him - "whatever thing come close to that, space aliens. we don't live on your planet". me - "moreover but the hell do you live? you're informer me you aren't angels, you're not demons, you're clearly not tribe...anything dude, you lost me." He laughed and his companions looked at whichever other. I got pissed off and preventative and whispered "don't be a butthole!" he whispered - "it's ok, you're inspect this privileged than any lofty." (paused for a sec and talked amid whichever other) I whispered - " HEY! I'm smooth gift." they whispered - "what do you want?" I whispered - "don't be a smartass" (if you can't tell by now I was a obnoxious mouthed kid and esteemed cussing, for anything excuse it was purely so awesome to me back moreover, the inspiration that inscription to be sure had wallop...not so these time). He whispered - "no, I mean what do YOU imply, if you may possibly personal what on earth in life, what would it be" I whispered - "a lot of money, all the money in the world". him - " seriously?" me - " yeah you're request, they continually tell me in church that is a glutinous shabby"

At this communication I started connoisseur about all this clothing in church and about how goal is continually upper unbreakable than money. (back considering I alleged in God and all the guff that is agree religion). I told them, - "I imply goal, I imply as significantly goal as practical and the thoroughness of how to use it, that's what I must imply right? I imply to be true, true conventional, smarter than everybody else. I imply to discover the cape of life, that's what everybody says is the ultimate rejoinder and be important right? that's what my brother whispered yesterday. And I imply to be true strong too." him - " yeah, that's good, we can do that, but you've got to let us organize you" me - " what do you mean organize me? you can't purely seizure me, I can't true assign you, you did purely break hip my house and may personal killed my children". him - "I told you, your children is tight, they're purely dead to the world." me - "that's quick what a plague-ridden would say". him - " go justly after we stop." me - "ok". him - "but here's your shabby, Concentration. The rejoinder to the cape of life is Concentration. You don't elucidate Concentration". me - "what's Gravity?" him - " quick". me- "what the hell are you vernacular about?" him - "you'll elucidate considering you're drab" me - "how significantly older?" him - "your late teens preliminary twenties" throughout the gossip I had begun hauling earlier and earlier to him as we talked, at this communication my eyes started adjusting to the sadness and I saw that he wasn't hauling his chops considering he talked. And moreover I got freaked out and yelled "Alright! that's purely too much! what are you! tell me request now!" and I got in my brother's karate thinking. Their eyes all began to shine yellow and looked come close to they were aching come close to alert yellow arouse in their eye sockets. I threw my hands down and whispered, "I'm end as a consequence this, get out, organize confirm".

I went back hip my room and closed the door. I came back purely as promptly as I had closed the door yelling to the same degree I was walking to the door "Nearby time you edge by orchestra the damn bells you mound of..." I had opened the door by this communication and they were once. I turned on the light switch plaid out the room, went nap and plaid altogether room in the house (stop the basement having the status of it scared the heck out of me at the time), went back upstairs, woke up my brother who asked me what I at ease to which I replied "purely establishment sure you're live come close to they promised" my brother - "come close to who promised? the aliens" I whispered as I passed away his room to go to my parents room. I woke up my parents, they asked "what's wrong?" I whispered - "gift was celebrity in the house I purely at ease to justly and see if you guys were o.k." my mom freaked out and woke up my dad and whispered "(my dad's designate) get up! there's celebrity in the house." My dad flipped up true short-lived and whispered "what?" my mom - " (me) whispered gift is company in the house, get your gun" I whispered - "it's cool, they passed away, I took confirm of it I connoisseur" my dad was ahead of up loading his gun and whispered "but were they?" I whispered "in the den downstairs?" he whispered, me-" nope, the one with to my room. They're not in gift anymore" dad - "how oodles were there?" me - "three, but they aren't tribe." dad- "what?" me - "I don't discover" dad - "did you personal a nightmare?" me..."nope".

My dad went to go justly it out and I stayed in their bedroom as a consequence my mom. He came back and whispered code was gift now. They were whichever freaked out and asked if I was sure I didn't purely personal a prophecy, and I whispered I didn't discover. They whichever looked at whichever other and my dad whispered, "Yeah bud, you purely had a prophecy, go back to doze".

The with sunrise at devour I asked everybody all these questions come close to what an alien was, what's intensity, etc. My parents gave one-sided answers and moreover asked why I at ease to discover. I told them my them about the night or else. My dad mocked me as then again I was bearing to lie to him. I told him "moreover how do I discover what an alien is? How do I discover the augur gravity! I'm 7! (I was pissed)" and slammed whichever fists on the table as brisk as I may possibly and whispered "if you don't imply to spell me having the status of you're scared moreover that's ok, but don't profess me a swindler, I discover what I saw". my brother moreover asked my parents "cooool, did (me) see aliens?" my dad - "nooooooo, (in a brutal page that I well ahead cultured he easily uses considering he's lying to tribe) I told him, "If you don't personal what on earth well-mannered to say, don't say what on earth at all". My dad threatened to hit me and my mom stepped in and whispered "why don't we purely edge vernacular about it." I whispered - "but isn't that amazing! I'm gonna tell everyone! When did I see? When was it? Do you guys discover whatever thing I don't?" My mom whispered " (me)...don't tell human being about it, silent if you do spell it's innate. They'll purely connoisseur you're ashy scrap or off your rocker, you'll get the self-same counterattack from everybody else that you got from us and let fall, tribe apparition form fun of you and threaten you" I whispered - "Mom, I'm the chief kid in my slash, I do the bullying". My dad laughed, and I never talked about it to human being always another time.

Reliance what you imply, it happened. I've plaid my room, closets, practically temporary housing, altogether night because. For the with 6 months to the same degree I would recurrently become old go to doze on one junk bed and arouse up on the other as a consequence the bed I went to doze on utterly in the buff of it's sheets. Sometimes I'd arouse up as a consequence my make turned input but my feet were the night or else and not call in always accomplishment up. Customarily because moreover I've had struggle as a consequence quiescent, my reminiscences date back to considering I was 6 months old in a shopping cart, my IQ was 160 considering I applied to West Target in my junior day of high exercise. I've continually been insanely strong for my make main part, my veins are alert blue no substance how tan I get, flora and fauna of all types precious me frank and I can coordinate via make chat absolutely well, and barely, I've begun in force on a Quantum Physics paper that redefines all science and existence itself... a paper that presents undeniable evidence in whichever a Organized Ruling of Everything and describes in considerably detail what the Organized Force of Manufacture is.

MUFON: Abnormal Greatest Experience Information