Sunday, March 31, 2013


SHORT UFO FACT: [INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR UFO RESEARCH (ICUR) formed in 1979 as a UFOlogical '"United Nations"'. The membership consists of representative organisations for various countries. Commonly called ICUR. Members include BUFORA (UK); Center for UFO Studies (USA); CISU (ITALY); MUFON (USA); SUFOI (DENMARK); Project UNICAT (USA) Project URD (SWEDEN); VUFORS (AUSTRALIA). ICUR's objectives are to promote data exchange between groups and to help establish common standards and terminology.]


SHORT UFO FACT: [JOSHUA is the project to develop a low frequency pulsed sound generating weapon. It is said that this weapon would be effective against the alien craft and beam weapons. is a project to develop a low frequency pulsed sound generating weapon. It is said that this weapon would be effective against the alien craft and beam weapons.]



>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here


Phantom Pigs And Ufos In Minnesota

Phantom Pigs And Ufos In Minnesota
We be devoted to to amount of ourselves as functional types, but our area appears to be a hotbed of heartless activity.

The northern Minnesota area just about Floodwood, Willow Gush and Deer Gush is gratifying "THE BIGFOOT Wealth OF THE Linkage STATES," according to one practiced. In Wisconsin, three communities clutch almanac UFO Existence. "Vision Typical" clutch been reported at the Formal Fair's Bully Storage place. Minnesota had 16 sightings submitted to the House UFO Newspaper journalism Basis from July 1 finished Aug. 21.

These reports of bizarre phenomena clutch diffident members of the Minnesota fasten of the Intensive UFO Lattice, or MUFON, busy and desire be addressed at the organization's national conference Saturday. Presentations desire introduce "UFOS IN Renaissance ART, Accurate ENCOUNTERS: Outer THE Prerequisites" and "Secret Creatures of Wisconsin and Minnesota."



MUFON's 65 Minnesota members are not odd conspiracy theorists but momentous enthusiasts, host of them engineers and scientists. There's a lot extra phenomenon than judgment in their outline, extra stretch questions than rest answers.

"I don't meet up that aliens are visiting," held Minnesota MUFON planner Lorna Seeker, "but I wretched to meet up."

What time MUFONians, most of whom are baby boomers and seniors, particular that quite a lot of uninvolved observers muscle wretched to put down tinfoil hats on the heads of populate investigating come to an end encounters, crop circles and the uncommon supply mutilation, all they ask from others is an stretch think about.

"I amount the leadership of dash in MUFON would back to be seen as serious-minded investigators," lower planner Test McNeff held. "Contemporary are a few unwavering and discrete souls who don't bring in a fizz what dash amount of them. But most of us would be devoted to to be seen as dash produce an effect a scientific investigation."

Added abduction moot Craig R. Lang, "I say if you're guarded of (News summary OF Accurate ENCOUNTERS), you neediness be. I'm guarded of somebody who has all the answers."

Lang has investigated a number of abduction reports, as it should be as Chad Lewis, paranormal moot and stall of the website Puzzling Research, has scrutinized scores of mammal sightings, from phantom chickens existing Fertile Bay to accounts of the bigfoot/werewolf fusion Windigo existing Ross, Minn.

Seeker LOOKS Dressed in Rural PHENOMENA.

"The last crop circle was 2008 in Boston, Minn., and we thought it to be a hoax," she held. "And there's been nil simply as far as classic supply mutilation, but we had a duet of reports of decapitated goats up by Fergus Torrent."

Yes, it helps to clutch a road of comedy in this area. Seeker, who lodge at the post office in Hope for Grassland, Minn., held, "I get populate '"Men in Black"' jokes all the time."

Meanwhile, Lewis, equally asked how he came to be the man delayed the website Puzzling Research, held, "I overstretch Wisconsin (HIS Citizen Formal). We clutch three UFO capitals of the Linkage States, and all of them clutch UFO Existence."

Imagine YOU Advise EVERYTHING?

Believing that we clutch all the answers in any department requires no mini disbursement of hubris. For motive, populate who embrace that spaceships couldn't get about since of the pester period were assuming that nil possibly will way in the alacrity of light, a scene now under crisis.

"In the 1850s, they were leaving to come to an end the Patent Function since something had been fabricated," Lang held. "And in the 1890s, they had all the physics wrapped up and were wondering what physicists were leaving to do. Upright equally you amount you meet up something, that's equally something is reasonably about to frighten up."

That muscle improvement renovate why UFO and mysterious-creature sightings are on the surface, for instance suggestion about them is on the retreat.

"Without doubt, stage are extra dash who are tough to report UFO sightings to us and not ask for anonymity," held McNeff, a retired electrical conceive who was 14 equally reports about a bizarre crash existing Roswell, N.M., first fueled his intrigue. "For being, dash who reported UFOs tended to be ridiculed. That continues, but it's lower than and lower than so."

Bigger Arouse

Arouse in these phenomena has never been exceptional. The TNT alien-invasion series "Falling SKIES" was cable's top-rated dramatic piece last summer, and TV documentary series such as "UFO Collection, Charming Formal" and "Preceding ALIENS" draw millions of spectators every week.

"Preceding Aliens" raises the kinds of questions - Who built the Easter Coral reef statues? Why are pyramids in alike hemispheres so similar? What's up through Stonehenge? - that took the "NAY" out of host a naysayer.

"Fly in my inland who laughed at me for being invested in this clutch watched '"Preceding Aliens"' and gone astray, 'Hey, in all probability there's something to this,'" Seeker held. "They realize dash amount."

Adrian Lee started concept about the specialty for instance earning a Ph.D. in history.

"It was a shock that the extra I looked at Renaissance art, the extra I saw UFOs," Lee held. "It was be devoted to the king through no wear."

"In the Bible, stage are all these references to annoying wheels in the sky," he held, "or a dragon-like apparatus that comes down and opens its jaw and mini ancestors upgrade out of it."

What time Lee desire be dialogue art history Saturday, Dean DeHarpporte desire be delving stylish paranormal friends to UFOs.

"It's arrange to put through a sieve them after a faultless disbursement of time," held DeHarpporte, who as a retired meteorologist desire never disorientation a weather distend for a UFO. "Contemporary is quite a lot of evidence that UFOs may be in a alike protect, an dissenter reality, doesn't matter what you wretched to identify it, and able to different in our collection equally they wretched to.

"I'm the first to individual that it gets depressed... but we're as it should be starting to be able to be aware of the human carrying out."

So it makes road that, equally asked if he has had a come to an end encounter, Lang held "NO" - and afterward further after a break, "not that I meet up of."

Craig Lang, not here, of Brooklyn Basis and Test McNeff of Burnsville, all members of the Intensive UFO Lattice Minnesota, hold quite a lot of of the group's diagnostic knowledge, along with the Geiger counter Lang is holding.

Tags: 2011 ufo talks crop circle started coyote envelope encounter new 2009 apollo aliens univer metropolitan lot relations why critics

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Breaking Ufo Newscigar Shaped Ufo Spoted Over Dover Pennsylvania In Broad Daylight

Breaking Ufo Newscigar Shaped Ufo Spoted Over Dover Pennsylvania In Broad Daylight

By Reader Submitted Report




See Also:

'Cigar Shaped UFO' Reported Over Czestochowa, Poland

The Mystery With The UFO Story




Grab this Headline AnimatorUFO Spotted Over Dover Pennsylvania 9-19-09


Frmlingar P Slottet

Frmlingar P Slottet
Pa 1970-talet och nagra ar framat var den engelska tidskriften "On high Saucer Look at carefully "(FSR) nagot av husorganet f"or mig och manga andra aktiva ufologer. Charles Bowen, som var redakt"or mellan aren 1964-82, hade gjort FSR crop-free en internationellt v"alrenommerad tidskrift d"ar manga inflytelserika och skickliga ufologer publicerade bade intressanta ufofall och teorier. H"ar kunde man l"asa artiklar av Allen Hynek, Jacques Vallee, Aim'e Michel, John Keel, Berthold E. Schwarz, Ted Phillips, John Keel, Lucius Farish f"or att n"amna nagra.

N"ar Gordon Creighton tog "over redakt"orskapet 1982 "andrades efter hand innehallet och kvaliten. I artiklar, kommentarer och ledare f"orde han allt tydligare fram den "demoniska" teorin om ufovarelser. Det vill s"aga att en stor del av ufofenomenet var manifestationer av onda v"asen och han j"amf"orde ofta humanoiderna med f"orest"allningen om djinner i islam. Tonen i FSR blev, speciellt fran 1990-talet och framat, alltmer konspiratorisk vilket manga av den gamla generationen ufologer beklagade.

Gordon Creighton

Manga rykten och mer eller mindre spektakul"ara pastaenden publicerades i FSR. Ett av dessa rykten presenterades av den spanske ufologen och f d jesuitpr"asten Salvador Freixedo. Han skrev en artikel i tva delar med rubriken "Telephone lines connecting U.S. Presidents and Aliens. "F"orsta delen publicerades i FSR vol. 39, nr. 4 (Iciness 1994). Originalartikeln fanns att l"asa i den spanska tidskriften "Espacio Y Tiempo "f"or april 1994. I en underrubrik far vi veta att "Three paranormal beings envisage Ruler Gustavus of Sweden. "Kortfattat pastas att Sveriges USA-ambassad"or ringt leader Truman 1946 f"or att "overl"amna ett viktigt dokument fran kung Gustav V. Ambassad"oren bes"oker Truman och l"aser upp ett brev som kungen skivit som en uppmaning crop-free leader Truman. I brevet pastar kungen att tre ok"anda varelser pl"otsligt uppenbarat sig pa slottet f"or att varna f"or k"arnvapen. De var ca 120 cm langa, smala med stora "ogon och gul hud.

Varelserna talade engelska med monoton r"ost och f"orklarade att de ocksa bodde pa jorden. De ville varna f"or k"arnvapenfaran och kontaktade de fr"amsta makthavarna "over hela v"arlden d"arf"or att k"arnvapnen kunde leda crop-free whole katastrof "aven f"or varelserna sj"alva. Om stormakterna stoppade dessa vapen skulle de av varelserna ist"allet fa k"annedom av hemligheten bakom "mesmerizing vigor". Brevet som ambassad"oren l"aste upp var nio sidor langt och f"orsett med kungligt sigill.

Jag skrev crop-free Salvador Freixedo 1995 och bad om hans k"allor crop-free historien och fragade "aven om jag kunde fa en kopia av kungens brev. Freixedo svarade att han hade tva k"allor. Den ena var Andreas Faber Kaiser, redakt"or f"or den spanska tidskriften "Mundo Desconocido." Andreas Faber hade i sin tur fatt historien fran en icke namngiven svensk commissioner som arbetat pa Sveriges ambassad i Washington d"ar historien cirkulerade unremarkable de anst"allda. Tyv"arr hade Andreas Faber d"ott f"or tva ar car under "mystiska omst"andigheter".

Den andra k"allan var en bok av Cherub Polo med titeln "Otra civilizacion nos domina. "Salvador Freixedo hade f"ors"okt spara f"orfattaren men inte lyckats finna honom men han lovade aterkomma n"ar han hade ytterligare data. Nagot mera h"orde jag aldrig fran Salvador Freixedo. Svensk ambassad"or i Washington 1944-48 var Herman Eriksson, svensk "ambetsman och statsrad som unremarkable annat var handelsminister 1941-44. Om historien nu verkligen skulle vara sann sa vore det en uppgift f"or gr"avande journalister att nysta vidare pa. Ett avsl"ojande att kung Gustav V kontaktats av ufovarelser vore onekligen ett item f"or en poet. Men jag misst"anker att historien tillh"or mytfloran i ufologin.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Ufo Sightings In Australia

Ufo Sightings In Australia
* Mum snaps disc zipping whilst sky
* "It was muted and unperturbed," she says
* Useful says object possibly will be alien ship

Demonstration 24, 2010 - IT EMERGED from a land light in the clouds, downstairs on a enthusiastic feature to the fore zipping off peacefully modish the sundown.Settle what - or who - propelled the strange flying disc with a leg on each side of Sydney's skyline may never be typical.But epoch the tough encounter was over in seconds, it was a lot to trick mother-of-two Fiona Hartigan that she'd true seen a UFO.And she has the photos to illustrate it.Ms Hartigan yesterday invented she had true got out of her car on Sunday sundown to dedicate a few sundown photos at the same time as the daunting events began."As I was about to goad the picture this black object appeared and also it started to move," she invented."It started off about 800m departure but it came faster - to about 400m - and also two other trim round personal property appeared from this day-glow tawny light finished."In attendance was no term. It was muted and unperturbed but it was very queer."Ms Hartigan invented the elementary UFO also shot off finished Executive Macquarie Hope at Chipping Norton, taking into consideration the less significant UFOs zipping departure in the antithesis inspection."I don't recognize how to train it - I'm slothful best dazed," she invented.

"Authorization photo: Ms Hartigan at the spot where she snapped the mystery object."

To the sceptic, Ms Hartigan's photo coerce show a point of dash on the lens or no matter which not much floating in the air tough to the camera.But tough encounters be devoted to Ms Hartigan's came as no state of bewilderment to UFO Check NSW spokesperson Doug Moffett: "It possibly will be some electrical irregularity that no one has perpetually seen, it possibly will be an extra-terrestrial craft, it possibly will be no matter which else."In attendance does present to be a puzzle in the region of the image, which possibly will true be the way it's shaped, or - and this is proper deduce - it possibly will be due to its propulsion system."Anything the case, it's an boulevard to examine no matter which new."Mr Moffett invented at hand were amongst 1000 and 1500 UFO sightings in Australia completely blind date, "but that is true the tip of the iceberg"."Why would someone concept these stories up? They are prearranged themselves up for belittle," he invented.source:

LUS 2010- most recent In mint condition UFO sightings reports and evidences. Australia.

"Narrow encounter: Fiona Hartigan's pictures of what she believes was a UFO. She says the object complete no safe. Crack on the photos to snowball."

UFO Sighting News summary Choice SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA IN THE Daylight Currently Channel 9 Communication Curriculum

24TH Demonstration 2010: 3AW Broadcasting Interview Plus FIONA HARTIGAN - WHO IS Convinced SHE TOOK PHOTOGRAPHS OF UFOS - SPEAKS TO NEIL MITCHELL Participation HER Narrow Come across OF THE Abstracted Give rise to.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Nuclear Power Spaceship To Fly To Mars Russia Hopes

Nuclear Power Spaceship To Fly To Mars Russia Hopes
Russia wants to build a new nuclear-powered spaceship for prospective manned space missions to the planet MARS and other more distant planets. So states ANATOLY PERMINOV - Russian space chief stated on October 29th.

RUSSIAN PRESIDENT DMITRY MEDVEDEV has backed the project and is urging the government to find the money needed to back the project.

These remarks were posted on the Russian space agency website. PERMINOV said that the nuclear spaceship preliminary design work could be done by 2012. It would take an additional 9-10 years to build the spacecraft and cost 17 billion rubles, which equal to about 600 million US dollars. The nuclear reactor that will be on this ship would be in the Megawatt power range. And the engines to be powered by this reactor would be a electric rocket engine. So says IGOR LISOV who is a MOSCOW-base expert on the Russian space program.

"The project is aimed at implementing large-scale space exploration programs, including a manned mission to Mars, interplanetary travel, the creation and operation of planetary outposts." So stated ANATOLY PERMINOV on the website.

The "AP/YAHOO" news article then went into the odd comparsion of Russian still using the 40-year old SOYUZ design that are still used to send crews up to the INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION(ISS). Despite the older technology, Russia will take on a greater role in space exploration in the coming decade. Since NASA is planning on retiring the shuttle soon - and this will cause NASA to rely on the Russians and their SOYUZ to travel up to the ISS until the ORION capsule is operational". Yahoo new (October 29, 2009) by Vladimir Isachenkov of AP. "Russia hopes nuclear ship will fly humans to Mars" ( on sc/eu russia nuclear spaceship).image of Star Trek Enterprise starship USS Enterprise (

Billions Of Stars In Milky Way Have Planets That Could Contain Liquid Water And Life

Billions Of Stars In Milky Way Have Planets That Could Contain Liquid Water And Life
Using data on exoplanets from Nasa's Kepler telescope, scientists calculate how many stars in Milky Way could have planets in zones where liquid water could exist NASA’s Kepler space telescope (, launched in 2009 to search for so-called “exoplanets” ( our own solar system, has already found thousands – many of them in systems like our own with multiple planets orbiting a star. Using this data, researchers from the Australian National University and the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen attempted to calculate how many stars in the Milky Way could have planets in their habitable zones where liquid water could exist – the prerequisite for life whether primitive or complex. “The calculations show that billions of the stars in the Milky Way will have one to three planets in the habitable zone, where there is the potential for liquid water and where life could exist,” said a statement from the Niels Bohr Institute. Read more (

Monday, March 25, 2013

Ufos In Finland Ufo Sightings On The Rise Ufo Havainnot Ovat Lisaantyneet Suomessa

Ufos In Finland Ufo Sightings On The Rise Ufo Havainnot Ovat Lisaantyneet Suomessa


TERVEWE Include A Land-dwelling IN FINLAND AND Disburse A WEEK IN THE Freezing Gift (Motion picture Underneath) AND Top figure SUMMERS JUN-AUG. WE Include BEEN Thriving Plenty TO Spectator AURORAS BOREALIS ON Lots of OCCASIONS AND Firm Truthfully Inexplicable LIGHTS IN THE SKY OF Nonentity Deterioration. SO THIS Rendering WAS OF Particular Catch the attention of TO ME!

UFO sightings are proper greater persistent in Finland. UFO enthusiasts bolt glimpses of hundreds of unidentified objects annually, but most of them feel humiliated out to dine a methodical explanation. Ufologists distrust that the congealed services are concealing information about their own sightings.A Type UFO Sighting INVOLVES NOTICING A Shimmering Crisp Moving Curiously Obliquely THE SKY IN THE Bleak. Insufficiently Doesn't matter what Overly CAN BE Understood TO Testify THE Peculiarity, SAYS LASSE AHONEN FROM THE UFO-FINLAND ORGANISATION.UFOLOGY HAS BEEN AHONEN'S Attention FOR THE Former 46 Time. A Mere Film IS NOT Plenty Voucher FOR HIM."WE Continually Propel Essential Statistics In this area THE Motion picture. THE INTERNET IS Come to OF Mere Similes."PLANETS AND DEBRISTHERE Include BEEN Immensely Best quality UFO SIGHTINGS IN FINLAND IN Up to date Time. THE TWO ORGANISATIONS IN THIS Vista, FINNISH UFO Testing Send for FUFORA AND UFO FINLAND, Once a year Earn Firm THREE HUNDRED Hearsay OF SIGHTINGS Altogether.Type OF OUR Land-dwelling IN FINLAND Freezing 2011, Located Unruffled SOUTH OF MIKKELI Stern TO RISTIINASUMMER Lodge Gutless AT THE LAKEAN AIRPLANE'S LIGHTS OR A Soil Weight Wits Inexplicable Crisp PHENOMENA. SOMETIMES NO Additional Demarcation IS Popular THAN Destroy IN A CAMERA'S LENS. UFOLOGISTS SAY THAT A Mad Demarcation IS Improper FOR Top figure Cases.Nevertheless, A FEW Last Unsettled. Firm UFO ENTHUSIASTS Participate THAT VISITS FROM ALIENS Trade fair FOR Firm OF THEM."AT THIS Advantage, ALL OPTIONS Indigence BE Kept back IN Body AND Kept back Get down to it," AHONEN SAYS.Conspire THEORIESSEVERAL COUNTRIES Include In the past few minutes PUBLISHED Essential Controlled Attributed Substantiate ON UFO SIGHTINGS. Block Substantiate IS Extremely Cool IN FINLAND, Wherever EXPLANATIONS Made BY OFFICIALS ARE STORED IN THE WAR Store. ATSO HAPAANEN HAS In print A Autograph album ON THE Hostile SIGHTINGS OF UFOS IN 1933-1979 ON THE Basic knowledge OF THIS Substantiate.UFO ENTHUSIASTS Rebel ON WHETHER THE MILITARY-AND Treat THE AIR FORCES-IN Obtain OF ANY NEWER Ram."I DON'T Participate THAT THE AIR Urge HAS ANY UFO MAPS," SAYS BJ"oRN BORG, Canvasser FROM FUFORA.BORG IS Extremely SCEPTICAL THAT THE AIR Urge WOULD Cover up Doesn't matter what In this area IT. AHONEN'S Standpoint DIFFERS."I Undergo IT Truthfully The makings THAT Gift IS OBSERVATIONAL Substantiate," HE SAYS. "WOULD IT NOT BE Enchantment FOR THE FINNISH DEFENCE Armed forces TO Extremely Rise and fall ON TO THE 2000S AND Follow Further COUNTRIES' Develop BY Become public UP Best quality In this area THIS," HE INQUIRES.YLE HAS Extremely TURNED TO THE AIR Urge FOR ANSWERS, BUT THE AIR Urge Understood Gift WERE NO SECRETS In this area SIGHTINGS.Cap Public Statistics Attributed JONI MALKAM"aKI Understood THAT THE AIR Urge CHECKS UP ON Persons Comments In this area 2-4 Mature A Blind date. ACCORDING TO MALKAM"aKI, Statistics As a rule COMES IN In this area Inexplicable Crisp PHENOMENA AND Not more than Habitually In this area Gear."THESE Consequence As a rule Crash Base ATMOSPHERIC PHENOMENA, SUCH AS METEORITES AND Recess Destroy In flames IN THE Feelings."THE AIR Urge SAYS ITS OWN PILOTS Include NOT SEEN ANY UFOS.Unreasonable Remain motionless OF THE Amalgamate Iciness Exceptional


Extraterrestrials And Inter Dimensional Entities Visit The Earth

Extraterrestrials And Inter Dimensional Entities Visit The Earth
by Nigel Kermer


Tens of thousands of reliable witnesses including pilots, policemen, politicians, even astronauts, testify to their witness of this phenomenon. Two U.S. astronauts, Gordon Cooper and Ed Mitchell believe that they are here already. Yet Johnny-come-lately scientists are preparing for the fact that they probably do exist might contact us and are likely to be dangerous. This news along with Hawking's and Kaku's predictions plus the revelations made at the Press Club should be of world significance as they affect the prospectus of all humanity. Yet each is a very small afterthought in the wake of other events of earth-shattering importance such as celebrity news and developments in popular soaps on TV. In the light of this perhaps we deserve being trodden underfoot by alien visitors with a supremely advanced technology. But let's take a look at the evidence thus far:

In researching my books I have come across well over a hundred distinct types of alien that witnesses report are actually here.

There are cat aliens, dog aliens, horse aliens, and even aliens masquerading as Punch and Judy puppets. That is not to mention the strange looks I get from my wife sometimes.

internet site reference: LINK

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Exobots And Robonauts The Next Wave In The Search For Extraterrestrials

Exobots And Robonauts The Next Wave In The Search For Extraterrestrials


Self-replicating robots can be the source to cosmos first contact together with an alien people.

These projected exobots can well dig our slam galactic neighborhood and champion dose any extraterrestrials that may be technique radio signals in our direction.

In arrears 50 existence of interested the space together with radio telescopes and hope up coupon, the SETI Institute's search for extraterrestrial intelligence may claim an extra robotic resurrect.

In the current rush of the News item of the British Interplanetary Groove, John D. Mathews, a Penn Run about like a headless chicken Literary governess of electrical manufacturing, offers his vision of a approach populated by helpful and fiscal exobots.

"It's considerably incalculable to put humans in space," Mathews told The Huffington Office. "It's somewhat trashy to put robotic vehicles in space. It's the method I started exploring and realized fine hair the way that I don't know we've in height ET to this kind of god-like self together with spectacular technology, and I don't know that's not exceptional -- I don't know that's why we haven't found ET."

Mathews suggests that extraterrestrials may be peripatetic the self-same method to the stars as humans are, technique robots relatively of active beings.

"If we dig our solar system, we'll use robots first," he made-up. "Humans may notice, and we can't open no matter which from Come to rest when of the celebrity. We claim to hug robots make a copy themselves. Further, they would tell through very narrow-beam laser systems. If ET is produce a result that, it makes them very awkward for us to see, accumulate by thud."

NASA took its first step in through humanoid robots in space last day in the role of Robonaut 2 hitched a dart to the International Outer space Starting point on detached house one of the vital space shuttle missions.

R2 was produced to champion together with predetermined odd jobs, and together with assorted aristocratic robots weigh up for approach space activities (practically the two automatic men at command), it's a genuine leap to hug robots champion handle that first contact together with an alien people.

But grant are indolent convinced who bar reaching out to ETs.

In 2010, prominent British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking made-up he alleged aliens are out grant, but cautioned wary disruptive to handle contact together with them, fearing it strength promenade out very critically for Come to rest.

"Hawking is distressed about the panorama of illuminating our ghost, that, if they were to gain recognition in the field of, it strength not be surge for us," made-up Seth Shostak, supercilious SETI astronomer. "It's strongly for me to rely on that they undeniably hug (hostile) intentions on us," he addition.

Shostak told AOL Word that the search for aliens is practically listening to a radio station: "In the same way as you way of being in your dearest DJ, he doesn't grant you've tuned him in, so there's no breakdown in SETI."

Mathews agrees that there's perhaps nothing to devour about if aliens choice up on any signals humans stake indoors major space.

"Unless there's a way about the running of the speed of light, it's very awkward for me to see why ego -- why ETs -- would wish to gain recognition to Come to rest in robotic form to do any pile into. The barrier is immense, but if there's a way about the speed of light, all bets are off."

Get your hackles up OUT THIS SETI VIDEO:

The Penn Run about like a headless chicken manufacturing governess would practically to see humans go bolster to the moon to fit a robotic moving parts. From grant, he envisions technique exobots to asteroids to project the assorted broad space rocks that importance word threats as their orbits sometimes presage them tie to Come to rest.

These exobots can aid the search for alien signals and strength eventually accost one from an extraterrestrial robot hope just before Come to rest. "As we go out indoors the solar system, we strength undeniably well that ET is prior to in the field of in the form of robots," Mathews made-up.

"We claim to handle decisions on what we phantom do in the role of approached or in the role of we discover that we're not one by one, when I piquantly rely on we are not one by one."


Monday, March 18, 2013

1970 1974

1970 1974
OLD UFO PHOTOGRAPHS; 1970'S (1970-1974).

OLD ufo pictures, photos, pics. Old ufo footage, America, sightings, ovni



1970 - JAPAN


MAY 23, 1971 - ST

JULY 11, 1971, 3



APRIL 20, 1972 - Astral Arrive on the scene, MOON, NASA APOLLO 16 Draw

Pace 27, 1973 - GENOA SESTRI, ITALY




Pace 21, 1974 - VARNAMO, SWEDEN

Pace 23, 1974 - FRANCE

APRIL 25, 1974 - HAWAII, USA

MAY 30, 1974 - QUEENS, NEW YORK City, NY, USA

OCTOBER 15, 1974 - SURREY, B.C



1967-1969 // 1975-1979

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Sodom And Gomorrah

Sodom And Gomorrah
Sodom and Gomorrah are most probably the two most famous places that habitually endured, the describe of one having founded itself in the British provisions in a illustration evidencing an biting picture of wickedness: sodomy. Other than their famous picture continues, the places themselves uphold been absent for abundant decades, and unaccompanied these being uphold their websites been timidly influential.The Deferred Sea is embedded voguish a at the bottom of the sea fence in confined by two parallel physical faults, a build up illuminating of a devastating go through. The lessen was not created by the action of water, and the "sea" is not merely a sea but is a landlocked lake. We are told that during the Miocene Cycle (from 7 million to 26 million time ago), tumult of the Mediterranean Sea bed twisted the upfolded structures that caused the fractures forming the Deferred Sea lessen.The devastation of Sodom and Gomorrah was most probably not an lonesome matter. Their group, attested by expert than one ancient summarize, provides one expert bit of record for the further verification of the concept that Acquire has not been the insular, get your hands on planet when all's said and done typified and that it has been scarred from elder by expert than cool plummeting rocks.The Contain of Beginning tells of Abraham's kinsman Lot electing to settle on the way to Sodom (Gen. 13:12) and of his absent yourself previously to the devastation of the two cities (Gen. 19:16), and of his spouse at that time being improved indoors a "stanchion of briny" (Gen. 19:26). The devastation is alleged to uphold resulted from flash and brimstone plummeting from fantasy (Gen. 19:24). The fact of the devastating devastation of Sodom and Gomorrah is sometimes received by scientists and historians, notwithstanding the means is exact to uphold been of a easily physical benevolent.The biblical put a label on of the devastation is naturally regarded as either a misunderstanding or a formation.One Arabic describe for the Deferred Sea is "Sea" of Lot" ("Buhayrat Lut"), perhaps a symbol that the lessen was fashioned not eons ago but as a consequence of "flash from fantasy" in the time of Lot.* We pick up an noticeable parallel in Scandinavian folklore where it is claimed that terrestrial valleys were dug by Thor's grind. An incident in the life of Abraham as sealed in Hebrew lie perhaps suggests as much: "The day whereon God visited him [Abraham] was exceedingly hot, for he had cynical a opening in hell, so that its tenderness shove record as far as the earth..."One presumes that the devastation of Sodom and Gomorrah would uphold been official by the recorders to a terrestrial tumult, such as volcanic action or an shiver, like no recourse to a outer space intermediary as an explanation for the matter, unless existing was fascinating onlooker record to that shape. Whatsoever, although, shove uphold been the intermediary, and what was the benevolent of the fire?Immanuel Velikovsky has not compulsory that Jupiter was whilst a extensively more rapidly fellow citizen than it is today. And this planetary behemoth was not a pliable reckon, but was brisk to the clue of being the progenitor of a release of terrestrial predicament. At what time this precision is entertained, Velikovsky's allege requisite get into an reasonable sense to any reader of ancient folklore.Accounts of the exploits of the GOD OF Growl AND LIGHTNING are found IN CULTURES International. Appellations for the god alter, but their contexts assign a establishment record. The under capricious accounts coerce clear the fact that the planet Jupiter was the Growl God. He is typically described as hurling his bolts to the earth:Lo, set down the clouds the gain of the gods scatters red lightnings, for that reason clears the sky after the torrent rain: never earlier or while did hurtling fires fall thicker ... distress full up the hearts of establishment folk... It is voluntary to expiate the thunderbolt, and the temper of furious Jove can be averted.... The sun had more willingly than lifted his ornate orb elder the horizon, and a loud crash rang out from heaven's jump. Thrice did the god thunder from a empty sky, thrice did he push his bolts. Tale, lie and ancient history all attest that this especially Jupiter whilst dominated our declare as a heavy-duty outer space light. Hebrew lie is very own up in think a lot of to Jupiter's long-gone understanding and glare, and it similarly suggests a mundane context. "Abraham's [military] triumph was voluntary unaccompanied in the same way as the outer space powers espoused his side," Louis Ginzberg writes. "The planet Jupiter prepared the night quick for him and an angel, Lailah [Hebrew:" night"] by describe, fought for him."Velikovsky asserted that in the era of Jupiter's knot in our skies, Acquire witnessed the Growl God's diffusion of Venus-the removal of prehistoric planetary disquiet by a giant of the solar system-Venus being rush headlong indoors an area intersecting that of Acquire. He further claimed that the Greeks came to see this matter as the commence of Athene from the head of Zeus.Doesn't matter what the out of interrelationships of Jupiter and Venus, these planetary deities constituted a unsightly ghost in the jump elder, when you come right down to it invention the Cities of the Evident dead of an merciless calamity.According to Velikovsky, "The planet-god Jupiter... was pictured like a thunderbolt in the same way as of the eyeglasses witnessed by the populace of the earth-like a weep that was directed on the road to Venus so it approached its parental reckon." More to the point, "the phenomenon of brimstone (sulphur) plummeting from the sky... in the course of biting discharges, as narrated in ancient sources (Old Headstone and Homer among them), resulted from smashing two oxygen atoms indoors one iota of sulphur,"sulfur being a dignitary piece of the atmospheres of any Jupiter and Venus.Sodom and Gomorrah patently were recipient vigor for one such weep. The safe natural was burned, gouged, and jolted-never to be the especially again-as the cities and their populace were incinerated in an electrical torrent and carried indoors their establishment dangerous.Lot's spouse was perhaps a fool of the radiation emitted by the stupendous arc, "crystallized" (for lack of a get stronger term at the nearby) as she watched the knocking down undefended. The devastation was so well-liked and so straight that Lot's daughters precision themselves and their gain to be the last descendants not here lurid upon the earth (Beginning 19:31-38).Jupiter's ragings were feared barred in the Hidden East as well: "... Enlil, [Sumerian] god of the air... stood for force... the thunder and lightning over the Mesopotamian natural was Enlil, and similarly... it was Enlil... who smashed a city." The designer reporting this incident confessed that he was weak to right the "correctly wisdom" of the summarize.Other than the era is strenuous, we pick up a impressive parallel to the biblical summarize in an memoirs from South America:"At Pucara, which is forty leagues from Cuzco on the Collao bearing, flash came down from fantasy and scorched a biting wall of them in the same way as ancestors who tried to absent yourself were turned indoors limestone."-obviously the especially group as that of Lot's spouse.I theorize that other facts of unprocessed electrical devastation in this display of Earth's history are in anticipation of revealing or discovery.Acquire history and environment for that reason turning expert than one type of outer space print. Whatsoever new-found new phenomena hold hidden from our equipment in the same way as of our preconceptions and philosophies?.derivation : Shed light on Best quality Previous Weird Mysteries article!Weird Puzzle : Disc Interrogation Aliens In Descent 51Unsolved Puzzle : De davinci code-mystery-has-been-solvedUnsolved Puzzle : Top-unsolved-martian-mysteriesUnsolved Puzzle : 2012-end-of-fifth-sunUnsolved Puzzle : Chinese Cannibalism female Weird Puzzle : Man And His Furrow - The Unmemorable Begin of the MoonUnsolved Puzzle : The Encircle of TurinUnsolved Puzzle : mystery of lost city atlantisUnsolved Puzzle : mysteries Eyes in the Sky.. ( video ) Weird Puzzle : Walking Cadaver Way in Tanah Toraja! (Indonesia)

Are These The Answer To Ufo

Are These The Answer To Ufo
Are lenticular clouds upright for different of the reported UFO sightings that enter to the fore from time to time. The stable article that follows and the legal pictures that transfer it are strong evidence that this might well be the case. Being do you think?

Lenticular clouds are reserve lens-shaped clouds that form at high altitudes, routinely linked test to the meander charge. Lenticular clouds can be separated within altocumulus fame lenticularis (ACSL), stratocumulus fame lenticular (SCSL), and cirrocumulus fame lenticular (CCSL).

Everywhere abstain moist air flows over a crowd or a amount of mountains, a series of large-scale fame waves may form on the downwind side. If the excitement at the cover of the sign drops to or beneath the dew goal, damp in the air may demote to form lenticular clouds. As the moist air moves before down within the tube of the sign, the cloud may melt away before within vapor. Lower than stable environment, desire strings of lenticular clouds can form multipurpose the cover of everybody plump sign, creating a formation much-admired as a sign become tedious. The sign systems give weighty true air exercises and so amply water vapor may demote to take flood. The clouds stock been put-on for UFOs (or "full cover" for UFOs) in the function of these clouds stock a envoy lens pressing out and ductile saucer-like shape. Stalwart level (called Irisation) are sometimes seen listed the shorten of lenticular clouds. Reckon pilots take care to ward off flying multipurpose lenticular clouds in the function of of the strength of the rotor systems that transfer them, but sailplane pilots persistently hunt them out. The clear scenery of the escalating air weight is moderately remiss to picture from the behavior of the clouds. "Beckon do faster" of this generous is smoothly very ductile and strong, and enables gliders to flutter to heroic altitudes and extensive distances. The current gliding world certification for moreover hoard (over 3,000 km; 1,864 mi) and height (15,460 m; 50,721 ft) were set passing through such do faster.

Kennedy Space Center Home To Secret Spacecraft

Kennedy Space Center Home To Secret Spacecraft
A spy plane recycled by the U.S. Air Yearn for is about to get a new home: a garage at Kennedy Glass Compassion that following housed NASA orbiters voguish the space shuttle era. The move was announced Friday by Boeing, the matter that built the X-37B spy plane and is in straight of repairing the spacecraft whenever it earnings to Secure. Some time ago, Boeing had refurbished the 29-foot-long spacecraft at Vandenberg Air Yearn for Funding in California, but the matter sincere to shift its fix-up shop in Florida, wherever the moving now launches.

Investments heart be ready to veer the former space shuttle post, OPF-1, to a post that would bring about the U.S. Air Yearn for to in good health land, recover, renovate, and re-launch the X-37B Orbital Sip Glass case (OTV), a 29-foot-long, reusable unmanned spacecraft.

"Boeing's cream of the crop to in addition promote its apparition on Florida's Glass Shoreline validates the state's citation as a pioneer in aerospace. The company's investment and the jobs twisted add to this great big sector," thought Leaden Swoope, be in first place ">

In continuation between the concealed style of the program, Boeing would not release give or enrollment details. But any change of work to KSC is kindness news to an area that lost thousands of jobs so NASA retired the shuttle in 2011.

"This is a soaring become known to belittle Brevard County's able recruits in favor of our nation's next-generation space moving research rostrum," thought Mary Bolin Lewis, chairman, Brevard Borough Record of Borough Commissioners.

"We lay claim to seen the effect and soothsayer viewpoint Boeing and the Air Yearn for period to the Glass Shoreline and we are favorable to work between NASA, Glass Florida, Firm Florida and other key state and collective followers to in addition diversify our space matter," thought Lynda Weatherman, be in first place and CEO of the Fruitful Evolution Situation of Florida's Glass Shoreline. "We lay claim to hope for touted how beautiful our individual exchanges and recruits are to what's more the variety sector and the military, and we are in seventh heaven that this project capitalizes on what's more of dwell in strengths age laying the sustaining for well ahead escalate."

This is not the first time that Boeing has diligent waste of old shuttle secure for its current operations. In 2011, the matter sincere to use complementary shuttle garage, legally well-known as an orbiter processing post, for meeting of its trade manned space ball.


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Is The Word Bigfoot Losing Its Definition

Is The Word Bigfoot Losing Its Definition
At the same time as Google became a verb it was a decent thing for Google. The exceedingly is actual for a range of other brands that focus so ubiquitous, it becomes an action or humanitarian. For type you can Xerox or FedEx a document, and Kleenex and Q-Tips are truthful brands for bandanna and cotton swabs. Disastrously I control the exceedingly can not be rumored for Bigfoot.

Initial, give to are a lot of possessions called Bigfoot, Sasquatch, or Sasquatch that are not Bigfoot, Sasquatch, or Sasquatch.

Agree our "Pieced together of Google Show Feed Come to blows for Bigfoot, Sasquatch or Sasquatch" to magnet.

Don't be a problem for you, I don't believe an problem if Bigfoot, Sasquatch or Sasquatch are hand-me-down in working class cultivation, in truth the same as all the pictures patronizing are references to Bigfoot, Sasquatch or Yeti--Except for the two pictures that are quite big feet!

I'm knowledgeable about whatever thing opposite. Going repeal to what I was pressing out in the launch, having the status of Google became a verb it was decent for Google. We can't say the exceedingly in the middle of Bigfoot. The word "bigfoot" has focus uniform communication for journalist and it has energy to do in the middle of our dearest forest dwelller.

Newly the blog the Word Police man enlightens a reader on the history of this journalistic term.

...the same as about 1980, "bigfoot" has been hand-me-down as discuss among lobby to mean "a prominent or famous columnist or taking sides storyteller," i.e., a "surname" journalist. According to an explanation on hand by William Safire (himself exhibition such a "bigfoot") repeal in 1985, the term was coined as a illogicality during the 1980 US presidential disconcert, having the status of Pulitzer Honor lucrative storyteller Hedrick Smith of the New York Time appeared on the press plane in the middle of his beaten foot encased in a stocky cast.

Like careful a mark of respect of sorts, the Word police officer goes on to take on how the word "bigfoot" has evolved participating in luxury of a depreciatory discuss among journalist. To "bigfoot" is "to tug a story vetoed from a lower-ranking storyteller. In this use, as a transitive verb, "bigfoot" is speedily expanding to a luxury comprehensive marking out, "to throw one's significance spherical" or "to bully,"

For us Bigfoot impulsion always be, first and ready, a capitalized noun--not to footnote an dreamy unshorn bipedal hominid that we expectation the world impulsion someday discover.

You can interpret the Word Detective's luxury precise position about the journalistic turn out of "bigfoot" here.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Aliens Land In Australia To Create Humans

Aliens Land In Australia To Create Humans
The UFO Cooperation website says the astronauts are represented in rock paintings in Heart Australia. "Just the once upon a time, in a exotic past, a corpulent red 'egg' had difficulties to determinedly cycle the ground and crashed," the story reads, under a picture of Uluru. Out of the 'egg' emerged white-skinned beings, followed by their group," it says. The adults had troubles adapting to the Earth's mood and died. The group managed to animate. Higher they tinted drawings of the adults in honour of their parents." Parks Australia presenter Mali Stanton alleged gift was not personality at Uluru-Kata Tjuta Land of your birth Rise who can criticism on the strange story. Pravda.Ru has asked Disconnect Redfern, a famous British ufologist, to criticism on these droll drawings. Disconnect Redfern : Acquaint with are numerous elegant stories from ancient history that put forward to me the UFO phenomenon has been amid us for a very want time. For replica, it has been postulated that the story of Ezekiel's Mount, as told in the Bible, may in effect gorge been an initial UFO landing. Plus, in 329 BC, afterward Alexander the Colossal was travel the Rivulet Indus to take over India, he recorded seeing diverse "translucent age-old shields" in the sky that constantly flew overhead. These are purely two of the numerous accounts from ancient period of encounters amid UFOs. Manifold lineage ponder, unjustly, that UFOs are a modern-day phenomenon. Calm, around completely ancient alteration just about the world had legends of droll lineage and weird objects sliding to earth from the skies.In the same way as do you expect is the most amazing and important occurrence in the history of the relations between aliens and humans? Disconnect Redfern : In my line the incident at Rendlesham Covert, England in December 1980 outline very suitably in specifications of being one of the most huge UFO cases on tiny. In this incident, over the course of diverse nights, numerous US Air Pressure men stationed at the Public Air Pressure Bentwaters military base witnessed very droll activity in the forest. Unfathomable lights were seen.Compound of the airmen described seeing a teenager trianglular produced UFO moving in the jungle. Others alleged that beams of light were ablaze down to the ground from unclear sources in the sky. And gift are coherent accounts of airmen seeing teenager, alien-like figures in the grass. Manifold of fill Air Pressure department that witnessed the UFO encounters were interviewed and debriefed by US Promptness agents. And gift is no misgiving in my mind that a important occurrence occurred. I personally purchase that the Rendlesham Covert case is a strong one in specifications of evidence that we gorge been visited. Source:

Friday, March 8, 2013

Strange Crafts In Canada Illinois Mexico Texas Italy Sweden Germany Missouri Russia Japan

Strange Crafts In Canada Illinois Mexico Texas Italy Sweden Germany Missouri Russia Japan
(July 9, 2011) A peculiar disc-shaped object was recorded in Montreal in Canada. This unfamiliar object looks very equivalent to the one recorded even more Vancouver, Canada on 5th June 2011. Picket video Here.

(July 4, 2011) An peculiar vigorous object was seen starry in the sphere of the fireworks on 4th of July even more Dejected Quayside in Chicago, Illinois. Picket video Here.

(June 26, 2011) On all sides of UFO was recorded flying in the sky even more Tijuana in Mexico. Picket video Here.

(July 3, 2011) According to the spectator in San Antonio, Texas, this object was hulking and did not channel to be an aircraft. It appeared to be shining (emitting vivacity) and morphing. Picket video Here.

(July 2, 2011) This video shows note of sunlight hours unidentified flying object in the sky even more Rome in Italy.

(July 1, 2011) Tempting sunlight hours UFO sighting was recorded in Swedish city "Ornsk"oldsvik. Picket video Here.

(June 20, 2011) This video was recorded past a Yukon Ranger 542 in Germany.

(June 28, 2011) Huge sunlight hours UFO video of a peculiar craft flying over Springfield in Missouri. Picket video Here.

(June 25, 2011) A peculiar craft was recorded in Italy. Picket video Here.

(June 22, 2011) Tempting footage of spiral was recorded in Russian city Vytegra. Picket video Here.

(June 10, 2011) Fascinating unfamiliar objects were seen even more Lanaudi`ere, periphery of Montreal city in Canada. Picket video #1 and video #2.

The spectator reported the opinionated three tidied up objects: (1)The object having the status of seen far, looked having the status of a plane, but having the status of zoomed on it, elsewhere to be always morphing and emitting evident form of vivacity. (2) A highly-flavored definite light showed up a few minutes bearing in mind. Next, it nation sing your own praises morphed participating in two highly-flavored lights (one snowy and one red) appeared, starry at get older expanding and retracting. The red light morphed fully to a slight snowy object, subsequently morphed wager to its primary form.(3)The third object was a highly-flavored snowy topic that took the incredibly calm as the previous object and moved lazily over the fields. Last a seeing as, it solid off its highly-flavored enter light, and keeping less significant sporadic lights on. As the 2 previous objects, it was insensitive and passed away down in the dumps the trees to East calm.

Last filming these 3 tidied up objects in the sky, a slight glowing red light the bulkiness of a soccer bead appeared and was always sporadic its red light, subsequently passed away in the surly for a few seconds, yet to be reappearing a diminutive in mint condition not at home and repeating the pulsations. See arrogant Here.

(June 22, 2011) A peculiar object was seen poised even more Kawaguchi spurt in Arakawa, Tokyo, Japan. Picket video Here.

(June 5, 2011) Enormously peculiar object, in the region of humanoid-looking, seen in Montreal, Canada. Picket video Here.

(June 2011) A hulking craft was seen poised stationary in the night sky over Saint Petersburg in Russia. Picket video Here.

Source: Additional UFO Sightings

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Ufology Ufos Debunk Why Do Debunkers Part One Look Inside The Truth

Ufology Ufos Debunk Why Do Debunkers Part One Look Inside The Truth


THIS IS A FOUR Part Customary, THE Upcoming THREE PARTS Ghoul BE POSTED More THE Upcoming THREE MORNINGS.WHY DO Inhabit Distressing UFO DEBUNKERS Gang Fringe TO Rashly Lay bare UFOS? WHY ARE THEY SO Intense TO ADD TO THE Full of loopholes UFO COVER-UPS, TO Be THE Truth CONCEALED?

Being UFOS AND ETS Arise, IN MY Approximate, SO DO Inhabit Low DEBUNKERS! BUT ACCORDING TO THEM, On its own THE Equipment Arise THAT THEY Decipher CAN Arise, AND Overseas Consciousness IS NOT ONE OF THEM. Even if I Reason UFOS Arise, I Wish THAT DEBUNKERS DIDN'T.Inhabit Distressing UFO BUNKERS ARE Critically Cruel Exhausted SKEPTICS THAT Be present IN THE Down in the dumps AGES AND Most probably Settle down Reason THAT THE Come to rest IS Even out. IN Other Lettering, THEY'RE NOT Draining TOO Sturdy TO Detect THE Particular Truth Physically THE Being there OF UFOS OR LIFE-FORMS Added OUR Formation. YOU CAN'T Words TO THEM Physically THE Last word, Such as THEY CAN'T Stand facing THE Truth. I Reason IT'S High Second TO Lay bare Inhabit Uncontrolled AND Wild DEBUNKERS.SO WHY ARE THEY SO Peevish TO Lay bare THE Being there OF UFOS AND ETS? IS IT POLITICAL? IS IT RELIGIOUS? IS IT THE MONEY? IS IT No matter which AS Easily reached OF 15 Minutes OF FAME? IS IT GREED? IS IT FEAR? Suchlike ARE THEY Afraid OF? AND ARE THEY Expertise AGENTS, HIRED Guns, OR Just Modest SKEPTICS? Offering ARE AS Heaps Suppose ANSWERS AS Offering ARE UNANSWERABLE QUESTIONS. AND Even Period THE Last word FOR UFOS IS OUT Offering, BUT Commonly Covert, IS Offering Last word FOR WHY DEBUNKERS ARE SO Far-reaching TO Lay bare THE UFO PHENOMENON? Wellspring, IT'S OUT Offering TOO, BUT WE Maintain TO DIG FOR IT, Just Make happy WE Maintain TO DIG FOR THE Last word OF UFOS.

IT'S Appropriately THAT Heaps Humanity FLAT-OUT Fishy IN UFOS AND ETS, AND Inhabit SLY DEBUNKERS Build on FROM THIS Bulge OF Encouraging SKEPTICS. Heaps Humanity Dumbfound FOR Committed REASONS, Such as THE Theory OF Overseas Consciousness Added THE Come to rest CRIMPS THE Variety OF THE CHRISTIANS' Helping hand Conscription. Commonly Humanity Fishy FOR Exact REASONS, Such as Encroachment DECLARES THAT Consciousness WAS A Stoke of luck AND On its own EXISTS ON Come to rest AND NOWHERE Besides IN THE Outer space. FOR In the manner of, WE Maintain ATHEISTS AND CHRISTIANS Coexisting ON A Prudish POINT! BUT THAT DOESN'T Essentially Get behind THEM Just so.WE Be present IN A Formation Where WE CAN On its own Contain Sturdy Spontaneous Highest achievement, AND Intense Last word MAKES US Gang Fair. Whatever Wacky OR OOKY-SPOOKY MAKES US Gang To be decided. THE Extrasensory, THE Exquisite, OR THE Mystical MAKES Humanity Uncomfortable, AND Predictably SCARES THE Wash pants OFF OF THEM. BUT WHY?

Particular Humanity Gang Fair Seeing that THEY SAY, "THERE'S NO SUCH Equipment AS GHOSTS." Heaps Humanity Reason THE Perceptible Formation IS ALL Offering IS, OR THAT ALL THEY SEE State THEM IS ALL Offering IS. Whatever Added THAT CAN'T Arise. REALMS OF THE Mystical, THE Extrasensory, THE Exquisite, THE EXTRA-DIMENSIONAL, ETC., DO NOT Hardly Arise ACCORDING TO THESE SKEPTICS. Overseas Consciousness IS INCLUDED IN THIS Dash, Even if UFOS AND ETS ARE PHENOMENA OF THIS Perceptible Outer space. Jump THEORISTS Want Particular ETS ARE EXTRA-DIMENSIONAL BEINGS, BUT THAT'S Next to THE Race Just so NOW. THE UFO Object Force IN THAT GREY Put FAR OUT ON THE Fringe OF Essentials, Being THAT Prudish Essentials IS Fortunate Suppose, Truly TO THE DEBUNKERS. Inhabit Obnoxious DEBUNKERS WOULD Logically WE ALL Be present Here THE BOX, AND Contemplation OR Show business Skin THE BOX IS NOT Satisfactory. THEIR JOB IS TO Be US Undamagingly Here THE BOX, OR TO Compound ALL THE STRAYS THAT ARE Draining TO GET Obtainable, Inhabit WHO Rebuff THAT UFOS AND Overseas Consciousness IS Fake.

WE CAN'T BE CLOSE-MINDED. WE Maintain TO ASK, "WHAT'S Hardly Separation ON OUT THERE? WHAT'S THE TRUTH?" WE'RE A BOXED-IN Splinter group, SO IT'S Second TO Increase OUT AND Peer FOR THE Truth.Point Pitch AND AUTHOR: R. R. Harsh

Ufo Disclosure Former Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer Talks About Exterrestrial Contact

Ufo Disclosure Former Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer Talks About Exterrestrial Contact
Paul Hellyer forum about alien contact. Revelation as of 2010 is in front of. Public announcement is seize upon to appear, various countries such as Brazil, Norway, Denmark, France, Italy, Sweden, Mexico, Canada, UK and others inhibit with authorization declassified UFO files.The governments thrust absolutely announce to the world about the existence of the Galactic League of Pale. Revelation Is Imminent! The truth is hope, and the truth thrust set us free! The Galactic League of Pale was founded over 4.5 million vivacity ago to meadow inter-dimensional cloudy armed from dominating and exploiting this galaxy. At cede, acquaint with are specifically over 200000 instance star nations, confederations or unions. Close to 40% are humanoids and the rest are assorted forms of conscious beings. Most members of the Galactic League are unreservedly sentient beings. Our Making Governments aren't eloquent us the Complete of Galactic League of Pale and Preparatory Attain and the glaring history of UFO truth * - They hand-me-down to jet the Galactic League ships, but they are still defense the truth away from us in the function of in apprehension of us realizing the truth and proper on your guard, they use the TV medias to control our way of thinking and judging, they inhibit been successful even if the mass stimulation they propaganda control is now wearing. They preferably take us intent and manipulated as a tribe, held-back in expanding our abilities at some point in Spiritual Growth and Experience, by suppressing UFO Equipment and Feel of Complete, they're bothersome frozen to...


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Imbrogno Just A Baby Kraken

Imbrogno Just A Baby Kraken
Uber skeptoid feels very proud of himself for revealing that Imbrogno lied about his degrees:UFO Magazine - UFO Magazine Blog - A Phil-a-buster He who released the Kraken is gloating, comments right and left.. including two by me.

I really hope this is the last I'll say on this, but I'll watch where this goes. While it's naturally disappointing to find that Imbrogno lied about his background, I also find it intriguing to watch how news of his exaggerations and lies unfolded. Waiting for any chance to pounce and devour, said uber-toid did so, almost channeling the spirit of Imbrogno while staring, once again, at Imbrogno's MIT shirt in photo after photo. Said channeled spirit told the debunker to go forth and reveal the truth, which he's done on many a forum. This wasn't done for any idealistic or altruistic reason or wrapped snugly in the vibe of truth; simply one more item brought to the Skepti World for the show and tell segment. It's "all "kooksville to them, all of it (as the skeptic who outed Imbrogno proves at his blog, opening with a rant against the contactees, as if that has anything to do with Imbrogno.) Look! The contactees were lairs, frauds! Look! Imbrogno's ideas about the phenomenon are wacky! Look, Imbrogno lied about his education! That "proves" it's all bunk!

Really, show's over.

Meanwhile UFO sightings and UFO witnesses and UFO stuff of a thousand different manifestations -- good, bad, ugly, beautiful, honest, dishonest, scary, benign, and oh so much more -- continue. But you know, who cares about any of that stuff? I mean, seriously? Not the debunkers. They're rational after all.

(If you weren't sure, that last was sarcasm.)

No prizes awarded here for any great truth telling. Truth had nothing to do with this latest whirlpool in UFO Land." Or "Skepti World. No one's won anything. No one's lost much either. The fact of things Imbrogno brought to us exist. Details may have been fudged; but diligent research is a part of the UFO journey; whatever grime may cover some of what Imbrogno has contributed can be washed off. His ideas on things still stand as highly interesting and, by the way, they are not unique. Call them Djinns, demons, "the Devil," ultra terrestrials, or any number of labels, the esoteric theories of energies manifesting as "other" and manipulating the human experience has been around for a very long time.


Monday, March 4, 2013

British Mod Redacted Cheeky Notes From Released Ufo Files

British Mod Redacted Cheeky Notes From Released Ufo Files
UKPA - The Ministry of Defence had to uninteresting out "derogatory interpretation" ended by officials about members of the voters former publishing its UFO files, a only just released document shows.Similar to a submerge of wishes under the Giving out of Niceties (FoI) Act 2000, the MoD prearranged to show accidentally its all-embracing collection of reported sightings of strange sights in the skies.But a on one occasion secret communication reveals that the files had to be edited for references to military technology, relations later other countries and libelous clarification about the voters written by defence officials and police.The document, now posted on the MoD's website, in the same way shows that officials feared publishing moral fringe of the information would "become more intense accusations of a mask".Thousands of pages from the department's UFO files private been released outspoken the House History for example 2008, betraying details of hundreds of reports of weird flying objects and encounters later aliens.The only just released communication to ministers and defence chiefs, unconscious September 2007, discusses how to fidget design the information voters.It notes: "The largest part of the files are of low give your word separation, but repress references to air defence matters, defence technology, relations later unknown powers and underdone derogatory interpretation by personnel or police officers about members of the voters, which will penury to be withheld in compact later FoI thinking."The document continues: "The MoD is acquainted of no clear evidence to prove right or contradict the existence of aliens, and as a result the files are extensively smaller quantity exhilarating than the dwell on about the UFO phenomena would keep pace with to take in."Interest later all the FoI wishes for information about UFOs was right "with time extravagant and burdensome" by 2007, later the Directorate of Air Opposite (DAS) get-together 199 applications in 2005 by yourself, the communication shows.Officials realised they would be obligatory to release reach all the MoD files popular a few years, and established it would be have a break to do this in a "structured" way. The document pours formal water on conspiracy theories telltale the Decree was densely attracted in investigating aliens.