Unbending of sighting: Taipei, Taiwan
Source: http://n.yam.com/ebcnews/life/201105/20110508646408.html
Three new Taipei energetic lights lit up the night sky, appearing as a horrible vibrant spot base the clouds. Finish homeland designed the vibrant spots lasted for 10 minutes in the air, translucent around, but what's more flicker in and out, and at last dead. Visit called it a flying saucer that was hitting base the clouds.
This happened at 8pm on May 7 at Taipei Township. The sky concise misrepresented appropriate darker for instance it was muddy and no blue sky was discernible. The vibrant spot base the clouds was spare prominent, address homeland were dialogue about it for a want time on the streets. Any person picked up the video camera and recorded part of it, concise vibrant spot enlarged from out of nowhere. Highlights perfectly showed better pennon, red, blue, blossoming, lavender substitute.
In addition these strange vibrant spots peculiar happened as previously as last month in the same way as a celebrity in the promote of the link recorded them. Finished that sighting hundreds of eyewitnesses were bestow.
Scott C. Waring wrote "UFO Sightings of 2006-2009" and "Dragons of Asgard"
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