Monday, October 15, 2012

The Alien Interogation Alien Interview

The Alien Interogation Alien Interview



This video purports to be of an Grey alien being filmed
through a one way mirror and being questioned by a U.S. General and a telepathic

The footage first came to light on the Art Bell radio show on 13th March, 1997
when ufologist Sean David Morton was interviewed. Morton claimed the
interrogation was fairly recent, sometime in 1996, and that renowned UFO expert
Bob Dean apparently cried at the advanced screening of the film.

Famed author Whitley Strieber who wrote about his close encounter experiences
in the book, "Communion," stated, "There are things about this footage that are
particularly striking. Some of the least known features reported by witnesses are
presented here. If this tape is not authentic, then it must have been made by
people with very special inside knowledge."

The color video footage, which lasts for a total of two minutes and fifty-five
seconds, was apparently smuggled out of the secret Groom Lake "Area 51" facility
in Nevada by a man referring to himself as "Victor". The video film depicts a Grey alien being interrogated
at the government facility.

After claiming to have smuggled the film out of the Groom Lake facility in
Nevada, Victor resolved to have the footage broadcast on network television as
soon as possible in order to publicly expose his claims. Victor believes that if
his identity is discovered and he is subsequently assassinated, this would only
further help to confirm the claims and authenticity behind the film.


After seeing the interview footage, Morton provides a chilling and detailed
description of what he saw:

"The film was shot through a large plane of glass. There was no sound
accompanying the images. The interview took place in a darkened room, lit with an
eerie greenish glow, I could make out the silhouettes of two men, one dressed in
military uniform with what appeared to be the stars on the epaulet of his jacket,
and another more casually dressed man with his hand occasionally rubbing his
forehead. They sat with their backs to the camera at one end of a long table,
which was littered with wires, chords and microphones. There were what appeared
to be medical devices. One in particular was blinking erratically, as if it was
monitoring a very sick heart. And there sitting at the end of the table was a
small, beige-skinned, black-eyed, bulbous headed creature, the like of which
haunt the nightmares of thousands of unwilling abductees."

Morton made many references to the creature's sick appearance and condition.
The alien made very jerky movements and kept bobbing up and down. He continued to
describe the apparently distressed state the creature was in.

"Its skin was a pinkish beige, but the rest of the head looked purple and
bruised, as if it had suffered severe contusions across the skull."

The contents of the tape grew progressively more disturbing. Towards the end
of the tape, the creature goes into what appears to be violent spasms, as if it
was having a seizure. The mouth of the alien opens and closes before a foam
begins to come out. At that point the heart monitor (as described by Morton)
begins to start jumping wildly, at which point the man in the military looking
uniform signals to a couple of medics, who rush into the frame and aid the alien.
As the doctors treat the alien, the footage suddenly comes to an abrupt