Wednesday, August 3, 2011

All Documentation Ufo

All Documentation Ufo
Subject: UFO Sighting in Ica Peru. Sent by Victor ~Na~nez Mu~nante

From: Victor

Date: Fri, June 10, 2005 9:01 pm

To: Report UFO Sightings

Mr. Victor Luis ~Na~nez Mu~nante reports that he has photographed what he believes to be a UFO over an onion field in Pampa de Villacuri, Ica, Peru. At approximately 1:30 PM on May 28, 2005, Mr. ~Na~nez decided to take a picture of his wife, daughter, and a few friends in the field, completely unaware of the surprise that he later would find in the photograph.

An enlargement below seems to depict a sliver that some might interpret as a disk-shaped object. Conversely, one must consider that the object went unnoticed at picture time, which is highly unusual for a strange craft of the implied size flying about in broad daylight. Nearby birds in flight and close-flying insects are often the explanation for similar types of photographs (please refer to our special sections

Cenapred UFOs over Mt. Popo and UFO Mistakes