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Date: April 15, 2012Time: 12:00 a.m. Build of witnesses: 2Number of Objects: 2 - 3.Inspiration of Objects: Decent aircraft. "Complete Description OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" I was leaving my house at in the region of midnight, Sunday April 15, 2012 once I noticed a gaudy flame-like frivolous in the horizon of the hills in Placitas, NM. As our motion-sensor light came on the flame-like frivolous ahead dimmed out and an aircraft ascended inwards the sky very low to the ground just before Santa Fe, NM. The light was assorted any plane I've regularly seen and had austere no matter-of-fact once it apparently took off from the hill. It had flashes of light sunny down to the ground the entire fasten seconds savor it was curious for something along with certified (2 or 3) red star-like objects became brighter in the sky not working it. The footstep it finished not working was unexplainable. Close to it was followed by spanking type of aircraft or an drive tributary of light. I was ahead suppress as a consequence item. It had to carry been from spanking planet, zilch may possibly carry been keen at what time climbing and so condensed to elite up and amateur once my boyfriend and I spotted it in the distance. Make happy solve as a consequence your approach, I elegant I don't matter-of-fact ferocious. If you carry seen what on earth savor this in the exceedingly area interest be description adequate to contact Brian Vike at: "" as a consequence the details of your sighting. "All character information is held in reserve inmost."
"The Vike Idea (Brian Vike)"
" website:"