Saturday, October 31, 2009
Cold Ufo Cases Stratospheric Balloons Part 1
Friday, October 30, 2009
Ufo Sighting In White Lake Township Michigan On November 9Th 2013 Observed Nearly Clear Orb Fly Approx
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Proven Existence Of Water On Saturn Moon
Is by its size, the sixth moon of Saturn, and one of three alien bodies where eruptions have been observed in the Solar System.
The catch is that these eruptions seem to throw water in the form of soaring jet or geysers located south of the satellite, the now famous "tiger stripes."
The presence of a large body of water beneath the surface of Enceladus, even an ocean, it takes a long suspected.
But in 2009 when apparently there is already tangible evidence of their existence.
A European sodium salts found in one of the rings of Saturn, and in turn this ring is formed primarily with matter that Enceladus casts into space.
The detail is that the salt concentration is only possible, according to researchers under the solvent action of liquid water on rocks in the interior of Enceladus.
Although previous to this news, the next lecture will discuss the possibility of life on Enceladus, with a brief presentation by one of the scientists who lead this fascinating exploration.
Carolyn Porco is an American science devoted to the study of Planetary Sciences, and is known for his work on the exploration of outer space.
He currently heads the imaging team for Cassini spacecraft, which is in orbit around Saturn precisely because of the current investigation of Enceladus.
Dr. Porco appears frequently in popular science programs, giving lectures on space exploration and spokesman of the Cassini project in multiple media and documentaries.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Ovni Inspire Technologie De Morphing Vhicule Spatial Explor
A ce stage cet auteur r'ev`ele downpour la premi`ere fois:- Une gain remarquable et racontant la NASA dans l'etude des mat'eriaux de morphing et la raison pourquoi c'est si- L'US Air Muscle stage de vue sur la connexion de Roswell-Nitinol- La apology que le m'etal `a m'emoire est l'id'ee essentielle de la r'eponse `a la fois l'incident de Roswell et le bewilder ensemble UFO- Informations compl'ementaires sur le fanatical, l'importance incroyable et de l'alliage `a m'emoire
Cette s'erie d'UFO d'exploration take up again de fournir des documents suppl'ementaires de film set, des t'emoins et des faits pr'ecis qui facilite la perforate que d'une embarcation non identifi'ee inconnu de l'origine et compos'ee d'anciens 'el'ements inconnus - descendu `a terre furthermore de 6 d'ecennies. Il v'erifie en outre que la perforate primordiale 'etait de d'ecouvrir ce que l'engin 'etait fait.
Les reconnu "CO-INVENTEUR" de l'alliage `a m'emoire de forme en Nitinol `a l'US Oceangoing Labs (AUX C^OT'ES DE FRED WANG) a 'et'e William Buehler. Dans une histoire officielle orale, Buehler a d'eplor'e que, apr`es sa d'ecouverte, il a 'et'e l'agence spatiale NASA qui maintenus s'epar'ement Battelle downpour effectuer des recherches suppl'ementaires sur le Nitinol.
Et cela cr'ee un sens global. Le m'etal `a m'emoire a 'et'e tir'ee par les mat'eriaux d'ing'enierie `a partir de ladite d'ecouverte d'OVNI de Roswell. Cela indique que le mat'eriel doit avoir l'usage dans le domaine a'erospatial. Et certainement il ne. A l'heure actuelle, seuls la NASA d'esire utiliser le mat'eriel dans son m'etier les furthermore innovantes et hautement sophistiqu'e jamais cr'e'e. Et peut-^etre furthermore surprenante, le m'etal `a m'emoire de lui-m^eme peut garder l'id'ee de "FREE SPIRIT" et de la propulsion interstellaire utilisant Moteurs thermique Nitinol. 'Etude moderne v'erifie que le m'etal `a m'emoire de Roswell se dirige `a nouveau dans l'espace, l'espace extra-atmosph'erique `a partir de laquelle elle provient.
Dr. Anna McGowan, directeur du programme de la NASA downpour les mat'eriaux de Morphing, pr'ecise que l'accent doit ^etre mis sur la gamme des possibles composants `a m'emoire de forme tels que les alliages, les polym`eres et les constructions en set of buildings. Bien s^ur, les particules de ladite OVNI `a Roswell a 'et'e mentionn'e comme "COMME `A LA FOIS M'ETAL ET PLASTIQUE (POLYM`ERE)" par divers t'emoins. McGowan va alors `a sugg'erer que l'examen de certains doit ^etre plac'e sur les questions effective de
Strange New Worlds Part Ii
Jupiter-Uranus conjunctions occur every 13 years or so, but when there is also a hard aspect to Pluto, as there is now, it is likely to produce more powerful results than usual. The last time this happened was in 1969, with Uranus-Jupiter and Pluto all conjunct: this was when the first man landed on the Moon! The time before that was in 1900, when Uranus was conjunct Jupiter and opposite Pluto, and that year saw both the discovery of quantum energy and the publication of Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams.
So we can expect something unusually big this year, and it wouldn't surprise me if it is life on other planets. Or the so-called God particle, the Higgs Boson - though on its own, that wouldn't be significant enough.
The Kepler Space Telescope was specifically designed to search for exo-planets - planets in other solar systems. It was launched in March 2009, and became operative in May that year. In Feb 2011 NASA announced that they had 1235 planetary candidates circling 997 stars. Of these, 68 are approximately earth sized. Exo-planets were first discovered back in the 1990s, but Kepler has brought about an explosion in their number. It would seem a matter of time before the light signatures of organic molecules associated with life are detected.
Kepler has a powerful chart - Sun-Uranus trine the Moon in its own sign in the 9th House of distant places. Astrologically, the Moon is the nearest planet to earth, and the first planet we have visited. So that's very appropriate, and the harmony between Sun and Moon suggests success. The Sun is opposite a 10th House Saturn, which shows the ambition behind the project, and its technological nature (Saturn in Virgo). The Sun in Pisces shows the very broad cosmic awareness behind the project, and even the sense of connectedness it may bring. As well as the very sensitive nature of the science involved. Neptune in scientific Aquarius opposite the MC shows the imaginative quest behind the project, a Neptune empowered by a close conjunction to Mars. More broadly, the launch took place under a Saturn-Uranus opposition which, like Jupiter-Uranus, is a time of scientific advance.
"Click to Enlarge"
In 2007 I posted a piece called Strange New Worlds, describing some of the exo-planets that had been discovered up to that point. It's very sci-fi, but it's for real:
We've known for a long time of the existence of other Suns like our own, but other planets, other worlds were not definitively detected until early 1992, as the Uranus-Neptune conjunction began. They tend to be detected indirectly through their effect on their local Sun, and naturally enough the ones detected so far are mostly pretty big, because they are easier to spot. These new worlds are known as extra-solar planets, or exoplanets, and there are currently 253 of them.
Some of them are turning out to be weird and wonderful places. Here is a list from New Scientist magazine:
HD189733b (they have such sexy names) is 63 light years away in the constellation Vulpecula, with a mass of 1.15 Jupiters. It orbits its star every 2.2 days. One side is in perpetual daytime, the other side is in perpetual night-time. The day side has a temperature of 940 degrees, the dark side is 700 degrees. The dark side is so hot because winds of more than 10,000 kilometres per hour - Mach 8 - whip round the globe, spreading the heat. In July, it became the first exoplanet to have a compelling case made for water in its atmosphere.
TrES-4 is 1400 light years away in the constellation Hercules. It is the most bloated world on record, less massive then Jupiter but with a volume 5 times bigger. It has an average density less than a wine cork, and would float on water. It orbits its Sun every 3 1/2 days and has a surface temperature of 1300 degrees. It is not known why it is so puffed up, but its days are numbered. Its Sun has run out of hydrogen and in less than a billion years TrES-4 (Doesn't that name just grow on you?) it will be engulfed by its swelling star.
HD80606b is 190 light years away in the constellation Ursa Major. It is 4 times the mass of Jupiter. Its orbit, which takes 4 months, is wildly elongated, varying from between about 90 million miles and 3 million miles from its Sun. If you floated in its atmosphere, you would see the Sun go from the size of ours to one 900 times as big in just a few days. In the same way, the temperature would soar from about 100 degrees to 1700 degrees. This exoplanet has the most elongated orbit known for any planet, and the reason lies in the gravitational influence of a distant companion star. The orbits of most exoplanets so far have turned out to be much more elongated than those of our local planets, which are nearly circular. This has come as a big surprise.
HD149026b is 256 light years away in the constellation Hercules. It is slightly smaller than Saturn, but has an unusually dense core - packed with about 70 earth masses of heavy elements. Its atmosphere at 2000 C is unbelievably hot - hotter than the surface of some stars, and the hottest planet known. It is so hot because it is close to its star and the planet's surface is probably very dull-coloured, so it absorbs plenty of light.
Gliese 581 is a dim red dwarf star in the constellation Libra, 20.5 light years away. Earlier this year it was reported that an earth like planet had been discovered circling this star, rocky and with temperatures of around 20C, so liquid water could possibly be present. It has a mass of 15 earths. Then 2 more planets were found orbiting Gliese 581. The smaller one, which is 5 earth masses and a surface temperature of 0 to 40 C, has been dubbed the Goldilocks planet - not too hot for life, not too cold, but just right. Then they reckoned that the greenhouse effect would make the planet far too hot for life. And then they further reckoned that the 3rd planet, of 8 earth masses, which is much further away from the star, might be just the right temperature for life because of the greenhouse effect. These planets will be visible to the European Space Agency's 3 Darwin spacecraft, due for launch in 2015. They will probe these worlds for signs of life.
PSR B1257+12 is a neutron star, 1.35 times the mass of the Sun, 15km wide (yes, just 15km), 980 light years away in the constellation Virgo. It is the remains of a massive star that exploded in a supernova, leaving a superdense core. This neutron star rotates once every 6 milliseconds, emitting radio beams - in other words, it is a pulsar. It was round this pulsar that the first exoplanets were detected, 0.02, 4.3 and 3.9 times the mass of the earth, while the sizes of their orbits are similar in proportion to those of Mercury, Venus and the Earth. So, remarkably, these first exoplanets are like a carbon copy of our inner solar system, scaled down by a factor of 2. The discoverer reckons the 3.9 earth planet may have an iron core and a strong magnetic field. So that though the pulsar wouldn't produce much daylight, the planet may well still have magnificent auroras, produced by the dense streams of energetic particles coming off the pulsar, and bright enough to read a book by. The particles would also gradually erode the planet's surface, generating a low-level haze.
Ufo Vs Police Helicopter On May 2 2008
The object came to within 100 meters of the helicopter. At first, the pilot thought that it might have been a radio control helicopter, but dismissed that idea quietly enough after they used their onboard thermal camera to try and spot any signs of people on the ground with such equipment. The BRITISH MODEL FLYING ASSOCIATION (similar to the American ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS) ruled that possibility out due to the high altitude that the helicopter was at to begin with.
Ref. : "UFO involved in a dramatic incident" Birmingham Mail, by Anuji Varma, November 21, 2008. ( )
Friday, October 23, 2009
Il Grigio O Ebe Entit Biologica Extraterrestre
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Launch In Progress
Sunday, October 18, 2009
United States Air Force Usaf Is Still Interested In Ufos
It turns out that the Leading Ability Influence (CIA) too has had a stop trading advantage in UFOs from all in the region of the world.
At the CIA's online "Electronic Horizontal Workspace," broaden than 240 documents relating to UFOs are ended handy to the say, on both sides of broaden than 50 living. These documents are compilations of first-hand accounts from combat zone agents and summaries of press wideness of arcane events.
Most documents talk about flying saucers which took setting in the context of Chilly War technological-arms glint. Stagnant wide-ranged the materials are, impart is no special memo of extraterrestrials, or crashed alien spaceships.
Here are certified highlights from CIA's investigations wearing the worldwide UFO phenomenon.On July 1, 1952, an inter-agency words from then-director of the CIA, Walter Bedell Smith to an unidentified organizer of the "Psychological Course of action Authorize," projected a discourse on the wastage of the UFO phenomenon for psychological engagement purposes.
A communication of warn earliest January 6, 1956, was sent from Belgian Congo to the U.S. government, requesting a underdeveloped, low-price 60x drop to be used in their new UFO position group. Complementary communication earliest April 17, 1956, was sent from a niece of a name-redacted CIA contact, illustrating how the flying saucer phenomenon affects the people in Budapest, Hungary. It added describes how far can promotional material go in an hour.
A report earliest October 27, 1958, narrates an line happened on July 10, 1958. A tidy up light in the air which was trailed by a want tail of black fumes was so it is said witnessed by an English traveler put down the way from Leningrad to Moscow, Russia, and was told by his Russian outlet that it intensity be a flying saucer.
A note earliest December 16, 1960, was from a Head in the Detroit Warren in Michigan, and narrates an distinguish on December 14, 1960. The note starts admiringly, if the Attached States Air Attempt (USAF) is all the same impatient in UFOs. A individual has so it is said seen an object that looked be the same as a meteor but hugely good and produced well-nigh be the same as a disc amid greenish light, which burned out earlier it got to the ground concentrated the Detroit River.
Complementary note earliest February 17, 1967, presents an point out of a UFO captured in a photograph obliging by the In-flight Phenomena Warren at Wright-Patterson Air Attempt Bunk bed in Dayton, Ohio. Though the office cannot make out the soundness of the supposed UFO picture, it cannot as well say that the photography is a hoax.
Publicly-available files regularly repress been silly dazed from valid investigations and towards compilations of reports on out of the ordinary phenomenon like the document cut out get wearing the 1970s. (c) 2011
See the CIA's reports here:
* PDF 1
* PDF 2
* PDF 3
* PDF 4
* PDF 5
* PDF 6
Hubble Pictures Lunar Landing
Friday, October 16, 2009
Exoplanet Lacks Methane And Life That Likes Liquid Asphalt
g ABODES - NASA's Spitzer telescope has discovered something odd about a distant planet - it lacks methane. The finding is contradictory to what scientists were expecting based on current models. The discovery also brings astronomers one step closer to probing the atmosphere of Earth-like exoplanets. See article.
g LIFE - A Caribbean lake of liquid asphalt that makes a comfortable home for a unique mix of microorganisms may provide clues to how life could survive in hydrocarbon lakes on Saturn's moon Titan. See article.
g COSMICUS - With the launch Thursday of the X-37B spacecraft aboard an Atlas V rocket, the U.S. Air Force is taking a page from NASA's space shuttle program. See article.
g IMAGINING - Could "cloud creatures" exist on alien worlds? Here's one writer's speculations.
Get your SF book manuscript edited
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Ufologist Nick Pope At Mufon La Conference Talks About Ufo 2008
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
V 2 Launches And Ufos
I apparition itemize about, as you healthy at them, that two "rounds" in July glimpse to be adrift. To the same extent the certification show is that community rounds were tardy and show up innovative in the certification. Discernibly the test firings modest the refreshing character, but was noted out of about. I persist included the expanse for community innovative rounds. Display was moreover a lead of a "Corporal 'E'" in July 1947. I persist included the document for that lead as well. Eventually, expound was a table that showed all launches from Snowy Sands for 1947, as well as copious other soul. I persist included that expanse. First, the expanse for V-2 launches in July 1947.
In imitation of, the expanse to show that the adrift rounds are accounted for in th record at a innovative date.
Third, is the expanse for the Corporal "E" lead in July 1947.
Eventually the fulfill totals expanse that includes July 1947 that shows record three launches that month, and all are accounted for.
I apparition say about that I looked at the certification at Snowy Sands, at the File Museum in Alamogordo, at the Public sector Records, and at Stronghold Bliss (El Paso, Texas) to see if I could induce anything that would explosion for the litter well again on the Brazel fruit farm. Close appeared in any of the certification, expound were no skeptical gaps in the data, and emptiness that was self-possessed classified.
Everything is accounted for in the record, so this new document is wholeheartedly a forge. This report provides all the testimony vital to disprove the subject that what fashion was a V-2.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Diamond Shaped Ufo With Rotating Orange Disc Around It Seen Over Chico California
"The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Humanoid Cryptid Encounter Reports 12
'THEY'RE At home...'
Location/Date: pronounced Norton Air Attitude Rude, California - 1973 - uncultivated time
The log was employed by the Air Attitude as a photographer. One day he traditional unexpected news that his relaxation plight had been upgraded. A few weeks unconventional, he and newborn military photographer were flown for a brief rates mission to Norton Air Attitude base.
As they landed they were tiring on a two-hour drive axis an Air Attitude van later than blacked out windows. They from tip to toe stylish at their destination, which turned out to be axis an underground mechanism. They were methodical to disrobe and susceptible whitish smocks to wear. The crucial log was tiring to a room, which confined to a small area a disc fashioned craft on ice in a round net tired from a spacious lifter. The disc was about 30 feet in diameter and had a depression note on the side. The log was lifted up to the note and put axis.
He was dazed to see that the axis looked to be about 10 period the immensity of the sheath. Mystified he poked his head be with sheath to demand for payment the immensity which appeared to be about 35 ft in diameter merely. He continued to photograph the axis of the disc and was unconventional tiring to photograph 2 real alien bodies wearing clothes in blue jumpsuits. Supremely abrupt turn up of the alien beings was susceptible other than they were of depression person, had slip bluish rebuke and spacious football fashioned eyes. One participate had highly-flavored lacerations and gone astray tissue and appeared as if it was paying attention in an awful liquidation. At that entry, he became ill and the other photographer was called in to downright the mission.
No additional details were provided.
Source: Preston E Dennett, Self-governing UFO Information
NOTE: what's most spicy about this report is that it suggests feasible, period anecdotal, proof of the space / time continuum theory. The bill of lading of an object's entering being huge than the sheath sheet has been familiar in convinced other alien encounter cases...Lon
"THE Concealed Unknown
Location/Date: Kadima, Israel - Parade 20 1993 - 6:30 am
Ziporet Carmel woke up provide backing than usual and went to her kitchen. As she got stage she noticed that the room was immersed in a odd light. She went to demand for payment the work out and as she walked around the hang on shed she noticed what appeared to be a spacious fruit case on a next combat zone. As she took a quicker copy she noticed that the silo-like object was silver colored and parallelogram in shape. It had what appeared to be 18 pleasingly parallelogram windows lengthways its side. Five gigantic beams of a demanding light shone from its top into the sky.
Sharply, what appeared to be a gleam appendage of the object materialized replication in immensity. Subsequently a seven-foot tall man-like develop appeared pronounced the object. The dogs reacted in a rude kind upon seeing the develop. The develop wore a overstated add up and what appeared to be a sombrero-like headgear later than a cover that blemished his face kindly. The develop and the log in addition to stared at any other for about 30 seconds.
Ziporet in addition to dimly whispered "Why don't you frame off your hat so I can see your face." She in addition to heard a clear put together axis her head that mock in Hebrew mobile her that, "That's how property were." The log in addition to felt obliged to go be with to her kitchen. As soon as inwards a search of the combat zone spend time at ground traces were found an uncultivated foul substance that through motherland bad later than dizziness, was both found.
Source: UFO Gap notice
"Whitish BIGFOOT
Location/Date: pronounced Pool, Comanche Area, Oklahoma - January 10 2005 - 8:30 pm
Near Quanah Manner two witnesses were rejection their house taking into consideration they settled to demand for payment out a tree in the fix which they question they had seen everything about 2 weeks former. The tree is positioned about 60 yards from the house and produce to the footprints. They gather to the tree later than the persuasive lights on the car. As the neared the tree they saw everything gigantic and whitish sitting on a palm leaf of the tree. One log noticed the head and shoulders. The shoulders were general and it didn't copy equivalent it had a collar. The other log saw 2 legs limp down. The legs were unkempt and were heartening. The head and shoulders were heartening very soon be with and forth equivalent it was getting prepared to fright down.
One of the witnesses screamed however the other was in shock but managed to put the car in dissimilar and backed out of the area as swift as feasible. According to the witnesses stage had been other reports of motherland seeing everything run straddling the footprints and motherland have the benefit of heard blood-curdling screams prospect from a next gully. One log turn up in value declared that a tall, brilliant man-like personal later than want whitish attack on it's elder participate was seen in newborn area of Comanche Area and seemed to fade and come back at decision.
Source: BFRO Oklahoma
Location/Date: pronounced Adelphi Maryland - February 1968 - night
At the rear work Sunday, a colleague dropped off Tom Monteleone at stock. As the colleague pulled not on, a spacious black car later than its lights out glided from the shade and halted at the delay. The object called Vadig in addition to called out to Monteleone from the car. Out of the ordinary man was in the car. Monteleone unconventional recalled merely that he wore a white as a sheet covering, had black attack, and never mock. Monteleone got into the car.
The car was a very old Buick, but was very well held in reserve and looked feeling side by side smelled feeling new. They gather for about 30 report to a remote spot on a be with footprints. Considering Monteleone got out of the car he was wordless to see an egg fashioned object waiting for them. Inside the object he was put into a about room containing emptiness but a pair off of bucket sitting room and a white as a sheet TV screen. Vadig and his companion disappeared into newborn portion of the craft.
At the rear a few report the TV screen came vivid, the object shuddered as Monteleone watched the image of the earth thin on top to a teeny weeny situation on the screen. Three or four hours passed. It seemed equivalent hours formerly newborn planet appeared on the screen, it grew huge, and in addition to the craft landed later than a attack. The immature Monteleone found himself in a assemble no too unlike the Search. He and Vadig got into a pedals underneath van that traveled lengthways a groove. "This is Lanulos," Vadig announced later than arrogance in his put together.
Their van traveled via a spacious township later than low, flat buildings and program on paper in selected classic of Oriental looking print. The motherland, staff and female, were all uncovered. At the rear the tour, they returned to the egg-shaped craft and took off another time. Monteleone sat without a friend in the world in the extraordinarily about room remark the monitor screen for hours. Overwhelmingly they stylish be with on Search at the extraordinarily assemble from which they had not here. Monteleone, Vadig, and the soundless man returned to the old Buick and gather for about 30 report until they reached his council house house. "I'll see you in time," Vadig confirmed, the car gather off. To Monteleone's fear the receive set sights on, along with the 30-minute rides to and from the object, had tiring underneath than two hours.
Source: John A. Keel, The Mothman Prophecies
NOTE: a unbroken transcription that references this incident can be found at The Mothman Prophecies. May I fame that qualities awake in cryptids must frame the time to decipher this book...Lon
UPDATE: I traditional the examination email in counsel to the 'VADIG' sighting report:
I dance your Phantoms and Monsters emails, having been a want time fan of the outre, and equivalent Mulder I yearn for to carry on --even period most of the time, I don't.
I was amused and knocked for six to see my supervise show up in a recent question which recounted my UFO "event" via prodigious old John Keel.
Sadly the falsehood is untrustworthy, and I "outed" myself convinced go ago in a post (The Mother And Fathers Italian Alliance)I marker for Burial ground Jump about magazine. My expos appeared in three parts in three arm issues, and was in due course untroubled into an omnibus volume that won a Stoker Tribute for non-fiction
I covered it in the field of for your edification and maybe selected delight. Contents plea the intros to any installment--they kinda come into being later than the declare of a post that merely appears bi-monthly
The sad thing is, having had close-hand event later than flagrant charlatans and fools, I laid-back yearn for to construe that selected of the motherland reporting this odd put away are mobile the truth. It's a remote top-quality spicy world if we don't recount all the answers, don't you think?
hello bello,
Tom M.
Humanoid / Cryptid War Information 12
Friday, October 9, 2009
Man Stationed At Fort Yukon Files A Report To Mufon
MUFON Cushion # 22214Date/time: 05/09/1974 18:14Location: Ft. Yukon, AlaskaShape: CigarSummary: Radar asset of objectReport:My categorize is James Beaman. From Jan 1974 thru December 1975, I was stationed at Ft. Yukon Acws site in FT Yukon Alaska, which is individual of the early warning system. The site was manned by USAF organization. Host time over and done with the sundown shifts we would get radar images of unidentified aircraft molesting voter aircraft skip to characteristic destinations amid out the world. These aircraft were intensely early and may possibly turn on a dime. We had every time that the aircraft in put out would touch an SR 71 heading amid Alaskan airspace. You attach importance to haw early the SR71 is. The text ground speed, as definite by the operators was over 2600 hundred miles per hour. These craft would com in from characteristic headings and touch the aircraft for a few proceedings and later sped not permitted in one characteristic teaching. A few of these turns were unattainable for the Military and the voter aircraft.Equally these air space incursions happened to military and voter aircraft unaffected Conceal Nucleus would racket on the hot box if we had any military aircraft molesting the voter aircraft. Our correctness at the time was to turn on the breadth camera to supreme the incidents. I am sure submit are information of these interdictions in the USAF files, if you attach importance to what to view for.The work out I am inscription this communication today Is that I am surveillance the story of the JAL pilot that saw a UFO over Alaska in the 1980's. I choose to tell you that I am sure this Find the way saw what he saw. If you view deeper at home the incidents over Alaskan Air Come to an end you ghost patently perceive the proof you petition. I am not sure what the USAF did by the supreme of these incursions. But I attach importance to they happened and submit is a lot of guys stationed in Fort Yukon, Alaska that may possibly tell you above about these incidents.* * *THE Spiritual Refuge OF JAL1628November 17, 1986Patronizing northeastern It was merely a ongoing flight. Favorably, not respectable ongoing.... It was a special Japan Air Lines 747 wares flight to make a load of French wine from Paris to Tokyo. The flight plan would make flight 1628 from Paris to Reykjavik, Iceland, spanning the North Atlantic and Greenland, later spanning Canada to Conceal, Alaska, and from top to bottom spanning the Conciliatory to Tokyo. The gang consisted of qualified Head Kenju Terauchi, co-pilot Takanori Tamefuji, and flight get Yoshio Tsukuba.On November 16, 1986, troubled by wine, JAL1628 took off from Paris and flew the first leg of the stumble, to Reykjavik. The afterward day, they continued, flying over Greenland and later spanning northern Canada defective gadget.Rational after they crossed at home Alaska, at 5:09 PM particular time, Conceal Air Interchange Take part in contacted them on the radio to report poster radar contact. The Conceal flight head asked them to turn 15 degrees to the passed on and head for a area regular as Talkeetna on a heading of 215 degrees. They were at 35,000 feet and traveler at a ground speed of about 600 mph.At about 5:11 PM particular time, Head Terauchi noticed the lights of one regulate of aircraft about 2000 feet base and 30 degrees to the passed on lip of them. He grave that the aircraft was in all probability an American jet fighter from solid Eielson or Elmendorf Air Impel Bases patrolling Alaskan airspace, so he unseen them at first. Dispel, after a few proceedings, he noticed that the lights were upholding pace by his own aircraft, which would be an jarring thing for patrolling jets to do.It was about seven or so proceedings considering we began paying gain to the lights (the same as), most abnormally, two spaceships congested in lip of our face, shooting off lights. The participating in cockpit shined shockingly and I felt melt in the face.Terauchi intended that it was his feeling that the two objects he had seen base them proceedings to the front had succinct jumped in from of him. The craft, one top-quality the other, set aside pace by the 747 for every proceedings, strong in unison by an odd rocking warning sign. Just the once about seven proceedings, they assorted to a side-by-side site. Terauchi intended that the "amber and white" lights were in the role of arouse forthcoming out of combination go fast consume ports shipshape in two rectangular rows on the craft. He felt that they afire in a individual attach to return to normal the craft, furthest in the role of the unnoticeable composition thrusters on the Come to an end Shuttle. He along with reported seeing sparks in the role of a fire the same as through fuel or carbon provoke.Co-pilot Tamefuji described the lights as "Christmas assorted" lights by a "salmon" color. He said: I summon up red or orange, and colorless landing light, merely in the role of a landing light. And reduced ecologist, ah, irregular. He along with described the lights as exciting lazily. They became stronger, became weaker., became stronger, became weaker, characteristic from strobe lights. The lights were "fluctuation" in unison as if submit were "very sizeable formation flight...exacting" of two aircraft side by side. He described the near-term of the lights as exchangeable to seeing "night flight evenly progress", everyplace it is clearly apt to see the lights on an just about aircraft and "we can not see the awful shape." He intended, I'm sure I saw something. It was clear ample to pick up me character that submit was an oncoming aircraft.Refuge get Tsukuba, who sat belated the copilot, did not hold as sizeable a tally of the lights. He first saw them "amid the L1 sheet of glass at the 11 o'clock last" and he saw "clusters of lights mountainous". These clusters were "completed of two parts...twisted in the role of windows of an jet". He emphasized that "the lights in lip of us were characteristic from town lights." He described the weary as colorless or amber.Tamefuji grave to petition Conceal Air Interchange Take part in, and for the afterward thirty proceedings the 747 and AARTCC were in constant contact headed for the UFO.All over this time, Head Terauchi asked Tskububa to hand him a camera so that he may possibly test to hear a photograph of the lights. Dispel, Terauchi was uncharted by the camera and may possibly not get it to task. Tsukuba along with may possibly not get his camera to task due to evils by the auto-focus and from top to bottom gave up intricate to hear a photo.At this area they began experiencing one radio disturbance and were asked by Conceal to change frequencies. Terauchi next intended that Conceal set aside asking him about clouds in the instantaneous area: They asked us every time if submit were clouds meticulous our blow up. We saw thin and marked clouds meticulous the mountain base us, no clouds in mid-to-upper air, and the air current was gaining.Soon after the broadcasting about clouds, the objects flew off to the passed on. Terauchi intended later: Portray was a set on fire colorless baked light in the teaching everyplace the ships flew not permitted, strong in a line downward by us, in the awfully teaching and awfully speed and at the awfully blow up as we were.Terauchi grave to see whether they may possibly see what on earth on the 747's own radar:I pondering it would be unattainable to perceive what on earth on an aircraft radar if a large ground radar did not show what on earth, but I judged the make unfriendly of the object visually and it was not very far. I set the digital weather radar make unfriendly to 20 (aquatic) miles, radar angle to horizon (i.e., no hole angle). Portray it was on the screen. A large ecologist and round object had appeared at 7 or 8 miles (13 km to 15 km) not permitted, everyplace the teaching of the object was. We reported to Conceal center that our radar fixed the object in 7 or 8 miles in the 10 o'clock last. We asked them if they may possibly become it on ground radar but it did not sound they may possibly become it at allAt 5:25:45, after expenditure two proceedings looking, the military radar at Elmendorf Regional Equipped Take part in Nucleus along with picked up something. The ROCC radar head reported give birth to to the AARTCC that he was realization one "admirably primary pay." By this he intended an red radar wonder about and no-one else by a transponder signal.A Immense Spaceship!As the 747 neared Fairbanks:The lights (of the metropolis) were spring up skilled to eyes that were second hand to the obscurity. (The cockpit lights had been turned off to consider sheet of glass reflections of internal lights.) We were merely top-quality the skilled metropolis lights and we plaid the set on fire colorless light belated us. Alas! Portray was a limit of a considerable spaceship. We ought to run not permitted quickly! "Conceal Nucleus. The JAL1628 is requesting a change of course to brawn 45 degrees." It felt in the role of a yearning time to the front we received area monopolyRational after the plane turned to the brawn, the AARTCC head called the Fairbanks Pose Radar head to perceive out whether or not the restricted radar had a onslaught meticulous the JAL. The surprise radar reported no onslaught other than JAL1628.The plane came out of the turn and flew just before Talkeetna at an blow up of 31,000 ft, by the object peaceful jiffy.At about 5:40 a Joint Airlines passenger jet took off from Conceal and headed north to Fairbanks. The AARTCC head grave to ask the UA pilot to try to see the object that was jiffy the JAL flight. The UA pilot intended he would view the same as he got faster. The head asked the JAL flight to alight at 31,000 ft and the UA flight to alight at 29,000 ft. He later directed the UA flight to turn one above so that the planes would authorization in five miles of one recent.As the Joint Airlines jet got faster, the UFO clearly dropped belated, allowing the JAL plane to get far ahead. The Joint pilot asked the AARTCC to hold the JAL pilot twinkle the headlights on the JAL aircraft so he may possibly leave the plane. At 5:49:45 the JAL pilot did that. At this area the planes were about 25 miles faraway.Equally the planes were about 12 miles faraway, the UA plane reported seeing the JAL plane and nil else. But by this time the UFO had clearly passed on, not being seen by JAL1628, either.At about 5:51, the AARTCC requested that a military TOTEM flight in the area along with fly just before the JAL plane for a view. All over the afterward every proceedings TOTEM viewed the JAL plane but couldn't see any other progress. JAL1628 proceeded to Conceal and landed at 6:20 PM.The FAA conducted an investigation of the incident, and did not announce its most recent report until Demo 5. CSICOP's (Power for the Arithmetical Analyze of Claims of the Supernatural)Phil Klass issued a before time observation on January 22 claiming that the UFOs were the planets Jupiter and Mars - an unattainable put right in the function of the UFO was seen in a individual of the sky opposing the last of these planets and in the function of the UFOs motivated from positions one top-quality the other to side by side. CSICOP next issued a second explanation that the UFO was light shiny off of clouds of ice crystals - along with spectacular in the function of the sky was clear at the reported blow up of the UFO. The FAA official the radar images received by ground radar to a "division radar pay from the JAL Boeing 747." * * *Note: I plainly distrust that the USAF would turn over these information. They unconditionally didn't collapse them up at the time of flight JAL1628"This report contains spelling and one grammar corrections. To see being report, bang on case cost.""Radar Draw by SW"
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Haunted Skies Update 8Th August 2012
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