Friday, October 16, 2009

Exoplanet Lacks Methane And Life That Likes Liquid Asphalt

Exoplanet Lacks Methane And Life That Likes Liquid Asphalt
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:

g ABODES - NASA's Spitzer telescope has discovered something odd about a distant planet - it lacks methane. The finding is contradictory to what scientists were expecting based on current models. The discovery also brings astronomers one step closer to probing the atmosphere of Earth-like exoplanets. See article.

g LIFE - A Caribbean lake of liquid asphalt that makes a comfortable home for a unique mix of microorganisms may provide clues to how life could survive in hydrocarbon lakes on Saturn's moon Titan. See article.

g COSMICUS - With the launch Thursday of the X-37B spacecraft aboard an Atlas V rocket, the U.S. Air Force is taking a page from NASA's space shuttle program. See article.

g IMAGINING - Could "cloud creatures" exist on alien worlds? Here's one writer's speculations.

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