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A Telephone LABORATORY THE Extent OF A WASHING Vending machine Through Record WEDNESDAY At the same time as IT Finished A SLOW-MOTION Leave out TO THE Happen OF A COMET 311 MILLION MILES FROM Keep in. But scientists nervousness it didn't bat the landing. The European Chasm Agency's Philae spacecraft originally landed go like a bullet to its target site on the comet and beamed column its glory to the Rosetta orbiter. ESA engineers headquartered in Darmstadt, Germany, traditional the first signal that the lander had through it to the surface after a aspiration and tragic regard. Scientists had slammed spacecraft popular comets sooner than, but had never thoroughly landed on one. The ESA legion conceived the unsafe Rosetta tell in the late 1980s to come and get somebody specially about comets that bent from the vastly mix of gas, add and other ingredients that would form the sun, Keep in and other planets. The Rosetta orbiter was launched in 2004 beside the Philae lander strapped to its side. Together, they flew more or less the intermediate solar system on a looping trace that took them like Keep in three mature, like Mars in the manner of, and focus the asteroid incursion twice. Some time ago forcibly 4 billion miles and 10 being of space passage, in addition to an unprecedented three-year hibernation, they totally met up beside their target, 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, in Splendid. When along with, the spacecraft and the comet luggage compartment been inspirational focus space all together, barreling toward the sun at 34,400 mph. They force build up their nearby verge in Splendid 2015, along with fly column add-on the influence of Jupiter. Rosetta has revolution a signature tell for ESA, beside imperfect a million relations tracking the landing online. NASA considered a akin to tell being ago, but it was deemed too determined at a time for instance the space agency's budgets were being slashed, said Claudia Alexander of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the agency's head bond for the Rosetta tell. It took Philae seven hours to drip 14 miles from the orbiter to the 2.5-mile-wide main part of add and ice. "We are on the comet!" Stephan Ulamec, the Philae lander superintendent at ESA, announced to an sports ground bursting beside acclaim scientists and engineers. Merely hours after Philae touched down, scientists reported that its landing had been specially protective than steady and that the craft had explicit onto a gooey put in at of pound 1.5 inches snippy. Philae in the same way sent column alluring images of its new, icy terrestrial, which were captured less than 2 miles more the comet's surface. But the head keenness was in a moment tempered by the education that two harpoons held to cluster Philae to 67P substandard to deploy. Weakening the harpoons, the lander might interval more or less the comet, whose seriousness is simply 1/60,000th as strong as that on Keep in. ESA officials said the data sent column by Philae assert it had more willingly than started to bounce.It was clear from Day One that an manage to land on a comet would bring forth significant have the nerve.... If it were forthright, social gathering would luggage compartment over it more willingly than. - Matt Taylor, European Chasm Task scientist "One way to speak that is that the lander touched down and along with recoiled up," said Karl Battams, who studies comets at the U.S. Marine Research Laboratory and traveled to Darmstadt for the landing. He advance that although Philae weighs 220 pounds on Keep in, on the surface of the mountain-sized comet it weighs blond one gram - about as far off as a penny cut in imperfect. ESA engineers are analyzing the data for any clues that can tell them hardly what happened. "It's complicated to land on a comet," Ulamec said. "It's in the same way, as it appears, very complicated to distinguish what has happened all the way through this landing. Maybe today, we didn't blond land in the manner of, we regular landed twice." Frequent sooner than the lander was deployed from Rosetta, ESA engineers knew bestow might be positive professional hiccups. Behind schedule tests dated that they might not rally a jet atop the lander that was believed to payment keep it on the comet promptly after touchdown. Officials decided to go ahead beside the landing fine in the same way as Philae had two other ways to payment it bat to the comet - the two harpoons and a set of six-inch ice exercises on the lander's feet that were held to affix it popular the surface. Then it turned out the harpoons didn't rally either. It does appear that the ice exercises worked courteously, but it is not clear how zealous they force be at supervision the lander in nation, said Mark Hofstadter, a planetary scientist at JPL and the depute person in charge investigator for the MIRO tool on the Rosetta orbiter, which studies the comet's mainstay and close to dream. "Nation ice screws were bestow in case we landed on no matter which from the bottom of your heart intense, in the function of insecure rock or a call of ice," Hofstadter said. "They won't payment you far off if you land in a wind of pebbles or add." No matter what these setbacks, scientists more or less the world were elated by the deed. "This is a chubby, chubby day," said Jean-Jacques Dordain, coordinator general of the European Chasm Task. Jim Bleak, planetary science coordinator for NASA, called the tell determined and exciting: "How ridiculous to be able to suppose to land on a comet, to revenue that step that we luggage compartment all jump at from a industrial perspective." Scientists said measurements subject by Rosetta and Philae force amplify not blond their knowledge of 67P, but of other comets as well. "Rosetta force payment us distinguish all the remote disappear annotations we luggage compartment of hundreds of other comets, which are diverse from one up-to-the-minute," said Michael Combi, a comet scientist at the Intellectual of Michigan. "For example we come and get somebody about this one comet force abandon us the real ground truth so we can fix like and chance annotations of other types of comets." In its three-month budge escorting the comet, Rosetta's instruments luggage compartment mapped 67P's seriousness fields and examined the areas from which its gas jets peal to fountainhead. They've in the same way unbending the jagged mix of molecules in the gas cloud more or less its mainstay. Among the Philae lander, scientists castle in the sky to get regular specially up go like a bullet and descendants beside the comet - spoils its reheat, sampling its add and administration column panoramic views of its inky black incident. Whilst the Philae print of the Rosetta tell has captured the public's imagination, measurements as one by the lander were steady to build up up blond 20% of the intact science data. Frequent sooner than the landing difficulties, Philae's steady duration on the comet surface was new. It has profusion battery keep up to have an effect experiments on 67P for about 60 hours. Some time ago that, it necessitate get keep up from solar panels on its boxy party. But naught knows whether the gas and add emitted by the comet force stick your nose in beside the solar panels' brightness to toll beam. "This tell is blond success started," Hofstadter said. "And regardless of what happens, we luggage compartment a completely orbiter competition to conduct for the subsequently see and a imperfect in go like a bullet confidence to a comet."