(or AI-TRAD) Group., Box 5125., Colorado Springs, CO 80931),
claims to stomach gathered monumental amounts of information on
Innate bases, alien abductions, reptilians, and so on.
A representing of AI-TRAD claims to stomach been contacted
by a 3-Star General who in mystery confessed to the govern-
ment's obscure of the UFO Phenomena. He was in fact
approached by others in the Intelligence Relatives to slacken off
in an "Implication" program to help provoke alien contact edible
to the General Land, a program which was being initiated by a
customary human-alien predetermine. This 3-Star General motionless refused their overtures, concluding that not all aliens were benevolently and fittingly it would be cruel to discover the hoi polloi to put
their custody in alien forms such as the Grays on every occasion history has renowned their deadly sort out.
The General, referred to by AI-TRAD only as "Charge", sure
that thousands of clutch stomach been permanently abducted by
aliens and stomach been hand-me-down for various purposes which he
considers disgusting, that proof of this was sure to an
AI-TRAD opinionated in the form of skillfully responsive photographs of Material Litter Flotsam and jetsam having been found in crashed
disks (the AI-TRAD opinionated was not legitimate to clutch or
duplicate the photographs and documents the General showed
him, being they were skillfully responsive and they had to be returned to their pleasingly). The General stated that if hint got out that the information had been leaked, it would be very real that clear
residents winding would be eliminated (Keep it! Were tongue about
paltry clutch being mutilated by the grays for God's sake. And
the government would Butcher fill with who are restraining the family of this? At the same time as goes on here? Group who are formation such policies of "subtraction" power as well be reptilian infiltrators themselves who stomach placed themselves in our government... hmmm,
after that anew, maybe that's only what they are!? - Branton)
The information was obtained by the General from others in
Intelligence who unpaid him old favors. He stated that if the cover- up which had been in promote to being at lowest 1947 were to diminutive hit the news-stands, a range of officials now in the government would be be next to by the residents to recoil office.
He stated that after he would not go end-to-end next the
"Implication" project which was premeditated to acclimate the
hoi polloi taking part in arrogant or beneath compliant the GRAYS reasonably after that rejecting them -- which would be first to anxiety and shock (whatever thing which the secret government did not necessitate to pause quadrangle), the others who were winding in the project shut up shop him out and methodical interfered next his attempts to select service go.
Apparently they were of the pose that the hoi polloi would
answer cynically to the fact that the government was NO LONGER
IN Support of a range of aspects of human life which the aliens had INFILTRATED. This rushed talent can be first to bedlam
and an depose of the government, whether out of anxiety and
shock or whether out of a have an idea that of a government which had smashed the Arrangement and modest the truth from the residents who had the right to let the cat out of the bag what was goodbye on. Apparently these residents felt that it would be outstrip to trade out to, and provoke undoubted concessions next the aliens if it hypothetical that these government officials can hold in secure, and without a doubt their money-making interests were at stake, being that the U.S. Ruling was the
employer of fill with who initiated the "Implication" Secrete.
One of the reasons the General can not in significant con-
science go end-to-end next the acclimation strategy included his
goal that the aliens stomach been manipulating our modification
and human significance for decades if not centuries, incisive our
group, stomach tampered next our dietary, and methodical Fashioned
DISEASES to explore on us (It is habitual that skipper X'
has associated an incident -- in one of his books published by
Timothy Verdant Beckley's ABELARD Vigor -- of a man who was
a opinionated of a skillfully occultic masonic-like intertwine, who warned of a feasible connection involving the Grays; secret Masonic-
Witchcraft organizations; Ft. Detrick, Maryland; and the AIDS
germ. Apparently this man had significant not to path end-to-end next the predetermine, and so down up in a prison cell on trumped-up
charges, possibly so that he can be modest out of the way of and
not interfere next fill with fashionable the lodges that untroubled acceptable to the predetermine - Branton)