Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Bigfoot Research The Anomalies Updated

Bigfoot Research The Anomalies Updated
Since I started this adventure called "Bigfoot Research" I have from time to time captured video or pictures of creatures that do not fit in the nice neat box of what is expected. I started researching back in 2009 and since I have captured over 10 of these anomalies. The one I am showing you today was a rare double. The photographs were taken with a trail camera set to take 60 pictures (one per second) for sixty seconds if it was tripped. There is a clearly visible "anomaly" on the left side of the frame but I also noticed a faint dark figure in the photographs just out of the beam of the IR illumination. I noticed faint eye shine and the possible body and a face of this subject as I reviewed the footage. The subject has a "troll like" appearance. Is this a Bigfoot or something else?

Below is video where I look at the subject on the left side of the frame:

Source: ovni-news.blogspot.com