Catalog of Objects: 1Shape of Objects: Cartel.
"Indigestible Enlightenment OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" I motion be 72 in Rally. I possess not elapsed the incident. At the time I was attending Hilliard Middle University, Hilliard, OH.
The house everywhere I lived was sited on 40 acres of land on Trabue Track. I settled to go show jumper sympathy riding and saddled up my show jumper. We rode south from the shelter and out onto the riding map out.
Brusquely 15 account conceded and my show jumper began to shake and came to an definite put off. I looked a propos me and to the east a immense disc bent object arose from the ground and amid no lights or open streaked towards the southwest.
Wright Patterson Air force base was sited at Dayton, Ohio in the purchase which the saucer flew. My parents thought I ended it all up. On the contrary, two of my class mates who were effective on their parents dairy farm saw the disc.
I had pick up sightings in 1973 to the same degree settle in New Bremen, OH.
If you possess seen suchlike like this in the self-same area fulfill be praising amply to contact Brian Vike at: "" amid the details of your sighting. "All good information is cool stealthy."
"The Vike Concern (Brian Vike)"
" website:"