Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Bigfoot And Ufos

Bigfoot And Ufos
Yep, you know from a blog-post title like that, that the subject matter is going to be controversial! Well, yes it is, but in a very good way. Check out my review of Stan Gordon's new book, SILENT INVASION: THE PENNSYLVANIA UFO-BIGFOOT CASEBOOK.

As I note, in part, in the review:

"...Now, I know for sure that any book suggesting Bigfoot may somehow be inextricably linked with the UFO phenomenon - and vice-versa, of course! - is bound to raise hackles in certain quarters.

"However, the fact of the matter is that there is surely not a Bigfoot researcher out there who has not been exposed to (at the very least) a few creature cases that absolutely reek of high-strangeness, and that place the hairy man-beasts into definitively Fortean - rather than zoological or cryptozoological - realms.

"Whether those same Bigfoot researchers are willing to admit they have come across such cases - or are willing to give such reports some degree of credence - is a very different matter, however!"

Origin: anomalies-in-backyard.blogspot.com