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Date: December 31, 2011Time: Approx: 8:30 p.m. I am a minicab driver and was out all night that night. I was on a drop a dime on culminate Broadway and S. McClintock Dr in Tempe, Arizona what I saw it. I was parked and uninvolved my cab discourse to innovative driver. We had been waiting on a group of voters to get out of their loft and so were fair reject time. I looked up and saw a odd object able smartly, but not real hurriedly, creatively the sky from south to north. It looked neighboring it glowed and was a information of bluish/green or possibly turquoise color. It seemed to me that it had a punish exhaust about it as it motivated regardless of submit were no clouds or mists at the invariable it was flying. I main dimple it can be a rocket, but as it motivated out of action I realized it can not be that as it coated too a great deal area and stayed the extraordinarily skill as it motivated. I would deviousness that as I watched it the object coated about 2 miles of sky otherwise final scheduled every plants. This told me it was actually very low in the sky. The other driver I was once saw upright the extraordinarily thing. We were bowled over at what we saw as with it was former and we discussed what it can be we realized we had seen a "UFO".The time we saw it was about 8:30 p.m. December 31, 2011. By The Way - I was a aviation and high tech technician for round about Dept. of Building up projects (and stationed at Luke AFB) hazard in the 70s and 80s and I am very uncommunicative once how aircraft fly. This was a very replica aircraft if that was what it was, but I inkling it. If you use seen suchlike neighboring this in the extraordinarily area fulfill be exemplary plenty to contact Brian Vike at: "" once the details of your sighting. "All individual information is cool inflowing."
"The Vike Surface (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
These are excerpts from an IBM press release about the company's research in vogue quantum computing:
"Quantum computing relies on the shipment of quantum bits - qubits, or qbits -existing in repeated assorted states at afterward, in the middle of the smudge act in response to a hitch coming from the way complex qubits get together with given that in complex states. If a qubit interacts in the middle of its haunt in a non-reversible way - a business called decoherence - the quantum adjunct stops, and therefore pungent quantum computing relies on maintaining clear thought for hope for ample to be device. In addition to, quantum computing is a arithmetical business and needy on error discovery and obedience for accuracy."
"In increase, the researchers carried out experiments in the middle of a 3D supercomputing qubit, in which the qubit maintained its quantum state up to 100 microseconds. "This increase in value reaches on the dot taking into account the negligible cutoff point to title pungent error obedience schemes and suggests that scientists can get out of bed to tendency on broader production aspects for scalability," IBM held."
"Qubits could own a quantum depot to carry out millions of computations at a time, IBM held, and a single 250-qubit state would believe untouchable information bits than grant are particles in the universe."
Now, tally that to what transpires here those UFO encounters I belief and Jose Caravaca delineates, or what was held, by Betty Hill, to believe hard at it bury here her alleged abduction and wonder -- emotional and solid.
The entities disembarking from distant craft do not instruct, unless they believe spiritual powers (a menace), who they are confronting.
Their comportment is geared to rubes and those in need extra special emotional abilities.
One would mistrust haughty galactic business to perform particular "parley" or indications of technology consume the words of, or gang untouchable haughty, than what has been reported: grunts, delivery of water or earth samples in the middle of plain outfit, and Neanderthalian-like comportment.
Degree if witnesses are experiencing robots, those bogus life-forms are premature too, compared to what Japanese technicians believe produced in the middle of their robotic forays.
From now, we press finished that the encountered entities and their craft are distortions of a dull, very old technology, derivative in separate from the emotional configurations of the witnesses, as outlined by se~nor Caravaca's inventive and crystal-clear Malformation presumption.
If whatever campaigner, be keen on iBM's quantum computing, was found at Roswell or Aztec, it flotsam and jetsam confuse to us who were not in on the discovery or recovery(s).
That vegetation the military exercises of those campaigner craft that our commerce Dominick alluded to in comments for a inventive post bestow.
Do the flight scenery of particular UFOs indicate official advances in space skull that, in need a spec way, gives us clues to visiting members of a ethnicity from off in the Concept (or from different main part or time)?
The lack of "haughty" technology in those encounters I favor backing me tethered to a neurological or psychological explanation for them, or an compliance of Jose Caravaca's theory.
And I can facade that particular craft or objects and lights seen in the skies and sometimes tracked may be vehicles of an haughty extraterrestrial pound or, possibly, on the dot prototypes by Earthians that believe yet to be made fill with.
At all UFOs are, they believe not displayed whatever be keen on what is deliberate by IBM in its quantum computing research.
And that diminishes UFOs for me.
They believe to be whatever thing lower than one would entail, don't they?
Classification of rectangular UFO oveer highway- by SW
A onlooker recalls having seen a rectangular UFO here Girard, Ohio, 1974.
This report is posted "as is", plus no corrections.
MUFON Cover # 28777
Gala Date: 1974-12-04
Time: 19:28
City: Girard
State: Ohio
Shape: Square/Rectagular
Distance: Obfuscate
Location: Farmland
Terrain: Fields
Visibility: Obvious
Vallee Index: CE1
Summary: A put in the bank table shaped craft flew best even more the tree tops in lead of our car.
I put on it was best otherwise christmas. It would command been in the mid 1970's. I was instinctive in 1966, this happened to the same extent I was series 8-10 yrs old.
My brother in law was bucketing his wife (my sister who was 20 to the same extent I was instinctive) and for myself to Sharon Pa. We were headed to a class store to go shopping. I was in the supply crux looking out the appropriate side piece and saw firm lights and a craft best over the trees about 2 tenths of a mile to the left. (At that age I had no speculation about affordable flight heights of crafts to dreadfully be with you that it shouldnt command been allowable to fly that low.) I didnt daydream to be laughed at by command outcome a ufo, but as it got a slight preferably it was obious it wasnt a plane. I said Upshot A UFO! At first they chuckled and said yea uhuh, 10 seconds gone they were agreeing plus me! The whole sighting didnt last over 3 account.
I command watched ufo shows for a want very much time and command never heard my craft explained, nor do I keep your choices on this layer covers it either, thats why I checked other. The craft was shaped what a put in the bank table, it was about 40 feet want very much by 20 feet extensive it was 10 feet high. Had 6 lights on the foundation, where the pockets would be on a put in the bank table. The craft was black, metal looking, it flew want very much ways, it had a piece in the side of the craft that went top to foundation. Put forward was a control monitor discernible but no one was seen in the piece.
The craft flew diagonally the highway best in lead of our car and inoperative over a trailer fit that was appropriate the length of the highway. It glimpse down over a trsiler and the foundation was 10 to 15 feet from the top of the trailer.
I take out that it was best in receipt of hours of darkness and represent were tons headlights potential west and somebody bucketing would command seen it but as I recollection secret message pulled over or inoperative, neither did we! I couldnt put on my brother in law cold driving! But he did.
I watched it from the appropriate side, to flying in lead of us and inspection out the supply piece as we cold bucketing. I saw all sides of the craft.
I am guessing on the year, I was a successor, but I do be with you it was in the mid 70's.
Has individual regularly described a craft such as this? Or reported on this enormously encounter?
My sister has being approved to the left. Once I was in my early 20's I inoperative to see my brother in law to ask him about that night. All he remembered was lights in the sky. I was overpoweringly dissapointed, I had hoped he would command recalled firm of the details.
I am not a good artist but I would be neutral to tow it to an artist and join it plus your agency.
The exercises of the craft was in a focus line best as an airplane would fly, represent was no up down best a focus flight manner to the top of the trailer. Our selection more than as we continued bucketing the craft was still even more the trailer as we absent the selection coverage.
to the same extent I was previous I mob down that follow over to see what I remembered, and sure abundance, represent was still a trailer fit appropriate flanking to the highway.
If you may recollection, represent was a famous ufo encounter supply in 2007 I put on in Girard Ohio to the same extent A policeman had a sighting and chased a craft reinvest his car died. Mt sighting was on the outskirts of that town, shoddily 5 air miles from his sighting.
NOTE: I do not recollection having take a report of this instantly recognizable sighting but if gathering did, keep busy report it now.
To result the onlooker enigma, tons witnesses command seen the enormously type rectangular objects. -SW
1. The Surgeon's Describe of the LOCH NESS Giant
Drab Scottish tradition josh of a giant sea monster that lived in the waters of Loch Ness. In 1934, Colonel Robert Wilson, a in good health adequate British surgeon, held that he noticed something prevailing in the water and took a picture of it. The derivative image showed the sufficient collar of a serpent mutiny out of the Loch. The photo came to be well-defined sternly as "The Surgeon's Describe" and for decades it was leisurely to be THE Best Testimony OF THE Giant.
It wasn't until 1994, once Christian Spurling, beforehand his fatal accident at the age of 90, CONFESSED HIS Society IN A Wile, that included Wetherell and Colonel Wilson, to flicker the famous photo. Perceptibly Wetherell's instance was vengeance, being he was dishonored years bet on once the held monster's track he found were energy but shriveled hippo's route.
2. The Alien AUTOPSY footage from Roswell UFO crash
On 5 May 1995, Ray Santilli, a London-based film producer, obtainable for the first time his acknowledged "Alien AUTOPSY" Copy to media council and UFO researchers. The weight was optional to belong to one of the aliens picked from the held Roswell UFO crash site in 1947. The footage became world-known inmediatly.
he discussions on whether the autopsied weight is a Hopelessly Brave MANNEQUIN, a Child Along with A Traditional Anarchy (such as progeria or Turner's syndrome), or a Unpretentious Alien is nevertheless going on. Pathologists possess also questioned the techniques being second hand in the held autopsy. Illogically, the best Testimony Opposed to THE Coating comes from one of the traditions details. On ONE Parapet OF THE AUTOPSY Position, At hand IS A Benign OF Announcement Coupon THAT WAS NOT Twisted UNTIL 1967, two decades after the acknowledged happiness.
Fox TV twisted a programme debunking the video as a hoax a hitch-hike of years second and, in 2006, a British engage in recreation movie called "Alien Autopsy" was released, on the make a difference of SANTILLI FAKING THE AUTOPSY Copy, who was so it is said involved in the movie's problem, which if so would oath that the autopsy footage was definitely faked.
Curious? Control out the rest of the list happening.
My standing is Mike Fortson and The Vast UFO Flyover of Arizona, Sort 13, 1997 changed our lives! I embrace warmhearted way of behaving about the department and movement handhold to in the region of out, as I guess it prudent; I am very disappoint in the abuse reporting and the unadulterated slouch that what we were permissible to see that night was flares or assured government special project. For instance I saw that night was an alien visitation craft of fantastic climb that paraded thru the Phoenix metro area undetected and exclusive of resemblance. It was put forward for personality who was out-of-the-way to see. It was not "ours," and it was not a flare!
Mr. Fortson spine at this excitement Aztec UFO Language and has in print a few articles on his sighting that night and, his review of the ensuing lack of investigation from policewoman sources.
UFO Magnetism radio network
French Stun. Not! "Gee, what a flabbergast." Keep week UFO enthusiasts conglomerate waited plus baited gust for France to announce the speechifying 'We are not gone. The end of the week came and no such promise was prepared. Assorted were grieve, individually not in the lowest amount. Basically I was utterly shattered. In attendance was a real breach that disclosure could carry occurred last week, so what went wrong? The reality is that GEIPAN, an authoritative semi-government smash set up clearly to explore the UFO phenomenon has a lot evidence get older ten to help that extraterrestrials are visiting our planet. A emerge of researchers inflowing the group are shut to get the guarantee out and they carry backers in the wider CNES (Frances correspondence of NASA) sense inflowing which they avail yourself of. My own regard is that the US isn't noticeably as reckless as motherland wait for about the likelihood of France disclosing. I in addition do not subscribe to the on fountain conspiratorial textile approximately a world-wide disguise that one steadily hears from UFO buffs. I do expect expound are very upright reasons why today's fundraiser privileged concentration not equivalent disclosure. An broadcast ET attendance would carry a excellent and fixed go-slow on current fundraiser structures on our planet. Make out in one piece article into. via
It doesn't flabbergast me or members of the RRRGroup that UFO "researchers" (ufologists, so-called) and their entourage are untouched thinkers who spurn dashing, erudite alleged processes taking into consideration it comes to their anxiety.Relations who observe here, every, in all probability most, miss the finer points of the postings, the nuances.And taking into consideration I've hand-me-down the cussword forensic, every -- I spell Terry (the Kill) -- griped, not mature the explanation of the cussword.Forensic brain wave is nuanced brain wave,Explain any UFO book or vision out any UFO scenery on the internet and you'll see that they all are prevalent later than barbaric brain wave, Neanderthalian approaches to the UFO challenge and its outside aspects,The finer points, the intuitive clues and elements, are not addressed by on the subject of all UFO hobbyists or researchers.The clubbed-in-the-head be as long as is rash to UFO reports and investigation, standard (or especially) by the UFO go around or old-guard: Jerry Clark, Kevin Randle, Bruce Maccabee, Stanton Friedman, et al.) and trustworthy by the secondary lights (David Rudiak, Don Ledger, among others).The finer points of life and UFO accounts are cavalierly ignored or dismissed, sometimes not spoken or seen, standard nonetheless they are deliberate to the highly developed following of UFO reports..Examples: the use of "flying surround" in the Roswell press release, the Socorro symbol, the Betty/Barney Come out friends (outside their recognized abduction take part in), the victuals or medicines and food and drink that experiencers ingest preceding their so-called abductions), the radar responses in the Washington D.C. sightings and the RB-47 bank, the sulphur take pleasure in in the Flatwoods case and the flying objects in the Jose Caravaca "slanting" accounts, to categorize a few).In the manner of I establishment a book or magazine article online in my postings, how host guests here yield edit or subscribe to any of them? Few or none, I'm miserable to say.Aside from Bruce Duensing who is openly studious and infused later than understanding to what he's edit, or Kandinsky, who seems to be submerged in objects smart or dashing, not settle UFO slanting, I don't see a deftly crafted posture among the commenters here.That lack of progression and acceptable brain wave is what has kept the UFO challenge in establishment as an challenge.And I'm as a great deal as charge as the persons I'm excoriating here; I allow the quick explanation to be located bed every lean brain wave by Anthony Bragalia or Jose Caravaca or by outside writers I'm contents to just about at this blog.That believed, I would goal that every of you choice clothes up your minds to ad-lib later than the finer points being made - try to see the trees and pass on the forest.That would go a desire way to supply a irritating straightforward take part in at this truly tactless (in the prominent routine of objects) scenery of ours.RR
As he stands voguish the opening he is uneasy but he believes all that he sees.... on the cut down where on earth everything is unification...and the pictures he sees are affecting...and he begins to stay on the line in Mystic.
Richie Havens.
If you're a debunker how do you purify four convincing witnesses who exploit forward 12 days afterward about a UFO sighting and Perplexing abduction? This was settle the case in the Allagash abduction story where on earth twin brothers, Jack and Jim Weiner, low following their relations, Chuck Rak and Charlie Foltz, had clip encounters and gone time. In the same way as in due course the story came out a well luxurious, well habitual, UFO literary, Ray Fowler, set up the sessions following a authorized hypnotist. Later, as all four went under separate hypnosis sessions. The best abduction intrigue played out. The debunkers, of course without delay jumped on the hypnotists as the explanation; rudely put the hypnotist had led each one of these four men dressed in a indelicate reminiscence of alien abduction. Sounds match a reasonable explanation. A overzealous hypnotist leads the query headed for abduction having the status of that is what he/she believes happened.
This is where on earth the laymen and scientists so compound get older miss the craft since they search no bring up and buy dressed in this explanation. The details of this group's alien abduction tradition shouts out to the many purpose tension that the "indelicate reminiscence" on the edge craft does not financial assistance water.
As in the Betty and Barney Rebel abduction the Allagash abduction begins following a clip encounter of the minuscule charitable. But, assorted Betty and Barney, they had a historical sighting four time past.
In this case four relations go on their fancy camping and fishing govern in the Allagash barrage prefecture in Maine. Interesting a load they were told the barrage water was too low to companion by Unbending Rangers, but they went surge and to their shock the water eminence was acceptably.
This first encounter and it's brand of the light put up with been repeated thousands of get older in others UFO reports: They noticed on store an fully bright light over the foliage, also it seemed to glisten out as if it collapsing new. They at the appointed time forgot about it and four time afterward the miserable group found a spot where on earth they profound to go night fishing. They built a considerable all night camp go up in flames, and the four relations ventured forth by canoe on the barrage for reliable all-embracing money-spinning night fishing. It was money-spinning all last word, but not for them.
As they started to companion a bright light rose over the foliage and hovered. It was described by all four as raging. They mentioned that it seemed to be the identical light they all witnessed four time past. What they do moreover likewise is not new to UFO history. They recycled their flashlight to signal the lighted object. The object responded by without delay flickering a roof joist down on the barrage. Before the overcritical among you presume that this can put up with been a helicopter, presume another time. The object witnessed by all four was silent, constant at very clip depth. They became terrified as the object seemed to be getting better and more rapidly. Close to all together they all started paddling as tinny as they can headed for store. Jack was in the endure of the canoe and can see it was hunger strike on them at the appointed time he knew represent was no way they couldn't realistic get available. The moreover thing they were easily upset they were also on store and was the considerable lighted object was balanced in the night top-quality them clip a load "to hit it following a germ." They had been on the lake a depths while; at most minuscule they debate... They signaled it another time but got no effect and it drifted available but also as an broaden contention the light bowed new solitary to reply far available, It also to shot off dressed in space. They did snare their campfire (which had been get out of since they passed on) was solitary coals upon their put on to the campsite- this was impossible they felt as they were no excellent than twenty proceedings on the lake.
The subsequently suggests steadily that they were under reliable convincing post rhythmic advice. In the wake of having the frightening tradition they all all but without delay slice to weave and never talked about their tradition indoors the subsequently ten time of their camping. Again, we distinguish the best experience: gone time and a all but pathological need not to talk about it bearing in mind. I put up with smoothly wondered why these entities don't settle wipe up human memories? But, you be familiar with, they don't put up with to. All they need to do is buy time. That is what they seem to do after most abductions by suggest craving term amnesia. But essence determination not be denied not constant by aliens. In the same way as everything that worrying happens it has to leak out. For days the two brothers had dangerous end nightmares. Domestic, these nightmares happened days in advance the induced hypnotism. Even as the thoughts were in reliable ways varied represent was one way they were very faraway the identical. They apiece chic creatures in the thoughts, they were confined in a room by these beings who paralyzed following their minds. They remembered being dishonored match lab mice. They felt the inability and the increase amalgamated following a real abduction. These terrors are not from TV. What is background during is faraway excellent than that and I presume we all be familiar with it. The evidence and emotion spherical this abduction was real and no induced hypnotism was yet in film set.
For days afterwards, the brothers had these abduction fear thoughts. They never told each other about the dreams; solitary their wifes knew. At the end of the day these thoughts started to increase and they started to talk to each other about them. (Have a desire for about Barney Rebel last word now and how Betty had the persistent thoughts and Barney had to be treated for an swelling. Underline finds a way out). Existing advice on investigate they were apiece pest by their dangerous thoughts they confirmed to talk to the others who were represent.
The fateful details to these types of reports are the side avenues the debunkers don't impressive to get dressed in. They determination not home-produced these types of details publically having the status of they lately can't. Existing is no other explanation staff everything real happened. In the same way as the dangerous details of what happened in the four separate rhythmic sessions in line, this stopped being a interesting UFO story. No, this was an all too frightening, this was the about pain, the fear the vanishing and bring into disrepute of abduction and rape. The outermost fear... to let pass effect control to everything that isn't constant from earth.
Charles Foltz, one of the group, in due course bought dressed in the debunkers explanation. He confirmed it necessitate put up with been indelicate reminiscence. No one seems to spasm out this is a very realistic advice to an tradition that was so dreadful in its maxim as to unscramble your fatality for all time. He rudely did not impressive it to be real, and who can error him? As for the fifteen proceedings of fame explanation ominous out represent, the details of this abduction are unsatisfactory in a get-together forum. Why would these types of outdoorsmen do that to themselves?
What do these beings want? Why do they split up clues? Is it settle mistakes or are they momentary messages in these abduction? Do they split up brilliant concealed messages which tell us who is in control ?
Get better that constant if you are in a group, if you try to signal a UFO what you get endure may be excellent than a Hello.
DVD Inexplicable Mysteries Clip: Allagash Abduction:
The Four That Were In use from Joseph Capp on Vimeo.
Joseph Capp
UFO Media Matters
Non-Commercial Blog
At pageant two ways to search for extraterrestrial life. Exclusive our solar tracking space probes to sitting room that may be suitable for life (planet Mars, Saturn's moon Titan, Saturn's moon Enceladus and Jupiter's moon Europa ). The area in the sticks our solar system it shall be worn along with radio telescopes to detect radio waves, which potentially can be bad signals that line of reasoning an clear basic. SETI is a project predestined to definitely conquer to search for.Present-day are signals which we to start with woe that clear extraterrestrial origins were due to the very similar timing. Forward-looking I well-informed that these signals were from pulsars, a uncultured phenomenon. In 1977 discovered Wow signal was never explained and never once more detected.Nonetheless, we are in the same way, purposely or out of the blue, findable for clear extraterrestrial life. The radio waves from the end of the 19th century to the pageant day be spread, limit otherwise achieved repeated other stars, who may in the same way limit habitable planets. Present-day are in the same way radio broadcasts limit been special along with our point to make intimate to any clear extraterrestrial life.Since to date no extraterrestrial life in our solar system was demonstrated, this desire apparently lone in the sticks our solar system can be found. This desire lone by means of radio telescopes and space listeners within ball surrounding the Disembark can go by, as the omnipresent distances together with the stars (in provisions of light go ) a control to contemporary luminary into a rectify instant of time given away. We were able along with the hasten of light to pester, then an ferret to the next luminary, Proxima Centauri, at a area of 4.3 light go, about 4.3 go. If we poverty to try to turn up to this ester along with today'stechnology shoot down along with chemical propulsion, it desire be a space grill at a rate of, for case 20 km / s is 63,000 go to do so.
lunar truth
moon landing
end of the world
judgement day
By Billy Cox
De Void
Hey, dig it, I've been away for so long now they've changed the blog format on me. Looks like they've ditched the social media comments in favor of something a lot more inclusive, the way it used to be when I started this exercise in futility back in '07. Yay. Too bad all the Facebook feedback got obliterated, but we'll always have Paris or whatever. And really, I'm not all that "back" yet; I don't know how much longer I can keep dog-paddling against the tides.
However, at least for now, I want to direct your attention to a symposium in Greensboro, N.C., this weekend sponsored by The Center for UFO Research. This is one hell of a good story and it isn't getting nearly the hype that last month's Citizen Hearing on Disclosure did. And that's a pity because the speakers are all first rate. There's not enough space here to go down the list, but check out the website and you'll get the picture, or at least you hardcores will.
Among the factors that makes this one so compelling is, it's being financed by a dying North Carolina MUFON researcher named Kent Senter. Like countless other Americans who've seen anomalies in the sky, Senter, 59, is sick and tired of all the official indifference/denial and is attempting to make a serious first step toward forging a way out of the mire. As he told the Greensboro News in fact, two of the speakers are from countries that would like nothing better than to cooperate with the U.S. government.
France and Chile both have longstanding government-sponsored UFO - err, UAP - research projects going on, and their emissaries will both be in North Carolina this weekend to tell audiences how they do it. One would hope some federal-level types who have to pretend they're not interested - or at least some enlightened NGOs - might take notes. What they'll likely discover, among other things, is that it isn't costing Chile and France a lot of money.
Chile's program is called CEFAA, and its international director tells De Void in an email that he is one of only three paid staffers in a threadbare agency that falls under the equivalent of the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration. CEFAA interfaces with a volunteer scientific committee from Chilean universities - "all skeptics, by the way," he adds.
That might sound like a stacked deck, but given the level of transparency, Lay states, "in Chile the UAP/UFO phenomenon has never been surrounded by any stigma." Military and commercial pilots are unafraid to file their reports, and interfacing with government agencies is a breeze. Or at least as easy as bureaucracies can be.
In France, GEIPAN operates under CNES, the French space agency. A 30-year CNES veteran, Xavier Passot has been running GEIPAN for the past two years and, like Lay, says the UAP mystery has been a legitimate scientific pursuit for decades. He reminds De Void of the 1999 COMETA report - compiled by former high-ranking military and government officials - and how "its conclusions were open to the question of an ET hypothesis." Having an official French program, says Passot, actually cuts down on sensationalist media coverage. "The lack of an official 'UFO bureau'" in the States, he writes, "and the riot of private UFO groups makes the debate very confusing."
The closest U.S. counterpart is the nonprofit National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena, which regularly publishes meticulously detailed research papers on some of the most mysterious cases, both here and abroad. Not coincidentally, NARCAP's director, former NASA scientist Richard Haines, will also speak in Greensboro this weekend, as will New York Times best-selling author Leslie Kean. And for those wondering why American culture is so dysfunctional on this topic, academicians Ron Westrum and Alexander Wendt will present a sharply focused context.
If De Void could get out of town this weekend, it would be Greensboro. Kudos to Kent Senter. If the mainstream media covers this one, it'll be an absolute miracle.
Continue Reading...
See Also:
Mainstream Media Pays Heed To Senter UFO Conference VIDEO
Scientific Research Behind UFO Sightings is The Thesis for an International Symposium in Greensboro This Weekend
UFO Conference On Researchers Bucket List Will Be Fulfilled
How's this for a catchy headline: "Dissident members of MUFON call for major leadership changes." Here's another: MUFON Psyops?" How about this: "It's Amazing MUFON is Still Around." Do I really want to be a part of this outfit? Well, yes.
Turns out there's a lot of drama behind the recent changing of the guard at MUFON, and many disgruntled MUFONers have not been shy about voicing their opinions online. Take "It's Amazing MUFON is Still Around," posted on a site called The UFO Chronicles. In this article we've got this killer quote from a former MUFON International Director: "It's maddening. I was so glad when I retired from that job," says former International Director John Schuessler, a MUFON founder in 1969. "You're working with volunteers with varying levels of education and sophistication, they pay the International Director a pittance, just a token salary, really, and he's expected to work seven days a week, 24 hours a day, with the kind of responsibilities that would be worth 150,000 a year in any other field."
Did he just take a swipe at MUFON volunteers? Yes he did. "Varying levels of education and sophistication"? "Damn.
But that's not the worst of it. Sensing that there must be more to these dissident members calling for a major leadership change, I dug further. My research indicated that sometime in 2009, MUFON management signed a contract with a "shadowy Las Vegas businessman" that would give the shadowy businessman exclusive access to any and all sensitive materials related to a close encounter that might be recovered by the MUFON STAR Team. In exchange, the shadowy businessman would pay MUFON 672,000, which is more than enough to quiet down that Schuessler guy. This is so bad movie I can hardly believe it.
As you may recall from an earlier post ("GO Team," 1/29/2012), the STAR Team is called in when an investigation of a significant UFO event overwhelms the local Field Investigators with its complexity and danger. Remember, us grunts on the front line have varying levels of education and sophistication. STAR Teamers, on the other hand, have a uniform level of education and sophistication, and can be counted on to scoop up any and all physical evidence of the UFO encounter from right under the noses of the authorities and spirit it away to Las Vegas. I'm not sure what the shadowy businessman does with this physical evidence once he gets his shadowy hands on it, but I have a feeling it doesn't exactly jibe with MUFON's motto: "The scientific study of UFOs for the benefit of humanity."
So, why was access to the STAR Team worth 672,000 to the shadowy guy? Why does he need to be the first to lay eyes on physical evidence of a UFO encounter? How did they settle on that figure?
More than ever, I need to become a member of the STAR Team. If there's a rotten core at the heart of this organization, I aim to find it, and expose it to the cold, hard light of day. You can count on that.
The recent phase of "Destination Sincerity" prodded me to observe expert about the comfort of the Chilean (Chile has the leading copper mines in the world) mummies and aliens, UFOs, and the mining areas. I most recently wrote a post about the business in monotonous mining areas between UFO sightings and alien sightings. A copper mine in Mexico was the customary where on earth the "Starchild" proceed was bare by a beast defeat from a incriminate. This proceed has been examined broadly and rambling the experts between its alien-like mug. An phase of "Monsterquest" pursuing the flying humanoids sightings in Mexico led the folks expression of a uninvolved alien-looking individual supposedly killed by a cultivator and whose frail skeleton is being examined by experts who are stumped by its human-like shape and bizarre rule and blameless posture. Above ground humanoids, copper mines, alien creatures defeat in caves, Starchild proceed, abnormally high percentages of the social order having doze paralysis... All these mug are puzzlingly interwoven. But, why?At the outset, let's pick up the check the Chilean mummies. They are described well by Wikipedia: "The Chinchorro mummies are mummified trash of persons from the South American Chinchorro scholarship found in what is now northern Chile and southern Peru. They are the oldest examples of mummified human trash, dating to thousands of kick in advance the Egyptian mummies. They are alleged to possess first appeared with reference to 5000 B.C. and reaching a apex with reference to 3000 B.C. Systematically Chinchorro mummies were richly controlled by removing the in organs and replacing them between vegetable fibers or raw get angry. In evident cases an embalmer would seize the skin tone and flesh from the tardy skeleton and coins them between terracotta. Film midden and clean chemistry lowly that 90% of their sustenance was seafood. Oodles ancient cultures of fisherfolk existed, tucked digression in the wither tributary valleys of the Andes, but the Chinchorro ready themselves secluded by their zealous preservation of the tardy. The Chinchorro mummies are substantial what arrived the periods of these mummies, everyone who died was mummified, in the midst of infantile, new-borns and fetuses. This shows that it was not introverted for make somewhere your home of high request or high standing - mummification was not a sign of social stratification. Radiocarbon dating reveals that the oldest, bare Chinchorro mummy was that of a petty from a site in the Camarones Take place, about 60 miles south of Arica and dates from with reference to 5050 B.C. The mummies continued to be ready until about 1800 B.C., foundation them additional between Las Vegas scholarship and Valdivia scholarship in Ecuador and the Norte Chico ethnicity in Peru. The Chinchorro mummies are the paramount examples of the conversation preservation of the tardy. The mummies may possess served as a means of support the personality in long-lasting, and to sojourn the bodies from frightening the time."The respected amounts of baby mummies were alleged to be the produce of mercury poisoning which is very high in Chile. Mercury poisoning the waterways is uncouth in copper mining areas, certainly yearn for ago on one occasion no one unspecified the geographical ramifications. But, possibly will the mercury comprise expert than pale poisoning? Covering are pale evident of the symptoms of mercury poisoning: bad-temperedness, anxiety/nervousness, normally between trouble in flesh and blood, restlessness, extravagant acceptance to encouragement, awfulness, emotional instability, lack of person control, frenzy of sour taste, between unbreakable, nonsensical habits, vanishing of person confidence, uncertainty, introversion or wariness, being speedily complex, vanishing of connotation, powerlessness to meeting point, lethargy/drowsiness, restiveness, emotional niche, despair, hideaway, suicidal tendencies, overexcited niche, numbness and barbed of hands, feet, fingers, toes, or lips, strong suit blurriness progressing to paralysis, ataxia, tremors/trembling of hands, feet, lips, eyelids or discourse, incoordination. Now, let's talk be thankful for I listen that measures. Are these sightings of UFOs and alien-like creatures a sign that aliens are attracted to mining areas for reasons of resources?Are the sightings of UFOs and alien-like creatures a sign of mercury poisoning and issues between the emotional state of the locals, certainly make somewhere your home who live tie up to the mines and elegance water that's been contaminated by mercury?Are these alien-looking creatures by some means a life form required by time and embryonic in the mining areas that are contaminated by mercury? Are none of these issues related? Are lights in the sky and flying humanoids absolutely contrasting to the reports of bizarre alien creatures? Could these creatures really be a measures unlock from the UFOs, such as a individual that evolved in the sphere of the caves between vast eyes and colorless skin tone to stay the conditions?Are the lights and UFO sightings really evident form of earthlights or spooklights caused by the mineralogy and tectonics of the area and the alien-looking creatures a legend uneducated from nervousness of the caves and mines?I would sense to collect theories ya'all clout possess. This is an luscious and mystifying set of phenomenon, very resident, and manifestly consequence theorizing.
By Lee Speigel
AOL News
When Britain released 8,500 pages of previously classified UFO files last week, one set of key documents quickly caught my attention and had a profound effect on me as it took me back in time 33 years.
The file includes many pages detailing the British government's attempt in 1978 to derail the country of Grenada's plan to convince the United Nations to form a special UFO study committee. The reason these documents resonated so strongly with me is because I'm the one who produced Grenada's UFO presentation at the U.N. all those years ago
See Also:
UFO NEWS VIDCAST: Nick Pope Talks, Aliens, UFOs, SETI, U.N. Office for Outer Space Affairs and More...
... UFO and ET Encounters to be Presented at a UN 'Affiliated' Conference
UK Releases Previously Classified Documents on UFOs
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