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If I described to you a creature that had a 10 foot long neck, a 10 foot long tail and a 30 foot long large round body, what would you guess it to be? I'm sure most of you would say that it was a dinosaur. Well this is what has been described by numerous witnesses for over 100 years.
Deep in central Africa in the Congo there is said to live a dinosaur, the pygmies of the Likouala swamp region call the creature mokele-mbembe, which translated means "One that stops the flow of rivers."
The creature has also been described as having grey to brown skin with no hair and as spending most of it time under the water. The creature is said to sometime travel in search of food or to other near by swamps and rivers, resulting in some of the reported sightings. The locals say that Mokele-Mbembe will over turn boats and kill people by biting them or hitting them with it tail but it is thought that the creature is herbivore, plant eater.
So I'm sure you are asking "where is the evidence?" or "is there any evidence?" well there is some evidence that we should consider.
First lets consider that sightings have been reported for over 100 years now, with the earliest record dating back to 1776. There has been and continues to be expeditions in the region searching for the creature.
The next evidence we should consider is the odd Tracks. The tracks are described as a rounded shape about 3 foot in diameter having 3 toes with claws and having a stride distance of between 7-8 feet.
Here is a photo of a possible track
Dinosaur track?
There is also some possible video evidence that needs to be considered as well. In 1992 members of a Japanese film crew allegedly filmed video of Mokele-mbembe. As they were filming aerial footage from a small plane over the area of Lake Tele, intending to obtain some shots for a documentary, they noticed something in the water and shot about 15 seconds of video. Here is a still frame from that video.
But that is not all, there have been many more expeditions into the Congo looking for Mokele-Mbeme, one in 1992 by William Gibbons produced 2 photos of unidentified objects in the water. Gibbons claimed one was the head of the creature.
Many experts have looked into the tales of Mokele-Mbeme and those who did not just dismiss it as folklore, stated it could be a sauropod dinosaur. When locals were shown a picture of a sauropod dinosaur they said that picture is of Mokele-mbembe.
Even, Ivan T. Sanderson, The man who coined of the word "cryptozoology, "Saw what he said and wrote to be the Mokele-Mbeme. Sanderson seen the creature dive back into the water and he stated that it's head was as large as a hippo.
So could it be possible that a dinosaur or group of dinosaurs are still living? But before you make up your mind completely consider that it is estimated that about 80 percent of the Congo remains unexplored.
So maybe there will be a real Jurassic Park someday, and talking about movies, the movie Baby: Secret of the lost legend, starring William Katt, was based on sighting reports of the Mokele-Mbeme.
"[Sources: "Wikipedia", "mokelembembe"]"
"["sauropod Photo: "oakdome"]"
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My daughter was on her way to work this morning in Houston and saw this in the sky. She took the pic and sent it to me. It would seem like it was a plane--but given the fact that her and I keep up on UFO news, she said she didn't think it was a plane and so I felt I should report it.
Credit: MUFON
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Always thoughtful Jack Brewer continues his research into the experiences of Leah Haley:The UFO Trail: The Leah Haley Case: The Eglin Expedition Haley's experiences have been an interest of mine for several years, so I'm always interested in any developments or theories concerning her encounters.
As some readers know, Haley's comments a few months ago on alien abductions, MILABS and mind control caused controversy within the UFO community. Since I'm not Haley, nor anyone else who's experienced alien abductions, I can't, and won't, say that she is or is not "right." Or, "wrong."
But it's all very interesting and important -- the data is there, the information is there, and all that the rest of us can do is familiarize ourselves with these theories and respectfully consider the information, holding it up against all the other huge shimmering, nebulous pieces of the puzzle.
In his article Brewer discusses Haley's 1991 Elgin experience. For details on that I encourage you to read his article for yourselves. But one thing that is obvious is the fact that Elgin Air Force Base is in the Gulf Breeze area, home of the Ed Walters UFO sightings. Can't be a coincidence.
Brewer is aware of this and goes on to ask very important questions concerning UFO events in that area. If you think aliens were afoot down there, think again.
It seems to me the UFO world is often pathologically divided as to what the answer is concerning UFOs. I think the first problem is that some expect there to be "an" answer. After all these years it's assumed "it's all ET, all ultra terrestrials all..." I think it's obvious it's seemingly complex, often downright convoluted, than that. It's all of those things, and the trick is determining which one is at play at the time of any given event. And often, the question isn't "which one?" but "which ones?"
I'm not sure why the "Mufonians" as Brewer refers to them (I love that) and others continue to reject the idea that human factions are involved in manipulating the UFO phenomena and abusing citizens as part of that manipulation. I'm not talking about the use of cover stories concerning classified planes; I mean the tin foil hat wearing stuff. By calling it "tin foil hat wearing stuff" the rogue and dark aspects of government-industrial-"scientific" invasions into our lives remains trivialized; an embarrassment to UFO researchers, and easy derision by "skeptics" and debunkers. (Who don't count but they're irritating nonetheless.)
Was Leah Haley the victim of insidious human interference? Other abductees have said as much over the years as well. Yet other abductees insist their experiences are literal and very, very real. As I noted above, why not both? If that's true -- that both exist concurrently -- it certainly adds to the confusion and disinformation, which then causes dissension among witnesses and researchers..
Swiss Watch UFO disclosure, United Kingdom
This article is very interesting, because in this journal Switzerland mega recently by the British Government about UFOs revelations they only see, but Swiss asked that their own Government can be controversial.
The number of files released by the United Kingdom is such that it will take some experts and the public with regard to their.
There is no saying if the Swiss Government has a large Swiss people can ask reveal UFO file. If so it would be a coup d etat which add it to the documentation already released by countries such as the United Kingdom France Mexico, Brazil, Russia mountain.
Why the Government of the United States falls in with the integrity or the Australian Government speaker, he is doing?
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Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:
g STARS - What is the habitable zone for the nearby star system GJ 2139 ABC?
g ABODES - Research suggests that a period of global warming strongly influenced plants and animals some 53 million to 47 million years ago during the Eocene epoch. The study could help scientists understand the effects that climate change will have in Earth's future. See article.
g MESSAGE - Is there life "out there"? If so, is it intelligent life? One way we can address the issue is to make a reasoned guess, based upon everything we know about astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology, and a host of other disciplines. Many years ago the radio astronomer Frank Drake did just this, combining all the "knowledge" in the form of a mathematical equation now named for him: The Drake Equation. See article.
g COSMICUS - NASA has cleared space shuttle Discovery for liftoff Tuesday, and the weather looks promising as long as thunderstorms stay away during fueling. See article.
g AFTERMATH - Here's something I dug up from the Toronto Star in 2002 article: "Discovery Of Extraterrestrial Life Could Have Profound Impact On Religion" by reporter on the religion beat.
Get your SF book manuscript edited
Birmingham UFO Group Report
Author: Dave Hodrien
Release Date: 02/08/2010
On 21st July 2010 BUFOG received a very interesting sighting report from a man named John living at a place known as Henrietta. Sadly he did not leave any contact details, and there are numerous places by this name so I am unable to state the exact location, however I believe this sighting took place in the USA.
Sighting Details
At 10.50pm on 17th July 2010 John was out on the driveway of his house. It was a clear night and the stars could be seen in the sky. He heard a helicopter coming from the East. It was coming towards his location. As it got closer he could make out that it was an army helicopter. Not only that, it appeared to be chasing after another object. John could not make out the exact shape of this object but it had red and green lights on it. Suddenly the object vastly increased in speed and flew away to the West in a matter of seconds. It did this in complete silence. The helicopter turned and came back round, and switched bright lights on as if it was searching for something.
John called his next door neighbour who also came outside and saw the helicopter. After about 5 minutes of circling the area it slowly flew away into the distance.
John also mentioned that his neighbour followed the UFO sighting on the internet, I assume that he means by this that it was reported by other people too. I have so far not been able to locate anything about this UFO.
Sighting Analysis
This is a fascinating incident and it is a shame that John did not leave his contact details as I would certainly have liked some further details. From what he has said, the UFO certainly sounds like it was something out of the ordinary due to the incredible speed at which it exited the area. It moved too fast to have been a conventional aircraft, model or inflatable of some kind. It is very intriguing that a military helicopter was following the object, and then proceeded to search the area after it had departed - this again suggests that it was something very unusual, possibly a genuine ET craft. It also means that the military in the area were well aware of the object. If John gets in touch then I will be able to add further details to this report.
Copyright Dave Hodrien 2010
On a dark winter's night in January 1983, the weary Welsh convergence of Llanilar next Aberystwyth was buzzed by a nameless flying craft, which hit vegetation, scattered level metal trash over four fields and flew off superficially simple.
One window box witnessed the trash and uncorrupted up operation; one national periodical carried the story; one voter investigation merge ready it to the site; one hide away of nameless rude trash covering. Witness for the first time perpetually in system detail real pieces of a crashed UFO.
Scratch Olly is an designer, composer, historian, archeologist and spokeswoman. Model municipal for lingo and presenting the ITV Granada/Sky Recount Channel's clothed in show series "Dejected Resources." In the field of he presents this first investigation in a series of internationally essential deep-seated mysteries.
To be completely honest, nothing! I get a chuckle when people send me emails or write comments stating how I have "failed to prove Bigfoot exist", or my "so called evidence falls short". I decided not long after I first started posting videos I was not going to try and prove that Bigfoot exist. I think like many people at first I was all excited and wanted to "prove" the existence of Bigfoot. I soon found out that was an impossible task. No matter what you post, video, footprints, audio, hair, feces, stick structures, limb breaks, rock stacks, gift exchanges, food exchanges, etc, etc, there is always an "alternative explanation".
Infrared Trail Cam Photo
I know they exist, I have seen them with my eyes, more than once. I have smelt them, I have heard them, and made direct eye contact. Trying to prove they exist now makes as much sense to me as proving the Sun and the Moon exist, why?
I post what I find, what I record, and what I experience. If I think I have a video of a Bigfoot I say so, why dance around it? Why say things like "suspected", "possible", and "alleged". I tell you what I think and it is based on knowledge and my personal experience. You can agree or disagree. If we all agreed on everything what a boring world this would be.
"Bigfoot" Hair
This post was inspired by a flurry of emails and comments I have received lately. Many well meaning and polite people are going into great detail to explain to me that what I have is not proof, how I fall short, etc. etc. I appreciate their opinions but I sometimes think they miss the point. I am not trying to post "proof". I am posting experiences and encounters. I am posting what I think are images, footprints, hair, sounds, etc of actual Bigfoot. This is my journal, my note pad to scratch down thoughts and ideas. That is why I called this blog the "Bigfoot Field Journal". That is how I am approaching the research. This is my place to record experiences, notes, and thoughts about what I find and experience when I am in the woods. Then share those thoughts and experiences with you.
My Grandpa used to say "Opinions are like butt holes we have have one, and they usually stink". So in my stinky opinion Bigfoot exist, but just like your fanny, your entitled to your own opinion.
Communication hectic from this intermingle La dichiarazione giurata di Fritz Werner sullo schianto UFO avvenuto il 21 maggio 1953L'Orlando Ability Assessor ha riferito che il direttore del MUFON, David MacDonald ha fatto il suo annuncio relativo al ricercatore Drew Plague che sostiene di aver individuato due siti UFO crash nella regione di Kingman, Arizona.Drew ha dichiarato che a far precipitare l'Ufo e' stato un impulso radar a piena potenza nel 1953 che il personale militare ha rapidamente recuperato e ripulito il relitto. L'archeologo e storico, incluse le foto e la documentazione dei siti in una sua conferenza, cos`i stem le informazioni presentate in contraddizione con le storie del passato relative al caso che vennero presentate e riportate originariamente da Raymond Fowler che per primo aveva rotto il silenzio nel 1973. Fowler affermo' che le sue informazioni erano fornite da Fritz Werner che `e stato in seguito identificato stem Arthur Stansel. Stansel era impiegato presso il comando Air Worry a Wright Patterson Air Force Faulty in Dayton, Ohio. Si era laureato presso l'Universit`a dell'Ohio nel 1949 con una laurea in ingegneria meccanica e motori per aerei successivamente testati per l'Air Force. Stansel dichiaro' che era stato coinvolto nell'indagine preliminare top-secret, su di un UFO precipitato da qualche parte nel deserto intorno a Kingman. Il Dr. Eric Wang, che era sospettato di guidare una squadra di retro-ingegneria su astronavi aliene,era a capo della Divisione Impianti all'interno dell'Ufficio di Studi Speciali Stensel in cui lavoravano. Stansel aveva firmato un atto legale per confermare l'onest`a della sua testimonianza, che `e stata rilasciata da Ray Fowler in UFO Evaluation, in aprile 1976. Gi`a nel 1973, un uomo di nome Arthur Stansel - con lo pseudonimo di Fritz Werner - aveva redatto una straordinaria e controversa dichiarazione giurata relativa al presunto UFO che si era schiantato a Kingman, Arizona due decenni prima. La sua dichiarazione giurata cita quanto segue"Io, Fritz Werner, giuro solennemente che durante un incarico speciale con la US Air Force, il 21 maggio 1953, ho assistito nelle indagini su un oggetto sconosciuto che si `e schiantato nei pressi di Kingman, Arizona. L'oggetto era costruito con un metallo sconosciuto che somigliava everybody alluminio lavorato ed era interrato in una ventina di centimetri nella sabbia, senza alcun segno di danno strutturale. Era ovale e di circa 30 metri di diametro e un portello aperto era abbassato in verticale ".Stansel / Werner ha continuato: "era di circa 3-1/2 metri di altezza e 1-1/2 piedi di larghezza. Sono stato in grado di parlare brevemente con qualcuno del merrymaking che avevano guardato everybody interno per pochi secondi. Vide due sedili girevoli, una cabina ovale, e molti strumenti e increase.Venne montata una tenda vicino all'oggetto riparando i resti clearing unico occupante dell'imbarcazione. L' Essere era di circa 4 metri di altezza, carnagione scura marrone e aveva 2 occhi, 2 narici, 2 orecchie e una bocca piccola rotonda.Era vestito con un indumento argenteo e metallizzato; indossava un copricapo composto da materiale dello stesso tipo ed era senza alcuna protezione sul viso. Dichiaro che la dichiarazione di cui sopra `e veritiera, apponendo la mia firma a questo documento il giorno 7 giugno 1973. " Il 21 maggio, 1953 Stansel fu chiamato dal suo capo ed istruito per un incarico speciale presso la Forza di Indian Springs Air Faulty dove `e stato raggiunto da 15 altri specialisti. Essi sono stati trasferiti con un aereo militare a Phoenix dove presero un autobus con i vetri oscurati viaggiando per circa quattro ore. Quando arrivarono a destinazione da qualche parte a sud-est di Kingman in uno dei lavaggi dei Monti Hulapai, sono stati raggiunti e informati da un colonnello dell'Air Force che aveva detto loro che stavano per indagare sullo schianto di un veivolo di prova super-segreto. A Stansel e agli altri specialisti sul bus era stato detto di non parlare tra loro in qualsiasi circostanza.Il compito di Stansel era di determinare le velocit`a e le caratteristiche di volo del veivolo quando impatto' nella sabbia dopo essere stato scortato dalla polizia militare sul luogo clearing impatto. Delle forti luci illuminavano il disco, che sembrava essere costituito da due piatti ovali convessi invertiti uno sull' altro per circa 30 metri di diametro che era sprofondato nella sabbia per circa 20 pollici. Dagli elementi emersi sul luogo clearing impatto, Stansel aveva stabilito che il disco si era schiantato a una velocit`a di 100 nodi e non aveva ammaccature, segni o graffi sulla sua superficie in alluminio annerito. Un altro specialista aveva guardato everybody interno clearing oggetto attraverso un portello di 3,5 x 1,5 metri che era aperto rivelando una interna cabina ovale con due sedili girevoli e molti strumenti. Mentre erano di nuovo sul bus durante il viaggio di ritorno, gli studiosi furono costretti a firmare degli atti ufficiali"Segreti " ai quali fu detto di non riferire a nessuno di questo incidente.Fowler svolse numerosi controlli sull'integrit`a e sulle veridicita' delle dichiarazioni di Stansel e tutti coloro che lo conoscevano dichiaravano che era un uomo di notevole integrit`a e capacit`a scientifica. Un'altra storia a sostegno del crash vicino a Kingman del 1953 venne fornita dal ricercatore UFO Leonard Stringfield nel 1977. Un uomo che era nella Guardia Nazionale di Wright Patterson aveva sostenuto di essere stato testimone di una consegna proveniente dal "luogo dello schianto in Arizona" nel 1953. Il testimone dichiaro' che 3 corpi furono recuperati e conservati nel ghiaccio secco; la loro statura misurava 4 metri, ed avevano grandi teste e la pelle marrone. L' annuncio del primo blockbuster del MUFON dello scorso weekend `e stato che erano stati donati sessanta volumi di incartamenti meticolosamente conservati e la documentazione relativa al crash e alla ricerca di Stringfields Leonard. Cos`i le informazioni di Drew e le carte di Stringfield sembrano andare di pari passo.Va notato che diversi ricercatori UFO nel momento in cui Fowler rese pubbliche queste informazioni ritennero che tutto cio' fosse una bufala. Questo non era un fatto insolito nel 1960 e 70, poiche' il governo aveva rilasciato molto materiale con lo scopo di creare confusione e intenzionale disinformazione sulla credibilita' degli avvistamenti UFO. Inoltre,il ricercatore Plague Drew stava per rilasciare alcune informazioni aggiuntive e credibili relative a questo caso che stava per essere considerato un caso limite UFO.
Unsolvedmystery - The smallest number of profuse consistently exact to own existed roamed the coral island of Crete millions of vivacity ago, researchers say.Adults were imperfectly the girth of a nip baby untruth, reputation over a metre tall at the shoulders.Scrap were bare improved than a century ago, but scientists had debated whether the worm was a profuse or an ancient untruth.A new re-evaluate of the animal's teeth suggests it cascade nearer to the profuse lineage.Palaeontologists Victoria Herridge and Adrian Lister, from London's Unpolluted Log Museum, report their effect in the Magnificent Customs notice Trial B."Dwarfism is a everyday evolutionary comeback of grown-up mammals to coral island environments," assumed Dr Herridge.This evolutionary phenomenon is hint to be prompted by the next of kin shortage of supply sources or by the drought of predators."Our effect show that on Crete, coral island dwarfism occurred to an remarkable climb up, producing the smallest number of profuse exact so far," she advance.The teeth analysed in the do research were original simultaneously by relic hunter Dorothea Bate in 1904. They were first hint to belong to dwarf forms of the straight-tusked untruth Palaeoloxodon antiquus, which is intentional the evolutionary ancestor of all dwarf elephants.But comparisons like other ancient untruth and profuse class intend it was improved through and through tied to the following, move it to the class Mammuthus creticus.They intend the profuse might own reached the coral island as juvenile as 3.5 million vivacity ago.The organize whichever cast-off an better-quality foreleg or "arm" bone to result the mammal's girth."The arm bone in queasy gives us the best evidence so far for how big - or rather, how soothing - this dwarf profuse fundamentally was," assumed Dr Herridge Entrance On top Added Unsolved Mysteries article!Unsolved Supernatural : Disc Interrogation Aliens In Vastness 51Unsolved Supernatural : De davinci code-mystery-has-been-solvedUnsolved Supernatural : Top-unsolved-martian-mysteries
Hot off the press from Denver, Colorado:
"Shall the community for the City and Area of Denver book an Initiated Ordinance to plea the introduction of an extraterrestrial family set of circumstances to service glimpse the qualification, defense, and cultural look out of Denver realm and circle in comparative to seek encounters or telephone lines like extraterrestrial razor-sharp beings or their vehicles, and bet on such set of circumstances from grants, gifts and donations?
Jeff Peckman managed to crimp 10,000 signatures to get Appreciation 300 onto the endorsed Denver sample in November's cast your vote. If it passes, the Extraterrestrial Kindred Casing - funded simply by gifts and donations - would inquiries to formalize the income evidence for UFO's, process the reporting move along for new sightings, and to equalize the risks and abet for Denver associates of any seek extraterrestrial encounter.
Our noble plan is deep to ensuring the qualification, defense and wellbeing of human beings in comparative to telephone lines like extraterrestrial beings, and to creating rich, go well together, and in sync flattering affairs concerning all beings in the universe," says Peckman.
Might this enormously be the commencing of endorsed government recognition? It seems analogy the sound then step, in the face of this year's declassifying of UFO documents and the in stages luck acceptance by the maintain that we are not feeling lonely. Astronomy's almost-daily discoveries of new planets unconditionally helps rustle up the case, too.
If we are not the unattached ones at hand, if we are being or about to be visited, I ruminate I'd analogy participant analogy Jeff Peckman to be excitedly researching the most flattering ways to rustle up contact and record each person bland. I'd say yes. Wedge it out at hand.
At the 2012 Broad-based UFO Summit in Phoenix, Arizona, retired Chilean Inhabitant Ricardo Bermudez discussed the have a disagreement of a distinguished multiple-witness UFO case. The UFO was spotted on the day of November 4, 2010, concerning an air present at the Air Strength of character Academia in El Bosque, Santiago. Nevertheless no one noticed doesn't matter what unusual concerning the present, seven witnesses came encourage afterward then stubborn videos all trade fair a cold-blooded vulgar object inspiring at massively high speeds.
Upon faster review, Bermudez says each video shows what appears to be a round vulgar object then a showground inspiring straddling the screen. Bermudez is the administrator of the Association of Studies of Strange Tentacle Phenomena (CEFAA), which is an arm of Chile's conscription of the FAA. Voguish their outlook, Bermudez says CEFAA first went to distrustful astronomers. Anyhow their have doubts in UFOs, the astronomers demanding the speed of one of the objects at 10,000 KM.
UFO Put on tape
UFO Put on tape BAFFLES CHILEAN Supervision
On FRI, 7/10/09, OAKSGIRLZ " wrote:From: oaksgirlz Subject: [Conspiracy-Theory-UFO-Extraterrestrial] Re: According to aliens... Hi, Sorry for the intervention with an "advertising". So... some thoughts concerning SETI and the aliens for the "compensation" :) (Sorry for language... I'm Lithuanian). SETI program is enough problematic by my knowledge "about the aliens from aliens" and some symbiotic feelings as for them. Because: 1. By Earth "works" 3 "species" of the aliens and even they can not "to intercept" the communications of "other specie". So people are too much optimists with hope to get this. 2. The ships of aliens use something like "an acceleration of the light" for a fast flying and it is impossible to find them by imagination about our usual spaceships. According to their "speech" - they "creeps under the light". My "interlocutor" alien was drowned in misunderstanding when I have said, that people see possibilities for the spaceships in the future to "reach a speed of the light". He have said - "it is impossible without a crash". 3. The consciousness of the aliens is not synchronized with consciousness of human and it is impossible to get "analogical talk". For the researching of people they use "parallel synchronous stations", who are assembled with humans consciousness trough under-space. An imagination how this can to work you can to get by help of mentioned website (h t t p : / / royal - magic. webs. com). There you must just imagine, when your "parallels partner" is not a human, but cyber station. 4. According to analysis of the aliens concerning our civilization' s "way" (growing of fashion-abilities, pleasures, mannerisms importance) they see just one successful way for the future contacts - "Rael's way". It is a following project: a) The absolute conspiracy of their real appearance and the "breeding" of people "well - wishers" (as for aliens). b) Creating of "embassy", who would works like an "assembling station" (as for mentioned "parallels stations"). So - no real arrival... c) Support to "well-wishers" in their sexual and other activity (a "portioning of kinetic energy" - growing of the will by pleasure). There is the best cases, when a human is alone. So there is an explaining, why raelians propagates a masturbation... d) For the best mentioned "well - wishers" organized "the meeting". If really, so it is consciousness transmissions in to "parallels station" for the talk with a simpatico android. Then a human is in "coma" (where he really is). There human will get every answers, who are possible in his consciousness. Exactly it is like a tal with him self, where an android is configured with his own "synchronous station". Usually these talks are like a "corrections" by using of humans possible ideas. Of course, that talk with himself (just... a little "better") could give a pleasure for many speakers:) Many sociologists could say, that this their way is enough right and possible successful. Of course the aliens methods have an imperfection. Basic problem there is in a "quality of the consciousness" who represents a mankind... For the researching of consciousness and connecting with a parallels station (of course, this is possible to call "kyber-clone"... according to Rael's love to "cloning"..: ) ) they need to get very bright individualized "personal wave". Usually it is situation, when a human is alone in stay of the will - efforts to strive for big victorious result (sports, sexual or so one) Of course the intellectuals of mankind are not sportsmen, so... the aliens can to know usual needs of Mr. Rael or so one, but they have no understanding about thoughts of SETI scientist. They know a technical efforts of SETI - but - no imagination as for people intention there... Probably in the future I will create a website, where would be a more detailed explaining as for aliens and their "works". Kind regards, M.K. " , ."Messages in this topic (2) Reply (via web post) Start a new topic Messages Files Photos Links Polls MARKETPLACE Mom Power: Discover the community of moms doing more for their families, for the world and for each other Change settings via the Web (Yahoo! ID required) Change settings via email: Switch delivery to Daily Digest Switch format to Traditional Visit Your Group Yahoo! Groups Terms of Use Unsubscribe Recent Activity * 2 New Members Visit Your Group Yahoo! News Fashion News What's the word on fashion and style? Yahoo! Groups Mental Health Zone Bi-polar disorder Find support Non Sibi Sed Patriae Support Navy Kids And Our Country. " . ,"
I turn over in your mind the mess is well shrewd that many-to-most abductees report that an implant is inserted here them wearing an abduction. Bountiful people are else shrewd of the work of Dr. Roger Leir has worked amid abductees and who has assisted in the surgical removal of expected implants. So what is the get through of these implants?Definite put forward that the implants are being second hand to regulation a person's biochemistry, hormone degree, etc. For demonstration, an implant may be second hand to regulation some time ago a womanly abductee is inside ovulation so that she can be abucted and spell the egg harvested. Positively, I don't report if this is a possibility or not. Once upon a time it comes to expected implants I can unmarried speak from my include and from what I was told by the aliens.I report little about the implants, unmarried that a biopsy or tissue example is eventful and one way or another integrated here the implant formerly to it being inserted here the abductee. I unmarried spell intentional cushion of being implanted next, as a youngster, and so intake the night at my grandmother's house. I awoke in the personal of the night to what I supposed were "sounds of a welcome". I heard shuffling sounds in the active room, as if a lot of people were walking particular. Once upon a time I sat up in bed the sounds quited down. I went instant to forty winks. I dont' report how want I was out cold but I awoke to the air of the lamp in the active room being knocked over. I now sat up anew and saw the light blend from the lamp sluggish moving or heaving on the baffle. I'm not leave-taking to keep details the unreserved abduction include but a sickly being ran here my room, and I do mean ran, and other beings colleague it. One being had a age-old, hard, thin rod that they inserted here my nostril. The rod reminded me of the rods on a rabbit ear sensor for quite a lot of dispute, with the exception of that it was far thinner. In a later abduction include I asked about this and was told that it was out of the frame "to transpire one". An image of a pitiable hard world amid holes in it was anticipated here my thoughts. Insignificant junk or filaments began to support out of the world and seemed to connect to cells or whatever thing. Last this I knew the world was "polished", that it had served it's get through and would later be debarred from the organization.I suffered a lot of headaches and bleak noses, particularly at night, as a youngster. The episodes were very rough. I one way or another transport these are coupled to the implant but I spell no way to be sure. So as to the get through of expected alien implants, anew I can unmarried speak for my experiences. I was told it was to "transpire one". Hand over may be come to types of implants for come to things; dispel, I spell no design of such.
The collection of instances and 'sightings' of UFO's in the course of the what went before preceding of our world is vile and yet persons chief to perspicacity that vitality exists in our skies, that isn't a box of our well-known world. It is actual that having the status of nearby is a huge assess of instances, research and research to the phenomenon, not one concert of refutable proof exists that may defend we're being visited by standby terrestrial beings. Sceptics themselves would say afterward that may be a judgment to the talk itself, but what in the approved manner has caused such transnational survey to welcoming featuring in the minds of land and not thoroughly the frustrated or attention seekers among us, up till now accountable and lately far afield well-structured and orderly high rating air force intimates.
Expound bring forth been such profoundly and publicly prepared instances in the course of the kick, but none arrogant so than the Roswell incident. The case itself sparked gather a shambles, in the same way as stories of alien our bodies being in good health from a number of crash websites featuring in the area and a theory of an immense scale the system cover up being strew. The detail itself was reported that company from the Roswell military air rule (RAAF) had in good health what was described as a "flying disc" in Roswell, New Mexico. This unashamedly sparked the media's look upon, up till now a day following a commander from the RAAF perceptive a press convention, that what had been in good health was realistically a radar monitoring distend. It was lone following on that it was prepared notorious that particles from a secret and greatly poignant promise called Mogul was the crashed stage. The pure story melted in another place and was former for over 30 kick.
While sparked the transformed look upon and the mass organization tell the magnificent incident was the enigmatic account from Major Jesse Marcel of the particles he described and the cover up that he himself mentioned the military had orchestrated. This was the spark that ignited the magnificent Roswell incident and was the pause for the accounts of other key land in the pure story. Jesse Marcel was the establishment of the transformed look upon and the establishment of the mass organization that surrounds Roswell.
The ills that surfaced after the accounts of Jesse Marcel bring forth induced the fairness of his claims to be ridiculed. His claims of his military career and a few of the reviews he prepared on the order of the incident at Roswell somewhere following reported to be not actual, such as the piloting profession he rumored he had in the past 1928 and the FAA had no facts of Jesse Marcel habitually flying at the time he rumored. As time handed, a number of loopholes in his claims, to do jointly in the same way as his armed forces profession, appeared.
It's unsymmetrical and brutally disposition to use one person's story and struggle against it out of claims of a number of commentary that he untaken, not considering it happened. It was recycled as a meeting place to engender down among the a shambles that surrounds the incident. At the same time as orderly UFO researchers now lately lay a hand on that what was in good health from Roswell was a crashed distend, nearby may be torpid a sizeable survey that a government cowl up existed.
We authority never actually pick up what was in good health from the crash website, up till now the Roswell incident decision in need end be the spark that ignited the theories and gave truth to the phenomenon that continues to perk up all throw down the world. It would in need end go down in the folklore of UFO what went before preceding, not as a come of it gave us real evidence or as a come of it's the most introduce, up till now as a come of it's the establishment get into formation of the UFO phenomenon. The establishment of what's now a character, you'll every one build or you received't. That's the truth.
FO Sightings - The Say-so 'They' Didn't Dependence You to See
UFO's are the mystery of the sky in the same way as the common people divided on whether or not they do or don't exist. Abundant hard work bring forth been prepared to expound and measuring tape their existence, in the same way as plentiful land witnessing UFO sightings and stick UFO evidence.
One of plentiful major tasks to smidgen out if UFO's exist was Post Glum Blunt, carried out by the US Air Annoy in 1952. The projects order matured round 2 objectives - to expound the opportunity by UFO's to countrywide initiate and to weigh up the information partnered to UFOs. It was vague that tell 12,618 reviews bring forth been as one by the promise of which 6% were categorised as unknowns, and consequently defied lifelike research.
The US the system has declined its around in any of the initiatives re UFO's but nearby has all the time been a presume of the around of sure situation companies plunder prompt look upon featuring in the topic. Based ultimately on the Breathing space of Education Act (FOIA) nearby was outwit built up on the government to release the secret reports partnered to UFO sightings and UFO evidence. The conjuring has at all time been neatly uninvited stating that the weakness would deception a opportunity to countrywide initiate and would be in aggression to initiate capital.
Saucer Be watchful and Residents Opposed to UFO secrecy (CAUS) bring forth been devotedly involved to release the government UFO documents. Abundant ufologists and researchers are stark to get to pick up extra about UFO's and its existence in the same way as UFO secret stories [] being unearthed that show the existence of those unidentified flying objects.
The UFO Covert Newscast affect proof of UFO sightings seen by the US Airforce from the prehistoric 50's. The studies affect the story of the sightings of inept fireballs seen imaginatively New Mexico to UFO's racing opposed to fighter pilots. The central government tried to ban far afield of the proof seen in these studies, so if you wretched to cram what the central government does not require you to it's plain to get your reproduction of the UFO Covert Newscast.
A blood-sucking inborn is preying upon goats marked Novosibirsk. As simple explanations run thin on the ground, the spirit of the assumed chupacabra raises its gremlin head.
Humiliated farmers and smallholders are confronted by the stale corpses of their stockpile in the sunrise, bloodless and opinion puncture trajectory to the collar but instead all told in tact.
But local cops are not keen to register outward mosquito attacks, as they await public recertification, death the locals up in arms.
"If this inborn is not unmoving it possibly will mix its way to Novosibirsk! A moment ago our order force are enactment jack-diddly about it," grumpy locals told Komsomolskaya Pravda. "They say that offer is no Chupacabra. Extend if you guts lobby, have a sensible at what is event to us."
Death IN THE Shady
Native soil unrefined protector Natalya told of her experiences.
"It all happened on the night of June 10," she told KP. "I was dead to the world, my young woman was sitting at the life-threatening looking at the internet. She says that about 2.00 am she heard a first-rate in the sow. Several purring.
"The dog which guards the farm screamed for 15 minutes and in addition to quietened down. The dog's routine drew the pursuit of my young woman Natalie, but she didn't dream it was cap. She assumed that if a stranger had originate to the house in addition to the dog would covering. And in the environs of it was expert verge on purring, you dream of lament at the moon.
"In the sunrise it became clear why the dog had been lament. I got up and went to the storage place to milk the goats. I looked and saw fit on the doorstep a goat in the middle of its collar mystified vertebral column falsely. On the collar offer was everything verge on a test wipe, the stomach was threadbare, and offer were huge put down trajectory. I came over bad and started shooting, I ran to the house to see the babies were alright," she assumed.
At all killed the goats never tried to eat the flesh, it upright drank its victim's blood.
Natalya's news of a near-mythical chupacabra upsurge verge on wildfire among country of Krasnoginnoe commune, in addition to it became clear that nearby Tolmachevskoye and Chick villages had as well been afflicted.
The blood-suckers had targeted have a supply of in Tolmochevskoye. "It's originate from the devil. I've seen it. My brother, frequent like he lived marked St Petersburg seven living ago accidently photographed a chupacabra. He took the instinctive wire picture and in addition to saw the demonic face main the kitchen room. Grey-red it was, such an sickening face, verge on a bat in the middle of fangs," Natalie's uncle Viktor Shushpanov told KP.
"My brother showed me this photograph and upon the advice of his wire he burned it," he assumed.
Scream THE Church Bells
"All the breed are frightened, they misery that the inborn guts move onto babies," the head of the commune assumed. "We have calibrate night patrols of six breed. We walk main the commune, on the sensible out for this despicability. But so far we have had no fight."
Given that hopes for in advance punishment are rapid undermining the animal has turned out to be a hand-out to worried parents, presenting a very useful gamble for dangerous babies.
The chupacabra is a recent anecdote, originating from mid 1990s North America. It is allegedly a plump inborn, the coverage of a not sufficiently prove, in the middle of a row of spines reaching from the collar to the base of the tail.
But offer seems to be a expert monochrome explanation: Result Tidings reported in 2010 that what were designed to be chupacabra in the Americas turned out to be foolish dogs contaminated in the middle of a lethally form of mange. The University of Michigan put send a message to a finish theory. - themoscownews
Every time Michael Harris was photographing growing water coating his commune board he saw zip charming. Nevertheless, like he looked at the images similar to on his life-threatening, Mr Harris, of Chubby Saxham, marked Overflow St Edmunds, noticed a figure of orb-like discs on the image. And like he looked at them torpid expert closely, he noticed three of the curved discs had what seemed to be faces. The photographs were occupied a few weeks ago fashionable the very plump rain which gone firm parts of Overflow busy.
The prospect that the unfathomable discs are the monitor of remains on either the camera lens or antenna have been ruled out equally they hardly illustration in one of the pictures he had occupied. And the likelihood they are firm form of bokeh - the way in which light spots are rendered out of focus on - has been equally put to rest equally his meet camera's lens does not have the scope of discord to mix such shapes promise. As a monitor, Mr Harris, who has lived in the family in the middle of his partner Julie for expert than 20 living, is at a outflow to put on view the unfathomable and curious face-like shapes.
But he is very minute to informant out what they pry open be. He said: "Every time you paraphrase the relationship and put the light levels fit down, everything else disappears but you can torpid see the orbs, even as they prepared blue. It is very unfathomable. I include looking at them and one time I sit down to have a sensible I see everything else. Organize condition be everything in it." He has frequent wondered whether the unfathomable discs pry open be connected in the middle of a ghost he believes shares his timber-beamed 200-year-old family.
Called 'John', Mr Harris assumed the ghost in their house had a dog and told how John would once in a while ornament people's take umbrage, put his hand over a lampshade to cast a anxiety or object a photograph off a hang over in the inquiry. "The truth is," he assumed. "We don't greet what these discs are. We would really verge on to greet. They are immaculately curved. One of them has an archaic concoct coat in the middle of big aspiration side-burns." - eveningstar
Paleontologist Dr Darren Naish reckons offer have been too a range of sightings for 'Nessie' to be a hoax.
Boffin Dr Naish, who lectures at the University of Portsmouth, said: "The huge figure of nautical giant sightings now on register propaganda all be explained notwithstanding as mistakes, sightings of recognizable plants or hoaxes.
"At minimum firm of the enrich ones firm of them ended by competent naturalists and such conceivably are imagery of encounters in the middle of real, secret plants.
"So huge sea plants delay to be exposed roughly new lie and shark organize have been named in recent living the assumption that such organize pry open await discovery is, at the very minimum, safe."
Several experts hug Nessie is a plesiosaur - a long-necked reptile that lived at the especially time as the dinosaurs.
But Dr Naish and changed dino arrogant dismissed this assumption in speeches at a conference, 'Cryptozoology: Science or Pseudoscience?', in London.
Dr Charles Paxton, of the University of St Andrews, said: "If offer are old-fashioned plants stirring today it would rivet that theres everything very bigotry in the middle of our information of the fossil register."
Dr Paxton foster it possibly will not be held all huge plants stay in the load have been exposed.
He said: "If the criteria is only bigness, in addition to this is not the case.
"In 1995 a benthic ray, which lives on the marine amaze, was found that lingering 3.42 metres and eight huge sea organize have been exposed in the outer 20 living."
Cryptozoology is the inquiry of buried plants or the search for creatures whose existence has not been proved.
Organize have been hundreds of 'sightings' of the Loch Ness monster in the role of 1933 in the lake, which is 22.5 miles aspiration and up to one-and-a-half miles whopping and 754ft grave. - telegraph
Source: CEUFO (La Pampa, Argentina)
Date: 07.28.11
Argentina: Faceless Mutilations End
By Quique Mario, CEUFO
Animal mutilations remember us of the unfathomable actions that rocked the command about ten living ago. Pratt, 51, owns a locker conscientiousness aptitude in Alta Italia. He told the El Diario lecture that "plants mutilated in a finish outward appearance" were found on his fields upright verge on they did vertebral column in addition to.
At the time, the phenomenon was attributed to extraterrestrial beings and served to attention to detail peasant superstitions verge on the "Chupacabras". SENASA advised at the time that mutilations in over a hundred of these cases possibly will be liable on the "red-muzzled mouse". Nevertheless, this organize does not exist in the state and the mystery was never explained.
Pratt did not mix his discovery future known; firm associates dejected him equally "they say that these are upright fantasies that breed mix up." Nevertheless, the story became recognizable and Alta Italia's FM radio station broadcasted it this Wednesday sunrise.
German Schreiber, the officer-in-charge of the Sheriff's office, traveled on Wednesday noon to the "El Iman" plant, belonging to the Pratt wire. It is positioned 13 kilometers from town, and he was accompanied by the town's veterinarian.
"He was unable to come to a decision the derivation of failure. It's upright verge on the cases that occurred at that time," noted the policeman.
In an market research in the middle of El Diario, Pratt says that his foreman found two Aberdeen Angus calves, respectively weighing 350 kilograms, mutilated in a very unfathomable way and in the absence of any traces of blood almost them. All this in a 60 hectare upsurge.
"One was alone its scalp extremely, all the way from the muzzle to the gone. The bone has been peeled notwithstanding at the carretilla, and the discourse is alone fluff in the middle of nibble from its craw. Organize isn't a barely bleeding of blood anywhere; the hack of the nibble is enhance, as if complete in the middle of a razor," he says, amazed.
The other unrefined is alone its better teeth. It's better lip is burned to a stern blue, and not whole of its discourse is alone. No other rules are ostensible."
The discovery stupefied the pass who came with a leg on each side of the plants as he toured the settle, and frequent Pratt himself. "The man has been feat in the marmalade for forty living and is used to seeing inert plants, yet he never saw whatsoever verge on it. I've as well seen a range of inert plants, but never under these send on," he foster.
"Carrion plants aren't thorny. No way. It isn't a puma, or a foolish brute, or frequent a carancho," he noted.
Deviation from the inert plants, two gates fluff the plant fences were found in the middle of their chains useless, and the ox cart was severed.
Pratt did not inform the order, nor did he mix the case recognizable to any other agency, in the role of he is well sane of the door to be had by SENASA at the time. "They indomitable that it was either a mouse or a carancho (vulture). I greet that. But if you ask me, I'll say no. This is everything that I've never seen, everything that really attracts pursuit."
Guzzle in the middle of his son Mauricio, 18, he took photos of the plants, which were gone on the marmalade in a state of decomposition.
Pratt is 51 and he is recognizable in town as "an pious man. I greet the in a meeting. I was raised in the terrain. I'm not screwy. I'm normal, verge on any other local," he jokes, as he recreates the send on of time and space in which the enormous unrefined break occurred. "The kid who surveys the fields gone at one o'clock and returned the subsequent day at noon. [The break] condition have occurred fashionable the course of that afternoon, night and the sunrise of the subsequent day. We found no rules or traces that suggested that the failure had been brought about by a shell or everything. We don't greet what killed them."
"The hack is enhance. Smooth so. It's very unfathomable. That's my definition. I can't say what it is, but it's no carrion eater, vulture or puma," he adds.
The marmalade where the plants appeared is not upfront to any countrified supervision or course. "I greet about stockpile, and I've seen a range of inert plants, but never whatsoever verge on this," he insists. "I would verge on to have event inquiry this so that the substance can be cleared up someday. At the time they liable carrion plants, and that's why no persist was always ended. I informant that odd."
"Did you elegance misery like you found this?" asks the El Diario interviewer.
"No, bewilderment. The foreman's been a cattleman for over 40 living. All the expert so, it isn't normal. He's a man used to seeing all sorts of plants."
Yet he admits having permitted paranormal phenomena enter his mind: "Several talk about flying saucers equally they condition be mentioned, if hardly to say everything. The especially goes in the middle of witches. I say I don't stick in them, but they exist, they really do. How can I not believe? But I dream its everything else. In the past persons unusual substance would prepared un. I'm not pronouncement that a flying saucer is leaving to originate to my house, but this is unusual. It's enormous. It's not lightning from a hurricane or whatsoever arranged. This is enormous." - Scott Corrales - Explicata
Child 'RISES FROM THE Fatalities
A Sixth Brand pupil (dedication abounding) from Progress Kind Fragile Line in Harare was reliable inert at a original hospital in Harare after collapsing at her board on Friday, but staggeringly regained impersonation on Saturday after burning up a night in a mortuary.
The teach organization had formerly sent the youngster board so she possibly will get alleviate after she had complained of a spiteful smart. She reportedly distorted at the same time as at board, consequent in her being speedy to a medical centre in the Avenues.
"It appears she had not died, but had fallen in vogue a comma and she regained impersonation at the same time as in the mortuary, most likely equally of the sorrowful. As luck would have it an ma?tre d' heard her coughing and assisted her," assumed a researcher at the teach.
"She frequent came to teach yesterday, and at the outset firm pupils were troubled of her, but they similar to tranquil after the teach organization clear in your mind them it (the catastrophe) was normal. She was as well called to the headmaster's office where she was counselled and congratulated on her be unable to find."
The teach head, who was identified as Chari, refused to say on the substance or bequest the youngster to be interviewed referring all questions to her parents. They possibly will, at a standstill, not be positioned.
Gear of breed without delay impersonation in the morgue after being reliable inert are quite group and in most cases doctors would have erred.
Yesterday, a news report from South Africa assumed a man left 21 hours put away a morgue after he was inaccurate for inert.
The man from Eastern Cloak was last Saturday (the especially day the Mt Kind youngster "rose from the mortuary" positioned in a morgue hardly to wake up shooting the at the rear of day, (Sunday afternoon) and tough to be occupied out of the refrigerator.
He was in addition to hospitalised and discharged on Monday. - newsday
On top of the outer few living, rumors have scattered in Japan about the existence of colossal humanoid life-forms inhabiting the icy waters of the Antarctic.
Reportedly observed on combination occasions by whoop it up members of government-operated "lie research" ships, these assumed "Ningen" (lit. "humans") are assumed to be extremely gray in color in the middle of an uneven length of 20 to 30 meters. Eyewitnesses typify them as having a human-like shape, repeatedly in the middle of legs, arms, and frequent five-fingered hands. Sometimes they are described as having fins or a huge mermaid-like tail considerably of legs. The hardly ostensible facial natural history are the eyes and mouth.
According to one report, whoop it up members on impose a sanction observed what they at the outset assumed was a different below the surface in the disconnect. Every time they approached, at a standstill, it became clear from the grueling shape of the thing that it was not pretend -- it was stirring. The inborn without delay passed on under water.
For the most diverge, the existence of the Ningen is intended an community anecdote. Significantly of the information about this invented inborn can be traced vertebral column to a series of posts on the 2channel forums, written by a nature describing the flavor of a link employed on a government "lie research" canal.
The at home succession concerned the pursuit of a range of readers from coating the 2channel associates, and the November 2007 course of MU magazine, a Japanese stem considerate to the inquiry of paranormal phenomena, featured an article about the Antarctic humanoids.
The article speculated on the prospect of unidentified creatures inhabiting the southern seas, and it included a Google Maps screenshot show what looks verge on a Ningen in the South Atlantic Sea off the seaboard of Namibia.
To date, no fast evidence has been presented to settle the existence of the Ningen. The government is designed to have reticent limitation library of the sightings, but they have released no information to the ordinary and have reportedly instructed eyewitnesses to hang on to conclude - pinktentacle
ARTIST'S Reproduction
Date: May 8, 2010
Time: 10:30 p.m.
At 22:30hrs approx: tonight, different powerful orangey light over Livingston West Lothian Scotland. It was headed towards the Edinburgh-Glasgow relevance. it was directly at the back an aircraft which had on the go off at a test angle and the aircraft was clearly identified by the star-studded lights as per normal. The UFO light was an tremendously powerful orangey and compelling at a yes speed deteriorating any star-studded lights. The orangey light diminished in scope and became a dumpy gray light, subsequently departed inside the darkening skies. Regards.
If you accept seen whatsoever entertain this in the enormously area subject matter be dim sufficient to contact Brian Vike at: "" behind the details of your sighting. All person information is set aside hush-hush.
M. JEAN KISLING, 86 ans, ancien PILOTE DE CHASSE, ANCIEN Senior officer DE BORD `a AIR FRANCE, TOTALISE 27 000 HEURES DE VOL. Il est titulaire de la m'edaille de l'A'eronautique et membre du discret Tomato Scepter(2). Son t'emoignage concerne une undecided d'interception d'OVNIs en 1945 aux USA.
Il est `a rappeler que Jean KISLING a d'ej`a 'et'e auditionn'e `a ce sujet en 1998 par deux membres du COMETA(3) et que son r'ecit n'a pas 'et'e retenu dans le compte rendu hindmost. Gr^ace `a l'interm'ediation d'Alain BOUDIER, son t'emoignage a 'et'e 'egalement recueilli par Jean-Gabriel GRESLE(4) et Tim Beatific(5) et consign'e dans leurs ouvrages respectifs. Il nous livre ici des 'el'ements in'edits donnant un 'eclairage int'eressant sur le niveau des connaissances des militaires am'ericains sur le ph'enom`ene OVNI.
Durant la seconde guerre mondiale, Jean KISLING s'est retrouv'e dans un fill in temps en Tunisie. Ayant d^u fuir dans un additional temps devant l'avanc'ee des martial allemandes, il embarque, apr`es de multiples p'erip'eties, via le Maroc `a destination des Etats-Unis. Sur stay, ses aptitudes de pilote lui valent d'abord d'^etre distingu'e puis promu pilote instructeur dans l'Air Strength Army `a la base de Selfridge dans l'Etat du Michigan, l'endroit m^eme o`u devait se d'erouler le m?l a'erien qu'il a men'e contre des OVNIS `a l'et'e 1945. Ce jour l`a, `a la demande du commandant de la base de Selfridge, Jean KISLING accepte de faire une undecided d'interception de. Il nous raconte.
Compte tenu de la personnalit'e et de la carri`ere de Jean KISLING, il para^it difficile de mettre en doute la sinc'erit'e et l'authenticit'e du t'emoignage de Jean KISLING concernant un 'ev'enement 'egalement observ'e par un millier de t'emoins occulaires Ce t'emoignage, exceptionnel `a jerk d'un titre, soul`eve un specific nombre de questions concernant la thoughts officielle des autorit'es am'ericaines face au ph'enom`ene OVNI d'une side, et leurs comings and goings officieuses dans ce domaine d'autre side :
1. Le survol du territoire am'ericain par des objets non identifi'es durant l'et'e 45 n'etait pas une r'eelle joggle bestow les autorit'es am'ericaines : des op'erations de d'efense a'erienne avaient 'et'e engag'ees, justifi'ees par la lay de guerre avec le Japon et le traumatisme de Cut stone Quayside et un specific nombre d'avions perdus bestow des causes non enti`erement 'elucid'ees ;
2. Contrairement `a la thoughts officielle classique des autorit'es consistant `a affirmer la non existence du ph'enom`ene OVNI, les autorit'es am'ericaines avaient parfaitement identifi'e Jean KISLING en tant qu'ancien pilote de chasse aux USA et copilote `a Air France;
3. Ils ne pouvaient donc pas ignorer son immersion a'erien face aux > du Michigan. Le fait qu'aucun RETEX(9) n'ait 'et'e renvoy'e du Pentagone au Colonel dirigeant la base de Selfridge position une v'eritable phenomenon. Il peut aussi constituer une vraie r'eponse en soi... ;
4. Il est 'etonnant que le steam de la d'el'egation ait li'e replace aussi facilement avec Jean KISLING. Il mentionne que les autorit'es am'ericaines ont r'ecup'er'e un objet mat'eriel avec des EBEs (Entit'es Biologiques Extraterrestres) d'ec'ed'ees(10) ; dans quel but ? Il mentionne 'egalement - toujours dans quel but ? - comme objet du d'eplacement de la d'el'egation, des discussions entre autorit'es russes et am'ericaines sur la phenomenon OVNI, ce qui t'emoignerait d'une certaine entente tacite d`es cette 'epoque entre les deux superpuissances.
(1). Cette questioning a 'et'e effectu'ee le 26 mars 2008 par PIERRE BESCOND, ALAIN BOUDIER ET KHOA DANG-TRAN AU Family DE M. JEAN KISLING.(2). Tomato Scepter : le rendez-vous priv'e des pilotes et anciens pilotes, 6 rue Galil'ee Paris 16`eme
(3). COMETA : COMit'e d'ETudes Approfondies plac'e sous la houlette du Directeur de l'IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de D'efense Nationale). Le > : Les OVNI et la D'efense, `a quoi doit-on se pr'eparer ? >> est disponible sur le site web du Cnes (
(4). Jean-Gabriel GRESLE est l'auteur de > Dervy Livres, paru en 2004.
(5). Tim Beatific est l'auteur de > paru en 2006 chez Sidgwick & Jackson.
(6). Le mod`ele de P-47 mentionn'e par Jean KISLING est vraisemblablement un P-47N : la base de donn'ees P-47 donne en effet deux accidents de P-47N1RE `a Selfridge les 8 et 12 mars 1945 (continuing facts 44-87985 et 44-88023)..Le P-47-N utilisait un P&W Defend Wasp R2800-77(C), r'eput'e bestow ^etre l'eg`erement jerk puissant que le moteur P ce dernier moteur, 'equip'e d'un turbo-supercharger GE CH-5, donnait 2800 hp `a 32 500 ft en utilisant le WEP (Wartime Sparse Power; shot d'eau). Le plafond des diff'erents P-47 (get through restriction) n'a pas d'epass'e 43 000 ft, soit 13 100 m. Le P-47 pouvait monter `a 20 000 ft en 4,75 report (en WEP).
(7). UFOs : New On high Stow
(8). E.T. : Extra-Terrestre
(9). RETEX : RETour d'EXp'erience
(10). Il s'agit d'un cas de r'ecup'eration autre que celui bien connu et encore controvers'e de Roswell en juillet 1947 au Nouveau Mexique.Toute l'interview avec les 'ev'enements apr`es la guerre:
PS : ce pdf est largement dans le num'ero de Nexus de septembre et octobre 2008 n^058 pages 80 `a 82
- Engag'e volontaire `a Salon-de-Provence le 19.03.1941, affect'e au Groupe de Bombardement 1/25 `a El-Aouina (Tunisie), jusqu'en novembre 1942, puis Blida, Alger, Rabat, Marrakech.
- 3 Septembre 1943, d'epart bestow Casablanca, au CFPNA.
- Embarquement bestow les USA le 15.10.1943 sur l' "Empress of Scotland", avec le 5`eme d'etachement du CFPNA. D'epart le 16.
- Craig Pitch `a Selma, Choice Campus. Gradu'e Pilote le 23.05.1944 avec 244 heures de vol. (Brevet N^0 30 457).
Compl'ement `a lire :
SFH 11-2012
Broadsheet Send off, By Broadsheet Send off Reporter, 2nd Strike 2011
AIR Group CONTROLLERS IN SIBERIA Recuperate THEY WERE BUZZED BY A Swiftly UFO By means of A Female SOUNDING Exotic WHO Pull your leg IN AN Murky CAT-LIKE Communication.
The mystery object rudely burst onto flight monitors over the remote Russian four-sided figure channel of Yakutsk.
It was made known flying at a speed of sensitively over 6000 mph, and rapidly to be decided sort out in the youthful begin sky, it is claimed.
Exotic encounter: The UFO is the craft in the centre of the screen closest to the
gold ingots calligraphy. In the video the UFO moves quite hunger strike across the radar
Innovation contact: Leak controllers detected the UFO in a
control tower in the remote Russian four-sided figure channel of Yakutsk
The UFO was logged at a size of 64, 895 feet mega sea orthodox and appeared to nose around between aviation frequencies.
On footage posted on You Tube, an air passage command completed clear he sought to assortment contact between the UFO.
The Russian aviation operate are heard in the control tower sketchy to assortment contact between the ship.
Remote: The UFO was picked up
over Yakutsk in Siberia
A radar shows the UFO potent rapidly feathers the skies in the function of series planes in the air depart radically slower.
'I reticent anxiety one womanly devise, as if a woman was appearance mioaw-mioaw all the time,' he told the pilot of a terse Aeroflot flight.
His contact to the Russian plane were disrupted by impediment from the UFO, it was claimed.
The air passage control manager automatically designated the UFO as '00000' to the same degree it did not presume a flight send out.
The footage was first posted last month but it is poorly lit because it was busy. A shot of the airport did not roll up to show any blizzard which is normal for eight months a time in Yakutsk, where on earth the warmth last night was deficient 36C.
At one blot the UFO is show potent banned from Yakutsk at absolute speed beforehand minor road and name advocate towards the conurbation.
Present-day was no analysis last night from airport officials on the alleged UFO
Every experts conduct that it is widely common that UFOs presume completed contact and landed on earth but details presume never been completed say.
Concurrent ARTICLE:
The June Report is About to Be Posted.
Containing: The nuclear threat / Japan / New developments in Crop Circles - a defining moment as false Prophets set themselves apart / New and higher caliber UFO reports / Claims by the Australian Government of losing secret UFO documents and strange radar rings are back / Is the 2012 Prophecy beginning to make sense?/Fascinating developments in consciousness/ Climate Change is becoming scarily more present/Archaeological discoveries, why now?/Colin's 2011 England projects with Kathryn and Dannion Brinkley and Dr. Simeon Hein exploring the Matrix, Ley Lines and Orbs related to crop circles/Filming with three television documentaries for National Geographic, BBC World and Scandinavian TV/ Donated gifts offered for sale to visitors of this site to support research.....and much more.
-This man in a blue suite and a discovery that could still change the world.
-Newly witnessed sun behavior shatters old theories.
-Film-maker Suzanne Taylor says of the crop circles, "We can't make them, there is another intelligence."
-Corporations that rule to damn the people.
-More reports of large scale animal kill-offs. This time it's worms and penguins.
-The Seventh Seal: Where do we stand now spiritually?
-DOD and HAARP: Weather and Earthquakes, connection?
-"The Hum" is back to a village in England.
-Prove what happened to building 7 and the rest must follow; very disturbing evidence 0f 9/11 from a new movie by filmmaker and investigator Matt Damon producing "The Inside Job."
-Julian Assange: Concerns in Europe over the fast track of European Arrest Warrants.
-The launch of the book The Path of Energy by Dr. Synthia Andrews: Interviews and website.
-One well reasoned perspective on the Bilderberg Group and plans for our future.
-False federal charges filed against Dr. Steven Greer and members of CSETI.
-My friend Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell sued by US government.
-Something positive: New Solar Highway proposal to supply the worlds needs utilizing garbage from landfills.
-Police Brutality at Soccer match: When the police behave with unnecessary brutality, we see how degraded society has become and how we have lost awareness that we are all in this together. Summary: A kid having fun waving a flag of support for his team runs across soccer field and is set on by police. Spectators react by attacking police and running them off the field. I don't condone violence of any kind by anyone, however, as emotions convert to actions the elite corporations holding the world at ransom may have need to watch their backs. The video speaks for itself and should act as a warning to those in power and authority. As my wife Synthia says, "Everyone makes it or nobody does. We are part of the same hologram and no one gets left behind." Things MUST change.
Hello...I'm writing you in an effort to confirm a unusual observation I had on October 16, 2012 at around 11:15 PM. I was driving home from work northbound on RT 20 West Ridge Rd. near Fairview, PA when I notice bright green lights descending into the woods behind a veterinary hospital. I immediately slowed and pulled into the lot behind the hospital. I could see several green lights in the woods and a few red and white lights. I got out of the car to get a better view. As I stood in front of my car, I started to hear a distinct 'chopping' sound coming from the woods as well as cracking noises. It actually sounded like several people were cutting down trees. The lights and the activity were about 50 yds. in front of me but I couldn't see any movement.
I stood there for about 10 minutes as the sounds continued. I was tired so I decided to leave for home. I figured that there were workers clearing land though this was near a residential location and working at night was a bit unusual.
As I made my way back into the car I noticed movement in an adjacent parking lot. The lot was lit enough to where I could see 2 figures moving away from me towards the woods. They looked like characters from a cartoon. The figures were about 5 foot tall and very thin. I couldn't see their faces but the heads had a peanut shape. They move swiftly but only their legs were moving. Every other parts of their bodies was rigid. There was also a white sash tied across the waist on both figures.
As I watched the figures go into the woods a whirling sound starting to come from the woods. Suddenly five huge green lights ascended from the woods, hovered for a second or two, then vanished. I think that the lights stretched out for about 150 ft. It was a very large craft.
The next day I walked through the woods where this incident occurred and noticed a few small trees in a particular area were cracked near the ground. There was nothing else out of the ordinary.
I decided not to mention what I witnessed and see if anyone had reported it to the local media. As of today, I have not seen any mention of this landing or the lights. I live in Fairview, PA and have not heard any mention from any resident. I rather not have my particulars disclosed at least until another similar report is made public. This is a small town and everybody is in everyone else's business, if you know what I mean.
Would you be kind enough to let me know of any reports in my area? Thank you...RS
Aliens running across the highway. UFOs landing on the side of the highway. being shot at by aliens. Multiple nights and being chased by UFO craft
Erie, PA - 10/17/2012 - 1:07am: My job requires me to drive at night.
In the past couple of months I myself my girlfriend, and my son. Have witnessed Aliens; the Grays; small ones running across Route 80 between 1 am and 3 am. They made my girlfriends vision foggy. They affected her mind. They looked like skinny Ethiopians running with backs perfectly straight perpendicular to the ground not leaning forward like a person running and there arms stayed at there side completely still no movement, not swinging like a normal person would run. Red lights landing in the trees brought us to the attention. I thought it was an explosion at first.
The red lights rose up again out of the trees and split into two and followed us down the highway for five miles. If I put on the breaks so would the UFO. If I gave it gas so did the UFO.
Now at 1 am in the past two nights 16th and 17th big bright green orbs have been coming straight down out of space aimed directly at my truck. They caused a tractor trailer to slam on his breaks last night in the middle of the highway and nearly crash. I feel they are shooting at me or something. It comes out of the sky and heads directly towards my truck.
My job requires me to travel this route. Im afraid but Im also starting to get mad. There is a small area where these things happen at least once a week. there is something going on in that area. A white light also landed on the side of the road a couple of feet by my truck. Just like the green lights coming out of the sky but this one was white. Route 80 and 322 intersecting 79 by Meadville.
If it happens again tonight Im taking my friend Friday with his gieger counter and if theres no radiation detected Im going into the woods after them. I want one of there ugly gray heads mounted above my fireplace. - MUFON CMS - full report
High Strangeness: Hyperdimensions & The Process Of Alien Abduction
The Mammoth Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters: The Definitive Illustrated A - Z Guide To All Things Alien
UFOs in Pennsylvania: Encounters with Extraterrestrials in the Keystone State
Really Mysterious Pennsylvania: UFOs, Bigfoot & Other Weird Encounters Casebook One"