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{34} UNITED KINGDOM UFO MAILING LISTDate: 14th January 1996 - Members = 303In this issue:-UFO airport is set for take off.X-Files unveiled.On the trail of mystery.Do drop in! - Michael Jackson.UFOs spook small town.Maurizo Verga (Italy) - More on the Italian hangar UFO.Encounter at Sudbury in Suffolk.Star Trek Quark/Roswell."From: Sunday Express newspaper.Date: December 31st, 1995.UFO AIRPORT IS SET FOR TAKE OFFSafari tours to view the exotic wildlife in the swamps of Brazil'sMatto Grosso may never be the same again.The 89,000 square mile Pantanal nature reserve - more famous forspecies like yellow anacondas, caymans, giant ant-eaters, howlermonkeys and jaguars - is preparing to encourage other creatures.For officials in the nearby town of Barra do Garcas have designated 12acres as the world's first UFO airport.The Pantanal is already the UFO hotspot of the world, with hundredsmore sightings reported than anywhere else.Local Councillor Valdon Vargao, who initiated the plan and has madenationwide tours with Mayor Vilmar Peres to publicise the UFO airport,said: "They can call me mad. But I'm doing humanity a service."He insists: "My main concern is to maintain a cordial and officialrelationship with the extraterrestrials."His "Interspace Aerodrome" signs have gone up all over the fenced offsite in preparation for concreting it over - just to make sure theUFOs do not get stuck in the mud.Brazil's foremost UFO expert, A.J. Gervaerd - whose centre for FlyingSaucer Research is on the edge of the Pantanal - is in regular contactwith Valdon Vargao."A.J." as he is known to UFO spotters across the world, said: "They'revery excited about it in Barra do Garcas and there is huge interest inUFOs in Brazil generally."Philip Mantle, of the British UFO Research Association, said: "Forsome strange reason the Pantanal has been very popular for sightingsof UFOs.""Some people there have claimed to have had close encounters."Soon, if the new airport encourages alien visitors to make officialcontact, they may be able to say: "Beam me up Scotty"."X-FILES UNVEILEDFrom: Metronews newspaper, Birmingham.Date: Thursday 4th January, 1996.The X-Files come to Birmingham on January 14th, when HMV unveil neverseen before episodes of the groundbreaking TV series. The UnopenedFile, which runs for 135 minutes, goes on sale at midnight with a freeexclusive poster with every copy bought at the special opening."From: Solihull Times newspaper, Birmingham.Date: December 29th, 1995.ON THE TRAIL OF MYSTERYA Kingshurst man has become a paranormal detective and set up theborough's very own answer to The X-Files in a bid to explain theunexplainable.Chris Harris is setting up a UFO and Paranormal Investigation Societycalled Beams Brimingham to investigate all the weird and wonderfulevents around the West Midlands."There are a lot of unexplained events going on particularly in thisarea from flashing lights in the sky, ghosts and 23 feet corn circlesand I'm sure there are many people out there who, like myself, want todiscover what it's all about," said Mr Harris."I belong to a larger society called the British Earth and AerialMystery Society which has a large collection of data on unexplainableincidents.""Everyday people encounter strange encounters but probably dismissthem because they think if they report it no-one will take themseriously when infact sightings of UFOs are becoming commonplace.""For instance on October 31st several people reported seeing a dullflashing light over Castle Bromwich which hovered for one hour beforeshooting off.""And another occasion three policemen in Great Barr saw a glowingwhite object in the sky turn green as it descended to the groundbehind some houses and disappeared but when they sent the helecopterto have a look they found nothing.""We have found that when incidents such as this are reported todefence organisations such as the Ministry of Defence they aredismissed or written off.""But some of our members are ex-MOD employees and apparently there isa branch called S4 which belongs to the Air Ministry whichinvestigates paranormal activities although not many people know aboutthis.""We believe there is a world wide conspiracy to keep these sightings asecret but people are beginning to talk between themselves more andmore.""We know of farmers who have gone to tend their cattle and found atleast one of them mutilated with internal organs missing yet no signof any blood and there are also tales of abductions by UFOs."If you have experienced any paranormal activity from corn circles toghosts or believe you have spotted a UFO and would like to get intouchwith Chris Harris contact Leda Reynolds at the Solihull Times on 0121704 3344. "From: Ipswich Evening Star newspaper.Date: 22nd June, 1995.DO DROP IN!Pop superstar Michael Jackson is so out of this world he has beentrying to contact extraterrestrials.Jackson, who latest video 'Scream' shows him and his sister Janet in aspaceship, wanted to build a landing pad for aliens in the Nevadadesert, according to Mike Luckman, director of the New York Centre forUFO Research. "From: Melbourne Herald newspaper, Australia.Date: 21st July, 1995.UFOs SPOOK SMALL TOWNUnidentified flying objects have spooked the northern South Australiancity of Whyalla. Six police officers, a Metropolitan Fire Service crewand 100 Whyalla residents said they saw a four hour "light show" ofUFOs. The six night patrol officers saw a series of "very, very largered stars" hovering in the air and then rising 1.5km in the sky.Police investigated the UFOs when more than 100 callers reportedlights "coming together, flying in opposite directions and lifting offthe ground. Date sent: Fri, 5 Jan 1996 23:31:31 +0100From: (Maurizio Verga)MORE ON THE ITALIAN HANGAR UFOIn Mailing List #32 Dave commented the odd picture taken at theAviano air base (Italy) and published by Fortean Times 84. The firstreaction I had was: "God, that's just a classic Area51 / Meier disc!". Actually, what you can see (or imagine to see) is somethinglooking like a nice domed flying saucer already portrayed by severaldifferent sources (artist Jim Nichols is one of them). The case iscompletely unknown in Italy: Centro Italiano Studi Ufologici(C.I.S.U., Italian center for UFO Studies) is going to launch aninvestigation about the subject. For a time long we have collectedalleged UFO sightings coming from the Aviano area, most likely due tostealth aircraft (and RPV too) activity. The 1980 (not 1979) Avianocase published by T.Good in one of his books (originally investigatedby CISU and widely reported on in its official magazine) is aninteresting event for which no explanation has been found yet. Thestatement "Subsequent rumours have spread that the base, like many ofits cousins back home, is only the outer skin of a vast undergroundfacility. That this space may serve as a storage area for secretdiscoidal craft and has since become an irresistible assumption forItalian ufologists." is incorrect, as far as we know. Those "rumours"(who did collect them ?) didn't surface from Italian ufologists, whoare usually quite far from "Area51-like" themes: maybe the source issomebody from or friend of the AFB staff. Be sure, all of this has not"become an irresistible assumption for Italian ufologists": I repeat,the case was unknown to us and Fortean Times is the only sourceavailable to us. I think the above information may contribute to makethe Aviano photo case a little bit clearer. Eventual new info aboutthe subject will be posted to the Mailing List. MAURIZIO VERGA e-mail: mauverga@mbox.vol.it (Italian) (Italian) (English) Forurgent or weekend calls dial +39-368-3007835"From: sent: Fri, 29 Dec 1995ENCOUNTER AT SUDBERY IN SUFFOLKDave, Hi, Yes please, I would like to subscribe, also in case you'reinterested I had a nasty encounter in 1982 and apart from being calledfor alsorts by the media, especialy after going public...And I blowedall their ideas into dust.... I have seriously tried to get info andI try to help others who have had the same encounter and needed totalk to someone.If you want to know me, drop a letter in the box. Or (and this is nota plug) Buy Philip Mantle's book. "Without Consent" It tells a briefstory of what happened. I can fill in the gaps.Date sent: Sun, 07 Jan 1996Hi Dave, Did an interview for Womans own yesterday. Do not know whenit will be out but I'll keep you posted. Also did a TV interview forVancouver Canada.Here is A basic run down of what happened. The whole thing is verylong a drawn out so I try to keep it to a minimum. Suffice it to say,if there's an avenue to investigate other than the ufo thing, I havemore or less covered it, but I am open to options.A bit of background. Philip and I were into Country and Western,C.B's and the rolling stones. I had no interest in ufo's or anythinglike that.1982 late Sept. We decided to visit the relatives in Corby Northant'sand at around 8pm we had arrived at Sudbury Suffolk. As we approached,a horseshoe shaped group of lights flew very low over the car at thesame time that we passed under some power cables. I remember thelights, the silence and the blue tendrils bouncing off the cables, myfirst though was "Helicopter" but everything was wrong, it's movement,speed, silence etc.As we drove out through the town, through Long Melford and headedalong the Claire to Haverhill Rd, it came back and zipped over the car2 or 3 times scaring the pair of us.The thing finally matched our speed and ran parallel with us for sometime along the road. From the side it was a big, bright egg shapedlight with a faint set of smaller coloured lights rotating aroundinside. I guess it was between 50 and 100 feet away and the wholething was at least the size of the length of our car (cortina mk2). Itwas NOT the moon or any such object as it negotiated the hedges andtelegraph wires. I had plenty of time to get a GOOD look at it. Philipon the other hand was so scared he just looked straight ahead.The car suddenly acted as if it had run out of petrol and died alongwith the lights. We both had an argument as to who would look underthe bonnet and then got out together. Me to keep my eyes on this thingas it hovered silently over the field.The next thing I know was We were both back in the car, enginerunning, lights on and *it* was still hovering. I did not notice thisgap until later. We basically felt very quiet and subdued for want ofa better explanation and just drove off as fast as possible. We neverspoke the rest of the way, or I do not think we did.We arrived at Corby, not at 10pm as expected, but 1.30-1.45am!We made our excuses (didn't mention the event) and went home. it wasthe following day I suffered a severe nose bleed (never had onebefore or since) and from that night on until about now I starteddoing drawings, writing, typing and generally was ill. I had a verybad burn mark on my chest which has scarred and a *V* shaped incisionon my back. The rest of my medical problems are too much to cataloguehere, but I was fine before. My lifestyle, eating habits andpersonality has completely changed.For 3 years I was afraid to go outside. I split with Philip by Jan 1ston very violent terms, he was NEVER a violent person before. I soughtmedical help over some of the problems but never mentioned my fears ofit being possibly *UFO* partly as I didn't admit it to myself andpartly as I was embarrassed and felt I would be laughed at as a fool.1988. A free paper with an article about UFO's popped through the door& I phoned up the group. They came and saw me and after getting veryexcited arranged a hypnosis session.As the hypnotist started to put me under, a beam of light appeared inthe room, the video and audio equipment malfunctioned and spun around,the sceptic who came to observe was pinned to the chair with suchforce as to leave claw marks on his arms and all the clocks in thehouse stopped. I never got hypnotised, but they did bring in a psychicinvestigator.Mark Parnham tried showing me a film called "The Betty & Barney Hillstory" I became completely Hysterical to the point where he had tocall the hypnotist on the phone to try to calm me down. I felt a floodof memories come back and a lot of disjointed memories slot intoplace. I have NEVER seen the film or any UFO film like it to thisdate. I can't. Mark has worked with me and still does to this day. WeMarried in 1990 and he has to live with me and my problems 24 hrs aday, so there's no hiding anything.I do not sleep very well at all & tend to go to bed about 3am thesedays. In an effort to overcome it all I now try to help others, talkto people and try to get the thing into the open and stop peoplelaughing. Sometimes it is hard especially when I do shows such as onerecent one on Meridian TV which was 45 mins with a psychiatrist andhim trying to tell me it's in my head. I hope this is some use. If there are any questions I will try toanswer them. To help here are a few of my own faq's:Q/ Why me? A/Don't know.Q/Is it too many "B" movies? A/ No I saw War of the Worlds andthese were not Green martians, which until then was my idea ofaliens.Q/ Is it your mind misfiring? A/ Put me in a chamber and makeit misfire so I can compare the reaction. And how do you explainthe scars and medical problems.Q/Could it be electro magnetic? A/Got me there. I am interestedin that possibility, but then again it still doesn't answer themedical problems.Q/ Was it my imagination? A/There were 2 of us. Also I havewritten things I have no knowledge off. I want to know how comewhat happened to me is almost identical to what has happened allaround the world. Too common to be a coincidence if you ask me.Q/ Was it a cover up for a deeper emotional problem? A/ Lifewas fine before. If it was something that happened like 20 yearsago why did it occur just then. Oh yep and then there's thosemedical problems again.Q/ What did the doctors say? A/ Pull yourself together. As forthe rest there is nothing they can do now. Scars can be seen buttheres no way of telling how they got there. Basically they havebeen absolutely no help at all, albeit I havn't said it was"aliens" I have just given them the symptoms and they say "takea pill" And that is Literally! So far migraleve, for theheadache, sleeping pills for the nights, valium (or somethinglike it) for the nerves, And I was sent 2 young women to helpteach me relaxation techniques and try to get me out of thehouse.Q/ Did I check out the area for reports? A/ I checked the Papersand found a report of "lights sighted over sudbury" The localPolice were not interested, the government and military wereless than helpfull and I found out in 1995 that an incidenthappened not too many miles away at Rendlesham forest..Q/ What are my feelings? A/ I think something is going on. Idon't think its ET type aliens, but then I don't know what tobelieve, probably a military thingQ/ What do I think Happened? A/ I remember being in a room witha large perspex type pedestal in the centre. I remember beingled to it, I didn't struggle (don't know why not) and I was laiddown on the thing. I remember sensing the whole procedure wasclinical, like the tagging, weighing and measuring of a wildanimal. The" Greys " never spoke out loud just telepathicallyand there was a taller blond haired person. I don't know whathappened only that I get VERY upset if I try to remember. Iwon't undergo hypnosis as I feel that will spoil/taint theresult. When I am ready to face it I will remember.Sorry if that's a long letter but I thought I would try to covereverything and get my point across. Rather than the usual, I saywhat's happened, and the world tells me why it didn't. As if Iam mindless and never thought to check it out myself first!Keep in touch."From: sent: Sun, 07 Jan 1996STAR TREK QUARK/ROSWELLDave.I saw the Quark/ Roswell episode its fun to watch. Someone hasdefinately done his homework.Ros"Dave.UNITED KINGDOM UFO MAILING us on the World Wide Web at subscribe or unsubscribe please do the following:Send mail to the above address with eitherSUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject area.