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I entirely customary media investigate in proposal to a few of the cryptid sightings I bring reported in southwest Florida...anonymous creatures described at Precipitous Short-Snouted Snake-Like Creature - Ft. Myers, FL - 1/20/2012 and Absurd Encounters: Southwest Florida. The cram focused on an 'Ahool' encounter in Lee District, Florida. During is the email that was forwarded to me:Hi - I entirely had an encounter later than a bird-like beast but I attach importance to it wasn't a bird - it looked to be a flying tenant. I attach importance to it sounds particular and rowdy but I attach importance to what I saw. Very well here's the disgusting story. On Feb, 5th in circles 11:30pm my dreary sister and her group were plunder me, my undersized sister, my mom and my two nieces to eat at Denny's in a present town (Refuge Myers, FL). Very well as we were pouring on I75 out of nowhere as the crow flies the windshield I see a tenant later than wings fly over our car. It went over two mature uphold and forth. I got a distinguished noise - it looked think a tenant later than wings but moreover once more it anyway looked think a pterodactyl (pterosaur). My brother-in-law anyway saw it and locate later than me. He says it was not a bird! Very well that was my encounter later than the beast.My nephew anyway witnessed a person-like beast. He was walking to his girlfriend's house late at night and by her neighbor's house give are a few leaves. He aimed he saw a tenant / fashion station in the leaves looking at him. He asked his girlfriend if she anyway saw it - she aimed that its always give. He moreover started to walk closer to get a higher prospect of it equally the beast jumped off the tree onto his girlfriend's neighbors defense causing it to appearance rattling loop. The dogs started barking and moreover the beast flew off in front line off his eyes. It moreover ran happening his girlfiend's house scared it would elaborate uphold but it didn't. My nephew's encounter happened in Lehigh Acres, FL a brace of existence before my encounter happened! We bring no clue as to what it is or why it would be shadowing us?! It is very motive boggling!The "AHOOL" is a flying cryptid, almost certainly a giant bat, or by other accounts, a energetic pterosaur or flying monkey. Named for its representative call A-hoooool, it is aimed to live in the innermost rainforests of Java. It is described as having a monkey/ape-like head later than famous gloomy eyes, famous claws on its forearms (concerning the volume of an child), and a almost all coated in opaque fur. Probably the most full of character and mind-boggling quantity is that it is aimed to bring a wingspan of 3 m (10 ft). This is come close to twofold as desire as the leading (set) bat in the world, the household flying fox. - "Coleman, Loren & Clark, Jerome - Cryptozoology A To Z: The Register of Loch Monsters, Sasquatch, Chupacabras, and Added Totally Mysteries of Ecosystem"Give to is a faithful type of flying cryptid in central Europe called the 'Alp' as described at In Run through of the Alp and Prone Alp Sightings in Austria. As well, Pterosaur sightings bring occurred total, in the company of the Tied States. Researcher Jonathan Whitcomb has constantly acclaimed these dinosaur-like flying cryptids for over a generation. Syfy's Destination Intensity anyway shaped a portion everywhere the social gathering traveled to Java in search of the beast.The Ahool was first described by Dr. Ernest Bartels in the same way as exploring the Salak Mountains on the land mass of Java. In 1925 environmentalist Dr. Ernest Bartels, (son of ornithologist M.E.G. Bartels), was exploring a torrent on the slopes of the Salek Mountains equally a giant bat, swooped down over his head. Furthermore in 1927, in circles 11:30 pm, Dr. Ernest Bartels was laying in bed, nucleus his thatched house detailed to the Tjidjenkol Water in western Java, listening to the sounds of the a tangled web equally he sharp heard a very modern worthy coming from come close to outspoken over his hut, this loud and clear cry seemed to tell, A Hool! Grabbing his torch Dr. Bartels ran out of his hut in the option the worthy seemed to be designation. Beneath than 20 seconds future he heard it once more, a stay fresh A Hool! It was the giant bat he encountered 2 years before.Staff who bring visited the area bring questioned the conclusion relations about the bat. The relations say they bring seen it or attach importance to of it's existence and ameliorate it as they do other famous riotous plants. The villages are remote and relations do not own cameras etc, so no photos bring always been shaped.Bartels accounts of the Ahool were accepted to Ivan T. Sanderson by Bernard Heuvelmans, and Sanderson owing to that the Ahool is a form of unclassified bat. Sanderson took an take in in the Ahool since he too had a atypical encounter later than an anonymous giant bat in the Assumbo Mountains of Cameroon, in Africa. Sanderson meditation that the Ahool can be an Oriental form of the giant bat think beast he witnessed in Africa, called the Kongamato.The prevalent set bat today is the Bismark flying fox, which has a wing dub of six feet (come close to 2 metres) from wingtip to wingtip The land mass of Java, is present the flying fox's rest of New Guinea, so can it be a relative? The other theory about Ahool is that two famous earless owls exist on Java, the Blemished Wood-owl (Strix seloputo) and the Javan Wood-owl (Strix (leptogrammica) bartelsi (named after Bartels commence) being 16-20 inches (40-50 cms) desire and later than a wingspan of 4 feet (1.1meters). Although one would bring meditation Bartels would bring set what the owls looked think, like a house on fire as his commence bare one and anyway the conclusion relations would be secure later than them. Like the killing of the rain forests, if these creatures exist, they may bring been pushed to annihilation, which is a sad meditation. - "Karl P.N. Shuker, Ph.D. - The Beasts that Conceal from Man: Seeking the World's Burgle Undiscovered Plants"
12/29/2007MAN BLAMES CAR Spoil ON Antediluvian WINGED REPTILEA 29-year-old Wenatchee man told normalize a pterodactyl caused him to drive his car happening a light rod about 11:30 p.m. Thursday.Wenatchee normalize cited the man later than first-degree slow pouring. A breathalyzer test showed "a easy source of alcohol," aimed Wenatchee normalize Sgt. Cherie Smith.Witnesses told normalize the man was northbound on Wenatchee Road and drifted happening a southbound lane for less than a roadblock. Oncoming progress stopped and waited for the man to renovation, Smith aimed.He moreover totaled his car on a light rod, Smith aimed.Some time ago normalize asked the man what caused the stroke of luck, his one-word trick was "pterodactyl," Smith aimed. A pterodactyl was a giant winged reptile that lived excellent than 65 million years ago. The man was treated and released at Be winning Washington Hospital, hospital officials aimed. - heraldnet TWO Viewer ACCOUNTS - On high CRYPTIDSThe observer described a connect of long-tailed "ropens" in Southwest Washington state, in a new area that he requirements to routine secret. During is qualities of the testimony:"I was riding my bike rest from a acquaintances house in circles 5 pm... I heard a atypical loop... looked to my not here, and on a impose live defense were two of the prevalent bird think creatures I can always imagine!... the first thing I noticed was their heads... can they be dinosours?... They were Huge! Give to ft wrapped in circles a 2'x6' live... they're heads I would bring to say it was perchance 4ft desire later than the beak."Since follows is a sub- sighting of the identical two flying creatures, in the identical standard area, by the identical observer, a few time later:"Some time ago they took flight they all still diffident an eye uphold onto me. They without help flew far a lot to everywhere I wouldn't see them. They bring wary head exercises, as if they were spinning give heads later than the heads in the downwards catch sight of." - ""
CARIBBEAN Detection OF TWO Anyway PTEROSAURSA recent performer is from a noble who was on a cruise in the Caribbean, later than race members. Her offspring brought her onto the flatten one night, scared for her to see what was flying over the sea. The mother, who had not been drinking, saw two unadorned pterosaurs, stunning and flying uphold and forth, sometimes closer to the ship.PETER BEACH'S SIGHTINGS IN WASHINGTON ExistingAccording to the close publication of Live Pterosaurs in America, close edition: Viewer News broadcast of Pterosaurs in the Nearby Tied States, night sightings in the state of Washington included one by the school biology coach Peter Shore (2007)."I went on a curt getaway to the Yakima Water... since give was a [sighting]. We were incapable to get a picture but we saw plentiful... starry lights. I would bring tacit that [they] were fireflies but we [don't] bring them in Washington.... Numerous flashes were parallel to the water. The water at that point [has] a brigand... and give were plentiful pal... Prepared hunting confines for fish-eating natural world. Track these accouterments pal at night later than bioluminescence. At first I meditation I was evenhanded seeing gunfire stars, but they were all parallel to the water and detailed to the horizon."The once blind date (summer of 2008), Educator Shore participated in another attack at the Yakima Water."The whole time the curt attack I led later than the O'Donnells, mid-July, we saw three hours of bioluminescent gunfire stars.' The last hour was the most vibrant in that give were two light blasts about 200 ft. to one side, about 50-100 ft., excellent the water. The blasts were followed by screeches from about a dozen or so anxious nighthawks in the standard area."The whole time the close attack, Educator Shore had a wish detailed encounter later than a flying beast that he suspected was one of the ones that had been displaying the bioluminescence (notwithstanding it was not stunning equally it flew evenhanded over the professor's head)."The shape of the flying monster I saw was 3-4 ft. wingspan, 2-3 ft. desire, later than a bat-like wing. The neck/head was observable but without help in wire, and I can not appearance out a tail or feet. If the tail is thin, I most probably was not detailed a lot to see it loyal if it was give. The wing criticize rate caused me to story at the volume and smooth as glass. The wing [criticize] was faithful to a Canadian Goose; a seagull beats its wings more willingly, a Nighthawk (wingspan 18 in.) more willingly still."SAN FERNANDO Adopt, CALIFORNIA, Detection"It was late in the twilight come close to gloomy...I was walking from my car to my house [in Sun Adopt] and everything in the sky caught my eye. My girlfriend anyway looked up and honest prevented aimed is that a bat...Since caught my eye was the stanch radiation think light coming from the abdomen of this Pterodactyl looking monster. I seen it fly honest excellent us perchance 150-200 feet and this thing wasn't no bat it was senior later than famous wing dub and equally it flapped its wings it was diversity of a wary exhausted quiver diversity of gliding..."Since ARE Staff WITNESSING? Large On high CRYPTID SIGHTINGS ARE Proper Finer Introduce somebody to an area ALL Best quality THE Ground...Exact IN THE Tied STATES. THE Exceed MIDWEST, PENNSYLVANIA AND TEXAS Conduct BEEN Ending HOT Bad skin. Could Give to BE Ongoing Skeleton FROM EARTH'S Antediluvian PAST? ARE Give to Thrilling On high HUMANOIDS, MOTHMAN OR AHOOL, Exist Along with US? CAN AN INTERDIMENSIONAL Belief BE Helpful TO On high CRYPTIDS? IF SO, Furthermore ARE WE Getting A Peek OF THE Once...OR THE FUTURE? YOUR Explanation ARE WELCOMED...LONThe Weiser Pen Direct to Cryptozoology: Werewolves, Dragons, Skyfish, Lizard Men, and Added Interesting Creatures Definite and SecretCamouflaged Animals: A Pen Direct to Batsquatch, Chupacabra, and Added Abstracted Creatures"