Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ufo Core Story Revealed By Realityuncovered Net

Ufo Core Story Revealed By Realityuncovered Net
After several years of digging, fact-checking, collecting and analyzing data, and observing social networks within the UFO community - the hoax-busting researchers at (which in fairness, I must disclose that I co-founded with Stephen Broadbent) is finally moving forward with releasing all information and data collected over the course of those years.

This data collection started with an analysis of a story called Serpo - a hoaxed story about a 1950's alien/human exchange program first released in 2005. Researchers quickly ascertained Rick Doty as the source, and from that point on the data and evidence gathered painted a disturbing picture of an elaborate scam stretching back several decades, and touching on age-old Ufology tales such as MJ12, Roswell, and more.

One central element to this several-year study is a "Core Story" created by three individual scientists, many years ago in the early 1980s, during a late-night philosophical discussion at a Denny's Restaurant. Those three scientists were Jacques Vallee, Christopher "Kit" Green, and Harold Puthoff.