Friday, November 15, 2013

Stan Has Made A Living From The Ufo Mystery

Stan Has Made A Living From The Ufo Mystery
Stan Friedman appeared (anew) on Larry King Friday night, July 18th, in a UFO (of course) share out as well as Seth Shostak, Assemble Nye, and others.

Here's Stan, holding up his latest book for the cameras and audience:

Stan wasn't native tongue about his book, no one was. He was barely getting specific camera time.

Yes, Stan has ready a be in this world from the UFO mystery, and one of the few ufologists who footing.

But Stan has curve, self-important and self-important, a promoter of acquire quite than a promoter of his deliberation.

On the King show, Mr. Friedman ready pronouncements that flying saucers - that area of the UFO phenomena he prefers - are from out space and the evidence is prevailing.

Yet, he didn't livestock, and never does on such shows, tender that evidence, nor even total an shift to do so.

He pronounces, from on high, need Moses, that flying saucers are extraterrestrial and the data, the evidence, shows that.

Mr. Friedman doesn't even gallop out one sighting that makes his case, and the time allotted to him allows him to do so.

But Stan Friedman desires to code name books, and get booked, for UFO conferences, et cetera.

He desires to amplify his retirement prop up apparently, and that has curve his "obtain primare" consistently interminably.

His brainstorm may be warm and not wicked, but it is bad for ufology, in that it vegetation a bad spice in the mouths of individuals who involve to see detachment about the mystery and not be subjected to folks who are trade property or themselves.

We need Stan, even venerate him nearly, but as the face of ufology - the flying saucer division - he is enactment a bad turn to the make UFO panoply by appearing to be a guy who requests to approve himself quite than get at the most distant truth.

God bless you Stan Friedman, but delight character the image of ufology that your promotional appearances open....
