A secret UFO base being used by visiting extraterrestrials has been discovered by world governments and is being monitored and studied by scientists on a regular basis.
The mysterious archipelago of Tierra del Fuego at the southernmost tip of South America has always been an area of mystery and paranormal occurrences. This inhospitable, sub-polar region of immense natural beauty has never supported a large human population.
Prior to their decimation by white disease, small populations of Yaghan Indians inhabited the region. These extremely hardy people swam naked in freezing waters to collect shellfish for food. Ancient Yaghan legends tell of 'Sky-people' who visited them occasionally and taught them magic.
Rumors have long circulated amongst the current Chilean and Argentinean populations of a deep hole in the area that reaches to the center of the earth.
This publication has received information from government sources suggesting that indeed a secret UFO base has been discovered by researchers on Tierra del Fuego's remote Hoste Island: a territory of Chile. The UFO base is believed to exist beneath an icy plateau that lies between some of the island's many mountain peaks. While the exact purpose of the base is not yet known, government scientists have monitored and recorded large luminous objects entering and exiting the plateau. Analysis of these objects has shown them to be consistent with other UFOs seen and picked up by radar: such as the enormous UFO seen above Alaska by Japan Airlines pilots in 1986.
At least four giant UFOs have been filmed disappearing beneath this plateau in the last decade. The UFOs were all large glowing yellow spheres. Some skeptical scientists have claimed that they might not be UFOs but rather other natural phenomenon such as ball lighting or even gaseous orbs created by weather conditions.
[Read More via Paranormal Daily News]