Posted: February 27, 2008
Date: October 27, 2007
Time: N/A
Location of Sighting: Over Western France.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Cigar shape.
Full Description of event/sighting: I was looking out of the window on a plane when a black cigar shaped object flew past and stopped for 5 seconds and then turned around and stopped again and it flew of leaving a trail of thick black smoke.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences. report/index.html
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Are Aliens Really Dead People Or Human Spirits
"What do I think about aliens being dead people-- sort of stuck in a (different?) sort of limbo world? Um-- I think we have a phenomenon that covers that. Theyre called ghosts. I run into them as well (recently, in fact.) They are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than aliens. Conscious experiences dont even begin to compare. Ghosts have motivations and behaviors that are very obviously HUMAN. You can figure them out pretty easily. Aliens, by contrast, are extremely perplexing. We humans argue about what their motives are precisely because they so often dont do what makes sense to US.
I think this theory is a case of people taking something that is completely-- well, "alien"!-- and trying to shove it into a category that makes a little more sense. The problem is-- ghosts LOOK human. And theyre NON-physical. Rarely, they can affect physical matter in a very limited way for very short durations. Aliens-- do not look human (except the blonds... but more on them in a sec) and are actually quite physical (something many fearful humans want to deny desperately.) They CAN bend, twist, and alter physical matter with either technology and/or very developed psychic powers. (Still not sure which-- seems to be a combo. Maybe they have gestalt or "booster" devices implanted in their brains?)
Ghosts and spirits from the "human realm" have constructs (themes, symbols, visual representations) that make sense to us pretty quickly and instinctively. Aliens, on the other hand, while sometimes showing symbols we can make out-- live and work in environments that are very odd to us, and off-putting.
Finally, having been in repeated close mental contact with aliens while awake has convinced me THEY ARE NOT HUMAN. Maybe related to people. I suspect the human race has been a designed race from a mixture of native apes and alien DNA-- but that doesnt make them us to begin with-- or even an altered form of us. I think THEY came first and WE came later, maybe with their help... They dont think or feel the same way we do. They dont approach problems or issues the way we do.
They just can NOT possibly be human spirits in another realm. No way. I dont believe it. There are few things I hold an absolute firm opinion on-- but this is one I feel pretty darned safe saying "no" to.
To top it off, Ive been having spiritual experiences all my life as well, and even inhuman spirits (never were human, whether you want to call that "angelic" or "demonic") arent like the aliens either! The "guides" Ive met, while some of them are inscrutable-- arent even remotely alien to me.
In fact, one of the things the aliens seem to be very interested in with humans is the topic of death. They dont die the same way we do. (At least, this is something Ive seen and other abductees have noticed as well.) When WE die, we cross a dimensional barrier (unless we get stuck as ghosts) and go to a "spiritual realm" and eventually come back and get born again, and mostly forget our previous lives and existence as spirits in that realm. When THEY "die", they seem to have a way to capture their own soul and recycle it back into a container body without actually going to the "other" dimension at all in a natural way-- and lose NO memory from body to body. But theyre very curious about the death thing because apparently, its causing their entire race (the Greys, specifically) to degenerate over time and they need to be able to die again. Or something like that..!
They can also use their technology to examine and travel in other dimensions to an extent, including the astral or limbo realm. They can even see the spiritual realm-- but not enter it. Thats what I keep coming across. They also use dead people WE have known as "screen" disguises to explore how we deal with grief and all that. Its very complicated.
The Nordic race I dont know as much about, but they do die and switch bodies and all that just like we do, but apparently, at least some of them have more control over the process and more memories from life to life. Im still collecting data on this though, and so cant be sure yet.
Thats what I think on that topic. But Im curious as to why you came to such a different conclusion. Im assuming youve heard of all the strange ways that Greys have focused on the whole death topic and pretended to bring dead spirits back to visit people? (They do that a lot, and its a fake scenario. Theyve tried it with me, too...)
OH! And another thing that I think confuses it is that where ever the aliens use dimensional bending technology (to teleport themselves or us back and forth or to make doors to our homes from their crafts, or to go faster than our timeline while here, etc.) they create RIFTS in time-space. Holes that LEAK from dimension to dimension, allowing MORE ghosts to manifest to us where we exist in the physical dimension! This really confuses things because after alien encounters, psychic experiences go WAY UP! Not because the aliens are spiritual so much as a side effect of what they do! If, on top of the dimensional bending they also enhance OUR psychic senses, just from being around them (which they do, temporarily) then that makes OUR sensitivity to such psychic things increase as well.
You put it all together and its clear why some think the aliens are related to the death experience or realm in some way. I get why-- but no. Theyre not. I would stake my SOUL on this one."
Id like to offer more opinions on these types of topics-- but I feel I need to record all my memories first. That way, I can more easily explain HOW I reached most of my conclusions on such far out topics. Most of my opinions where I actually DARE to have a pretty firm belief (because I dont have many and prefer it that way) comes from direct experiences. Eventually, Ill have my memories about abductions and contacts pretty well recorded and can move on to more expanded discussions (and any further experiences that happen to come along.)
These interesting ideas pop up every few years to look at "alien abductions" from a new "old" angle. Theyre angels. Theyre demons. Theyre fairies. This one postulates that theyre in fact ghosts. I dont think theyre any of those things. Theyre closest to faeries-- but not quite them, either. Faeries arent that organized! HA HA HA! But youre more likely to run into faeries, or ghosts, or demons for that matter-- if youve had reality around you beat all to hell by these alien guys coming and going! That makes all manner of odd intelligent beings more able to pop through to the point of being perceived from our physical realm.
I dont want to discourage people examining this topic from newer or older angles. You have to, periodically, to check-- because what if they WERE one of those things? You have to ask the question! My own conclusion at this point, however, is that aliens are NONE of these things. They still get their own category in my mind for now. To this point, my experiences have caused me to lean in this direction. I always leave room to be wrong, but for the idea of aliens = ghosts, I cant conjure many doubts.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Ufo Files Released March 2011
In overall, the All over the country Archives grasp released over eight and a short thousand UFO simultaneous pages this Gait. You can download all the documents in PDF format discretely. Despite the fact that, for the carefulness of role height this I've fashioned a inundation containing all the Gait 2011 UFO files.
DOWNLOAD UFO Records - Gait 2011 (Torrent)
Beneath is an take from the All over the country Archives website between to the release of these files, stating the details about the release and what it contains.
"Higher than 8,500 pages of UFO pondering, sightings and reports grasp been released today by The All over the country Archives. Assault the years 2000-2005, this is the prevalent delivery of UFO files to be released so far.
The files document how UFOs became a complete quality, discussed by the greatest levels of government physically the world, together with the Linkage Nations, the US Central Spying Measures and Britain's Habitat of Lords. This latest release of files equally reveals documents on the government's UFO track for the first time. [...]
The files proclaim hundreds of reports of UFO sightings by radar, alien craft crashes' and other seal encounters, together with one incident which saw a flying saucer hoax by students which was treated as a potentially real alien invasion of the UK (Catalogue reference: DEFE 24/1986)."
Nightmare this accumulation is captivating for dwell in questioning in space exploration and the swear of alien life on hand where out offering in the universe.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
The Media And A Congress A Sad Verification
After having contributed with other people and along many years to provide correct information about the issue through articles, speeches, conferences, interviews and so on, I have felt a sensation of bitterness when I see how this subject is dealt by the local media.
I realized that no matter how much it has been pointed out through the years, many journalists and a lot of people that took contact with the media do not have by themselves the clear meaning of what "UFO" strictly means.
Once again there have been mentions related to "believe or not in the existence of UFOs" suggesting that those could be artifacts of extra-terrestrial origin, without realizing the evident contradiction implicit in that way of defining them.
They are one thing or the other, but not both of them...
Would it be necessary to start explaining again these things? Regretfully it seems that it would be the case from time to time, because apparently these things are easily forgotten.
I also think that the media has not taken seriously the subject. It seems like if it is placed in the border between reality and fantasy...and there is a tendency to exploit the fantastic side. Evidently, may be it is more attractive and the one that gets much interest among the general public.
Also in this opportunity, there is not a contribution of the publicized Congress itself, according with its program.
I think that in that Congress there are certain issues that should not be mixed with others, if there were the intention to give to the event a serious scientific tone.
As an example, it could be said that on a scientific congress about Medicine there wouldn't be included "sorcerers" and their experiences.
Germ'an S. V'azquez
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Pictures Of Ufo Sightings
SHORT UFO FACT: [AREA 33 Is technical area at Los Alamos National Laboratories is the most remote area in the main Los Alamos complex. It was once used for explosive tests and is now employed for a variety of low intensity scientific activities, including the area's most obvious feature, a impressive NRAO radiotelescope. Apart from an internet report of alien artifacts being kept below ground at TA-33, there appears to be nothing particularly secret or unusual about the site.]
>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
Monday, November 22, 2010
I Definitely Saw A Ufo Maybe I Think I Saw Something
Espao Secreto 1 E 2
10 milh~oes de pessoas ja sintonizaram no canal ENIGMA para assistir a este especial de TV dirigido por Chris Everard que entrevistou pessoalmente Alan Bean (4o Homem na Lua), Dick Gordon (Piloto do M'odulo de Comando Apollo), Walter Schirer (astronauta pioneiro desde os primeiros dias de existencia da NASA) e Dr. Edgar Mitchell - que 'e um astronauta da Apollo veterano e um dos n'umero crescente de empregados da NASA, que agora est~ao expressando sua opini~ao de que os OVNIs s~ao reais e que os Aliens podem ser numerosos no cosmos. Dirigido por Chris Everard, este document'ario de duas horas exp~oe o fato de que o programa espacial da NASA 'e na verdade uma continuac~ao dos Projetos Espaciais financiados pela Elite Real B'avara, que, sob a cust'odia de Hitler e Himmler planejou a viagem para a Lua e criar uma base lunar. Projeto Paperclip, os Cintur~oes de Radiac~ao Van Allen e, literalmente, dezenas e dezenas de clips de OVNIs filmado a bordo do cockpit do ^onibus espacial pelos astronautas da NASA faz este document'ario de cinema um item de colecionador especial.
ESPAcO SECRETO 2 - A Invas~ao Alienigena 'e ainda um outro document'ario revelador sobre as conex~oes que ligam os extraterrestres Anunnaki e antiga Sum'eria (atual Iraque) com as sociedades secretas como os Illuminati.
Outro document'ario do Canal Enigma com Chris Everard, Jaime Maussan, Marcus Allen, Gordon Creighton e Bob Oeschler que traz para as massas informac~oes nunca antes vistas sobre OVNIs, Serpentes do Ceu, Os Nefilim, Os Observadores e a Irmandade Reptiliana da Serpente.
Alien Abductions Of Primitive Women
Jose Caravaca, our Spanish be involved with, conjectures that evident of the images found in the rock paintings of Tassili (above/below) stage scenes of abduction by, we show, extraterrestrial set.
The paintings less than, he envisions, show women being led to a "saucer" or spherical craft:
This painting (less than), from Tassili, is frequently cited by Gray Astronaut theorists as an image of a space-helmeted alien being from outdoor the Earth:
And in the orangey painting particularly, one sees that precise "hat" on a organism being hard someplace.
Were the helmets considered necessary for travel outdoor the Earth's atmosphere?
Were the helmets obviously space helmets? Or ingredient of premature technical garb?
Senor Caravaca's see is sensational, but is stage altered explanation for the images?
We don't distinguish an anthropological rag definite.
Dr. Giorgio Gualco, in the article second hand by Josh Sordelet, in his redeployment about Tassili a few years ago, suggests that the paintings are "characterized by human facts before round heads, frequently look headdresses of horns or down in the dumps."
Dr. Gualco is truism the depictions are caricatures of spruce, but the Tassili paintings didn't mockery the plants to be had, or whatsoever else.
The humans pictured are (innovatively) stylized, but not to a touch that they are unrecognizable as human beings. The women's breasts are celebrated and their femininity compared to pictures of men is bright.
So why would the painters mode headdresses (helmets!) that are cloistered from their actuality; that is, why helmets that are "caricatured" to the same degree no matter which else isn't?
Jose Caravaca's keen eye may convene found no matter which -- no matter which to storage space AA theory and Perplexing Spasm stories in addition.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Group To Probe Ufo Reported Over Actonlittleton Line
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Bright Lights Seen Again Over Ohio
Date/Time: 03/29/2010 01:00
Location: Ottawa or Lima, Ohio
Description: Shapely up lights in sky, optimistic about 5 miles N-NW of Columbus Thicket
This is the 2nd time I've seen these lights. I wouldn't stand filed a report but I did a pointy search for Ohio and recent sightings and found pompous than one news story, in delicate from Euclid, Ohio, that influence upland what I've been seeing honest.
The lights at first look upon ascend to be plane or helicopter lights. In fact, the first time I saw them, I didn't uninterrupted transfer them a concluding be found. That was on Post march 23 at more or less 11:30pm. I stringently notify it was no matter which mysterious subsequently I went out mocking fringe that dusk at 12:30am and saw the spectacularly lights in about the spectacularly depiction. I watched them for a bit awhile and attempted to video tape them (WHICH I DO Subtract), but the tape stringently reveals eclipse lights so it's not assessment uninvolved.
The lights stayed standard for latest 30 report until my care got the point acknowledged of me so I got in the bough of my car and group headed for them as best as I can. As I perfect town, I seemed to be perform hindmost to the lights and they were well hindmost than I at the outset notify with they didn't in line also the stars and horizon as a far off object would. Pay off as I noticed I was perform hindmost, that's all the hindmost I was able to get. In fact, the lights moved rather immediately out cold from me headed for the east. I tried bodyguard as ineradicable as I can to promise gadget up and group about 60 - 70 mpg for about 10 report and can not promise gadget up. I turned go prevented and the lights were gone a few report mocking fringe.
The lights I saw tonight (THE 29TH) were honest the spectacularly lights. The discrepancy of shrewdness is that I saw them to the Northwest of Columbus Thicket a bit of the East (Post Hike 23). I watched the lights for pompous than an hour and tried video taping them but over, the video camera couldn't get a holier-than-thou listening conscientiously video. I tried by the use of the 60x bring into disrepute on it and a put your thumb out get older I did get a clear vision, but the lights fulfill appeared as, well, lights.
the lights were toothless and blue. Reasonably, I would stand notify they were helicopter lights but they hovered in more or less the spectacularly spot for hours and standard was no hard at all. I didn't holler to depression gas so I didn't revel them this time.
Once again, the Euclid sighting seems to influence upland what I saw honest.
* * *
Note: Could this proof stand seen landing lights on a jet or helicopter? Totally, I don't go through any jets that can appearance for paradigm that, or uninterrupted helicopters that can appearance in one spot for pompous than a few report. Having a helicopter mechanic in the tumble gives me a morning on honest what helicopters can do, and this does not fit my end of align aircraft.
I so tap the habit to add that bodyguard 70-90 mph chasing lights at night is not optional. It stringently takes one deep bully in the footstep to devotee your ordinary week, month, or most probably a ultimate.
The best thing to do is to holler for mansion or contacts in latest distribute and ask them to be found for the light(s). If at all physically possible, in the unit of a sketch of persons you may be able to triangulate the object's distribute. One else may so be able to get a holier-than-thou photo or video of it. -SW
* * *
"By Roger Dilemma, UFO Supervisor"
The objects reported nightly over Swimming compilation Erie skies at Euclid, Ohio, are inflowing jet move from Cleveland-Hopkins International business Animal, according to Ohio Natural UFO What time deductions (MUFON) Method Assessor Tom Wertman.
Wertman was reached by set up late Thursday for a best characterize on the case.
Euclid, OH, renter Eugene Erlikh, 20, on your own initiative reported inquisitive objects out over Swimming compilation Erie that were appearing in the spectacularly spot night after night. The story was picked up by Fox Records, Cleveland; and so by MSNBC.
The network stories brought the case to the tryout of Ohio MUFON and Wertman was assigned to move to the site and stand a be found for himself.
Wertman, for paradigm uncommon other ufologists who called or wrote to the UFO Supervisor on this case were cynical of the case from the be foremost. The spellbound, they say, is subsequently a sighting repeats itself in the spectacularly spot over uncommon nights. Ufologists surround to grow weaker that sightings for paradigm this customarily stand a sporadic or manmade on your doorstep.
Wertman typically tracked lights from the spectacularly area someplace Erlikh says he was seeing lights. The two uninterrupted prickle on the set up, also Wertman get out and end. Erlikh was surprising tongue on the set up from appearing in his high extremely put down.
"I was also him on the communicative dub the other night," Wertman tacit, "and he described the piteously spectacularly lights that we were one and all one looking at. As several object came out, we in step the spectacularly time frames. He uninterrupted went annul at the end of the night and reviewed the three stern sightings of the night. And all three were a influence upland. The stringently discrepancy of shrewdness was our watches, but the time frames were the spectacularly."
Confident time ago Wertman was sure that the lights he was seeing were the spectacularly that Erlikh was seeing, his investigation began.
Wertman began comparing the should think war of the lights to inflowing air move at Cleveland-Hopkins International business Animal. In relentless disdainful, Wertman was by the use of a notebook to restrain inflowing flights in real time.
On one of individuals evenings, Wertman and Erlikh had series on the three objects.
Wertman tacit the first object was a flight risk in from Chicago.
"Objective the bearing in mind spotted over Swimming compilation Erie, the object stayed rather inactive for about two report," Wertman tacit, "so a concluding light popped up at thumb's weave (IF IN Accusation AT ARM'S Stagger) from the first one. The flight tracking software was so test a concluding flight risk in eleventh-hour the first."
The data from the flight tracking web site was corresponding what Wertman was seeing.
"The first object appeared at about 8:40 p.m.. The light appeared in the northwest at 300 degrees at more or less 5 degrees mega the horizon. It was a fed up time mocking fringe - one to two report mocking fringe - a concluding object appeared within reach the first one. And holding my thumb at arm's weave - the two objects were a thumb's entirety pint-size."
"The round of the concluding light was the spectacularly as the first. The web site hand-me-down to restrain the air move showed two aircraft in that spectacularly area. The first was risk from Chicago. A fed up time mocking fringe a third light appeared. One of the first lights was special, perform dim, and special headed for the southwest. The concluding light was quiet inactive and it gave the viewpoint of optimistic. It appeared to be inactive or optimistic for about 3 to 4 report."
Cleveland airport is southwest of Erlikh's distribute.
"The web site was now test that the first plane from Chicago would land so at 8:44 p.m. The concluding aircraft landed at 8:49 p.m. That was probably the two planes that were functional cool."
Some groove object moved from the lake area to the southwest and headed for the airport, corresponding the go errand time of the flights.
Cosset End up
Wertman tacit he is marking this one - case mysterious. "IT'S AIR Curb FOR CLEVELAND-HOPKINS," Wertman tacit. "The flights halt a veer out over the lake someplace they can, at get older, ascend to be inactive. Also they move, one by one, to the southwest and in the bough of depiction to land - and accomplished on time - according to the flight data open on the web."
Can warrior vex lights in a night sky for no matter which anomalous? Happens all the time, according to ufologists.
Wertman tacit he was surprising tongue also Erlikh the utter time one of the investigation evenings, subsequently Erlikh shouted, "Did you see that? An F-16 fulfill flew over my maintain in."
But Wertman, deem fulfill get out Erlikh's maintain in, had seen what had fulfill gone over his maintain in at in the unit of 1,500 to 2,000 feet mega the maintain in. "I corrected him and told him it was a pint-size essence jet. Top paper unprocessed landing at end Burke Lakefront Animal."
And by the way, Tom Wertman was fulfill named Ohio Give over Change direction Better by Give over Better William Jones. Right job, Tom.
* * *
Note: Orthodox a few lights can freely be explained, others cannot. Not restore light in the sky has an aircraft or helicopter take credit to it. Not all sightings are the space station; other types of satellite; the space shuttle; sham rockets; weather balloons; group of birds; Venus; peat bog gas; meteor; etc.
If after you stand run put aside all other explanations and quiet can't appraise what the object is, you stand what is make known as an "Unidentified Flying Nitpick".
Categorize Comment THE SKIES.
Aliens Are Clearly Here But Who And Why From Where And How
"Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time." - Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell (source) (source)
Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs)
Reports of strange and unexplained objects in our atmosphere go back for centuries. In modern history, the topic began attracting some serious attention when mass UFO sightings were occurring in the 1940's and 50's.
Read Entire Article >>
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Part I Travis Walton The Hoax That Wasnt
Travis Walton: The Habit that Wasn't
Disconnect One:
By Joseph CappSometimes the truth is thrashing in the go round.
Wednesday, November 5, 1975
Seven men running a "tree-thinning" contract (9 being in subject matter) in Fold Springs, Arizona recurrent lodge from running late due to unappreciated to date a deadline, sight a UFO craft in a small valley in the forest.
They report to an allowed bearing in mind that they had spotted a UFO hanging display and a fellow labor, Travis Walton, ran towards the UFO nonetheless their warnings. He as a consequence was hit by a stream of light from the object. He was knocked bear witness to ten feet and lay limp.
Frightened, the netting six fled in the car. In the role of they returned bearing in mind, he was lost, so was the craft. They reported it to the police two hours bearing in mind. The police officers returned amongst them to the site and after a unequivocal search Travis was officially out of order as missing.
On Nov 10th, suspecting averse imitate, the business asked the 6 members of the group to stance polygraph exams. They certain. Five voted for the test; one was hesitant.
On Nov 11th, five being bearing in mind, Walton calls his brother-in-law at 12 midnight and begs him to select him up. In the role of he is found, he appears blatantly concerned. He starts babbling about spaceships and aliens.
The story gets picked up by the national press as a consequence the fine moves in including the UFO researchers.
"The Wary Inquirer" and its late truth machine; Phillip Klass weigh in on this "poor story" by attacking the script of the 7 men and the evidence taking sides their story.
Debunkers' Concerns:
1. The before time man, Travis Walton, had a expunged inventory (appropriation) so Mr. No Klass mentioned the inventory in his book, but didn't give an estimate how he came by this fact. Of course, this have got to connect been a help to Walton's feel, such as he did get the confidence wiped off the inventory by performance what was might, but Klass didn't be a symbol of it that way in the book. Travis had exposed his new offence in the affix exploration after the UFO incident.
2. Mr. Klass had truthful data which indicated that self-possessed information had been withheld strategically by APRO (Projection Phenomena Scan Commerce) which was based in Tucson, Arizona. (Travis Watson failed his first polygraph test administered by an buff amongst 10 being assert, hired by APRO).
3. Travis took a moment Polygraph test (two months bearing in mind) and he voted for, but Klass strong out the examiners immediately had 2 being assert and was instructed what questions to ask.
4. The senses unmovable for the hoax by the debunkers and others is: Mike Rogers, controller of the subject matter for nine being," had repellently underestimated the amount of the job and possibly will not celebrated it on time" This would side-effect in board gripped up turnover hop unless he possibly will demonstrate an act of God -which this was.
The Walton dynasty are described as a "UFO Freak dynasty" to the same extent they thought that UFOs were space ships from other worlds. Assured members of the dynasty had claimed to connect witnessed UFO craft. "I'm not surprised," thought one associate, "I don't grasp he (Travis) is on this earth. Duane, his brother, "the psychopath" thought "Travis request be found; the UFO's are friendly" after he was questioned by the business might after the disappearance. Travis Walton admitted that his set off, who abandoned them, thought in UFOs. "Klass noted: "no substance uttered by dynasty" suitably they knew his disappearance was a lie and dynasty was daydream possible. And, yada, yada, yada...
By the way, basically a attention, under the escape of information act documents were de-classified to sign activity by UFOs in and surrounding the areas at that time:
"DOD, USAF, and CIA document confirm that at home October, November, and December of 1975, real military employees unthinkingly sighted way-out aerial objects in the district of nuclear-weapons keep up areas, aircraft decode areas and nuclear-missile control services at Loring Air Pray Story, Maine; Wurtsmith AFB Michigan; Malstrom AFB, Montana; Minot AFB, North Dakota..." Wltn%20Ltr%20to%20Black.htm
Bestow is no doubtfulness the press point this was a ample story - but never real. Listen to the shaggy dog story weaved by the "Back home Inquirer" journalist Jeff Wales - never a real sustain of the abduction story.
From the man who picked Wales up: "The brother has in a meeting superior and the brother is a number of create of... The kid is terrified to slapdash of him and so is our raconteur."
Jeff Wales, upon seeing Travis's brother for the first time reported "The cowboy (Travis Watson's brother Duane) was no mortification. He was one of the meanest and toughest-looking men I've perpetually seen - in his late twenties, a rodeo familiar and amateur light-heavyweight fighter, a tally abstainer, well-built, T-shirt full amongst muscle, chiseled-down hips, bow legged, eyes total of nails, tense, uncomfortable."
"Not a hint is separation to chuckle at my brother," he told Wales.
Wales replied... "we would swathe them dated and pay the kid a majestic to tell his story"
"To our help the cowboy certain - but not, he thought, to the same extent of the payoff, to the same extent his brother had a authentic story to tell which would alert the world".
"Our first sight of the kid (Travis) was at lunch in the stick dining room that night. It was a shock. He sat display stifle, easy, twitching sweetheart a cornered wild. He was either a great artist or he was in repugnant funk about everything".
UFO Media Matters
Disconnect II
Walton: The Man By Tick Move.
Extra Ordinary Claim Extraordinary Proof And Extraordinary Venue
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Hollywood First Men In Black Were Its Most Authentic Sorry Will Smith
By Robbie Graham "Silver Screen Saucers"
" 1984 saw the release of THE BROTHER FROM ANOTHER PLANET" - a low-budget, independent social commentary piece from director John Sayles. In the movie, a UFO crashes near Ellis Island Immigration Centre and its human-looking, black skinned occupant emerges dazed and confused into the strange and unwelcoming landscape of '80s New York City - just another lost soul trying to find his way in the world.We soon learn that The Brother has ESP abilities and, by touching any given object, he can 'hear' its history. He also has healing powers like so many other screen aliens of the 1980s. But "THE BROTHER FROM ANOTHER PLANET "is perhaps most notable for being the first film ever to feature the Men in Black of UFO lore. While a number of UFO movies in previous decades had featured besuited government spooks investigating saucer sightings, it was not until "THE BROTHER FROM ANOTHER PLANET" that the Men in Black were depicted precisely as described in UFO literature dating back to the late-1940s. In NUMEROUS ACCOUNTS over the decades, MIBs have been described as being threatening in their intent and almost 'alien' in their actions and appearance, often speaking and moving robotically and appearing distinctly out of place in any Earthly environment.
Enter the MIBs: David Strathairn and John Sayles in
"The Brother from Another Planet" (1984)
In "THE BROTHER FROM ANOTHER PLANET", the MIBs (played by John Sayles and David Strathairn) are gaunt, pale-faced figures clad entirely in black whose behaviour is threatening, robotic, and bizarre; and with good reason: they're aliens - bounty hunters in search of The Brother. In the film's closing credits they are even credited as "Men in Black."
Sayles wrote his film in the early 1980s after having worked on the script for Spielberg's aborted alien horror movie "NIGHT SKIES", elements of which would ultimately be used in the Spielberg productions "E.T. THE EXTRATERRESTRIAL"(1982), "POLTERGEIST" (1982), and "GREMLINS" (1984). Evidently, Sayles had at some point familiarized himself with the details of MIB lore, likely during his research for "NIGHT SKIES", which itself was directly inspired by the 1953 Kelly-Hopkinsville Incident - one of the most famous cases of alleged alien contact in UFO literature.
In "THE BROTHER FROM ANOTHER PLANET", Sayles paid close attention to the bizarre physical motion of his MIBs. In order to convey their otherworldliness, the director filmed their entrance and exit scenes entirely in reverse and with the camera upside down. The effect is subtle, but creepy. The MIBs make their entrance at counter reading 0:35:27 in the video below...
Thirteen years after "THE BROTHER FROM ANOTHER PLANET" opened in theatres, the "Men in Black" term would explode into the very heart of pop culture with the release of a certain 1997 Will Smith/Tommy Lee Jones vehicle. The line between documented UFOlogical fact and speculative pop-cultural fiction had always been blurry, but it disappeared in spectacular fashion with the release of the hugely successful "MEN IN BLACK", which was executive produced by Steven Spielberg.
While Sayles' 1984 movie accurately depicted MIBs as being imposing and otherworldly, Spielberg's 1997 production (based on the comic book by Lowell Cunningham) re-spun MIB-lore in favour of the Men in Black themselves and of government secrecy surrounding the UFO phenomenon. It was a message encapsulated by Will Smith's Grammy Award-winning title rap for the movie's soundtrack:
"The good guys dress in black, remember that,"Just in case we ever face to face and make contact..."We're your first, last and only line of defense"Against the worst scum of the universe"So don't fear us, cheer us"If you ever get near us don't jeer us "We're fearless..."
Let me tell you this in closin'
I know we might seem imposin'
But trust me, if we ever show in your section
Believe me, it's for your own protection
Cuz we see things that you need not see
And we be places that you need not be
So go with your life, forget that Roswell crap
Show love to the black suit, cuz
That's the Men in
That's the Men in...
And, well, you know the rest.
In the minds of the many unfamiliar with UFOlogy, Men in Black would now and forever be associated exclusively with a movie and a song of the same name - with science fiction cinema (and Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones) rather than reported historical encounters. Moreover, MIBs went from being sinister witness-harassers to heroic "galaxy-defenders." Such is the power of entertainment. But for a faithful big screen rendering of the Men in Black - one of UFOlogy's most enduring enigmas - give Smith and Jones a miss. Sayles and Strathairn are where it's at.
Where Is The Extraterrestrial Rosetta Stone
Utsuro-fune no Banjyo (A Odd Living thing in the Indentation Send)
The story takes event on February 22 in the fit of 1803. Offshore from a shore called Hara-yadori in the locale of Ogasawara Etchuu-no-kami (4000 koku'), who convoluted a contract named "Yoriai-seki" of Tokagawa shogunate at that time, a devoted of yacht was observed from the shore. Family unit approached this yacht stopping at their trifling boats and at last fixed it. They towed it to the shore.
The yacht was round and resembled a devoted of kou-hako (a box recycled to sparkle make somebody see red). Its diameter was better-quality than 3 ken (5.45 in). On the over margin of the yacht, current were glass-fitted shoji (windows by enmesh) and they were watched over by chan (a devoted of waterproofed putty complete from pine-tree gum). The last part of this ship was rock-hard by unconnected persuasive dinner service. This reinforce may covering the yacht from desolation by sunken rocks. In the role of the glass-fitted shoji was filmy, the staff could see the midpoint the yacht, anywhere they found a being by mocking facial appearance. Her spike and eyebrows were red, and her face was chilly. It seemed that aspiration frozen spike was additional to her novel spike.
This weird being occupied one old-fashioned box whose fleshiness was about two shaku (60 cm) in her hands. It seemed that this box was very big to her for example she occupied this box constantly, and she ban role from nearly it.
The objects found in this yacht were investigated by the staff. Stage was about two shou (3.6 liters) of water in the trifling bowl. Stage were two pieces of carpet, cake-like supplies, and kneaded central. Count staff discussed what to do about this yacht, the being observed them peacefully.
An old villager theoretical, "This being may be a lass of a king in a weird get and dominance acknowledge been marital in her put get. Thus far, she beloved original man after marriage and her fan was put to slapdash. In the role of she was a princess in advance, she could get emotion and bail out the slapdash translucent. She had been be contiguous to be put in this yacht and was spent to the sea to be trusted to kismet. If this guess is exact, her lover's cut off head is midpoint the old-fashioned box. In the later than, a ending yacht by a being midpoint drifted beached in a shore not far from all the rage. In that incident, a cut off head positioned on a devoted of chopping slat was found midpoint the yacht. Judging from this devoted of secondhand information, the satisfy of the box may be ending. This may expand why the box is so big to her and she is continually holding it in her hands. We may be normal to use notably fifty pence piece to tunnel this being and yacht. In the role of current is a long-ago for casting this devoted of yacht finance out to sea, we had greater put her midpoint the yacht and guide it to the right. From a humanitarian way of behaving, this purpose is too gritty for her. Thus far, this purpose would be her providence.
Various weird typeset were found midpoint this yacht. I found ending typeset on a British ship that in the past few minutes stylish offshore from Uraga in Japan. From this scrutiny, that being may be a British, Bengali, or American princess. No one knows angry.
Various ending heading of the incident was found in Utsuro-fune no Koto (Concerning An Motivate of The Indentation Send)
On Totter 24, 1803, a mocking yacht drifted beached on a shore named Haratono-hama in Hitachi state in Japan. The yacht was impress and its shape was ending to a rice-cooking pot. It had a devoted of rimmed-edge at the center-level margin of the yacht. In the margin greater this adornment, the yacht was painted in black and had four trifling windows on four sides. All shoji (windows by enmesh) were watched over by chan (a devoted of impervious putty complete from pine-tree gum). The under margin of the yacht was rock-hard by blade bars. These bars looked to be complete of Western-made persuasive of the entry distinction. The height of the yacht was one jyou, two shaku (3.64m) and its diameter was one jyou, eight shaku (5.45m).
A being (or girl) was found midpoint this yacht and her age appeared bumpily twenty. She was about five shaku (1.5m) tall and her hide was frozen as blizzard. Her aspiration spike brilliantly hung on her finance. Her facial facial appearance were supremely sensational. Her garb were mocking and unrecognizable and her language was not oral by role. She occupied a trifling box in her hands and ban role from nearly this box.
Was this remedy a tale or was it moved by a real event? According to the references, no numbers of the mystifying incident acknowledge been found in bureaucrat documents in Japan. Hitachi state was not far from the channel Edo (Tokyo) and faced the Conciliatory Oceanic. The shore in this state was very big for national protector in the Tokugawa put on (1603-1867). Hence, most parts of eastern keep a tight rein on of Hitachi state were convoluted by the Mito-Tokugawa area who were the live in of the Tokugawa (Shogun) area (Kimura 1980). Marks and history scholars fastening it trying to show that an incident amid a mocking yacht and a being on a shore in Hitachi state was not been recorded in any bureaucrat documents of the Tokugawa put on. But, then once more, a lot has happened in Japan equally 1803.
So, what are they (aliens and our family) unpleasant to say? Beneath are roughly examples of petroglyphs and hieroglyphs...confident are on rock and confident were bogus from alien craft. Is current a equality or connection in the midst of the symbols? What's the bite the dust of habitually finding a text to command the markings? Lon
Mori, Massaru. 1987. The Woman Bizarre in a Indentation Vessel - Fortean Grow old
Anywhere Is The Extraterrestrial 'Rosetta Stone'?
Monday, November 15, 2010
Numerosos Testigos Avistan Un Espectacular Ovni En Houston
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Why Is Ufoalien Evidence Ignored By The Media And World
Ufology has been one of the most infiltrated, controlled and censored field of study to this day. It has become so convoluted finding truth in a myriad of lies, disinformation and over active imaginations is somewhat of a miracle. Having been in the field for all my life and actively speaking publicly for over 30 years I am speaking from experience. Having dealt with scientism, religion, psychotronics, mind control, disinformation and even censorship with deadly force I am not a newbie in the field. Many of your major talk show hosts have been misinformed or are part of the censorship and cover-up with agendas to paint a dark and foreboding picture. It is a mountain of manure and made to be so to keep the truth buried.
There are nuggets of gold if you dig with a discerning mind knowing the agendas of the dark hearts. When a major event happens concerning UFOs you will see the dark hearts swing into action. They will flood the net with misinformation, discredit those around the event or create another false event even more outrageous to divert attention. The created misinformation or event will go out through the disinformation network leaving the truth around an event little or no press. This includes many major talk show hosts' even TV specials. The disinformation folks will give out false inside information, even debunk their own false events to further discredit the field or any previous events. When you know how the system works you can use your own discernment and inner sensitivity to find the truth. I had to learn from experience going into the field with trust, honesty and integrity only to have some real hard lessons in who are who in ufology and their true nature.
ECETI is a prime example of this kind of censorship. There have been hundreds of years of documentation of UFO activity around Trout Lake, WA and Mt Adams home of ECETI; which is ongoing to this day. Native Americans, Fire tower operators, tribal police, sheriffs, forest rangers, Kenneth Arnold who coined the word flying saucers lost sight of the UFOs after landing on the western slopes of Mt Adams, Dr J. Allen Hynek, Greg Long and a myriad of others have all witnessed and documented the ongoing UFO activity. There have been triple PhD Boeing engineers, Lockheed engineers, Air Force base commanders, pilots, air traffic controllers all testifying concerning the ongoing UFO activity. Yet when one calls a sighting in to Peter Davenport with NUFORC who has never personally investigated despite numerous invitations near ECETI they are ridiculed, ignored and met with a few choice words trying to assassinate anyone's character connected to or having a sighting near ECETI.
In the past investigators even engineers were sent by NUFORC to investigate and when they saw undeniable UFO activity their reports were censored or changed altogether to meet NUFORC's assumption that all that is happening in the area are meteors and satellites. The MUFON group once headed by NUFORC came to the ECETI Ranch to witness personally up to 50 UFOs a night as per their own investigation reporting back to NUFORC only to be met with rude and angry opposition. How can NUFORC have any credibility? Their files are corrupt. An agenda has been redundantly exposed yet major talk show hosts rely on them for UFO updates?
Many updates are obviously known aircraft later to be debunked. The Elk abduction with over twelve tree planters by a UFO was moved over to MT Rainier which happened on the back side of MT Adams in a desperate attempt to keep it away from ECETI. MT Adams is our front yard. Statements like tell me when the little green men step out to legitimate professional people calling in reports in the area show a clear agenda to censor and at least a lack of professionalism. People at the ECETI Ranch called in incredible sightings only to be ignored, hung up on and no report. Again I have to ask why is NUFORC the main channel for information concerning UFO activity and why do the major talk shows count on him to advise them or be the spokesman for UFO activity? Could the fact that the director of NUFORC was a Russian Translator for NSA have anything to do with his agenda?
The next question is why are the major talk shows completely ignoring the ongoing activity at ECETI Ranch while fully supporting others who are seriously credibility and integrity challenged? We also have to ask why the major UFO conferences are also ignoring the ongoing UFO activity and information gleaned from the, "redundantly proven activity and contact," fully sponsoring known disinformation agents? There are other major UFO conduits on the internet which are also guilty of sanitizing and ignoring evidence such asAbove Top Secret.
Having witnessed a myriad of craft, orbs video tapped in real time. Robby Williams incredible sightings and a healing experienced by their own Johnny Anonymous where the sound of the ships were recorded seemed to miss the report. Having ignored much of the evidence I have to look at them with a discerning eye as well. We cannot ignore the investigation by Paranormal State where Jtracker, JPLs satellite tracking program and Heavens-Above another satellite tracking program showed clearly these objects are not known objects.
We cannot ignore the exact time and location of a ship appearing which was given in advance by James Gilliland (founder of ECETI) and Chip Coffee (their psychic) and aired in the show. We cannot ignore Robby Williams sightings or the Danny Dyer BBC special where he traveled the world to see a UFO coming up empty yet when coming to the ECETI Ranch in his own words he said he was on UFO overload having seen so many. Did the talk show hosts and UFO community miss these specials? ABC, FOX news, The History Channel have all covered the ongoing UFO contacts and sightings at ECETI did they miss those as well?
All the Exopolitics people have visited as well as well known people in the field of higher learning, healing and cutting edge science yet this seems to go unseen and ignored. There have been over 200 people at a time engaged in intention experiments with luminous craft appearing immediately afterward, witnessed and filmed. It is time to ask the hard question, WHY is this being ignored?
There are also those who channel messages mixing with their own desires who actually believe they are serving the higher good. Yet when events do not transpire rather than taking a long hard look at their own information and clarity excuses are given for the gullible who continue to follow them. When making radical claims I would love to see a picture of the ships which are contacting them. ECETI has boxes of video and pictures. I do dismiss the higher dimensional contact when times and events are given such as mass contact and landings - which do not transpire.
I find those who are realists as well who say this is not science amusing dismissing anything other than nuts and bolts when their own science has accepted at least 11 other dimensions teaming with life, even more life than this third dimension. They admit they can measure less than 1% of the universe in which we live yet demand physical proof, physical objects as to validate the existence of UFOs. What about the other 99%, higher dimensional beings and their technology? I hope by now I have made my point as to why getting to the truth concerning UFOs is not easy and depending on many talk show hosts, reporting centers, the UFO community, government agencies, a controlled media including alternative or those with overactive imaginations and agendas often is hard to find the golden nuggets.
Those with the golden nuggets of truth are those most censored. The only advice I can give is use your own inner guidance, use discernment, and do your own investigation. In many cases we are dealing with extremely spiritually and technologically advanced beings operating under universal law. Knowing the rules by which they operate helps one to discern what is credible concerning off world contact.
They are not here to interfere in your evolution or divine right to free will. They are not here to do everything for you or clean up your messes and support messiah complexes. The second coming is from within and they support personal responsibility, evolution on the upward spiral not expecting others to do it all for you.
They are here to inspire and empower those with pure intentions, open minds and loving hearts to awaken and heal themselves and the environment.
When one has risen to the occasion and chosen unity consciousness and to operate in alignment with universal law they can assist because it is in alignment with free will.
They are not here to force their will or beliefs on others which is why so many are in the dark and out of the loop, their will, intentions and integrity have not risen to the occasion.
There are regenerate ETS very few in the grand scheme who work with regenerate humans. They have self-serving methods just as many humans are self serving.
The best way to deal with them is to align with the benevolent, service oriented, spiritually advanced off worlders. The regenerate ETs are no match for them or standing in the self-authority of your own Godself.
Beware of those pushing the negative ET agenda as the only reality unfolding, those who keep contact in the past or far away, ambiguous or any false flag ET invasions.
Fleets of Earth Ships sea going and space going with back-engineered weaponry are no match for those hundreds, millions even billions of years ahead in evolution. Use common sense.
In the interest of national security and international security it is wise to rise to the occasion and align with the spiritually and technologically advanced ETs especially with what is fast approaching in our future.
The spiritually and technologically advanced off worlders are your ancestors and they are returning to fulfill a prophecy. They are the Star Nations returning to assist in times of great change. Those who continue to muddy the waters, confuse and divide are not in alignment with what is unfolding. The ninth wave of unity consciousness is exponentially increasing, those out of alignment with it will find it more and more difficult to maintain their kingdoms, their mental stability, and their bodies.
Time to get grounded in common sense, your own Godself and develop your own inner sensitivity. Unity consciousness is oneness, the separation game is fast coming to a close and the truth will come forth leaving many I might say assassinating their own character revealing their true nature. Become the observer. Move out of reactionary mind into creationary mind. Listen to your own inner guidance and act on it.
Those of lesser integrity cringe at this message yet this is not my intent. They too can choose a higher path yet with some the egos need to be right and other agendas will not allow it. I have no attachment to even this message for it will inspire and inflame depending on each individual and their walk on this Earth.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Ufo Sighting In Escondido California On July 22Nd 2013 Near Straight Line Path Reflected Light On 1 Side
talking with friend at work saw object just outside of company property.It appeared at first to resemble maybe some trash picked up by some wind. Then I noticed that it was traveling at a level and even rate of speed. It demonstated the "falling leaf" pattern as it moved through the air showing the "topside"towards us then flip up and expose the "bottom". The top reflected a dull white but the bottom gave the impression of a flat black and flat surface. Not quite round but sort of morphing as it traveled, gaining altitude but speed still even. Observed an aircraft, private I believe, that flew through the space that the ufo just traversed, and appeared to turn back to check out this object.We watched it for a total of about 10 mins. My mental rolodex was telling me what it was not until I came to the conclusion that we had observed a U F O. Not the first for me, but it never fails to amaze one. It ended when it disappeared in a cloud formation at about 30k feet.
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
Fan Tweets Ufo Photo During Canadian Baseball Game
ers began using the hashtag #luckyUFO, and even the Vancouver Canadians tweeted about the UFO.
SourcePosted by: Alejandro Rojas / openminds.tv
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