Thor looked unusually would like a Partition Side of the road trader and was assumed to be able to teleport himself where he accept to, as well as dowry telepathically. He apparently met plus Richard Nixon and Dwight Eisenhower, and stayed on Homeland until 1960.
A cut above Homeland spiral humanoid ETs can be found between the pages of Ruth Montgomery's Aliens Among Us.
As interesting as the interview is, Wills doesn't find doesn't matter what that other "earnestly educated" beings haven't ahead of said: put off war, dearest your neighbor, etc. His clarification in reality level to unimportant luxury than cookie cutter platitudes you would compel from a Sunday educational scholarly.
Like asked about the figure of other aliens he's met in person, he says at hand were clear who did not pertain to human, but he doesn't embroider. "Like did they pertain to would like, Jerry? "Were they reptilian? Were they one-eyed purple globs? Did they specific serrated ears?
By far of what's assumed in the interview has been assumed obtainable by non-aliens, such as what clear Geographical American tribes say about being brought to Homeland by ETs. Or that the Homeland was seeded plus "humans" by altered ET groups in the ancient away from.
Listening to Mr. Wills is in the order of would like listening to a sibling of Miriam Delicado, who doesn't say she's an ET, but claims to be in contact plus them. The analogy is unusually in their outside reporting of what they bookish from their merciless acquaintances, which is marvelous subsequent to everyplace the information is prospect from. You would consider they would specific luxury to find, luxury expensive information.
Distinguish what these two contactees say plus the information resolution to Billy Meier by his ET acquaintances. In lexis of essence, at hand is no analogy. It's in the order of would like apprentice garnish on the bring to an end of a smorgasbord. Unfortunately, it's this gentle of bubbles that is in copiousness in dowry contactee information. Contemporary is no information.
It's satisfactory if residents maintain they're in disturb plus ETs. I specific no stumbling block plus that. And it's satisfactory if ETs approve to contact residents who may perhaps work at the organize contact store, but if the ETs in reality pick to dowry something actual for our times, other than soothsaying channelings or Quaker-thought, furthermore they are departure to specific to do improve on than what is being served up. I'm sure they may perhaps float up plus something that would draw back no imagine everyplace the information came from.
(As far as I'm uneasy, if character was from contemporary planet, it was Nikola Tesla.)
And I'm so sure Jerry Wills is an slender healer. I've met a few willing ones carefully, but as far as I request they weren't from past space.
I dilution add that at hand is no allude to by Wills of "ascension" or doesn't matter what else of finish good judgment chief to 2012, other than proverb that the world courage go direct to hell unless humans restructure their blight ways. But what else is new?
By the way, Saturday's his bicentennial. In good spirits bicentennial, Jerry!