Friday, December 28, 2007


December 16, 1990

The concepts in this document are based on much-admired and current
technologies and capabilities as extrapolated by Jerry Decker,
Cheyenne Turner, Ron Barker, Lob Henderson, and brought up in
consideration behind wide-ranging other persons of KeelyNet and Information

It is accommodating to the inhabitants as a Splendidly Impartial free spirit to the
current UFO speculations in connection with the crop circles.

Foodstuffs Circles a Hoax?

By now, most clique are awake of the magical crop circles which
own appeared in England and now are trade fair up in the Common
States. The patterns began behind olive circles that own now eject
problematical patterns along with coastal defenses and matted designs.

The circles tinkle in wheat fields in the form of wheat stalks that
are provoked down; typically in a swirling image having rotations in
either a counter-clockwise or clockwise influence.

Each one psychic and pseudo-scientific relationships own been together
along with :

1) herds of mating hedgehogs,
2) effective atmospheric apprehension,
3) lung-mei (earth energies most readily referred to as dragon
) associated to megalithic sites,
4) UFO landing sites
5) hoaxers

Exact clarification in connection with the circles

1) Present-day are NO car tracks or footpath principal modish or
out of the fields at the same time as the circles tinkle.

2) The circles tinkle indoors a very thick message of time. The
best referee I own seen between start and observation
of a circle is indoors an hour.

3) The circles Forever External AT The end of the day.

4) In one cases a warbling highly and a awe-inspiring tawny light
regulate the circle tackle. A great deal cases cited a
whooshing highly.

5) The crops pretentious by the circle are sometimes "basket weave" in a
fetter curl image.

6) The pretentious crops are bent in a over selected upright
place and keep to prevail on in that place for a
greater time after the circle likeness.

7) The pretentious crops are bent as if the plant cells were
"melted". Minuscule tune-up shows no fracturing or
breaking of plant cells informer of jump flexible.

We own a selection of facts to number which, at the same time as on the go
cooperatively, show a most sensational conjecture as to a possibility bestow.

Until that time goodbye modish the conjecture, let me first state that sequence
patterns own been connected behind UFO sightings for a range of soul
at an earlier time Man began debut rockets and satellites modish space.

A own up case is that of Billy Meier in Switzerland. Videotapes
of the patterns gone at intended landing sights own three topmost
bite the bullet which convey precisely behind the crop circles. These are :

1) A swirling image (perfectly circluar) appears in feed.

2) The feed grows in the swirling image for convinced months
What time the intended landing.

3) Diverse of the sites are in solitary and very remote areas,
one old hat to access behind a car.

Abovementioned to the last 3 to 5 soul, no UFO tinge landing site had outdated
evidence of any image on top of olive circles.

To the same extent the gain of SDI (the Megastar Wars program), Man has had the
proficiency of prophetic high splendor laser beams followed
open by Worryingly high electrical charges rumored at targets on
the planet.

SDI uses very high splendor lasers (EXCIMER LASERS) to follower and
project these beams of UltraViolet light.

Slender splendor UV light cohered modish laser beams IONIZES the air
completed which the truss passes as a result creating a conducting trail.

How Megastar Wars moving parts

The assumption is :

1) to stand up a very high electrical imbue in the satellite,

2) absolute a procedure from space passing through a defenseless UV laser

3) increase the amplitude of the UV laser truss until a very
ionized trail is bent from the satellite to the absolute

4) this ionized trail acts as an electrical conduct outlying be keen on a
string being flummoxed from the satellite to the absolute

5) the electrical energy is in addition to transferred to the laser truss
trail which passes the put on "lightning" to the absolute

6) as the electrical energy passes modish the absolute, the
molecules are electrostatically repelled behind skin
velocities causing the absolute to break out.

The SDI Disc Guess

All cells control DNA and RNA among other sound effects. These two problematical
molecules are eminently judicious to UV frequencies in the meander of
260 NM.
* * *

In on top, cells can be "denatured" or "melted" at the same time as away from home to
temperatures in the meander of 73 to 77 degrees Celsius. This causes
the ladder-like procedure of the DNA/RNA to approachable to local office.

This is one of the reasons high energy sources are so unpleasant to
stimulate systems. The energy causes micro-heating in the DNA/RNA
which partially "melts" the tissues.

Like the heating is unsophisticated (and depending on the measurements of
), the DNA/RNA will setback to the original exhibit denseness

This is not perfectly a pick up deteriorate to the original image
so far. Sometimes the patterns are so misused as to rustle up
mutations in the form of plague and other diseases.

* * *
Plant life plus are complete up of cells. If these cells are subjected to a
high splendor UV laser, heating occurs causing the plants to cordial
be keen on plastic at their weakest set sights on, i.e. the stalk.

* * *
Two dimensional laser displays rely on a idea much-admired as an acousto-
optic modulator. This is simply a supposition snooze exhibit (brilliant
scarcely from the away from home side
) which vibrates on either an X or a Y

Like the modulator is provoked by a ample hurriedly idea (be keen on a
), the laser truss can be reflected off the exhibit to paint a
picture on any snooze. The go with the snooze (and the over
right to the truss
), the over pick up the reproduction of the
assumed image.

If a UV laser were to be decorously directed from a space satellite
(assumed to be used for SDI purposes), it can smarmy in basic terms
"paint" a picture on earth or crops.
* * *
Modestly the crops indoors the truss would be ample melted to bestow
the flexible elect. That is why insignificant tune-up of the
stalk shows no tearing or cellular end as it would be if bent by
* * *
Now as to the swirling elect of the crop patterns. Anytime a
charged air check is moved, it requirement routinely move air behind it.
This elect is used commercially for the toil of highly from
electrostatic speakers.

Like the UV laser is being immediately directed from the satellite, the
air Mettle remnant the image and sound provoke the crops modish the
darling influence at the same time as they are under the "melting/denaturation"

This definite awe-inspiring of air from a awe-inspiring electrostatic publish would
bestow a whooshing highly.

Next, the awe-inspiring tawny light can smarmy well be an electrical
elect in the form of a plasma.

A variety of of our group ascertain it smarmy humorous to grasp that one of the
SDI clique would be playing such an involved dupe passing through such a
smooth means of attempt.

Lob Henderson flat tire optional that the work might be that of one or
over "hackers" who had broken the access and board codes for the
SDI satellite.

The unusual thing about the crop circles is that to date, ALL
sightings Abovementioned to the SDI project; NEVER involved problematical
geometries or patterns on top of a circle shape.

This would remnant the UFO landing site theory, that is any image
found indoors the circle can be landing squeeze or one other
relationship of which we without hesitation convene nothing. Item that no coastal defenses
or other problematical patterns were Ever found at an earlier time SDI.

I keep to that one clique had articulated the view that "if the
circles are the work of an strong force, in addition to the image would
be over problematical."

Sundry surface shine was to the elect that "coastal defenses or geometric patterns
would be very informer of an intelligence at work."

Damned if indoors the neighboring couple of weeks, coastal defenses and over problematical
patterns began trade fair up. Straight as if one SDI (or hacker) had way in
or heard the media report of such a surface shine and courteously
"spring" the alert.

I (Decker) cannot verify but ascertain a large treaty of indulge in the
Load of UFO cases over the aforementioned few soul. Amid the
ugly abductions and the claims of greys use humans, it is
in receipt of out of hand, flat tire higher than my innocence (which has been
said to be slightly ugly

The TV show "America's Funniest Semi-detached Videos" had a fragment which I
inconvenience good depicted the load of UFO "believers" of today.

A watcher took his video camera to the zoo and accomplished it on a group
of penguins confidence in supposition of a dismally lit wall. He in addition to played a
very join flashlight truss on the wall and moved it verification and forth.
Each time, the penguins would remnant as if it were relating to diet or no matter which
of pertain to.

A most gag elect, outlying be keen on my cat scrutiny a laser truss.
He would flat tire go so far as to mistreat himself at the same time as jumping to "arrive at"
the awe-inspiring light.

At any rate, now that hand over is a considerably thought through conjecture which
matches and explains a whole treaty of the phenomena, we can construct out
a means of proving it.

How to Justify the SDI Disc Guess

Two techniques for detecting the cipher of the UV laser would produce
the scrutiny form :

Approach 1 - use of a camera to automatically catalog the phenomena

1) right and proper filtration and the use of a film judicious to UV
wavelengths would catalog the "axis" of the truss as it
swept the ground

2) combined consecutive and fixed exposures of the UV judicious
film requisite be complete to catalog the spread of the truss as it
traces the image

Approach 2 - cloud truss detectors

1) rushed containers containing a mascara or gas which
emitted visible light in the mischievous spirit of UV wavelengths

2) these containers would be triggered to delivery impressive clouds of
mascara and show the mischievous spirit of the truss

3) similar to the beams were detected, video cameras can tape the
clouds and show the awe-inspiring truss mischievous spirit and image
(depending on the speed)

Gratitude of the mischievous spirit of the UV laser truss

1) the whooshing highly creating by the awe-inspiring air as a halt
of the "scanned" truss can be used as a give somebody the pink slip

2) the undersized grieve in the electrostatic right due to the
question of the conducting trail in the produce area
can be used as a give somebody the pink slip

3) human spotters to monitor for changes in the ambience of the
area and physically give somebody the pink slip the vinyl procedure

One of the reasons I dissociated behind Energetic support behind the
UFO spread was the credulity of a range of of the clique involved as
well as the irrationality of a range of of the stories.

I own met clique who own vanished as outlying as 30 soul of their lives
studying this phenomenon lacking ONE Slit OF Creature Sustenance.

What time this happens to you convinced era, you peek at the think and
grasp, "How can you see into the future pass your life on such Bullshit!"

Not for ME, I set sights on to create Obvious, REPRODUCIBLE gifts in the
form of increased go through for for myself and others, considerably
plunder the form of machines or unmistaken techniques.

Let's face it, outlying of the WOOFY (naive) science and outlying of
the New Age stuff is naive BS. If we can't stand a incident to corroborate
it, or own others photocopy the elect, in addition to IT AIN'T Property

Don't twist your life down the tube, be Inauspicious, be Nit-picking and
way in Far so you can see overlapping patterns. ASK for proof,
don't produce someone's swearword that they can levitate or verify
telepathically, or astrally project, or whatever.

If they ask for a "eagerness concede" and they haven't very great any certain
phenomena or outdated a act idea to rustle up an irregular elect,
tell them to piss off and get a job.

Explanation my considerably pejorative comments, but on demolish this paper, I
can't verify but to requirement the value of Unblemished Query.

I am release a like of this paper to the Koestler Perfume who is
put on a 5,000 bang benefit and the Sunday Exhibit who is put on
a 10,000 bang benefit to everybody who can carefully design the private.

You never convene, it might win and May possibly WE Ever DO Whatever thing In the middle of
written by Jerry W. Decker
in the pertain to of outrageousness,
draw create out any benefit or hand-outs to
Information Sciences, Thank you