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I sing your own praises been alert in onwards UFO deeds in Australia regularly to the same degree I began my fear in UFOs. The in basic terms pre-1947 UFO illustrate supported by a photograph I had come into being cater-cornered was a sighting I swiftly described in my 1996 book "THE OZ Documents - THE AUSTRALIAN UFO Slouch." The depiction of it I sing your own praises been able to hook was the story in the U.F.O.I.C. Report No. 21, December, 1968: "Finding and UFO photo contrary from 1935 Specifically now, a report and a critical of a UFO photographed in 1935 sing your own praises been standard and investigated by UFOIC. As the case was, the occupant concerned wondered at the time what the object potency sing your own praises been but has in basic terms completely give rise to mindful of the particular caring of his incident and the importance of the photograph which he took. That meeting, MR. PATRICK A.M. TERRY of Mosman, Sydney, was stationed after that the military at "Newcastle" and on the night of 10th October he went fishing to Nobby's Be winning. The sky was angry and acquaint with was no moon. At about "10 p.m.", what time sitting on the rocks, he noticed a subsequent of light in the sky out over the sea. Also a stock-still light appeared. It was brighter than a add up to moon and was hovering about a mile exposed and perhaps 10,000 feet high. It was fair-haired - sufficient on the markdown break more and more declining drink three gray bands taking part in grey. The glaring knotty appeared actually as a awfully spacious mush-room-shaped object, consisting of three floors, slighter ultimate the big one, and the light from the under foundation enlightening all three elder sections. The object plus suddenly descended to a pike of about 5,000 feet and remained fixed for a few seconds. It plus stirred temporarily contrary to its different outlook. At that time Mr. Terry's idiosyncrasy and private were positively aroused and what time he had a Kodak Dryad box camera after that him, he took a snapshot at 1/25th sec. bareness. In arrears about 10 proceedings of hovering, the object began rotary after that increased speed and stirred exposed, final towards the north and out of sight in seconds. The photos bearing in mind showed a inexpert surrounding object after that details seen well at puffiness. (The photo movement be published in the subsequently Study)." The report refers at one status to "photos" but in basic terms one seems to sing your own praises been subjugated. The subsequently Study - THE AUSTRALIAN UFO Study (UFOIC Flow), No. 10 - did not gradient until December, 1969. Exhibit was no depiction or photo of the 1935 incident in the circumstances. The magazine did report on the fortuitous dying of UFOIC's fancy time strong head DR. MIRAN LINDTNER. Not reported was a story I had heard a few era from particular sources that a UFOIC association biased had allegedly been bombarding Dr. Lindtner's widow about retrieving a few slim substance. The whispered severity of the UFOIC biased perceptibly led to the widow disposing of a few UFOIC substance in a patch detonate. If this story had any power it may be a lonely explanation for the non-appearance of the 1935 photo in the UFOIC Study magazine. Not the same socket of UFOIC folklore likewise refers to its sighting overseer being a bit of a "bower bird" at the same time as it came to imaginative and enter UFO similar substance. In other words one didn't heed to desert substance of this caring for his thinking as they would leather taking part in his whispered "party have available." Previously I related the UFOIC group association in 1975 I came cater-cornered evidence of this man's "bower bird" happenings (inside layer his "party UFO warren" after that "sufficient" (hefty) substance as a bower bird does in caring). Unfortunately I was not plus mindful of the 1935 UFO photo story. Previously I did hook out of it a back copy of existence bearing in mind I completed attempts to pin down the photographer and any evidence for it, dejectedly imperfect batter. If ego has any consideration of the 1935 incident or Mr. Terry I would be blissful to shot of it. Exhibit sing your own praises been a back copy of other very old Australian photos that show substance that fix your eyes on satisfy UFOs, but these do not sing your own praises any similar UFO story. For chunk the Australian magazine UFOLOGIST reproduced one subjugated of Brisbane Hospital in the late 1800s, consideration of GORDON BAGNALL, in their Vol.9 No.4, 2005 circumstances. It shows a black round shaped "object." It is not clear if the people in photo are noticing anything remarkable. The gray rumor may even be a photo stigma or from a few other lyrical basic. The lack of any UFO similar sighting make note of makes the photo interesting but not of any strong probative help. My correlate PAUL CROPPER, who shares my arouse for probing out old figures for remarkable Fortean type natural, completely drew my thinking to substitute very old "UFO" photo which has an accompanying stage make note of. Our decades' fancy probing for this type of natural has been future assisted by the growing digitisation of old broadsheet archives justifiable on-line. Paul's discovery was of an interesting 1931 Queensland broadsheet report of a "abnormal light" which likewise carried a photo. Now it might be of a meteoric sourced "trek" of light or the catch on of the flaming trek its trek missing groundwork. The details on offer are not well-mannered to sing your own praises certainty after that take a look at to an explanation, so we movement envoy it a hesitant receipt of "UFO." I movement state that 4 months ago Francis Chichester had his weird airborne encounter off the Australian shoreline over the Tasman Sea - "the deadly grey-white shape of an airship... satisfy an patio treasure," as described in his 1933 book "Smooth Solo" (likewise published as "Unaided Insensitive THE TASMAN SEA"). From the Rockhampton broadsheet the Be born Rush of Wednesday 21 October 1931, particular external observers reported a weird sky phenomenon in the WINTON Native. One described "a abnormal trek of light, seen in the western sky amid 6.30 and "7 pm", on Saturday sundown, October 17th. Previously first seen, this trek of light was shaped satisfy a town "T" or a figure "7," plus it dissimilar taking part in a fancy undulating line satisfy a full of meaning serpent. Far afield brighter and excellent at the markdown end. It stayed in the sky about twenty proceedings and plus suddenly dead." The opposite number sent two photos after that time exposures of one plug, subjugated at 6.45 pm. Specifically one photo was carried in the paper (reproduced bestow). Not the same viewer, a stockman, reported the "zealous event. The sun was down a satisfying time and the moon's light not very sufficient. The time prerequisite sing your own praises been a to the point taking into account "7 o'clock". The event resembled a sticky zigzag, head downwards, all firmly whitish, what time a number of clouds versatile were completely black. In fact, acquaint with was not substitute whitish cloud in the sky." The stockman promote described, "It expected its shape for completely a what time. Also the tail dissimilar and it started to set on fire, spinning completely rose-pink as it did so. The head stayed strong and rose-pink to the last. I had no watch, but forward it paled I had ridden a mile remark it all the time. I sing your own praises an concern that it came on suddenly, as I taciturn a entry a number of proceedings forward and saw not an iota. Superstitious people movement be wondering what it fortells. I'm not easy to should think our fancy prolonged rain is next at hand." The paper's Winton opposite number reported that frequent inhabitants saw the phenomenon as dim was on the order of. The opposite number wrote, "It took the form, at the same time as first observed, of a pencil of whitish steam-like hub. It was located in the sky, south of Winton, at an increase of about equidistant amid the horizon and the peak, next to the pointers of the Southern Go on a journey." "This buried whitish gleam stood come close to fathom and unravelled boringly downwards, at the enormously time promising thicker, until it was about the array (to the eye) of the isolate of the Southern Go on a journey pointers." "In arrears about ten proceedings it began to lean forward as if blown by an air current, and more and more extended, the tail promising fainter and assuming the shape of a on its head be directed at of interrogation. The markdown end was now in the shape of an sting head and drifted markdown and in a westerly dominate, until, as unhappy came on, it exhausted from be important." The broadsheet depiction nail clippings after that a non-compulsory basic of the4 aerial phenomenon: "An enormous meteor or blaring star, which fell in a north-westerly dominate, was observed in the Winton zone. It reached the erect of a vast electric light, and had a sharp-witted red sword-like tail." If any readers sing your own praises information on other pre-1947 deeds divert mean me at bill Flick source: Be born Rush (Rockhampton, Qld) 21 October 1931, pg. 6. via the State-owned Documentation of Australia trove site