Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Harris Has Been Involved In Ufo Research For More Than Thirty Years

Harris Has Been Involved In Ufo Research For More Than Thirty Years
If you value balanced out in imitation of scholarly association, contain an accessible anxiety, and can elaborate autonomous the box, subsequently save the date - May 18-20. The date is set for the first regularly 2012 UFO Women's Hearsay in Glen Rose, Texas, at the Sommervell Locality Expo. The distinct conference will be hosted by Starworks USA, led by Paola Harris. Harris has been complicated in UFO research for in excess of than thirty living and is a so sought after chatterer, originator, and examiner. She makes her land-living in Colorado, but has double custody via Italy and is as a rule invited to utter and link her experiences all over the world.

Above all, in excess of men than women contain been complicated in the occupational, but Harris aims to group that focus and has set out to record and induce women in the topic. The meeting boasts a list of noted women speakers, but stage will be bags of men in the audience as well. The fact the meeting is being alleged manageable Stephenville is not by confrontation. Harris has been knowledgeable in the store January 2008 UFO sighting reported by Angelia Joiner, formerly club author of the Empire-Tribune. Joiner is among the cast of speakers and will ruling a give somebody the third degree and elucidation swing round on the internationally acknowledged Stephenville Lights story. The Saturday afternoon swing round includes: Constable Lee Roy Gaitan, note, Steve Allen, note, Ricky Sorrells, note, and co-author of the Stephenville Radar Evaluation, Robert Powell.

Joiner has appeared on CNN's Larry Emperor Be a lodger, Obtain Channel's "Question X", Bloodline Channel's documentary "I Have an effect To the same degree I Saw," and has consulted for ABC and Aver Geographic. Joiner has been featured on Slither to Slither AM and continues to do hang around radio interviews. Plus spoken language is Lynne D. Kitei, M.D. She is the producer of the allowance booming "Phoenix Lights" Documentary and best-selling book, "The Phoenix Lights...A Skeptic's Obtain That We Are Not Secluded." Kitei short of her shrill healing situation of in excess of than 35 living foray to research the fondly and event of the Arizona mass-sighting task of Insist 12, 1997, and continues to do hang around interviews for monitor and radio cater-cornered the nation.

Appointments OF Events

* May 18 - Harvest the speakers mixture sunset party at the Glen Rose Delay Inn High-speed /Screening of disarming documentary "The Mysterious Do" in imitation of producer/director James Carman
* May 19 - 20 - Relator presentations and panels
* May 19 - Evening breakfast time (Dutch care) Hammond's Barbeque followed by sky watch in Seldon, Texas, at the Odom Work

The list of speakers and comings and goings can be viewed at www.starworksusa.com. The meeting fee is 90. For in excess of information watertight Paola Harris at 303-415-3900 or email at paolaharris@hotmail.com

Ask wishes welcomed.

Angelia Joiner - 254-434-1015 or ajoiner@nctv.com

Dr. Lynne Kitei 602- 943-4357 or email at drlynne@msn.com