Monday, April 15, 2013

Re Grail Keeper Blog Wave Earth Changes Global Politics Across The World

Re Grail Keeper Blog Wave Earth Changes Global Politics Across The World
Quote from: Grail Keeper on YESTERDAY at 03:44:51 PM

What if we learn tomorrow that there 8 or 9 densities

That the So called Ufos and aliens come from like Some 5 th density on a new scale?

That the wave is not coming in like those 10 years? But much later?

And any other info revised by the Cs from the older material?

What would be your reaction?

I wouldnt be surprised. We dont have the senses or instruments to know this. Even physicists try with M-Theory (an "updated" string theory) to describe things in 10+ dimensions. Its all relative, because they are just following clues. Sometimes their own belief causes restrictions and they create more "wishful thinking" in forms of formulas (and dark matter/ dark energy IMO).

Many times the Cs have explained the prerequisites for 3d lessons.

They have even said many times that we cannot understand 4d until we are there.

The key thing that attracted me to the Cs were not what they said, but...
