As the most famous signal from space that has been recorded signal is known as WOW.
Was captured on 15 August 1977 Dr. Jerry R. Ehman while working on a SETI project. Signal was a caught The Big Ear radio telescope, belonging to the State University in Ohio, but the signal has failed to detect again.
Dr. Ehman was so fascinated by the shape of the signal with the expected signal image of other extraterrestrial civilizations that the printed form of the signal inscribed WOW!
Nobody failed to detect signal on the internet I came across his native Mr. Louis Tuck, who for several years engaged in the decoded signal and the only one to decipher of the world! Here is a link to his fascinating work. This is a logical explanation using mathematics and other sciences necessary needed for decoding. It is a revolutionary mathematical and logical conclusions that can not be ignored. In presenting his work was among the scientifically workers condemned without reading his work. Some even told him not to spread revolutionary ideas to losing a job and prefer to redistribute only what is allowed. Contemporary scientists acting rather like medieval inquisitors and would rather lie-hide for foreign names without having to keep track of other disciplines who have not and do not know the context, and will therefore speak only recognized scientific facts.
Here is a link to the master Tuck, the only logically explains decoded signal aliens+Pictures !: HTTP://WWW.12WOW.NET/
In 1974 sent a significant astronomer Carl Sagan and his associates report of Arecibo. The report contained a lot of information about us, the Earth and the solar system.
Here is a comparison of messages sent from Earth and the received signal!
It's absolutely fascinating!
Interesting Information:http://www.bigear.org/Wow30th/wow30th.html
August 16, 2002 in Crabwoodu near Winchester appeared pictogram with big head alien holding a disc-provokes that absolutely everyone who thinks logically decode me! The disk is a computer code in ASCII.
After deciphering found that the symbol contains an encrypted message 4:
1.BEWARE OF THE those who bring false gifts and who violate their vows' views on this phrase I heard many, personally I believe that we are talking about politicians and financial powers.
Second "Many will be pain, but there is still time." Imho. talking about the end of a great cycle and the changes that await us.
3rd "channel (path) is closed" end of the great cycle in which we find ourselves (galactic day)
4th "believe that there is good" which speaks for itself.
As early as 1961 Francis Drake test the ability of scientists to decipher similar message. (1) Those obtained from him a letter with a line composed of zeros and ones. Only dr. Oliver, an electrical engineer by profession, found a solution. The message was a total of 1,271 numbers, which is the product of two prime numbers - 31 and 41 Thus marshalled message to 31 lines of 41 units. The message then was:
Around the star system eight planets, the fourth of them live in an advanced two-legged creatures. Swoosh a third planet means that it is covered by water, where fish live. The message contains the numbers 1 to 10, images of men, women and children, and their size and chemical basis of life there, the atoms of hydrogen and CO2.Flag ItSpamAdult ContentPlagiarismInsufficient QualityWrong CategorySelect the Right CategoryAbout WritingAutosBooksBusinessComputersCreative WritingDomesticGamingGeneralHealthInternetMoviesMusicNewsOffbeatPetsPoetryRecipesReligionScienceShort StoriesSocietySportsTelevisionTravelWomen