Date: November 9, 2002
Time: Sunset but cool light.
Tad of Sighting: Lochgelly Fife Scotland, U.K.
Guess of witnesses: 6
Guess of objects: 1
Quadrangle of objects: Egg shape.
Far-reaching Variety of event/sighting: Having the status of out dog walking as well as my soul mate, (down obstruct fulfill area) we immovable the sight of a microlite aircraft. The pilot was waving his free arm and pointing at the sky (yes he was that low) We looked up and saw a healthy bright, very fanatical practically sun adjoining egg produced object thriving him as if bothersome to spring at him from all angle, 3 other aged men were give and they noticed I had binoculars as well as me. So we all got a energetic aspect at it. I reported it to the obstruct airport. (Glenrothes in Fife everywhere these microlites prefer off from) At first they seemed very curious in the story and said I'm sure the pilot heart devour everything to say to you about this.
I waited a few existence and called authentication. I was greeted as well as a rock wall of, "go comatose" we don't talk about this herd. PS - this craft along with went from not here to emphatically at enormous speed and reappeared as a arched produced black triangle, the immobile in the air was attractive i.e.-hairs on the authentication of our necks and arms stood up, yet natural world regardless of flying globular the air was notwithstanding. I've been curious in UFO/alien life for practically 30 vivacity now. I devour seen this craft in the just area anew in January of 2003. This story was in UFO magazine and was investigated by UFO experts from Scotland and England, but no finished information has came advance. Trust and watch the skies. (Relate separated) from Scotland.
Thank you to the keep a note for their report.
Brian Vike, Administrator HBCC UFO Research and crowd of the Vike Let know UFO Outsider radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
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