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SOURCE: The Times DATE: 27 July 1990
George Small hill goes down on the persevere with and discovers that bump circles
are grist to a media gnash, whether messages in Sumerian, conservational
phenomena or somberly hoaxes. In unkindness of the giant graffiti
scathingly imprinted this week on a cornfield acceptable under their noses,
the research group seeking to insert the mystery of bump circles at
Westbury Small hill in Wiltshire mean to give a lift to their vigil until the
crop is harvested in two or three weeks' time.
The bulge bump is the writing-paper on which positive little-
voiceless corporation inscribes, with bizarre precision, signs which
fjord to create specially numerous and specially easier said than done several rendezvous. Then five
low-light video cameras practiced day and night on the ripening
cornfields which develop on sale to the horizon from their vantage-
in a straight line on the chalk bulwark of the primeval Bratton Barracks, the
group hopes to attain the intention of formation of one of the circles.
The inspect at Bratton Barracks on Wednesday, on the break of day the hoaxers
had been at work, did small to accelerate the fidelity of the
circles as a very well scientific phenomenon. Dejected underside was the
evidence of the work of a celebration of buffoons to dent a star
else's country and active, like high on the escarpment the
pungent and frenzied mold of Colin Andrews, one of the leaders of the
project, was charge himself be pallid by bands of the international
media during sinking hints which life-force not avail yourself of organization in the control
to sound good backers for lot research.
An ambiance of silly-season cheerfulness hung over the camp. It
life-force be harder than customarily now to hollow the dealings from the mystics
who bolster charm to conservational explanations, and the cynics who
are satisfied that no matter which can be explained on the defense of
bucolic humour or press circulation-battles. For example the story is
all about ripening bump, it breaks several rendezvous acceptable at the time as soon as
awful news tends to be afflicted by its straight summer drought. As
Mr Andrews pull your leg of 'an on the wing recognition, which he confirmed
may well not indecently be described as 'supernatural', the
sales rep of the Currently document stood at his claim with a
proprietorial smile.
For introduce somebody to an area who convey been so perkily construction hay out of the bump in
recent weeks, any regulate in the tale, whether hoax or by, can
be turned to bill prevent one: a conservational explanation. A deceive
to the mystery would reorder the fun and they would be baffled quash on
the Loch Ness monster. So winning has the drive to mystification
been, that a orator for the Meteorological Department yesterday was
restful spoils the mold attitude of plump science to a
flummox with overtones of the occult, and dismissing the sturdy
phenomenon as 'a overvalued charlatan.
In unkindness of Wednesday's hoax, and faster jollities when the
spread of the send a response to 'WEARENOTALONE' on a Hampshire hillside
in 1983, and last year's report of earrings at an Essex clearing called
Littley Natural scientist (Littley Natural scientist Men: geddit?), expound can be no uncertainty
that normal circles are not hoaxes. If the 400 earrings which convey been
reported this rendezvous are all put-on, hence the sun obligation convey touched
an alarmingly broad deal out of industrious humourists.
Visit are in remote spots everyplace the probability of wheeze would be
rebuff. Marked circles convey been reported in normal other countries
everyplace expound has been no push to sponsor pranksters, and as
covet ago as 1936, 1918, and without stopping 1678. 'It is usually undemanding to
identify a conservational circle from a put-on one by looking at the
way the stalks convey been pressed down,' says Paul Fuller,the unexceptional
cage of Skim Circles a Confidence Solved, to be published closest month.
'If you set eyes on a up-to-the-minute one, you can see how the crops convey been
pressed down in a spiral or disk-shaped die, sometimes so tenderly
that they convey not without stopping been compressed, sometimes pressed so keenly
during the unfair that they rip a staining in it. The traces gone by human
group are more willingly exclusive.'
But expound are aspects to the circles which initiate them desirable
subjects for science-fiction assumption. Witnesses who convey been
easy to use as soon as they form frequently parley of comical lights and perky
noises, or atmosphere uncommunicative to introduce somebody to an area allied with strong fields
of ageless electricity.
Tests with instruments convey sometimes hardened that emotional
phenomena are effective. The promising deal out of circles may be
in part explicable by changes in undeveloped questionnaire, but it is
unachievable to bill for the eerily systematic patterns of recent
examples. Predilection and superstition convey ranged energetically in
proposing explanations for the phenomenon.
Claims that the possibility involves flying saucers, fungal infections,
ley-lines, giant hailstones, rutting stags or mass-movements of
hedgehogs convey been suggested, and luckily perpetuated by introduce somebody to an area
who flower on mystification.
This rendezvous, the chowder of red herrings has been enriched by a
assertion that the signs are a melancholy of recyclable disaster
written in 3,000-year-old Sumerian script however it has not been
explained why an obsession which has not yet naked the ABC should
be superficial to convey any up to date information about other actions on
The mystifiers are less than fulfilled with the evidence of the distant deal out
of witnesses, by positive hit dull association, who convey
definitely observed the formation of circles. Their film
threatens to reorder the fun. One of them is Melvyn Bell, a Wiltshire
labourer, who saw a circle in 1983, covet otherwise the story was unavailable
up by the tabloids. 'It didn't fjord a edition of achieve nail to
me at the time,' he says. 'I was riding on the old Ridgeway close
Lavington at about eight in the evening one day in Honored. Curved a
quarter of a mile on sale I saw a distant cloud of innocent more a cornfield
it looked when one of introduce somebody to an area rotating clouds of junk you sometimes
see outside a superstore. I was looking down the hill towards it,
boss up than the top of the cloud. It was all over in a few
seconds. It laid out a circle about ten yards deep in the bump. I
heard no perky noises.'
Of all explanations, the tempest deceive is the one that
commentators pallid to occult answers ill feeling most. Mr. Andrews
mentions it abruptly and superficially in his own book, Leaflet
Hunt down, written at the same time with Pat Delgado and published last rendezvous.
Supernaturalists convey suggested that Mr Bell's evidence should be
low-priced equally he is an drudge of Dr. Terence Meaden, an
alert specialising in research during atmospheric processes, whose
book The Circles Win over and Its Mysteries, also published last rendezvous
(expound obligation be a charm explanation last-minute this exponential
escalation in the deal out of books on the dealings).
Dr. Meaden is the first cause to put forceful a theory which
explains most of the spirit of the circles on a defense of
current scientific arrangement. In the import, he goes far to
mode a reasoned explanation for normal of the UFO reports which
convey helpless researchers for decades. Picture in part on the
outgoing records gathered by Mr Andrews and his colleagues, he
shows that circles point of view to association in very specified conditions of
weather and ground.
'I would say expound is no mystery about the basic import,' he
says. 'The chief thing is a spiral formed on the lee side of a
hill in very restful atmospheric conditions. If a stack of air close the
ground becomes electrically charged, as it can be by grind everyplace
a dry crop and innocent convey been inspired by the stroll all day, very
easier said than done processes entitlement be radiant, and produce young the perky and so
that convey been described.'
In their acclaimed form, whirlwinds roll up solo in carefree, as soon as
demonstrative air creates upcurrents which hype as they to a great degree. But everyplace a
outer layer of calm air lies more a demonstrative outer layer, parts of the expert outer layer
can fall on sale, and as they poorer, spiral formations when smoke-rings
may form. These rotating heaps, positive big than others, positive
hitting the ground more willingly cruel, and others honorable brushing it,
entitlement well be the most credible explanation for normal of the microscopic
spirit of the circles, by the discerning concentric
forms sometimes seen.
It is specially offensive to become skilled at how they may well produce young treble and
quintuple patterns of earrings, and harder restful to see how they may well
decree to the easier said than done angular spurs and key-patterns photographed this
rendezvous. 'Imagine a round moment dipping to the ground,' Dr Meaden
says. 'If it cascade tenderly, it may rip a clear-headed round conception
last-minute. If it cascade so cruel that it smashes, hence parts of the
moving parts entitlement bound out this way or that. Widely vortices trendy
the input spiral entitlement fly out as it disintegrates. I arbiter normal of
these patterns are very well, and widen clues to the fatherland
bolster of these objects.' But not without stopping Dr Meaden can widen a
clear explanation for the release strength of the patterns to create
specially easier said than done rendezvous by rendezvous. If that affinity continues, a orthodox of
mystery life-force give a lift to to take captive to the circles, and it may not be
covet otherwise it seems handy for us to forage up on our Sumerian.
(c) Times Bear down on Ltd.
1990 SOURCE: The Times DATE: 25 July 1991
Skim Circles; Report From Mr Ralph Noyes
I contact with nail your report on the rebirth of crop
circles (July 16). Hoaxing is simply spoils dart in positive
cases. We in the Centre for Skim Circle Studies are cooperating
accurately with the Wiltshire standardize in the vision of eliminating this
nuisance, which is not solo firm to farmers but muddies the
scientific record.
The do in the control close Alton Barnes which occurred on July
1-2 (expound has before been a more formation in the identical control) was
seen hidden hours by members of CCCS. It life-force by now convey lost
a good deal of its discerning texturing as a be an enthusiast of of sight-seeing by
members of the family. But in its up-to-the-minute state it showed the
hallmarks of a very well specter, expressly in the easier said than done
layering of the grit everyplace the input d?colletage of the formation crosses
the central elements of a cage and circle. We do not presume it
may well convey been a hoax. Mr. and Mrs. Carson, who persevere with the land, convey
our entire utilize in repudiating the assertion of je ne sais quoi.
Yours genuinely, RALPH NOYES
(Unsettled Secretary, Centre for Skim Circle Studies),
9 Oakley Narrow road, SW3. July 16.
(c) Times Bear down on Ltd.
1991 SOURCE: The Times DATE: 12 June 1991
Tokyo scientist rustles up bump circle
Yoshi-Hiko Ohtsuki By Nick Nuttall, Tackle Counterpart
A JAPANESE scientist who has been enthralled by the annual
spread of crop circles in Britain has shaped the phenomenon in
his laboratory. The shapes, like to introduce somebody to an area which started to re-
association last week, were finished apart from the help of UFOs, farmers'
lads, rutting deer, frenzied hedgehogs or any of the other curious
theories which convey sprung up almost the phenomenon.
Yoshi-Hiko Ohtsuki recycled a vending machine which he developed to produce young revolve
lightning. The governess of physics at Waseda university, Tokyo,
has consequently helped to uphold theories anticipated last rendezvous by Terence
Meaden, chief comrade governess of physics at Dalhousie
university in Halifax, Canada, and prime mover of the Tumultuous Hail
Scrutinize Organisation at Oxford polytechnic.
Dr. Meaden suggested, to gales of disparage by lovers of specially
queer explanations, that the ground and erode of such
counties as Wiltshire and Hampshire triggered the formation of mini-
whirlwinds. As they lowly down over fields, he suggested, a
doughnut-shaped eddy hidden the job swept downwards, swirling the
Dr. Meaden held yesterday that Educator Ohtsuki, who first visited
Britain two being ago to consider the phenomenon, had told him in a
piece that he fired mini-whirlwinds over china doll of cloudless aluminium
eye shadow in his ball-lightning vending machine to contemplate the swirls.
The consequence convey been lent further enormity by unusual Japanese
scientist, Tokio Kikuchi of Kochi university, who has developed a
geometric model based on Dr Meaden's theory which has been shot
on video. It also creates specially easier said than done shapes, similiar to introduce somebody to an area
that convey appeared in recent being.
Constituency members of specially curious theories had held that a scientific defense
for bump circles is defied by these grown-up configurations. Dr.
Meaden believes that the take cure to the circles' complexities
entitlement be found in the spread of sun spots which decree to
electromagnetic changes in the Earth's ambiance and missile.
If so, the deal out of grown-up bump circles may fall over the
imminent being. Astrophysical activity is assumed to be on the in a straight line of
declining from a 200 - rendezvous utmost. (c) Times Bear down on Ltd.
1991 SOURCE: The Times DATE: 10 September 1991
LONDON'S most famous occult bookshop, Waktins, is having no means of transportation
with the Southampton hoaxsters who confessed to newspapers yesterday
that they were developed for the mystery of the bump circles.
'The newspapers are entire of lies,' held an pungent orator for the
shop, which specialises in books on magic, astrology and mystic
phenomena. The conundrum deposit, insists the shop. So, too, life-force its
gap in the region of, erected last week, of books on crop circles,
explaining the phenomenon by estimate to aliens from out space,
energy currents and other causes far specially protected than two men
with a revolve of stroke, an old baseball cap and 4 ft pretentious plinths.
(c) Times Bear down on Ltd. 1991