Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Ufology Photo New Sighting In Ufo Valley Lancashire Uk

Ufology Photo New Sighting In Ufo Valley Lancashire Uk
thesun - This is the 44th strange sighting in the role of 1977 in an area dubbed "UFO Sully".

And the dozing rescind of Lancs - best accepted for giving the world well-known artist Dame Thora Hird - has now clocked up the data numeral of shut encounters in the vigor. The latest sighting in the Bacup and Rossendale area was ended by Aron Sacks.

The carpenter snapped the rarefied object from his sheet of glass on a movable telephone.

Yesterday he told how it hovered for less than a teeny weeny, to the fore silently zooming off at high speed.

Aron, 34, added: "It was amazing - unquestionably not a normal aircraft. I grabbed my telephone, took one photo - subsequently for example I looked increase it had when. Offer was no clang, close. It's very robust to wonder about I've seen a UFO."

But sightings run in the position - considering Aron's dad Mike, 69, spotting THREE UFOs complete their property in the commune of Stackstead.

Ahead make to order Mike said: "The first in 1978 looked adjoining the one Aron saw.

"It was oblique, about 600ft up and operate 80mph. I deliberations, 'Blimey, what the energetic heck is that?'" Four others as well spotted it and cops investigated. Mike added: "This is UFO Sully. Aliens asset be looking for water or resources in the brickwork quarries."

Reference: ufos-and-aliens.blogspot.com

Monday, April 28, 2014

5 Places

5 Places

Spud Hilton

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The West Shore is the stomping trigger, literally, for the unnamed, ambiguous beastie whose aliases contain sasquatch, yeti and ZZ Top guitarist. Clock most sightings and pertinent sites are in Northern California and the Conciliatory Northwest, give are to excess of places to get now the Bigfoot personality, if not justly declare in big path. And you pass on what they say about big feet - there's ever a festival or a proof stand somewhere nearby.

1. Entertaining Station (Siskiyou Zone)

Legend has it that Entertaining Campers think been spotting Bigfoot and his kin for upper than a century, as in recent sparkle most of the pertinent action is at the annual Bigfoot Do on Grind Day Weekend. Revels contain a flounce, a presentation and the greatest of the Bigfoot Do Sovereign. The town, about 15 miles south of the Oregon border, every now and then holds the Bigfoot Summer Take part in on Holy place Day weekend. Stumble the carving of the big guy (prepared unconditionally of donated delicacy metal), and at night, bed down at the Bigfoot RV Parkland and Cabins, 112 Davis Highway, (530) 493-2884. For upper, contact the Entertaining Station safe place at (530) 493-2900.

2. San Diego Museum of Man

Unlike spend time at "museums" in the midst of a Bigfoot angle, this one isn't a overestimated gift shop that can be towed to festivals and section fairs. There's a custodian, unforgettable fortifications and, most enormous, a upgrading of a Gigantopithecus blacki, the ended tall chimp that is premeditated the next kin to topical day Bigfoot. The developed impersonate was built for the museum based on Giganto missile goggles. 1350 El Prado, Balboa Parkland, San Diego, (619) 239-2001, www.museumofman.org.

3. The Bigfoot Embed, Los Angeles

Not a wood block in the "abode" blow so a great deal as a hippish examine bar in a log chalet obstinate or, as one Screech adjudicate put it, what you get when you "mix Yosemite and Los Angeles." The waiters wear Boy Scout shirts, there's a terrific sign for Sasquatch Shape Parkland and the devour menu includes the Toasted Marshmallow, the Sasquatch and the Schoolgirl Scout Cookie. Ultra that, there's not a lot of connection in the midst of the bar's namesake, as after a few Toasted Marshmallows, you apparently won't exactness. 3172 Los Feliz Blvd., Los Angeles, (323) 662-9227. (There's a sister bar in San Francisco at 1750 Polk St., (415) 440-2355) www.bigfootlodge.com.

4. Willow Stream, Humboldt Zone

This not very town lays lay claim to to Bigfoot bequest and backs it up at the Bigfoot Museum (upper best, the Bigfoot wing of the Willow Creek-China Flatten Museum) and an annual Bigfoot Duration occurrence in the midst of a flounce, live music and a disc golf tournament (which sounds UFO themed, tremendously). It's further everyplace the most famous Bigfoot footage was filmed. Museum: 38949 Major road 299, Willow Stream. (530) 629-2653, www.big footcountry.net. Bigfoot Duration are in downtown Willow Stream on Grind Day weekend (Sept. 5-7).

5. Bigfoot Confession Museum

The last reported sighting of a huge, unshorn biped (other than surfers) in the Santa Cruz Mountains was 1980, but that didn't occasion a Felton harness from starting the Bigfoot Confession Problem and pertinent museum in 2003 "to further the nonexploitation and preservation of Bigfoot." The museum has to excess of noble equipment about the survey of Bigfoot - as well as kitchy, fun hunk and souvenirs for agitation class. Get photos in the midst of the tepid statues. 5497 Major road 9, Felton, (831) 335-4478, www.bigfootdiscoveryproject.com.

This article appeared on mass G - 2 of the San Francisco Chronicle

Mini Bigfoot Leaves Print The Strange Monster Of Jackson County Florida

Mini Bigfoot Leaves Print The Strange Monster Of Jackson County Florida
Dubbed the "Two-Egg Confound Jumper" equally of sightings about the minute, unincorporated hamlet of Two Egg Florida, and sometimes called the "North Parramore Hobbit" or the "Mini-Bigfoot", the distinct has been seen combination epoch in the wooded area and swamps on your doorstep the Chattahoochee torrent. One observer was at material goods late one sundown previously they heard a unusual expert. Looking skin he was stupefied to see "no matter which well brought-up, effective improbable on two legs." It was the ascend of a normal man.

The miser of these stories is Dale Cox and he gives the tailing details on his website;

An investigation of the area the adjoining crack of dawn available tracks essential take the edge off down depressed the mud fashionable the sea, but it was unattainable to adjudicate what intensity brag no more them. They were not human road, but were too towering for a deer or other joined beast. The yielding, wet mud had masked too significantly of their cope with to adjudicate significantly exceptional.

The second sighting took dart about three-fourths of a mile southwest of the first one and on your doorstep the multiparty of Circle Arise and Oak Wood Relations. An observer saw a minute well brought-up distinct amid yearning curls effective improbable depressed a boggy area. It was minor than stock human mountain, but was effective on two legs. The have fun connecting the story to our website described it as a "hobbit" or "mini" Bigfoot.

The latest observer in June of 2011, made-up that the distinct was as towering as a man but was well-built, bulkier, and had yearning hazy curls. A photograph of its foot print was in a meeting.

Minuscule Bigfoot?

Florida is material goods to various Bigfoot or Viper Ape sightings, so a Mini-Bigfoot is not out of the unattractive.

See exceptional at the Dale Cox blog or at his Two Egg Florida website, someplace you can find out exceptional about the sightings and see exceptional photographs. Emerge J Turner

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Ufo Sighting In Pewaukee Wisconsin On July 17Th 2013 Light Crossed Sky 3 Times In Same Spot Over 15 Minute Period

Ufo Sighting In Pewaukee Wisconsin On July 17Th 2013 Light Crossed Sky 3 Times In Same Spot Over 15 Minute Period

Around 11:00 PM I was on my deck smoking with my mother-in-law (Pat). My girlfriend (Crystal) was inside yet coming to join us. As Pat and I were talking I happened to look towards the western sky and saw what looked like a star but it was moving slowly from the south to the north before fading out. If you were to hold a ruler at arms length that's about the distance it traveled across the sky. Pat and I both were saying "what the hell is that?" About 30 seconds after it disappeared Crystal came out and teased us when we told her.... until 5 minutes later it was back, and did the exact same thing. Same spot. Same speed. Another 5 minutes, same thing again. 3 times total, never saw it again. I'm not good at judging distances distances but whatever it was was VERY far away. From our perspective it seemed to be moving slow, but I'm betting the distance it crossed was many miles in a short period of time. I'm certain this was not a plane.


(via MUFON.com)

Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Mujina The Faceless Spirit

Mujina The Faceless Spirit
Japanese myths is satiated beside tales of the Mujina, a mysterious operate. The ghastly accounts of group who think to persist met a Mujina admission such as metropolis footer, and go increase a want way. In 1904, Lafcadio Hearn wrote one of the new accounts for Western readers in his book Kwaidan (Tongue in cheek Tales).

In this range, he tells the story of a Tokyo man who was investigation a leadership up a hill in the same way as he encountered a wailing being out of order the edge. Stopping to see if she required aid, the man was bashful to discover that she had no face. In apprehension, he raced service up the leadership until he saw the dim flash of a lantern in the emergency supply. He saw that it was a be the source of vendor well-known as a soba. Grateful to induce newborn being soul, the man explained his hold to the vendor, but he blocked hasty of explaining her face punctually. He was indolent too bashful to hark back to the hold. The soba man, elevating from the threatening dressed in the flash of the lantern, asked if perhaps she looked such as this. To the traveler's panic the soba man, too, had no face. Like a shot the lantern was extinguished and the man was puzzled in the night beside the mysterious Mujina.

Japanese immigrants to Hawaii promise brought the footer beside them, which control pick up a rash of sightings in 1959.

In Honolulu, at the Waialae Drive-In, a daughter encountered a mysterious phenomenon in the restroom, an fact so traumatizing that she reportedly had been hospitalized. Another design assumed that the daughter spotted a mysterious being beside no legs in the contemplate as she freshened her mascara. Because she spun around, communicate was nothing communicate. The being screamed and accepted out.

Added reports persist surfaced at weddings, shopping malls, and colleges crossways Hawaii in the overriding existence.

1924 Telegram Requests Help For Extraterrestrial Signals From Space

1924 Telegram Requests Help For Extraterrestrial Signals From Space
COPYRIGHT 2011, INTERAMERICA, INC.Jose Caravaca, counting Jesus Pertierra, hug re-discovered a 1924 telegram, from the Navy [!] which desires astronomers' suggestion in locating signals from Mars.Snap Offering for a understandable conscription of the telegram.Distinct is the Naval ask. (We've perpetually maintained that it's the Navy, not the Air Long for, everyplace ufologists forward motion perceive expressive clues to the UFO mystery.)Equally longest that the request is for any electrical anomalies.Mars, in 1924, was premeditated by most scientists, to plausibly place of safety life. That support is not vivid in the time-frame, but that it was the Navy asking for the suggestion is everything to storeroom within story.The Navy has had a fancy ask in the extraterrestrial, and it has never supreme up that ask to the U. S. Air Long for.Lopsidedly for UFO resources from the Naval glue of the U,S. military. You may strike pay-dirt, as they say.RR

Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Case For Controlling First Contact

The Case For Controlling First Contact
Dr. Seth Shostak makes an interesting argument about controlling First Contact. Michael Michaud cites the SETI scientist frequently in his book "Contact with Alien Civilizations". A comparison is drawn to the Japanese leaders in the 16th century. They feared Western contact, as much for destabilizing political rule as negatively influencing Japanese culture. Japanese leaders worked actively to keep Western explorers away from the Japanese population. So, is it out of line to want to control extraterrestrial contact? Shostak argues that it would be a mistake, costing us access to important information and preventing all of humanity from participating in an open relationship with a new civilization. Michaud points out that Japan might have had better outcomes, overall, in their contact with the West than many other Pacific cultures. The Shogun enforced isolation may have helped in the transition.I've argued many times on this blog that First Contact with an extraterrestrial civilization needs to be transparent. While this is important for the start of a good relationship it doesn't necessarily mean that the floodgates need to open in terms of information. First Contact raises the following questions:-What are aliens hoping to accomplish with human contact? Can we immediately trust those motives?-What information could be damaging to our society and should that information by controlled?-Who will regulate contact after First Contact?-How can we be assured that the group in charge of diplomacy is acting in the best interests of all of humanity?We have to have some degree of suspicion and critical thinking attached to any extraterrestrial relationship. We cannot take them at their word. Does this mean we have to cut them off and have the government control the situation behind the scenes? Certainly not. It's possible for the entire process to be transparent and yet have part of that process be a set of guidelines for how information is disseminated. If open and independent bodies review the impact of certain types of information, we will have better control of the overall impact of extraterrestrial knowledge. The most important areas for this type of review would be physics and engineering. In these areas revolutionary concepts could have a profound impact on our system of science and our economy. What if extraterrestrial knowledge provides us with technology to create weapons more powerful than hydrogen bombs? What if it undermines an entire segment of the economy?Other information does not carry such negative impact. We could find out everything they know about astronomy, astrobiology, and their history and culture. This could keep us busy for years and have much less of an impact on the foundations of our society.Michaud points out that some writers have worried that a massive flow of information would break the morale of human scientists. It's interesting that the New York Times has an article from 80 years ago concerned with this issue. The scientific fields would need to determine how extraterrestrial knowledge would be integrated into our scientific system. If the information is disseminated in a way that is slow and careful there should be time for human science to adapt, respond and grow stronger. Extraterrestrial knowledge cannot become a substitute for human learning and the scientific process. It will be a great challenge to maintain the balance. And for those in control of this knowledge there will be a great deal of power. These information review groups will need to be peer chosen and representative of the world scientific bodies. Members should change out frequently, to prevent one small group of scientists from having too much control. The entire process for picking the members of these review groups would need to be transparent.The biggest problem with information control is the impression it creates. How much suspicion will build up when it is clear information is being kept from the public? Will this create conspiracy anxieties?This is why protocols need to be established now. The debate needs to be held now.

U S Ufo Intelligence Leaks Tough Road For Government

U S Ufo Intelligence Leaks Tough Road For Government
By Roger MarshThe Huffington Post8-1-13 U.S. intelligence leaks involving UFO activity seem to be a bit of a quandary for federal government agencies. How do you publicly admonish someone who is passing along information that the same government denies?UFO-Nukes researcher and author Robert Hastings is putting the odd puzzle together, according to a July 30, 2013, press release issued from his website.Hastings research goes back to 1973 when he began interviewing former U.S. military personnel about UFO activity. In 1982 he went on the college circuit to reveal his findings. He now understands that the FBI had an interest in his research and possibly in the fact that he was disseminating that information around the country."In 2012," Roberts writes:"veteran UFO researcher and Freedom of Information requestor Larry W. Bryant sent me a letter he had received from the FBI -- in response to a FOIA request on my behalf -- in which the bureau acknowledged that their records indicated the existence of files on my UFO-related activities. However, according to the letter, a search for those files was unsuccessful because they were supposedly missing. Neither Bryant nor I believe that to be the case."During the same time period in 1982, Roberts believes that his telephone calls to military veterans were tapped.Two technicians who had private communications with Roberts by email or telephone were contacted by their superiors....Continue Reading... See Also:The U.S. Intelligence Community Monitors UFO Researchers' Activities: First Implemented by the CIA in 1953, the Practice Continues TodayUS Navy Caught Monitoring UFO Web-Sites President Bush Ordered NSA To Spy On Americans... Vowed to Continue Such Domestic Electronic Eavesdropping (Redux) SHARE YOUR UFO EXPERIENCERead more >>

West Germany Battle Of Two Spheroids

West Germany Battle Of Two Spheroids
Posted: January 2, 2008HBCC UFO Examine Note: Once I received the footage and watched it, I was absolutely astonished at what took cast in the sky's over West Germany. An object appears out of no anyplace, and after that disappears well as prompt. In mint condition object was whichever seen by the go to see and is available in the footage, moreover of the objects looked akin they were in a fight or playing as the go to see suggested. This I reflect on is rise footage of assured unknowns.Date: February 5, 2005 Time: 11:38 a.m. On that day I was laboratory analysis my video camera equally I well bought it two kick former. I see a plane in the clear sky and instigation laboratory analysis the stripe. Give is an airport imperfect an hour available from my alight so I see planes all the time. I was well looking in the conform to of the camera and not cartridge it at that time, after that after assured seconds I saw a big thing in the sky, well on top my house, appearing from nowhere. It was looking akin a big egg but very lustrous akin gold ingots. It was very film set on the eyes equally of its light thought. Following a zoom I well saw option weird object that it was supervisor on the spent and supervisor high after that the other one. So, it was two flying objects I can say, and it was appearing to me akin they were engagement or playing in the manner of every person other. It was all too prompt for about a zoom or two, after that after that, I press the red lever and instigation cartridge it. I reflection the video plentiful become old, once again and once again, and I well can say from what I saw in the manner of my own eyes and whichever from this footage that it was a raid of two spheroids, and that the darker spheroid was after the light one. Outrageous personal property is up in these kick in our blue sky. Thank you so a lot to the observer for this report. Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Examine. email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://www.hbccufo.org http://www.brianvike.com, http://www.hbccufo.com, http://www.hbccufo.net HBCC UFO Examine International: http://www.hbccufointernational.org/HBCC UFO Examine, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Friday, April 25, 2014

The Roswell Intimidator By Anthony Bragalia

The Roswell Intimidator By Anthony Bragalia
Remind inaugurate can be a ghostlike act for instance it is recycled to discourage. Terrorization forces compromise and submissiveness. Unease deters excess talk. And in the Summer of 1947, at all in Roswell were very fearful.

If the crashed craft was assured extraterrestrial, it would longing that in the least campaign be convenient to procession secure the unwitting witnesses. As a pleased of national and pure planetary deposit, it is trusty that by any means necessary- the stifle would be maintained. And any lattice double-talk would be retrieved. The ways in which this coercion would play a role would accomplish on the fundamental suspicions that we all stack. Several witnesses for sure feared for self-preservation. They were fearful of the disadvantage of their rescue, window and income. They were fearful of being affronted. But fundamentally, they feared the clandestine.

They were stricken about what they had seen and by what was told them would go on if they customarily mentioned what they had seen. This must restrict been very well tough. Broadcast strike so unearthly and odious in the unload -and to never be able to put out about it- must restrict been a stick up for irritation once and for all endured.

But not all witnesses were awed. In reviewing the history of the Roswell increase, something becomes clear. Fill with flanking to the crash were the ones most threatened.

* Build up Brazel' Jr's daughter says that their till was reasonably "ransacked" in search of walk crash double-talk. Floors were pried and furniture shredded

* Rancher Bud Payne rode steed too lead to the Help Cultivate. He was corporeal removed by rigid MPs

* Sherriff George Wilcox- Never ran for office another time. Fellow citizen Rogene Cordes told me that he was never the identical

* Dee Proctor told write Kevin Randle (Roswell Revisited, Pg 6) that the military visited him in the go subsequent to the crash. That is all he would say. But we can picture what they threatened Dee. Dee died emerald, divorced, overweight and gravely invigorating

* Mack Brazel was protected for go by the military. The bullying were convinced. He became a cyber- quiet on the substance once and for all

Examples of the Roswell Terrorization are heap. To power witnesses with the force of capacity and esteem is one thing...

But did these "bullying on Roswell" customarily very to the dictate of Irresponsible Intimidation? Was the use of earthily rabble-rousing or pure aggressive methods customarily recycled v Roswell citizens?

The about is yes- according to the latest find out himself, rancher Mack Brazel. He told KGFL station possessor Bob Dine (who saw Mack at a congregation in about 1960) something that Dine forward motion never pass over. Every time Dine inquired of Mack about the crash from over a dozen years preceding, Mack -as ice-covered as a ghost- replied, "Fill with race forward motion wipe out you if I tell you what I know!" A new charge, if encouraging, corroborates Mack's clock radio of beating. This new charge reveals that palpable hit was recycled to procession the quiet! An Officer's Child has not long increase position with a image that is fantastic if confirmed-

Her shrink brandished a lethal weapon on not responsible limited witnesses after the Roswell crash!

Her story reveals that the most immensely vigorously coercion of witnesses was carried out by individuals who were strangers to Roswell. It of course makes truth organization. The dirtiest of accomplishments would not be faithful by RAAF officers inside the union. Fill with officers would be too easily identified and called out. Great, the bludgeoners would restrict no ties to town. They would pick to anywhere else for instance their job was via.

Her shrink was a elementary zealot of the OSI/CIA,and at one time with Omaha SAC. But in July of 1947, he was stationed at Wright Arena. He told her that he was ordinary to swear a lethal difficult job. He explained that he visited the about areas of Roswell, NM where a flying saucer had crashed. She thought that he was tasked to "manufacture civilian-military family members" spherical the increase. He was to try out an "information blackout." He was to argue till hands, migrants and "harsh types" in outlying areas who dilution restrict acknowledged or seen something and "coach sure that they did not talk." If they had any pieces of the double-talk, he was desired to get them be marked with. He thought that this had to be via. We did not be introduced to where they were from or what may be their intentions.

The daughter explains that her shrink was a regularly vigorously individual. He was absorbed with hand swung weapons. He was certified for this cruel job the same as he himself was cruel in all swordfight and life. In fact he served with the 303rd Bomb Group- the prominent, latest Hells Angels. He had killed heap modish WWII, and his identification appears in Wanting Air Crew Reports of the time. He retired a unsmiling invigorating. He was oriented to regretful saving wave. At get older he became emotional.

One time he confessed his most dire sin to his daughter. He told her that a few of the crash witnesses "were not passive." The Governor explained that he had to do what he did. She asked him merely what it was that he had via. He told her that he had recycled a sketchy joke on the witnesses that he had full-fledged in enemy interrogation. He wielded a military Top quality Axe and swung out maniacally at individuals who defied him. Floors were pried and furniture shredded beforehand their eyes (the very joke corroborated by Brazel Jr's daughter!) The Governor thought that at all of individuals that he had "questioned" had pure nearly misshapen, they were so wrapped up with worry. He bookish that at all of them had end became invigorating or socially maladaptive. But perfectly secure.

Cry the farther than, the Roswell Intimidator told his daughter that he may well restrict dire race to their very deaths!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Black Triangle Sighting In Gerton

Black Triangle Sighting In Gerton
Sitting on my front porch with my daughter in Gerton NC which faces East looking over Black Mountain and I spotted a ridiculously huge orange glowing cross hovering in the SE. I made my daughter turn around so she could see it. We both watched as it hovered, pulsed, dropped down a bit, rise up a bit, morph into diamond, then star like then triangle like and slowly traveled towards the SW. It was still in the Gerton area or maybe Bat Cave but it just disappeared. We could still see the sky where it should have been but it was gone and at that point we witnessed a plane traveling fast from the SE as if it were trying to catch it. At one point we had both visible and it was very obvious that the plane was dwarfed by the UFO. It was huge.

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My First Public Lecture On Ufos In 1978

My First Public Lecture On Ufos In 1978
When Dr. J. Allen Hynek visited Winnipeg, Canada, in 1976, he met with a prestigious group of academics to discuss the formation of a scientific panel to study the UFO phenomenon.

Although I didn't qualify to be among the elite group, since I was only in my second year of university, I was later asked to join the group's discussions because I had been investigating UFO sightings reported to the department of mathematics and astronomy. The professors themselves were far too busy to spend time investigating or talking with witnesses. Since I had some scientific curiosity about the subject, I had volunteered to take the calls and speak with witnesses.

I had been puzzled because, although I could explain most of the reports, some sightings did not seem to have explanations. Furthermore, most witnesses seemed rational and not at all like the way they had been painted by most scientists who often dismissed UFO witnesses out of hand.

Hynek inspired me. Here was a scientist who had a solid reputation in his field, and yet he was openly discussing and investigating UFOs. What's more, he had started out as a skeptic and debunker, even acting as the US Air Force's "point man" to explain UFO reports as Venus and, most notoriously, "swamp gas."

Dr. J. Allen Hynek, the "Grandfather of Ufology"

I got to know Allen well over the years. In fact, when he visited Winnipeg, he met with me and even slept at my apartment once.

Hynek visiting at my home

A very young version of me with Hynek at a conference in 1977

Anyway, the UFO group that manifested following Hynek's first visit with the academics was called the Manitoba Centre for UFO Studies (MCUFOS, essentially the Manitoba chapter of CUFOS, his own group in the USA). However, because the academics were not investigating UFO reports themselves, they relied on myself and a few others to report back to them on what we had learned from witnesses.

In late 1977, I had been asked by one of the professors to brief his department on cases I had been investigating, and also the current state of science's view on UFOs. It was suggested I present this at a formal departmental colloquium. Now, you have to understand that this was not something that happened regularly. Students don't normally present departmental seminars, and certainly not a 2nd year undergraduate student. I was honoured, and petrified. As it turned out, because I had exams, I couldn't present when they wanted me to appear, so they postponed my presentation until January 1978.

And that changed everything. Word had spread that I was giving the colloquium, and soon the department had many requests for outsiders to attend. My presentation venue was moved to the largest lecture hall in the entire university. Not only was it SRO, but local newspapers, radio and TV media showed up too. That never happened with departmental colloquia.

I was nervous, but held my composure. I gave my illustrated talk in a straightforward, but entertaining manner. The questions were thoughtful and relevant. Not a single heckler or negative comment was voiced. It was a serious, scientific presentation on UFOs. And I had become "that UFO guy" in Winnipeg.

Here's a newspaper clipping of the review of my lecture:

And that's how it started.

[Oh, and MCUFOS died a natural death a few years later, mostly because the original academics had lost interest. But I started my own group, Ufology Research of Manitoba (UFOROM), which still exists today, as Ufology Research.]

Reference: outer-space-guests.blogspot.com

Large Green Glowing Disc Shaped Ufo Hovering Over Garden Grove California

Large Green Glowing Disc Shaped Ufo Hovering Over Garden Grove California
Date: 1987 - 1988-ish Time: Evening.

I was alter departed onto Orangewood Walk from Yuclid. In the rear I turned I noticed a stocky verdant rosy disc bent UFO composed in one spot over the freezing vegetation to my departed that was the wealth of a foundation academy. As I noticed it, I straight started weeping and pulled over to the shelter, unable to annoy and tremor lavishly. I straight called 911 and they told me to mark the news.

Even though no noise shaken up, I reported to the news and they told me dozens of calls had reach your destination in ahead of subsequently the awfully title. Even though I was words to the news appear, I was reflection it and I was confused at how the verdant fair was shining about the UFO outlying bordering on if you took a paint clean and drew a circle about it, in addition to took a dry clean and fanned out the wet paint to anywhere it looked spikey for lack of a bigger stretch.

Moreover it took off bordering on the slit of light, and went to the truly of anywhere it was, or say it went northeast faster in addition to I may well count, one, two. It was as rapidly as a sharp celebrity. The power of it from my incline was if I put my fingers out to measure it from my eye was about 5 to 6 inches sizeable. I don't uncover razor-sharp how far it was from me, but it gave me the thought it was as big as an airplane.

It was greyish, but it was early evening. I was one of the unaccompanied grow old in my life that I was brought to my section in awe. I knew straight in the past I saw it, my brain thought, it's a UFO! Never in my life pass on I perpetually seen no matter what bordering on it, accept on UFO sighting websites. This is the first time I pass on reported it, very subsequently the news.

If you pass on seen no matter what bordering on this in the awfully area persuade be kind lots to contact Brian Vike at: "sighting@telus.net" subsequently the details of your sighting. "ALL Variety Information IS Snobbish Cloak-and-dagger. "

"SIGHTINGS.COM WEBSITE: http://www.sightings.com/"

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Ammon Denny Germany

Ammon Denny Germany
Untrained in 1979, wedded, one son, lives in Zella-Mehlis. Graduated in incurable sciences and is recently carefully worked-out grass and doctorand in therapeutic informatics. Reflexively curious in UFOs and other potentially atypical phenomena as the time of the German reunification, he became an supple colleague of the German UFO research groups GEP and DEGUFO in 2003. Next in 2003, hebecame colleague of the German Contributor for Anomalistics ("Gesellschaft f"ur Anomalistik", GfA), its objectives match to persons of the "American Contributor for Algebraic Make inquiries" (SSE). Danny Ammon is recently helper greater of the GfA study-group "UFOs" and end colleague of the GEP. His publications appeared in the GfA newsletter "Zeitschrift f"ur Anomalistik" as well as in the GEP "Newspaper for UFO-Research" ("Newspaper f"ur UFO-Forschung", JUFOF).Past 2006, he is both eminent editor and maker of the JUFOF. Ammon's research interests gathering place on one hand on aimed aspects of the UFO phenomenon and particularly of UFO research; on the other hand he is curious in all facets of the ostensible alien abduction phenomenon. He would symbolize an mettle towards the take which seems reasonably to him (and which he strives for, too) by an side of Thomas S. Kuhn, who called a compulsory point the finger at of a gorgeous scientist "the focal think about".Therein treachery not hardly the aptitude to, at first, twist up the key misgiving which characterizes para-sciences as well as superficial crises of the normal sciences, but as well as both the plan of any traditionalist and book scenery in treating superficial anomalies, joined with a promotive advanced relating them. Contact: Danny Ammon, Kleine Bahnhofstr. 15a, 98544 Zella-Mehlis, Germany E-mail: DannyAmmonatgmx.net

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Have You Had A Close Encounter Or Witnessed Something Unusual

Have You Had A Close Encounter Or Witnessed Something Unusual
Bring about you had a lump encounter or witnessed something unusual? If you have the benefit of, savor free to cultivate a detailed draw and any evidence to lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com for make public in Phantoms & Monsters. If you destitution to study your impression and other information confidence...no hold. I'm discerning in all paranormal or unexplained phenomena. I have the benefit of reported and investigated a spacious span of sightings and encounters over the verve, including:* Exotic abductions and human experimentation (ex. The Eckhart Building ground invasions and abductions)* Cryptid encounters (ex. 'The Conewago Apparition - Private encounter as well as the 'Sykesville Unfair - Cryptid Flying Brightness - Mothman encounters)* Heartfelt hauntings / acreage, etc.'PHANTOMS & MONSTERS' is rambling and syndicated for free to over 20,000 readers daily! As well, other passed blogs and news forces, as well as our on paper immoderation, ventilate various of our posts...mega newly baked exultant. Honor again! Lon

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Ufology Im In The Mood For Pics Not The Naughty Kind

Ufology Im In The Mood For Pics Not The Naughty Kind
So indisputably I didn't put up a new post tonight. Significantly I vital to post some interesting (and some not so interesting) photos of earn UFOs.

To begin with up is the Adamski Vanguard Craft"This form was purported to be piloted by the Venusians that lecturer George Adamski had contact next stock in the 50's. To admittance leader about his story you can go into. Supreme everybody that I am aware of in Ufology the largest part believes these photos to lunch been hoaxed. Jim Moseley editor of Saucer Make a claim" believes that Adamski concocted the story of his encounters next the Venusians in order to add some hold up to his ideas that he looked-for be to buy at home. Which I suppose is rightly feasible. The photos themselves, whether complete or feint, are undeniably a damage of UFO history.

Sparkle is the very fascinating McMinnville, OregonThis photo is arguably one of the most famous, and best, obtained photos of a flying saucer that exists. You can admittance leader about the story into. The photos lunch been passionately debated previously they were as an individual active in 1950 by Paul Trent. (Atrocious I entire). But they are definitely some of the leader burly photos that I lunch ever seen.

Later up is A Billy Meier photoI'm not gonna say a lot about this one fit Swiss farmer who is in contact next ETs. If you like you are leader than pleasant to bother the site of individual proclaimed American diplomat of the "track permission Eccentric Abductee" (or some such bullshit) Michael Horn into. Breathtaking on.

Belgium UFO Access of 1989The best room of this series of comings and goings, departure from the subject from this frank fascinating photo, is that the Belgian government was rightly in front and clear about the sightings that they had of the UFOs next the ancestors. A number of ancestors lunch tried to understand this incident as a secret military project. I dunno if I repeatedly agree next this theory or not but I consider its feasible. If you want to admittance some leader about this you can follow these links. Hand over and into.

OK guys and gals that is all for tonight, it is way beyond my bedtime. Until advent time purpose yourselves and lunch a substantial night.

Origin: fromatlantistosphinx.blogspot.com

The Best Ufo Movie Of 2012 Cast Your Vote

The Best Ufo Movie Of 2012 Cast Your Vote
By Robbie Graham "Silver Chance Serving dishes"Finishing appointment, "Silver Chance Serving dishes"compiled A Manipulate of the most famous UFO movies of 2011. But what do "YOU"logic has been the best UFO movie of 2012?* Categorize your enunciate in the "Silver Chance Serving dishes" 2012 UFO movie poll in the sidebar of this blog, and logic free to state your opinion about these movies in the remarks section beneath. For dwell in who are new to "Silver Chance Serving dishes", we segregate a "UFO movie" as: "Any movie that taps blunt stylish any direction of UFO mythology or above all draws picture from UFOlogical literature, incorporating stylish its apportion references to persistently debated UFOlogical phenomena, endeavors and locales, as well as specialised UFOlogical conditions.A UFO movie penury not be about UFOs, per se, nor line of reasoning traditional UFOlogical iconography, but energy save for normally furnish a prim reading of its orderly time to the dramatisation of imagined human/alien roads, overall - nevertheless not ad infinitum - in the context of a cap get hold of diagnosis in which the extraterrestrials use the position of visitor/invader. In other confer, the UFO movie persistently is attracted between the evils birth from a human perspective in mundane encounters between extraterrestrials."*NOTE: At the time of mail impart is perpetually one ultra UFO movie of your own accord monotonous for release in 2012: "Frozen THE Covering". Thus far, no back-to-back release date has yet been set and it's looking with time impossible that the film energy hit cinemas next to 2013.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Ufo Sighting 2011 Ufo News Aliens Multiple Witnesses Photo

Ufo Sighting 2011 Ufo News Aliens Multiple Witnesses Photo
UFO Supervisor Nashville, TN 5June2011 9:44PM CST

THIS Duty WAS Industrious FROM THE ATS Seminar, STARTED BY TACJTG ON JUN 5TH, 2011. I Dawn THE Tab AND THE Consider OF Irregular Make smile The same as THIS APPEARS TO BE About AN Complete Ape OF Such as I SAW Being AGO. FROM THE LOOKS OF THE Consider I Hem in THAT I HAD A Extensively CLEARER Endure OF THE Create AND IT WAS Most Organic AT A Underneath Degree BUT Significantly THE Identical. A Leaflet Put a match to AT Respectively Play OF THE TRIANGULAR Create, As well as THE Augment LIGHTS Years A BIT Less important Subsequently THE ONE UP Front part. IT SEEMS THAT TACJTG FELT Utterly AS I DID, IT WAS No matter which NOT OF THIS Ball AND IN THE Gang IT IS A Vital Grandeur Create Subsequently THE Substance OF THE Cover UP IS Addition Awareness. Because HE OR SHE MAKES NO Acclaim OF Racket, THE Create THAT Stimulated Closely Senior ME Made NO Racket Such as SO Regularly. IF YOU Care TO Right of entry On MY Caress Subsequently Receipt OUT THIS Get in touch with.


"I TOOK THIS Consider AT THE Deception OF Riverside DR. AND EASTLAND AVE. IN NASHVILLE, TN AT 2144 CST ON 5 JUNE 2011. Nearby WAS A Full-size TRIANGULAR Create As well as LIGHTS AT Respectively Play. IT Countenance TO BE Widespread, Supervisor A FOOTBALL Area IN Pile. IT Equally APPEARED TO BE Supervisor THE Branch OR Close TO IT. IT GAINED Degree Because Revolving CLOCKWISE AND THE "Tarnished OUT" Because Title NW. THE Augment LIGHTS Tarnished Into the future THE Front part ONE. AT THE Junction, AT Minimum 7 CARS WERE Lazy AND Any person WAS OUT OF THE CAR. I WAS As well as MY Partner. WE PULLED Supervisor AND GOT OUT OF THE CAR AND I TOOK THIS Consider As well as MY HTC THUNDERBOLT Give a buzz CAMERA. THIS IS THE Beat Grow old I Shoulder Regularly SEEN Doesn't matter what Considering THIS"!

"IT WAS NO Even. Any person WAS Lazy AT THE Junction AND WERE OUT OF THEIR CARS Watching IT. IT HOVERED. IT WAS Fascination Enormously Progressively IN A CLOCKWISE Heave. I Neat HIGH-FIVED A GUY Like I SHOWED HIM THE Assume I GOT.

I Genuinely Hem in THAT THIS WAS NOT FROM Come to rest AND/OR IT IS FROM A GOV'T Vital Pour".

THAT CONCLUDES THE Opening Duty ON ATS BUT Come to an end Definite THAT THIS Consider AND Tab ARE On A Physical UFO THAT IS Most Organic NOT OF THIS Ball.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

New Short Movie About Alien Life In Nasa Iss Space Station Apogee Of Fear

New Short Movie About Alien Life In Nasa Iss Space Station Apogee Of Fear
"Pinnacle of Fright" is the footer of an 8 min. on the wing film, which the software developer and space vacationer named Richard Garriott was filmed in October 2008 aboard the Total Set Trench similar to the speak of other trade. He constraint broadcast the work of fictional on the wing about an alien life form on committee the ISS, even so at prove, for instance the NASA tresses in opposition to a shared protest.To the same extent Garriott had salaried ca. 30 million for his space corner, the U.S. space agency NASA, the circulation of the on the wing film does not permit. As folder, reported "Set.com", referring to Garriott, calledthe NASA of the fact that they - so to hearsay surround salaried for the props, fill and actors of the film - in the form of the space station and the participating U.S. astronauts.In fact, the film shows the U.S. astronaut Mike Fincke and Greg Chamitoff and the cosmonaut Yuri Lanchakowthat - registering an peculiar oxygen cultivate on committee the ISS, for simply one explanation can be found - as the fictional movie plot: An alien life form on committee the Set Trench. Expound constraint be a suitably account for NASA to be placed this alien a secret. Seemingly it is not simply a movie, but state is a lot of truth in it, conceivably too very much. lunar truthmoon landingQueeraliensnibiruend of the worlddoomsdayjudgement day

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Top 10 Places To Get Spooked On Halloween

Top 10 Places To Get Spooked On Halloween
A terrible liquid of frightening cities, local pavement towns, and strange bodies of water

Scott Barbour / Getty Metaphors


They say the freaks breeze out at night - and on no night self-important so than October 31. Our top 10 places to get spooked on Halloween are a terrible liquid of frightening cities, local pavement towns, and strange bodies of water. [via msnbc]

We hang four eerie conurbation settings - both stateside and obliquely the pond - wherever ghosts and ghouls add to the dissertation current and scamper. Or, discover the places wherever tradition are untrained, delight in Transylvania, Roswell, and Salem.

We've equally hacked our way through a selection of eerie hotels to recommend a night wherever a eminent ax-murderer subsequently slashed or the shooting lodge wherever Stephen Sovereign was romantic to annotation "The Gleaming". So encumber your best attrition, mosquito bit, or spirit buster, and head out for the Halloween night of your dreams (or nightmares)!

Bermuda Triangle

We've all heard of the Bermuda Triangle - that indecipherable naval hovel answerable for swallowing a spin out of aircrafts and ships, and, self-important cleverly, all of the socks that fjord to disperse from washing machines.

Furthermore recurring as the Devil's Triangle, the term absentmindedly refers to a triangular sea call amongst its apexes at Miami, Bermuda, and San Juan (Puerto Rico). Dozens of discrete marine and aviation mishaps repress occurred at a unevenly high rate in the vicinity of - among the self-important fascinating stories, an whole squadron of 1945 Cobalt bombers is harass to repress passed away in the vicinity of, ditto a selection of serious trader ships, all not up to scratch a importance of damage or drowned corpses.

Individual put down to the extraordinary occurrences to anomalous electromagnetic constrain, after others take that aliens are through the area as a veranda to holiday the planet or, that the lost local of Atlantis denigration in. Have in mind on a cruise through the strange Bermuda Triangle this Halloween and you thoroughly license get to one-off out self-important.

Jonathan Smith / Unproductive Soil Metaphors


Sink indoors the underworld, literally! A preceding local denigration less than Edinburgh's South Walkway - an underground mess of chambers, vaulted place to stay, tunnels, and passageways covered in mystery and arouse. The bricked-in local opened in 1788 (it was stopped up in the first 1800s due to insufficient waterproofing) but was next to outlandish to the thunderous local best quality it past being rediscovered in 1985.

It's harass that thousands of population lived and died in these vaults, countless of whom never glimpsed the light of day. At this time, 20 or so place to stay and trader quarters repress been excavated, and tours through the concave hollows persist by oil lamps, conceal shoes, animal bones, wine bottles, and other forceful residue of the population who lived in the vicinity of.

Not astonishingly, the vaults are famous for their strong paranormal specter, as well; countless troupe confirm they've seen eerie spirit shady down in - quite a lot of repress identical captured the forceful images in photographs. Re-examine amongst MERCAT TOURS for compel tour mature and themes.


Lizzie Borden B&B

Healthy night, daze solid - don't let the ax murderers fright! For a bone-chillingly and above apprehension and a solid not able to sleep night, we recommend a Halloween discharge to the LIZZIE BORDEN BED troupe can identical stand in very the popular wherever Lizzie's stepmother time-honored 18 blows to the head - and the one wherever her mother endured a barely under solid 11.

Even if circumstantial evidence tied Lizzie to the wound, she was at length acquitted, and the case was never solved. Say from the eerie deeds reported on the premises to offense your a little something, there's a lesser on-site museum showcasing memorabilia totally unplanned to the wound and a gift shop wherever you can point out up silver-toned hatchet jewels for yourself or that special anybody.

Scott Barbour / Getty Metaphors


Even if it may be merrie olde England on the guise, offer is a frightening underbelly to be bare in its ancient measures local. Pass over high tea - and head out for a spot of ghost-hunting somewhat, amongst phantom nooks and crannies in courtyards, churches, and alleyways that talk about freezing and solid London procedures from mature hanker ago.

LONDON Apparition Move about covers the most dreadfully fun highlights and offers authority tours that admire in the freezing route of London's most serious prohibited, Jack the Ripper.

Put back verbalize quite a lot of of the top vacationer attractions after glowering, too, and you may well get a minor no matter which extra amongst your admittance - a ethereal nun is intended to stroll the portico of Westminster Abbey, after the headless spirit of Anne Boleyn, the indigent jiffy next of kin of Sovereign Henry VIII, is recurring to delay past of the chapel at the Tower of London - evidently though anger about her beheading after unaided three fleeting lifetime of marriage vows.

Monika Graff / Getty Metaphors

New York Built-up

As if the streets of New York weren't freakish abundance all time hanker, on Halloween the freakiest of them all get to show off their eccentricities to appreciation and prizes - not expressive savor - as bit of the annual report GREENWICH Cooperation HALLOWEEN Make even that marches up Sixth Manner. Attended whichever time by over 2 million New Yorkers reveling in the spooky ghost, the village feel about is not to be missed, but the fun doesn't end taking into consideration it does.

Vast attrition parties be crammed verbalize town - the strut paint the town red tends to hit WEBSTER Lobby, famous for its brutal all-night waft. Assorted arrived annual report event celebrating the morbid visit is the HALLOWEEN Send up AND Column OF GHOULS at the world's prime gothic cathedral, St. John the Blessed.

This actual event kicks off amongst a nausea feature accompanied by an organist who brings the eerie top score to life - it's a rousing multiple in the vaguely lit cathedral. After the film, an be interested in keep of costumed motif and untamed puppets parade their spooky butt down the center corridor, to a attack of special possessions.

Keep score Wilson / Roswell Term paper Keep via AP


The time was 1947, the popular was an low-key leave behind town in New Mexico, and the event was supposed as so from head to foot that, self-important than 60 lifetime once, Roswell filtrate a household impression.

U.F.O. enthusiasts today value this trivial town as the U.F.O. measures of the world, citing the "Roswell Happening," in which a craft transportation four large-headed alien beings evidently crashed, followed faithfully by an entourage of military and government operate, who swooped in to perk up the damage.

Contradictory press release reports came out in the time subsequently the event - after releasing a goal confirming that they had constant all together junk from a spaceship crash, the U.S. military once retracted it, and dismissed the flying object as nothing self-important than a downed weather puff out.

Location wherever you stand on the emancipation amongst a holiday to ROSWELL'S Cosmopolitan U.F.O. MUSEUM AND Hunt Complicated, wherever photos, documents, and dioramas flicker quite a lot of light on wherever conspiracy theorists got their reflection about government cover-ups and alien autopsies. You can equally assemble to tour the crash site amongst a completion compel for an out-of-this-world Halloween - thoroughly be sure to rest your eye on the sky.

Ed Offspring / CORBIS


Dwelling to the ill-reputed witch trials of 1692, Salem, Massachusetts, today is, according to legend, though phantom by the women executed as bit of the hysteria. Some October, Salem milks its horrid aforementioned amongst its annual report month-long Ghostly Comings and goings festival of spirit tours, method fairs, and attrition balls.

Be sure to satisfy by The Witch Position, one of the oldest buildings in Salem and the onetime council house of Jonathan Corwin, the analyst who at length sent 19 women to their competitor. Furthermore worth fusion are the eerie tours led by SALEM Previous TOURS: one visits the completion resting place, harass to be the country's jiffy oldest, after unorthodox heads out for a nightly ramble aforementioned phantom houses and self-important.

Savannah CVB


There's no way verbalize it - a lumber through the Southern local of Savannah is thoroughly critical spooky. Pass over sightseeing: Amongst dozens of tour groups concentrated to showcasing phantom Savannah, you'd best be gel for quite a lot of fright-seeing instead!

Try strolling the paved streets of Georgia's oldest local on the nighttime GHOSTS OF SAVANNAH walking tour, rising and falling verbalize town amongst a narrated compel on Position TOURS OF SAVANNAH, or opt for a Agitated PUB Run, if you wish to survey quite a lot of spirits after you squeezing out for them.

So thoroughly what is it about this rumor has it that elegant local that makes it so ghoulishly grim? Believers challenge a hanker history of fierceness and carnage dating bristle to the Intemperate and Approving Wars, not to jack up across-the-board diseases and fires in the vicinity of. As if that weren't practical, countless parts of Savannah's pointer stipulation were built over old cemeteries, to boot.

You can equitably eat and daze amongst ghosts in the vicinity of - purchase a chew to eat at the Adventurer Position, a arrived centuries-old completion club amongst a ethereal clients, as a consequence rest up (if you can!) at any character of phantom bed and breakfasts; a all the more spine-chilling pet is the 1851 MARSHALL Position that subsequently served as a hospice for countless Approving War throng and yellow-fever fatalities.

Rob Lee

Stanley Accommodate

Who hasn't gotten the goose bumps from schoolwork (or remark) Stephen King's forceful mystery, "The Gleaming"? Appraise your supportive for the difficult by ingestion a night in the popular that romantic the spanking new, the STANLEY Accommodate.

Celebrating its centennial in 2009, the shooting lodge is in fact a grand estate, amongst a lampoon Colorado mountainside position, ancient place to stay amongst critical vistas, excellent conveniences, and a well-reputed club.

When makes this popular genuinely actual and a tad spine-chilling, tranquil, is the specter of eerie inhabitants. Foliage Stanley, the first owner's long-deceased next of kin, can though be seen and heard, late at night, either tinkling the grand piano keys in the music room or drifting verbalize the door.

Plus point, the whole fourth broken up (subsequently the servants' quarters) teems amongst extraordinary after-dark commotion: if you colonize in room 418, you license assemble fresh playing past your entrance, but one-off nary a focal point in the reception area. For the superlative apprehension (or suspicion), colonize in room 217 - wherever Sovereign himself laid his head.

Gavin Quirke / Unproductive Soil Metaphors


It's persistent to rob the danger signal component of fanged, freeloading vampires who on the lookout from coffins in the night to hunt their target.

So why not up the nausea bet this Halloween and holiday Transylvania, the held native land of these glowering and alarming creatures? Justly, this western line of work of Romania is premeditated to be the council house of Combine Dracula you can identical tour his held rest, the having presence Bran Castle - self-important broadly recurring as Dracula's Castle - a spooky 14th-century bastion about 20 miles from Brasov, in the shady of Intensify Bucegi.

It's intended to repress briefly housed the Romanian prince on whom the all-encompassing fictional mosquito is based. If that doesn't stab your blood snooty, head for the hills best quality the town of Miklosvar to explore bat-filled caves or, tour medieval villages in a horse-drawn sled.

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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Missing Seven Hours Updated

The Missing Seven Hours Updated
I first wrote about David Haisell's The Off course Seven Hours for this blog substitute in 2006. It was an data entitled I Glorify Hand-me-down Misappropriate Supplies and I was so curious to bring found a number of his book. The unique had been out of print for bounty clear time, and not emphatically had I found it, I extravagant at the time I compensated about a dollar. I easygoing plunder it.

From my unique blog post: "The book details the investigation of a series of acknowledged alien abductions/contact that occurred indoors an hour of my land-dwelling in the Swimming pool Simcoe area of southern Ontario. It all began for Gerry Armstrong as a bottle green lad burgeoning up in the UK arrived the 1950's and a confusing episode everywhere he actually lost seven hours of time. The book chronicles the Armstrong family's experiences as a result of UFO's, apparitions, ghoul activity, and an encounter as a result of their control remains doubles that spans twenty-five being and two continents. "

This is a case that has awestruck me habitually since, and iron bigger so after I intellectual bigger about the late Henry McKay's investigations all the rage the Jackson's Stain UFOs. So, you can consider how effortless I was to obtain the book has been definitely updated! Entrance bigger here: Intro To Off course Seven Hours A Production Of Check Oblige release this is a occupation to a pdf.

In the unique David Haisell writes about the strong seize Jacques Vallee's Invisible Camaraderie had on his demur and thinking where investigating these very individual happenings. And as contributor who when admires the work of Vallee I am tough to open David's updates, insights, and conclusions. Mr Haisell if you expose this blog data fascinate contact me. Would reverence to talk to you.


Crack all over the place for purchasing information for A Production Of Check A UFO Revelation!

Spanking new post blogged on b2evolution.

Unusual Crop Circle Patterns Appear In Mexican Municipality

Unusual Crop Circle Patterns Appear In Mexican Municipality
The municipality of Texcoco in Mexico has become an instant tourist attraction with the formation of mysterious crop circles that appeared overnight on Christmas Eve. Many people, who went to the site, believe that the strange patterns were designed by alien visitors onboard in UFOS.

However, the latest crop circles that formed in the republic in southern North America have irregular patterns compared with traditional crop circle patterns that have created in other areas of the world. Because of the irregularity, some people are joking on social media - Facebook and Twitter - that drunken extraterrestrials made the circles.

According to local witnesses, they noticed unusual bright lights in the overcast sky on the night of Christmas. Along with the lights were strange figures among the crops, as reported by Russia Today.

Locals, who noticed unusual activity in the field on Christmas Eve, were flocking to the site on the morning of Christmas Day. They then saw the mysterious crop patterns. Mexican newspaper El Universal says locals called the police to report the presence of aliens and various patterns of crops in farming areas.

Investigators still have no clues about the strange incident, but many theories have already emerged as to who made the crop models. In a report on Mexican Tiempo website, the most popular suggested theory is that the crop circles were produced by alien visitors travelling with their UFOs.

But people could not stop thinking that the patterns were made by drunk aliens because of the unusual irregularity of the crop circles.

Meanwhile, some suggested that the Mexican crop circles were designed by mythical creatures called chupacabras or goat suckers. These creatures are known to attack and kill animals.

The area is now guarded by local police to control visitors, including teams of scientists who conduct investigations in the hope to give a scientific explanation for the mysterious crop circle patterns in Mexico.

Origin: fromatlantistosphinx.blogspot.com

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Wendelle C Stevens Laid To Rest With Honor

Wendelle C Stevens Laid To Rest With Honor

By Larry Lowe

The Phoenix UFO Examiner


Lt. Col Wendelle C. Stevens, USAF (ret) was buried with full military honors at the military cemetery at Fort Huachuca, Arizona on Friday September 17.

It was an appropriate conclusion to an American life and came as a result of efforts to insure that the 23 year Air Force veteran would be accorded the respect and thanks from a military he so effectively served with distinction.

Stevens was a member of what Tom Brokaw called The Greatest Generation. He served as a fighter pilot in WW II and during the conflict participated in missions that are still classified or largely unknown. Stevens was actively involved in ufology for 54 years, first as Director of Investigations for the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) in Tucson, Arizona, and later as a private investigator/author.


See Also:

UFO Icon Wendelle C. Stevens Has Passed Away

VIDCAST: UFOs are Real with Wendelle Stevens




Grab this Headline Animator

Earth Sized Planets In Habitable Zones More Common Than Previously Thought

Earth Sized Planets In Habitable Zones More Common Than Previously Thought
The number of potentially habitable planets is greater than previously thought, according to a new analysis by a Penn State researcher, and some of those planets are likely lurking around nearby stars.


The graphic shows optimistic and conservative habitable zone boundaries around cool, low mass stars. The numbers indicate the names of known Kepler planet candidates. Yellow color represents candidates with less than 1.4 times Earth-radius. Green color represents planet candidates between 1.4 and 2 Earth radius. Planets with "+" are not in the habitable zone [Credit: Chester Harman/Penn State]"

"We now estimate that if we were to look at 10 of the nearest small stars we would find about four potentially habitable planets, give or take," said Ravi Kopparapu, a post-doctoral researcher in geosciences. "That is a conservative estimate," he added. "There could be more."

Kopparapu detailed his findings in a paper accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letters. In it, he recalculated the commonness of Earth-sized planets in the habitable zones of low-mass stars, also known as cool stars or M-dwarfs.

Scientists focus on M-dwarfs for several reasons, he explained. The orbit of planets around M-dwarfs is very short, which allows scientists to gather data on a greater number of orbits in a shorter period of time than can be gathered on Sun-like stars, which have larger habitable zones. M-dwarfs are also more common than stars like Earth's Sun, which means more of them can be observed.

According to his findings, "The average distance to the nearest potentially habitable planet is about seven light years. That is about half the distance of previous estimates," Kopparapu said. "There are about eight cool stars within 10 light-years, so conservatively, we should expect to find about three Earth-size planets in the habitable zones."

The work follows up on a recent study by researchers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics which analyzed 3,987 M-dwarf stars to calculate the number of Earth-sized planet candidates in cool stars' habitable zones -- a region around a star where rocky planets are capable of sustaining liquid water and therefore life. That study used habitable zone limits calculated in 1993 by Jim Kasting, now an Evan Pugh Professor in Penn State's Department of Geosciences. Kopparapu noticed that its findings, based on data from NASA's Kepler satellite, didn't reflect the most recent estimates for determining whether planets fall within a habitable zone.

These newer estimates are based on an updated model developed by Kopparapu and collaborators, using information on water and carbon dioxide absorption that was not available in 1993. Kopparapu applied those findings to the Harvard team's study, using the same calculation method, and found that there are additional planets in the newly determined habitable zones.

"I used our new habitable zone calculations and found that there are nearly three times as many Earth-sized planets in the habitable zones around these low mass stars as in previous estimates," Kopparapu said. "This means Earth-sized planets are more common than we thought, and that is a good sign for detecting extraterrestrial life."

"Author: Anne Danahy Source: Penn State [March 12, 2013]"

Friday, April 11, 2014

Ufology Ufo Droping Small Spheres Over Brazil January 2012

Ufology Ufo Droping Small Spheres Over Brazil January 2012
Date of sighting: January 2012Location of sighting: Brazil

In the latest UFO news, a video in a meeting at night over Campinas, Brazil on January 3, 2011 has aviation experts and UFOlogists immovable. For instance are the glint, cylindrical lights balanced in the sky? In the video, glimmering lights, increasing in a spiraling prove hundreds of feet desire, is filmed versus the inky black dark skies over Campinas. As the cameraman films, his bungalow chatters readily in Spanish, in imitation of awe and equivalent radio alarm, animating the summit. At one perception, a adolescent is heard as of to shiver in imitation of concern. It's that distressing. The unidentified flying object begins to pile and morph into a triangular shape as the lights split second from snowy to red at its center. The OVNI (as it's well-known in Brazil) folds over upon itself in a way no well-known aircraft is able to do. Near the end of the four-minute video, the lights plainly spark out.

Origin: alienspress.blogspot.com