Monday, April 28, 2014

5 Places

5 Places

Spud Hilton

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The West Shore is the stomping trigger, literally, for the unnamed, ambiguous beastie whose aliases contain sasquatch, yeti and ZZ Top guitarist. Clock most sightings and pertinent sites are in Northern California and the Conciliatory Northwest, give are to excess of places to get now the Bigfoot personality, if not justly declare in big path. And you pass on what they say about big feet - there's ever a festival or a proof stand somewhere nearby.

1. Entertaining Station (Siskiyou Zone)

Legend has it that Entertaining Campers think been spotting Bigfoot and his kin for upper than a century, as in recent sparkle most of the pertinent action is at the annual Bigfoot Do on Grind Day Weekend. Revels contain a flounce, a presentation and the greatest of the Bigfoot Do Sovereign. The town, about 15 miles south of the Oregon border, every now and then holds the Bigfoot Summer Take part in on Holy place Day weekend. Stumble the carving of the big guy (prepared unconditionally of donated delicacy metal), and at night, bed down at the Bigfoot RV Parkland and Cabins, 112 Davis Highway, (530) 493-2884. For upper, contact the Entertaining Station safe place at (530) 493-2900.

2. San Diego Museum of Man

Unlike spend time at "museums" in the midst of a Bigfoot angle, this one isn't a overestimated gift shop that can be towed to festivals and section fairs. There's a custodian, unforgettable fortifications and, most enormous, a upgrading of a Gigantopithecus blacki, the ended tall chimp that is premeditated the next kin to topical day Bigfoot. The developed impersonate was built for the museum based on Giganto missile goggles. 1350 El Prado, Balboa Parkland, San Diego, (619) 239-2001,

3. The Bigfoot Embed, Los Angeles

Not a wood block in the "abode" blow so a great deal as a hippish examine bar in a log chalet obstinate or, as one Screech adjudicate put it, what you get when you "mix Yosemite and Los Angeles." The waiters wear Boy Scout shirts, there's a terrific sign for Sasquatch Shape Parkland and the devour menu includes the Toasted Marshmallow, the Sasquatch and the Schoolgirl Scout Cookie. Ultra that, there's not a lot of connection in the midst of the bar's namesake, as after a few Toasted Marshmallows, you apparently won't exactness. 3172 Los Feliz Blvd., Los Angeles, (323) 662-9227. (There's a sister bar in San Francisco at 1750 Polk St., (415) 440-2355)

4. Willow Stream, Humboldt Zone

This not very town lays lay claim to to Bigfoot bequest and backs it up at the Bigfoot Museum (upper best, the Bigfoot wing of the Willow Creek-China Flatten Museum) and an annual Bigfoot Duration occurrence in the midst of a flounce, live music and a disc golf tournament (which sounds UFO themed, tremendously). It's further everyplace the most famous Bigfoot footage was filmed. Museum: 38949 Major road 299, Willow Stream. (530) 629-2653, www.big Bigfoot Duration are in downtown Willow Stream on Grind Day weekend (Sept. 5-7).

5. Bigfoot Confession Museum

The last reported sighting of a huge, unshorn biped (other than surfers) in the Santa Cruz Mountains was 1980, but that didn't occasion a Felton harness from starting the Bigfoot Confession Problem and pertinent museum in 2003 "to further the nonexploitation and preservation of Bigfoot." The museum has to excess of noble equipment about the survey of Bigfoot - as well as kitchy, fun hunk and souvenirs for agitation class. Get photos in the midst of the tepid statues. 5497 Major road 9, Felton, (831) 335-4478,

This article appeared on mass G - 2 of the San Francisco Chronicle