UFO with beaming ray of light hovers over Reno, Nevada for several hours. UFO Reno, NevadaScott Waring posted this picture of a UFO SIGHTING in Reno Nevada on his website UFO SIGHTINGS DAILY. Scott's friend had taken the picture after he and his mother spied this strange light anomaly in the night sky at the beginning of September 2013.After watching the UFO for a while they decided to to take a drive to further investigate. After driving for 15 minutes or so they stopped to take this picture. Scott's friend said the strange thing about this UFO SIGHTING was that the beam of light seamed to be beaming up to the UFO other than the UFO beaming the light to the ground.Scott didn't have much more information about this UFO SIGHTING but I thought it was interesting enough to post.The picture below is the original and you can see that the UFO is a good distance away and still seems to be of pretty good size. UFO Reno, Nevada (original)What do you think of this UFO SIGHTING?OTHER UFO SIGHTINGS YOU MIGHT LIKE:THIS BLACK TRIANGLE UFO IS THE LATEST SIGHTING IN CRAIGHTON WOOD SCOTLAND UFO FLEET SIGHTED NAVIGATING THE SKIES OF PENNSYLVANIA JUNE 22, 2013