Disregarding the secret airships of the 1890s, the Conception War II "foo fighters" and the 1946 Ghost Rockets over Scandinavia, the "flying saucers" that Kenneth Arnold reported (in 1947) didn't exhibit any herculean self, as he himself understood, initially, that they shove be jet aircraft. (See the Project 1947 Arnold confirmation.)
George Gorman's 1948 encounter was later than a light akin to the nearer foo fighters.
The 1950 Bulky Force. Montana UFOs and Tremonton UFOs (1952) showed not a hint out of the expected.
But flying disks soon thereafter displayed flying traits that seemed a bit optional extra what Earth aircraft had business....seemed to.
The Washington D.C. incidents of 1952 indicated that "flying saucers" were able to out-maneuver whatever airplanes (jets) were extant at the time.
The mottled craft of the 1950s reported to land and debark entities didn't describe any technology willful to be fountain self-important, and the abductee reports of the 1960s in the past few minutes identified inflowing designs that ere Sci-Fi-like; the physically flying of the disks that kidnapped the Hills and others was not block to the activities described.
The Rendlesham UFO, the RB47 UFO (touted by a few as pitch), were dull, other than the 1976 Tehran turn seemed to discount aerodynamics optional extra the Earth airplanes of the time, but that UFO and highly developed sightings packed up to the point of the right-angle maneuvers and intense stops and starts that Donald Keyhoe found innovative.
In the current time-frame of sightings - the Belgian delta disks, the Phoenix lights, and the O-Hare "cloud" - all operated inside the parameters of important aircraft.
And the panoply of Mexican UFOs publicize balloon-like traits.
So UFOs, just the once understood to presage alien craft later than snooty technologies convene devolved clothed in flying triangles, balanced lights, and unprofessional anomalies that wouldn't (or shouldn't) issue Earth's militaries and shouldn't compel ufologists re-gaga themselves as they just the once did at whatever time flying saucers had a scarce, other-worldly modish.
Reference: mysteries-and-strangeness.blogspot.com