We now cuddle 23 band operational at AFU once assorted farm duties and projects. Six of our deposit are stationed at the chief office. This is as well the system for AFU and UFO-Sweden put up meetings and somewhere troupe are first introduced to the collection, our history and work.
AFU job
AFU job
Digitizing and clippingsClose to our job we cuddle the system for digitizing, somewhere as well assured of our deposit work once the a choice of and diverse locks of hair collections, UFO, Fortean and paranormal locks of hair. We cuddle so far digitized 140.000 locks of hair from the CFI decide (Charles Fort Order), 27.000 Swedish locks of hair and a choice of Swedish UFO magazines. After that thousands of inscription from correspondence files.
Divide up of the digitizing system
Clippings collections
Irretrievable unite premiseSome time ago we used this facility for the major CEI (Centro de Estudios Interplanetarios) confer from Barcelona. But now all the books from this decide cuddle been catalogued and built-in in the chief UFO/Fortean collection. Currently we use most of this facility as a hindermost unite system.
Irretrievable unite system
Magazines, distinctive and secretarial filesOur magazines decide is going up once leaps and bounds as contributions are imminent in a tightly downpour from all over the world. We now cuddle roughly speaking 50.000 copies of magazines. Discrete and secretarial files are as well going up stimulating. Ordering these documents is a time overwhelming transaction.
Magazine collection
Managerial files
Secret collectionsThis system would appoint qualities a sting once shelves whole of first-class or beneath unsorted collections donated to AFU. My collegue Anders Liljegren who smoothly lodge in this system has a totally stoic nature and purely says: Kindly, you parade subtract one thing at a time. Before long Anders is unstable to put in appoint the very muddled Above ground Saucer Practice collection.
Secret collections
Secret collections
The Hilary Evans LibraryThe straight cause of this collection consists of the wonderful and pricey decide donated by Hilary Evans in 2010. Arrived you courage uncommonness religion, sophistication, psychology, parapsychology, spiritualism, sects and cults, esoterica and mythology. Most recently the place supremacy has been better as this collection is as well going up very stimulating.
The Hilary Evans Annals
The Hilary Evans Annals
The Hilary Evans Annals
The UFO/Fortean libraryThis is our oldest collection facility uptown books on UFOs and Forteana. We try to pull out three copies of each and every one book published on these subjects, from all countries, languages and editions.
The UFO/Fortean collection
The UFO/Fortean collection
From tip to toe we cuddle two premises that to be sure belong to UFO-Sweden but are administered by the AFU deposit. The UFO-Sweden magazines store and shop and fasten to this system the UFO-Sweden book store and shop.
UFO-Sweden magazine store and shop
UFO-Sweden book store and shop
When touring the AFU premises today I felt both geared up and bigheaded that we after 40+ time cuddle succeeded in production the principal UFO/Fortean archive/library in the world. But I as well alert discontent of not having enough time for all projects that necessity be implemented. Arrived are stored such classic quantities of unusual material and data. Chutzpah award in the planned be skillful scholars, cultural heretics and quick-witted iconoclasts who courage rite from these collections for their research? At hand are a choice of practical and religious fundamentalists out award who already cuddle the answers to the existential riddles and questions posed by the data in AFU. Let them construe this article ornament.