Saturday, November 27, 2010

Are Aliens Really Dead People Or Human Spirits

Are Aliens Really Dead People Or Human Spirits
This is from correspondence with one of my regular readers (this one from Canada.) My reply was:

"What do I think about aliens being dead people-- sort of stuck in a (different?) sort of limbo world? Um-- I think we have a phenomenon that covers that. Theyre called ghosts. I run into them as well (recently, in fact.) They are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than aliens. Conscious experiences dont even begin to compare. Ghosts have motivations and behaviors that are very obviously HUMAN. You can figure them out pretty easily. Aliens, by contrast, are extremely perplexing. We humans argue about what their motives are precisely because they so often dont do what makes sense to US.

I think this theory is a case of people taking something that is completely-- well, "alien"!-- and trying to shove it into a category that makes a little more sense. The problem is-- ghosts LOOK human. And theyre NON-physical. Rarely, they can affect physical matter in a very limited way for very short durations. Aliens-- do not look human (except the blonds... but more on them in a sec) and are actually quite physical (something many fearful humans want to deny desperately.) They CAN bend, twist, and alter physical matter with either technology and/or very developed psychic powers. (Still not sure which-- seems to be a combo. Maybe they have gestalt or "booster" devices implanted in their brains?)

Ghosts and spirits from the "human realm" have constructs (themes, symbols, visual representations) that make sense to us pretty quickly and instinctively. Aliens, on the other hand, while sometimes showing symbols we can make out-- live and work in environments that are very odd to us, and off-putting.

Finally, having been in repeated close mental contact with aliens while awake has convinced me THEY ARE NOT HUMAN. Maybe related to people. I suspect the human race has been a designed race from a mixture of native apes and alien DNA-- but that doesnt make them us to begin with-- or even an altered form of us. I think THEY came first and WE came later, maybe with their help... They dont think or feel the same way we do. They dont approach problems or issues the way we do.

They just can NOT possibly be human spirits in another realm. No way. I dont believe it. There are few things I hold an absolute firm opinion on-- but this is one I feel pretty darned safe saying "no" to.

To top it off, Ive been having spiritual experiences all my life as well, and even inhuman spirits (never were human, whether you want to call that "angelic" or "demonic") arent like the aliens either! The "guides" Ive met, while some of them are inscrutable-- arent even remotely alien to me.

In fact, one of the things the aliens seem to be very interested in with humans is the topic of death. They dont die the same way we do. (At least, this is something Ive seen and other abductees have noticed as well.) When WE die, we cross a dimensional barrier (unless we get stuck as ghosts) and go to a "spiritual realm" and eventually come back and get born again, and mostly forget our previous lives and existence as spirits in that realm. When THEY "die", they seem to have a way to capture their own soul and recycle it back into a container body without actually going to the "other" dimension at all in a natural way-- and lose NO memory from body to body. But theyre very curious about the death thing because apparently, its causing their entire race (the Greys, specifically) to degenerate over time and they need to be able to die again. Or something like that..!

They can also use their technology to examine and travel in other dimensions to an extent, including the astral or limbo realm. They can even see the spiritual realm-- but not enter it. Thats what I keep coming across. They also use dead people WE have known as "screen" disguises to explore how we deal with grief and all that. Its very complicated.

The Nordic race I dont know as much about, but they do die and switch bodies and all that just like we do, but apparently, at least some of them have more control over the process and more memories from life to life. Im still collecting data on this though, and so cant be sure yet.

Thats what I think on that topic. But Im curious as to why you came to such a different conclusion. Im assuming youve heard of all the strange ways that Greys have focused on the whole death topic and pretended to bring dead spirits back to visit people? (They do that a lot, and its a fake scenario. Theyve tried it with me, too...)

OH! And another thing that I think confuses it is that where ever the aliens use dimensional bending technology (to teleport themselves or us back and forth or to make doors to our homes from their crafts, or to go faster than our timeline while here, etc.) they create RIFTS in time-space. Holes that LEAK from dimension to dimension, allowing MORE ghosts to manifest to us where we exist in the physical dimension! This really confuses things because after alien encounters, psychic experiences go WAY UP! Not because the aliens are spiritual so much as a side effect of what they do! If, on top of the dimensional bending they also enhance OUR psychic senses, just from being around them (which they do, temporarily) then that makes OUR sensitivity to such psychic things increase as well.

You put it all together and its clear why some think the aliens are related to the death experience or realm in some way. I get why-- but no. Theyre not. I would stake my SOUL on this one."

Id like to offer more opinions on these types of topics-- but I feel I need to record all my memories first. That way, I can more easily explain HOW I reached most of my conclusions on such far out topics. Most of my opinions where I actually DARE to have a pretty firm belief (because I dont have many and prefer it that way) comes from direct experiences. Eventually, Ill have my memories about abductions and contacts pretty well recorded and can move on to more expanded discussions (and any further experiences that happen to come along.)

These interesting ideas pop up every few years to look at "alien abductions" from a new "old" angle. Theyre angels. Theyre demons. Theyre fairies. This one postulates that theyre in fact ghosts. I dont think theyre any of those things. Theyre closest to faeries-- but not quite them, either. Faeries arent that organized! HA HA HA! But youre more likely to run into faeries, or ghosts, or demons for that matter-- if youve had reality around you beat all to hell by these alien guys coming and going! That makes all manner of odd intelligent beings more able to pop through to the point of being perceived from our physical realm.

I dont want to discourage people examining this topic from newer or older angles. You have to, periodically, to check-- because what if they WERE one of those things? You have to ask the question! My own conclusion at this point, however, is that aliens are NONE of these things. They still get their own category in my mind for now. To this point, my experiences have caused me to lean in this direction. I always leave room to be wrong, but for the idea of aliens = ghosts, I cant conjure many doubts.
