Monday, December 22, 2014

Ufo Sighting In Orovada Nevada On November 10Th 2013 Quasar Looking Light

Ufo Sighting In Orovada Nevada On November 10Th 2013 Quasar Looking Light
Took the dog outside and noticed a very bright object in the sky. At first it looked like a quasar but then I noticed it was moving across the mountain tops in a slow deliberate line. There was no sound as it moved but it moved so slow that it could not be an aircraft such as a plane or helicopter. The light from the object changed color from red to orange to yellow in quick succession. I watched as the object disappeared behind the mountains but noticed that the light from it gave off a bright aura that never changed its brightness. As it slowly came back from behind the mountains it continued on its slow deliberate path until it went behind a larger group of mountains and I could not see it again. I honestly have never seen anything that bright or slow moving in the sky. It was a moonless night and the skies were clear. I am a former soldier who's MOS dealt directly with aircraft identification so I know the difference between small prop planes, jets and helicopters. I do not know if there were any local radar tracks that could confirm what I saw. image card.png
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