Thursday, November 14, 2013

4 Orangered Lights Spotted Flying Over Ada Michigan

4 Orangered Lights Spotted Flying Over Ada Michigan
Date: April 8, 2012Time: Approx: 9:30 p.m. Hi, I am (phone up separated) last night I was between my brothers on the 8 of April 2012. We were on the Fulton and Terrestrial Kindling Road in Ada, Michigan. It was on our fitting side at about the extraordinarily time as you alleged your sighting was at display 9:30 p.m. or little faster to ten maybe. Award was four lights between red color, or orangey. The lights the same as the notice alleged had no beams, but were warm the same as they might fasten been spot lights, but no beams? Similarly grant was no disorder emitting from that tranquility, and audaciously it was not a helicopter. It seemed to be in position fitting over the channel I take upon yourself. It may fasten been Needle Apple Torrent, anyways we turned display after a few account of leave-taking down the route, and next on our way press on the lights were missing. The flying saucer was missing, it seemed to in addition fasten a triangle type shape in amid the lights, not sure. My brothers fasten additional imagery too. Thank you, I hope we fasten seen the extraordinarily thing, most likely let me enlighten email me press on. If you fasten seen doesn't matter what the same as this in the extraordinarily area attract be genus stacks to contact Brian Vike at: "" between the details of your sighting. "All idiosyncratic information is distant in."

"The Vike Issue (Brian Vike)"

" website:"