Sunday, April 1, 2012

Details Of Alleged Photographic Evidence Re Roswell Ufo Crash Leaked To The Public

Details Of Alleged Photographic Evidence Re Roswell Ufo Crash Leaked To The Public
Aztec is (really) Roswell

By RRRGroup


A recent discovery of material, thought to be linked to the Roswell incident, seems, indeed, to be so.

While the provenance of that material is being sought, evidence that it derives from the 1947 Roswell area is circumstantially solid.

Here's the scenario, as we understand it.....

A group of geologists, working in an area north of Roswell, stumbled upon an Army mop-up of what appeared to be an accident.

An accident is inferred by the "evidence" gathered and extant - currently provided to news media and research facilities for their evaluation.

One of the geologists, despite being warned along with his colleagues, not to obtain any information from the accident site, did snap, surreptitiously, some photos of what the group had inadvertently come across.

The geologists were also cautioned not to discuss what they had seen.

The evidence remained hidden until, by happenstance, it was recovered during a legal matter, and subsequently proffered to members of Kevin Randle's Dream team.

Following the scrutiny the evidence has been subject to, one finds that the "evidence" supports elements of the Aztec crashed-saucer story, recounted by Frank Scully in his 1950 book, Behind the Flying Saucers.

The geologist whose wife had squirreled away the evidence was a working intimate of Silas Newton, one of the Scully informants, who was, along with Leo Gebauer, ultimately discredited by machinations of the U.S. government and the U.S. Air Force.

To keep her husband from the Newton/GeBauer fate, the geologist's wife kept his Roswell evidence hidden until its recent find after her death.

But how does Aztec become connected to Roswell?

While the Aztec story began, allegedly, at a lecture by an "unidentified" scientist at the University of Denver in March 1950, Frank Scully became privy to details of the Roswell crash, via Silas Newton and Leo GeBauer who had obtained information about the Roswell incident from intimates in the government with whom they worked in their oil companies and related research.

Scully, initially, was not given the location of the supposed saucer crash but received the location from Silas Newton who was told by Dr, Gee (Leo GeBauer) that the crashed saucer was near Aztec.

Passing on the Roswell information to Scully caused anxieties of an extreme kind to the government when its agencies found out that Scully had been given suppressed information about what happened near Roswell in 1947, but relocated to Aztec in 1948, to prevent the Roswell crash from becoming "unsecret."

The government arranged for GeBauer and Newton to corrupt the information they had already provided to Scully.

Aztec had experienced a strange episode in 1948, one similar in scope to the Roswell incident but not well supported as Roswell had been.

Roswell had experienced a true saucer crash, with a recovery of bodies, while Aztec's saucer and bodies were not clearly defined and its supporting evidence was evanescent.

The Air Force decided to mix, using GeBauer and Newton, the Roswell "facts" with the Aztec "non-facts."

Should Scully's book become grist for a national awareness that flying saucers were, indeed, craft of extraterrestrial visitors -- which it did - the content could be debunked easily, full of rumored information rather than actual information which was what Roswell had produced.

Roswell's information was suppressed by all the hither-dither that has become the bulk of the Roswell myth.

Scully's book was prepared to reopen the Roswell story so Scully's venue was shifted to Aztec, where the information was iffy, at best.

The ploy did not work initially, and Scully's book became a headliner.

The Air Force then had to rid the Scully oeuvre of its essential informants: GeBaurer and Newton, credible men at the time and well-connected.

A case of fraud was concocted against Scully's confidants, and promoted by an expose in a book by San Francisco reporter, J.P. Cahn.

Newton and GeBauer were convicted of fraud, and Scully's story was dismissed as a tale conceived to perpetuate the fraud.

Aztec was and is tainted by that fraud conviction and Roswell was not opened to new scrutiny as its renewal was stifled by its being wrapped into the Aztec story, and disguised thereby.

The story and evidence of alien bodies derives from Roswell and ended up in Aztec per Scully: Page 26 ff. (in the Popular Library paperback, 1951)

Metal remnants (debris) was intrinsic to Roswell but was inserted into the bogus Aztec scenario per Scully: pages 40/159 (in the Popular Library paperback, 1951)

Scully was, indeed, duped but not by Silas Newton and Leo GeBauer alone, but rather by a brilliant disinformation contrivance of the U.S. Air Force.

Yes, Scully was proffered material documenting a flying saucer crash, but that material pertained to Rowell.

Yes, his wife did see photos of unearthly bodies, but those photos came from the Roswell incident and will factor into the new Roswell probe.

Yes, something did happen near Aztec in 1948, but that something was prosaic and mundane by Roswell standards.

Aztec is a cover story, nothing more.

It's Roswell where the "action" really took place, and the new evidence, when revealed, will bear that out.

Read Behind the Flying Saucers to really see what happened near Roswell in July 1947.

Continue Reading...

See Also:

Roswell Officer Speaks from the Grave: Taped Confession of ET Recovery Revealed

"[Colonel] Blanchard Then Told Lytle That An Alien Craft Had Crashed Near Roswell... Four Bodies Had Been Recovered"

CIA Veteran Claims Knowledge of Roswell-Alien Cover-up

UFO Crash at Aztec

The Roswell Connection