Friday, September 10, 2010

Ufo Sighting The Phoenix Lights

Ufo Sighting The Phoenix Lights
The Phoenix lights was one of the most greatest UFO sighting ever denied. The UFO was a giant v-shaped object with 5 bright lights. The first sighting happened took place at 3/13/97 at 8:15 pm. It moved from the most southern point of Phoenix all the way to the end of phoenix. It reappeared in 2007 and 2008. The first sighting the U.S. said they were launching flares at the time, but, the flares were launched at 8:20 pm while the first sighting was reported at 8:15.

So here is a photo of the Phoenix Lights and the flares.

Phoenix Lights

Can you tell the difference? The top is the flares and the bottom is the lights. So I say this was some kind of craft the army did not want us to know. And there are lots of witnesses that saw and reported the UFO! That is my conclusion about the Phoenix Lights. If you have questions or comments please leave it in the comments box and check in weekly for more extraterrestrial stuff at Alien UFO News

Technorati Tags: Phoenix lights, UFO sightings

Also be sure to visit this cool website about The Phoenix Lights

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